Trump´s trade wars and Brexit buffoonery drive Germany into recession...

Not our fault. See if we ever bail them out next time they try to take over Europe.
Maybe they should bring in another million penniless Syrians, after all, immigrants are wonderful for the economy, right?
Maybe they should bring in another million penniless Syrians, after all, immigrants are wonderful for the economy, right?

How many immigrants in western europe on the public dole
the numbers still over 80%?

NAh western governments wouldnt implode your social safety nets on purpose ...why thats just crazy talk! they keep pouring in and linin up with one hand out for free shit and another hand forced down their underage daughters pants

One day agin in the not to distant future The mountains of bodies in western Europe will once again reach epic proportions
If the Kraut’s economy nosedives they can always turn to their Russkie gas buddies for help. Maybe they could ironically meet up in Volgograd to discuss what the bailout’s gonna cost them.
... that could breed and affect the entire EU and even USA.

Wide implications as Germany teeters toward recession
Trump confronts Germany on their free loading and they promptly go into recession? That's not very impressive. Maybe they should learn to be prosperous with out freeloading off the US.

As for Brexit, they have a marvelous Queen.

KEEP CALM AND CARRY ON: Britain’s commitment to leave the European Union on October 31 has been reiterated by Queen Elizabeth in her speech to parliament.

"My Government's priority has always been to secure the United Kingdom's departure from the European Union on 31 October," the Queen said.

"My Government intends to work towards a new partnership with the European Union, based on free trade and friendly cooperation."

A FREE and PROUD People!

Leaders who put their nation's first and then prosper in cooperation with those like-minded in FREEDOM
... that could breed and affect the entire EU and even USA.

Wide implications as Germany teeters toward recession
Trump confronts Germany on their free loading and they promptly go into recession? That's not very impressive. Maybe they should learn to be prosperous with out freeloading off the US.

As for Brexit, they have a marvelous Queen.

KEEP CALM AND CARRY ON: Britain’s commitment to leave the European Union on October 31 has been reiterated by Queen Elizabeth in her speech to parliament.

"My Government's priority has always been to secure the United Kingdom's departure from the European Union on 31 October," the Queen said.

"My Government intends to work towards a new partnership with the European Union, based on free trade and friendly cooperation."

A FREE and PROUD People!

Leaders who put their nation's first and then prosper in cooperation with those like-minded in FREEDOM
Trump is babbling. We are not freeloading. We are selling to the US to THEIR conditions.

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