Trump said our intel agencies pushed back the briefing date to Friday to "build a case".



Trump says intel briefing on Russian hacks pushed back to Friday

The president-elect insinuated that the meeting was delayed because intelligence agencies don't have enough evidence to prove Russia's involvement.

"The 'Intelligence' briefing on so-called 'Russian hacking' was delayed until Friday, perhaps more time needed to build a case. Very strange!" Trump tweeted.

"I also know things that other people don't know, and so they cannot be sure of the situation," Trump responded when asked why he doubts intelligence reports of Russian hacking, according to a pool reporter.

When asked what Trump knows that other people don't know, Trump responded, "You'll find out on Tuesday or Wednesday."

The Latest: Official says intel community ready for Trump | Daily Mail Online

The official says the intelligence community was confused by Trump's tweet Tuesday saying the briefing had been delayed until Friday. The official was not authorized to discuss the issue publicly and spoke only on condition of anonymity.

Report: Trump's 'delayed' intelligence meeting was always scheduled for Friday

Tomorrow is Wednesday. Do you think he will tell us what he "knows" that other people don't "know"?

The reason the intelligence community was confused is because the meeting was always scheduled for Friday.

Wow, "They are trying to build a case"? That's dark. I wonder if he got that statement approved by Putin before he said it?

Trump knows things other people don't know. Or is it he sees things other people don't see? What ever.
I guess Trump moved his big revelation from Tuesday to Wednesday to work on his case?
Wikileaks revealed that the DNC was doing it's best to steal the election with Hillary Clinton as their proxy by "hook or crook" using the lamestream media and it was revealed as to how they were doing so.....somehow the leftard clown posse blames Russia for revealing as to how they were attempting to usurp the entire process...thus they must be shunned for shining the light on their cheating? If true (which it isn't) certainly shines a light on the leftards and how they they think.........
Donald Trump said yesterday that intelligence agencies pushed back a Tuesday briefing on details about Russia hacking to Friday. Trump called the postponement "very strange".

It turns out that there was no meeting scheduled Tuesday at all!
Scott Detrow on Twitter

Trump's imaginary meeting is very strange, indeed!
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i wonder why the intelligence agencies are stalling.....

The prosecutor has to have undisputable evidence that Russia hacked the DNC laptops causing the Dems to lose. Ukraine hacked one of Burlington Electric Company's many laptops and installed malware but that laptop was never connected to the grid the utility reported yesterday.
Reported by NPR, so you KNOW it is true. LOL, how does NPR know when this meeting was scheduled? Where is the link to any evidence? Stop being such a patsy.
Reported by NPR, so you KNOW it is true. LOL, how does NPR know when this meeting was scheduled? Where is the link to any evidence? Stop being such a patsy.

NPR plays symphony music and even in the mountains of Kentucky I can always find an NPR station on my car radio when no other station can be found. I am forced to listen to NPR news which is sometimes interesting but mostly not. NPR does not like people swimming with dolphins.
Donald Trump said yesterday that intelligence agencies pushed back a Tuesday briefing on details about Russia hacking to Friday. Trump called the postponement "very strange".

It turns out that there was no meeting scheduled Tuesday at all!
Scott Detrow on Twitter

Trump's imaginary meeting is very strange, indeed!

Could we have a better proof than a random guy on twitter just asserting things?
'Breaking: Trump lied about intelligence agencies postponing Russia hacking meeting'

When you say "breaking" you mean this is splattered all over the morning news shows? are they running with it?...are they doing the OMG thing?
i wonder why the intelligence agencies are stalling.....
I wonder why the intelligence agencies are relying so heavily on a private firm (Crowstrike), owned by a Russian expat (Dimitri Alperovitch), who is part of a geopolitical think tank hostile to Russia (Atlantic Council) and who has connections to the Ukrainian government and the war there.

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