Trump Russia not selling outside DC

And if
And if his findings show no collusion, no obstruction of justice, no illegal activity of any kind this forum will be cleared of all hysterical far left loons as they will be hiding in their safe space or outside screaming at the sky.
Dope doesn’t know he already ADMITTED obstructing justice on live TV and expects Mueller not to notice. Ha!
Only in vast expanse between your ears if that were the case Mueller would have already filed charges.

he has

patience, grasshopper, i'm sure he'll file more
Been waiting for over a year and half now grasshopper as a wise man once said shit or get off the pot.

may, 2017- mueller is appointed

do you go by dog years?
This was being investigated before his appointment.
so far nothing on collusion
You could not possibly know the truth of this. You keep saying it, and i keep rejecting it. And, given that you use it as the ENTIRE BASIS for your argument, I find it easy to discard your entire argument as ridiculous. It would be like me claiming I know the lottery numbers tomorrow, then arguing from that premise.
  • 28168275_10214427611457766_6983768037626721746_n.jpg
When Mueller this forum will be cleaned out of DEPLORABLES embarrassed and humiliated.
Except for Queasy. He’ll still be ranting and raving about Hillary going to jail.
And if
When Mueller releases his findings this forum will be cleaned out of DEPLORABLES embarrassed and humiliated.
Except for Queasy. He’ll still be ranting and raving about Hillary going to jail.
And if his findings show no collusion, no obstruction of justice, no illegal activity of any kind this forum will be cleared of all hysterical far left loons as they will be hiding in their safe space or outside screaming at the sky.
Dope doesn’t know he already ADMITTED obstructing justice on live TV and expects Mueller not to notice. Ha!
Only in vast expanse between your ears if that were the case Mueller would have already filed charges.
You get the top guy last,genius. Are you really this inane or is it just an act?
Dope doesn’t know he already ADMITTED obstructing justice on live TV and expects Mueller not to notice. Ha!
Only in vast expanse between your ears if that were the case Mueller would have already filed charges.

he has

patience, grasshopper, i'm sure he'll file more
Been waiting for over a year and half now grasshopper as a wise man once said shit or get off the pot.

may, 2017- mueller is appointed

do you go by dog years?
This was being investigated before his appointment.

mueller's the only one that counts, sweetheart

tick tock
When Mueller this forum will be cleaned out of DEPLORABLES embarrassed and humiliated.
Except for Queasy. He’ll still be ranting and raving about Hillary going to jail.
And if
When Mueller releases his findings this forum will be cleaned out of DEPLORABLES embarrassed and humiliated.
Except for Queasy. He’ll still be ranting and raving about Hillary going to jail.
And if his findings show no collusion, no obstruction of justice, no illegal activity of any kind this forum will be cleared of all hysterical far left loons as they will be hiding in their safe space or outside screaming at the sky.
Dope doesn’t know he already ADMITTED obstructing justice on live TV and expects Mueller not to notice. Ha!
Only in vast expanse between your ears if that were the case Mueller would have already filed charges.
Maybe you'll understand a graphic better than the English language.
so far nothing on collusion
You could not possibly know the truth of this. You keep saying it, and i keep rejecting it. And, given that you use it as the ENTIRE BASIS for your argument, I find it easy to discard your entire argument as ridiculous. It would be like me claiming I know the lottery numbers tomorrow, then arguing from that premise.
You can dismiss anything you wish it does not change the fact so far we have been presented with nothing to support the claim of collusion nor does it change the fact collusion is not even a crime and if you were paying attention you would realize I didn't claim there was no possibilty of collusion only that no evidence has been presented to date the more you do this the easier it is discard your argument.
Right now the Dems are looking very good heading into the midterm elections.

Indeed....for the DNC the biggest asset that they have is Trump and his daily scandals;however, they better get a decent message out to the middle class instead of just relying for "help"from the orange buffoon..
When Mueller this forum will be cleaned out of DEPLORABLES embarrassed and humiliated.
Except for Queasy. He’ll still be ranting and raving about Hillary going to jail.
And if
When Mueller releases his findings this forum will be cleaned out of DEPLORABLES embarrassed and humiliated.
Except for Queasy. He’ll still be ranting and raving about Hillary going to jail.
And if his findings show no collusion, no obstruction of justice, no illegal activity of any kind this forum will be cleared of all hysterical far left loons as they will be hiding in their safe space or outside screaming at the sky.
Dope doesn’t know he already ADMITTED obstructing justice on live TV and expects Mueller not to notice. Ha!
Only in vast expanse between your ears if that were the case Mueller would have already filed charges.
You get the top guy last,genius. Are you really this inane or is it just an act?
No i'm just not as blindly partisan and stupid as you I don't base my judgements on what I think will happen or what I want to happen but on the evidence available to us nor do I count theroy, opinion, and speculation as evidence you should give that a try.
so far we have been presented with nothing to support the claim of collusion
Sowhat? That's not how investigations work. what a completely bizarre demand and standard for you to introduce into this discussion. These things come out at trial, or there is no trial. In what universe are you briefed on any of this? Come on.

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