Trump Russia not selling outside DC

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When Mueller this forum will be cleaned out of DEPLORABLES embarrassed and humiliated.
Except for Queasy. He’ll still be ranting and raving about Hillary going to jail.
And if
When Mueller releases his findings this forum will be cleaned out of DEPLORABLES embarrassed and humiliated.
Except for Queasy. He’ll still be ranting and raving about Hillary going to jail.
And if his findings show no collusion, no obstruction of justice, no illegal activity of any kind this forum will be cleared of all hysterical far left loons as they will be hiding in their safe space or outside screaming at the sky.
Dope doesn’t know he already ADMITTED obstructing justice on live TV and expects Mueller not to notice. Ha!
Only in vast expanse between your ears if that were the case Mueller would have already filed charges.

he has

patience, grasshopper, i'm sure he'll file more
When Mueller this forum will be cleaned out of DEPLORABLES embarrassed and humiliated.
Except for Queasy. He’ll still be ranting and raving about Hillary going to jail.
And if
When Mueller releases his findings this forum will be cleaned out of DEPLORABLES embarrassed and humiliated.
Except for Queasy. He’ll still be ranting and raving about Hillary going to jail.
And if his findings show no collusion, no obstruction of justice, no illegal activity of any kind this forum will be cleared of all hysterical far left loons as they will be hiding in their safe space or outside screaming at the sky.
Dope doesn’t know he already ADMITTED obstructing justice on live TV and expects Mueller not to notice. Ha!
Only in vast expanse between your ears if that were the case Mueller would have already filed charges.

he has

patience, grasshopper, i'm sure he'll file more
Been waiting for over a year and half now grasshopper as a wise man once said shit or get off the pot.
Only in vast expanse between your ears if that were the case Mueller would have already filed charges
That's not necessarily true, as he would want to build the best case possible.
Yiou can file charges and continue investigating the truth is the longer these special investigations drag they look less like a search for the truth and more like someone looking for anything to justify all the time and money being spent. That happened with Ken Starr Mueller could very well be going down the same path.
Yiou can file charges and continue investigating
To what end, exactly? He doesn't have to "get trump off the street". This is a highly sensitive matter and Mueller is NOT going to half-ass a prosecution against trump's top aides, much less any case against trump himself. surely you get that.
Been waiting for over a year and half now grasshopper as a wise man once said shit or get off the pot.
But that is not a very long time, so you're being a little whiny.
I'm sorry please enlighten us as to what qualifies as a long investigation two years four, eight? I bet if anyone here was being investigated for over a year and half they would consider it a long time.
I'm sorry please enlighten us as to what qualifies as a long investigation two years four, eight?
I think 18 months isn't very long. For one, you over-simplify to suggest he is investigating "one perons". He is investigatinghundreds of people, foreign AND domestic. Furthermore, the mandate to investigate the trump campaign is only about 10 months old. I don't expect it to be wrapped up before the election, personally.
Yiou can file charges and continue investigating
To what end, exactly? He doesn't have to "get trump off the street". This is a highly sensitive matter and Mueller is NOT going to half-ass a prosecution against trump's top aides, much less any case against trump himself. surely you get that.
The longer you go on without filing any charges the more the investigation looks like a partisan witch hunt and loses credibilty with everyone but the rabid partisans surely you get that.
So what’s it gonna take to prove Russian Collusion?

8 years?

There is more evidence on Adam Schiff colluding with Russia Now?

Got Naked Trump?

I'm sorry please enlighten us as to what qualifies as a long investigation two years four, eight?
I think 18 months isn't very long. For one, you over-simplify to suggest he is investigating "one perons". He is investigatinghundreds of people, foreign AND domestic. Furthermore, the mandate to investigate the trump campaign is only about 10 months old. I don't expect it to be wrapped up before the election, personally.
The longer you go on without filing any charges the more the investigation looks like a partisan witch hunt and loses credibilty with everyone
Facts are facts despite what credibility you do or don't grant Mueller or his team. Look at historical investigations of high level government people, and they all take fairly long times.
Them anti-American pieces of crap ain't winning again, ever!

They're going the way of the Whigs.

They fucked up, bigly.

Newsflash, Douchebags: America is full of Americans, you're screwed.
I'm sorry please enlighten us as to what qualifies as a long investigation two years four, eight?
I think 18 months isn't very long. For one, you over-simplify to suggest he is investigating "one perons". He is investigatinghundreds of people, foreign AND domestic. Furthermore, the mandate to investigate the trump campaign is only about 10 months old. I don't expect it to be wrapped up before the election, personally.
Perhaps if Mueller was focused on what the orginal purpose of the investigation was supposed to be about Russian attempts to interfer in the election he could get it wraped up all he has given us on that is indicting 13 Russians who will never see the inside of an American courtroom and according to Rosenstein had no impact on the outcome of the election. This special investigation like pretty much all of them starts off to investigate one thing and then flys off in all different directions which is why I don't like them didn't like it with Clinton and Ken Starr and don't like it now.
When Mueller this forum will be cleaned out of DEPLORABLES embarrassed and humiliated.
Except for Queasy. He’ll still be ranting and raving about Hillary going to jail.
And if
When Mueller releases his findings this forum will be cleaned out of DEPLORABLES embarrassed and humiliated.
Except for Queasy. He’ll still be ranting and raving about Hillary going to jail.
And if his findings show no collusion, no obstruction of justice, no illegal activity of any kind this forum will be cleared of all hysterical far left loons as they will be hiding in their safe space or outside screaming at the sky.
Dope doesn’t know he already ADMITTED obstructing justice on live TV and expects Mueller not to notice. Ha!
Only in vast expanse between your ears if that were the case Mueller would have already filed charges.

he has

patience, grasshopper, i'm sure he'll file more
Been waiting for over a year and half now grasshopper as a wise man once said shit or get off the pot.

may, 2017- mueller is appointed

do you go by dog years?
Perhaps if Mueller was focused on what the orginal purpose of the investigation was supposed to be about Russian attempts to interfer in the election he could get it wraped up
That's not exactly a profound thing to say. Do you mean, if he narrowed his scope and decreased the number of people and acts being investigated, it wouldn't take as long? Well, no shit, sherlock! :D

Unfortunately, Trump and his inner circle behaved so erratically that the mandate was changed to include investigation of his campaign for collusion. If you are looking for someone to blame for it , I direct you to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, because this increased mandate is 100% Trump's fault.

all he has given us on that is indicting 13 Russians who will never see the inside of an American courtroom

What an absolutely bizarre thing for you to say! You complain about him investigating more than Russian interference.. and then you also complain when he delineates their network and describes it and indicts it conspirators? Huh? What in the world did you think would happen? Handcuffs on Putin?
The longer you go on without filing any charges the more the investigation looks like a partisan witch hunt and loses credibilty with everyone
Facts are facts despite what credibility you do or don't grant Mueller or his team. Look at historical investigations of high level government people, and they all take fairly long times.
Here are the facts this investigation was started so we were told to look into Russian interference into the election and possible collusion by the Trump team so far nothing on collusion and as has been pointed out many times collusion while unseemingly and disgusting is not a crime so one could ask why is Mueller investigating something that is not even a crime. On the Russian interference front 13 Russians indicted and Deputy Attorney General Rosenstein stating their actions had no impact on the outcome of the election. If he can't find proof of the crimes he was empowered to investigate it's time to wrap it up doing a thorough investigation is one thing but having one go on indefinitely with no end in site is another.

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