Trump said our intel agencies pushed back the briefing date to Friday to "build a case".

Wikileaks revealed that the DNC was doing it's best to steal the election with Hillary Clinton as their proxy by "hook or crook" using the lamestream media and it was revealed as to how they were doing so.....somehow the leftard clown posse blames Russia for revealing as to how they were attempting to usurp the entire process...thus they must be shunned for shining the light on their cheating? If true (which it isn't) certainly shines a light on the leftards and how they they think.........
View attachment 105047

Lets start you used "hook or crook" as quotes... Can you show where this was actually said in a DNC email....

Here is what we know:
Russia hacked the DOD servers and thus are enemies of US.. This has been confirmed by DOD or the Senate investigation comitee...

The Senate has seen all the evidence and is overwhealming in its assessment that Russia influenced with the US democratic process using illegal practices.
The Trump administration fisrt lied about talking to Russia then admitted to it...

Trump assigned a SOS who will directly make millions (and his former company 100s of billions) from dropping sanctions with Russia...

There is a simple case to handle here.... Tump is not an impartial observer in this investigation and should recuse himself from the investigation and leave it to an independent commitee...

BTW a quick internet search and you will find multiple media outlets reporting several intelligence sources saying that the meeting was ALWAYS scheduled to be on Friday.

Trump says intelligence hearing on Russia delayed until Friday
Report: Trump's 'delayed' intelligence meeting was always scheduled for Friday
Trump takes jab at 'intelligence' officials for allegedly delaying 'Russian hacking' briefing
Why do you think they are stalling?

They aren't stalling. They scheduled it for that day.
Donald Trump said yesterday that intelligence agencies pushed back a Tuesday briefing on details about Russia hacking to Friday. Trump called the postponement "very strange".

It turns out that there was no meeting scheduled Tuesday at all!
Scott Detrow on Twitter

Trump's imaginary meeting is very strange, indeed!
Sounds like an impeachable offense to me. Let's cave to the libtard whiners. They need!
BTW a quick internet search and you will find multiple media outlets reporting several intelligence sources saying that the meeting was ALWAYS scheduled to be on Friday.

Trump says intelligence hearing on Russia delayed until Friday
Report: Trump's 'delayed' intelligence meeting was always scheduled for Friday
Trump takes jab at 'intelligence' officials for allegedly delaying 'Russian hacking' briefing
Why do you think they are stalling?

They aren't stalling. They scheduled it for that day.
I think they arestalling since their case is weak, or non existent....

I think Obama will just give Trump jibbirish and claim national security.....and Obama needs the weekend news cycle to bury it....
Donald Trump said yesterday that intelligence agencies pushed back a Tuesday briefing on details about Russia hacking to Friday. Trump called the postponement "very strange".

It turns out that there was no meeting scheduled Tuesday at all!
Scott Detrow on Twitter

Trump's imaginary meeting is very strange, indeed!
Trump won election outright. Stomped Sotoro and Clinton's asses into mud holes.
BTW a quick internet search and you will find multiple media outlets reporting several intelligence sources saying that the meeting was ALWAYS scheduled to be on Friday.

Trump says intelligence hearing on Russia delayed until Friday
Report: Trump's 'delayed' intelligence meeting was always scheduled for Friday
Trump takes jab at 'intelligence' officials for allegedly delaying 'Russian hacking' briefing
Why do you think they are stalling?

They aren't stalling. They scheduled it for that day.
I think they arestalling since their case is weak, or non existent....

I think Obama will just give Trump jibbirish and claim national security.....and Obama needs the weekend news cycle to bury it....

And I think you are full of shit. Do you have any idea how hard it is to coordinate information between 17 different agencies AND outside contractors... and find out what information you can actually release? They set a date to make sure to get it done by then... they aren't stalling otherwise they would have set a date and then rescheduled.

I find it hilarious to watch Trump shoot himself in the foot. Publicly confronting the intelligence agencies that are going to be in charge of protecting his safety. You think the FBI agents were ready to mutiny over Hillary? Shit you ain't seen nothing yet, if this is the kind of shit Trump is going to pull.
BTW a quick internet search and you will find multiple media outlets reporting several intelligence sources saying that the meeting was ALWAYS scheduled to be on Friday.

Trump says intelligence hearing on Russia delayed until Friday
Report: Trump's 'delayed' intelligence meeting was always scheduled for Friday
Trump takes jab at 'intelligence' officials for allegedly delaying 'Russian hacking' briefing
Why do you think they are stalling?

They aren't stalling. They scheduled it for that day.
I think they arestalling since their case is weak, or non existent....

I think Obama will just give Trump jibbirish and claim national security.....and Obama needs the weekend news cycle to bury it....

And I think you are full of shit. Do you have any idea how hard it is to coordinate information between 17 different agencies AND outside contractors... and find out what information you can actually release? They set a date to make sure to get it done by then... they aren't stalling otherwise they would have set a date and then rescheduled.

I find it hilarious to watch Trump shoot himself in the foot. Publicly confronting the intelligence agencies that are going to be in charge of protecting his safety. You think the FBI agents were ready to mutiny over Hillary? Shit you ain't seen nothing yet, if this is the kind of shit Trump is going to pull.
They love the Trumpster.
BTW a quick internet search and you will find multiple media outlets reporting several intelligence sources saying that the meeting was ALWAYS scheduled to be on Friday.

Trump says intelligence hearing on Russia delayed until Friday
Report: Trump's 'delayed' intelligence meeting was always scheduled for Friday
Trump takes jab at 'intelligence' officials for allegedly delaying 'Russian hacking' briefing
Why do you think they are stalling?

They aren't stalling. They scheduled it for that day.
I think they arestalling since their case is weak, or non existent....

I think Obama will just give Trump jibbirish and claim national security.....and Obama needs the weekend news cycle to bury it....

And I think you are full of shit. Do you have any idea how hard it is to coordinate information between 17 different agencies AND outside contractors... and find out what information you can actually release? They set a date to make sure to get it done by then... they aren't stalling otherwise they would have set a date and then rescheduled.

I find it hilarious to watch Trump shoot himself in the foot. Publicly confronting the intelligence agencies that are going to be in charge of protecting his safety. You think the FBI agents were ready to mutiny over Hillary? Shit you ain't seen nothing yet, if this is the kind of shit Trump is going to pull.
You need to stop with the fake makes you look like a fool....
Donald Trump said yesterday that intelligence agencies pushed back a Tuesday briefing on details about Russia hacking to Friday. Trump called the postponement "very strange".

It turns out that there was no meeting scheduled Tuesday at all!
Scott Detrow on Twitter

Trump's imaginary meeting is very strange, indeed!
President Elect. Get over it losers.

We are over it, time to move on, and well we have to report on what the Pres elect is doing. If its offensive for you for us to point out his deceptions in his tweets, so be it. Get over it.
Donald Trump said yesterday that intelligence agencies pushed back a Tuesday briefing on details about Russia hacking to Friday. Trump called the postponement "very strange".

It turns out that there was no meeting scheduled Tuesday at all!
Scott Detrow on Twitter

Trump's imaginary meeting is very strange, indeed!
President Elect. Get over it losers.

We are over it, time to move on, and well we have to report on what the Pres elect is doing. If its offensive for you for us to point out his deceptions in his tweets, so be it. Get over it.
It's funny how you liberals no longer have the ability to process information without the filter of your fake news....
BTW a quick internet search and you will find multiple media outlets reporting several intelligence sources saying that the meeting was ALWAYS scheduled to be on Friday.

Trump says intelligence hearing on Russia delayed until Friday
Report: Trump's 'delayed' intelligence meeting was always scheduled for Friday
Trump takes jab at 'intelligence' officials for allegedly delaying 'Russian hacking' briefing
Why do you think they are stalling?

They aren't stalling. They scheduled it for that day.
I think they arestalling since their case is weak, or non existent....

I think Obama will just give Trump jibbirish and claim national security.....and Obama needs the weekend news cycle to bury it....

And I think you are full of shit. Do you have any idea how hard it is to coordinate information between 17 different agencies AND outside contractors... and find out what information you can actually release? They set a date to make sure to get it done by then... they aren't stalling otherwise they would have set a date and then rescheduled.

I find it hilarious to watch Trump shoot himself in the foot. Publicly confronting the intelligence agencies that are going to be in charge of protecting his safety. You think the FBI agents were ready to mutiny over Hillary? Shit you ain't seen nothing yet, if this is the kind of shit Trump is going to pull.
They love the Trumpster.

Really? He pretty much tells us they are not to be trusted and they don't know crap, but trust him, the all knowing demigod, he knows all about hacking, makes me believe he was behind it. I mean he said the election would be rigged and it was, so he might have a point. He and his group are pals of Putin, and so when he says Russia was not behind it, he might be right, his group was behind it making it look like Russia was behind it.
Why do you think they are stalling?

They aren't stalling. They scheduled it for that day.
I think they arestalling since their case is weak, or non existent....

I think Obama will just give Trump jibbirish and claim national security.....and Obama needs the weekend news cycle to bury it....

And I think you are full of shit. Do you have any idea how hard it is to coordinate information between 17 different agencies AND outside contractors... and find out what information you can actually release? They set a date to make sure to get it done by then... they aren't stalling otherwise they would have set a date and then rescheduled.

I find it hilarious to watch Trump shoot himself in the foot. Publicly confronting the intelligence agencies that are going to be in charge of protecting his safety. You think the FBI agents were ready to mutiny over Hillary? Shit you ain't seen nothing yet, if this is the kind of shit Trump is going to pull.
They love the Trumpster.

Really? He pretty much tells us they are not to be trusted and they don't know crap, but trust him, the all knowing demigod, he knows all about hacking, makes me believe he was behind it.

No, it was his 10 year old son that knows everything about computers.
i wonder why the intelligence agencies are stalling.....

The prosecutor has to have undisputable evidence that Russia hacked the DNC laptops causing the Dems to lose. Ukraine hacked one of Burlington Electric Company's many laptops and installed malware but that laptop was never connected to the grid the utility reported yesterday.
Now it's questionable whether the Ukraine even installed it on what has become the nation's most famous laptop. Cybernauts are saying this particular malware can be readily downloaded online and has been millions of times.

The very public suicide of the Washington Post continues to thrill the nation.

Those danged cybernauts will experience a rude awakening when they learn about bootstrap. In my salad years changed hard wiring it the general purpose digital computer shown in my avatar. After I did my skullduggery late at night when nobody was around, every time the main frame started the teletype would turn on and print out FUCK YOU. Everyone including officers thought that cool and then ordered the computer instructors to make it stop doing that, which they could not do. It became a big fuss and threats were made and I took it out late at night when nobody was around. I got away with something and thought that was cool.
Last edited:
^ In general parlance, bootstrapping usually refers to a self-starting process that is supposed to proceed without external input. In computer technology the term (usually shortened to booting) usually refers to the process of loading the basic software into the memory of a computer after power-on or general reset, especially the operating system which will then take care of loading other software as needed.

Booting is the process of starting a computer, specifically with regard to starting its software. The process involves a chain of stages, in which at each stage a smaller, simpler program loads and then executes the larger, more complicated program of the next stage. It is in this sense that the computer "pulls itself up by its bootstraps", i.e. it improves itself by its own efforts. Booting is a chain of events that starts with execution of hardware-based procedures and may then hand-off to firmware and software which is loaded into main memory. Booting often involves processes such as performing self-tests, loading configuration settings, loading a BIOS, resident monitors, a hypervisor, an operating system, or utility software.


BIOS (which basically boils down to the drivers for your motherboard), the OS (Operating system, aka Windows), drivers loaded by the OS to run your other hardware (hard drives, graphics cards, etc.) are all considered as "bootstrapped."

In the OS you can code a "batch" file to load almost any program you want at "launch" - this includes malware and viruses, in fact some of the nasty shit viruses actually run every time you boot and slowly infect every bit on your system completely destroying it (virtually, physically its fine, you just have to wipe the hard drive and start over, but you have to be careful about using any information on rewriteable discs - that's kind of why CD's became the choice, not only do they hold more, but the process to rewrite the data on them is more resistant to viral infections - though less so today with rewriting technology.)


Example batch poster described above:

@echo OFF
ECHO Fuck you!

They can be more complicated as well. An example of one I wrote for my system:

@echo off
FOR /F "tokens=1,2*" %%V IN ('bcdedit') DO SET adminTest=%%V
IF (%adminTest%)==(Access) goto noAdmin
for /F "tokens=*" %%G in ('wevtutil.exe el') DO (call :do_clear "%%G")
echo Event Logs have been cleared! ^<press any key^>
goto theEnd
echo clearing %1
wevtutil.exe cl %1
goto :eof
echo You must run this script as an Administrator!
echo ^<press any key^>

It clears all the Windows event logs on my system so I can always narrow down hardware/software conflicts and device errors.
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^ In general parlance, bootstrapping usually refers to a self-starting process that is supposed to proceed without external input. In computer technology the term (usually shortened to booting) usually refers to the process of loading the basic software into the memory of a computer after power-on or general reset, especially the operating system which will then take care of loading other software as needed.

Booting is the process of starting a computer, specifically with regard to starting its software. The process involves a chain of stages, in which at each stage a smaller, simpler program loads and then executes the larger, more complicated program of the next stage. It is in this sense that the computer "pulls itself up by its bootstraps", i.e. it improves itself by its own efforts. Booting is a chain of events that starts with execution of hardware-based procedures and may then hand-off to firmware and software which is loaded into main memory. Booting often involves processes such as performing self-tests, loading configuration settings, loading a BIOS, resident monitors, a hypervisor, an operating system, or utility software.


BIOS (which basically boils down to the drivers for your motherboard), the OS (Operating system, aka Windows), drivers loaded by the OS to run your other hardware (hard drives, graphics cards, etc.) are all considered as "bootstrapped."

In the OS you can code a "batch" file to load almost any program you want at "launch" - this includes malware and viruses, in fact some of the nasty shit viruses actually run every time you boot and slowly infect every bit on your system completely destroying it (virtually, physically its fine, you just have to wipe the hard drive and start over, but you have to be careful about using any information on rewriteable discs - that's kind of why CD's became the choice, not only do they hold more, but the process to rewrite the data on them is more resistant to viral infections - though less so today with rewriting technology.)

The first computer I was trained on was made by Ford Motor Company and analog and gun computer. The third computer I was trained on was the Univac 1219 and missile computer which had real time and the Univac 1218 was a business computer without real time. I am stretching back decades but a digital computer is the same today as it was back then using ones and zeros.
i wonder why the intelligence agencies are stalling.....
I wonder why the intelligence agencies are relying so heavily on a private firm (Crowstrike), owned by a Russian expat (Dimitri Alperovitch), who is part of a geopolitical think tank hostile to Russia (Atlantic Council) and who has connections to the Ukrainian government and the war there.

It's Crowdstrike, and has co-founders, one of which is George Kurtz, who is an American. Both guys used to work at McAfee together.
Tehon should explain why he didn't say Americans own Crowdstrike.
Because it is common knowledge. What I posted isn't.

No, I wouldn't say it is common knowledge... and for a person that doesn't know the whole story, you make it sound as if the guy might have an axe to grind with Putin and Russia and may be just saying it was them... but he isn't the lone person in power to be able to do that.
It's called conflict of interest. You are welcome for my bringing it to your attention. I know how you appreciate having all the available info before forming your opinion.
I wonder why the intelligence agencies are relying so heavily on a private firm (Crowstrike), owned by a Russian expat (Dimitri Alperovitch), who is part of a geopolitical think tank hostile to Russia (Atlantic Council) and who has connections to the Ukrainian government and the war there.

It's Crowdstrike, and has co-founders, one of which is George Kurtz, who is an American. Both guys used to work at McAfee together.
Tehon should explain why he didn't say Americans own Crowdstrike.
Because it is common knowledge. What I posted isn't.

No, I wouldn't say it is common knowledge... and for a person that doesn't know the whole story, you make it sound as if the guy might have an axe to grind with Putin and Russia and may be just saying it was them... but he isn't the lone person in power to be able to do that.
It's called conflict of interest. You are welcome for my bringing it to your attention. I know how you appreciate having all the available info before forming your opinion.

How is it conflict of interest? To come to a conclusion, they have to have evidence. Also, as I said, he isn't the lone person making the decisions. I sure do love how you left out that Crowdstrike was co-founded by an American... that was dishonest, if not misleading at least.
1st they illegally ignore a Congressional subpoena to appear to brief Congress o their 'evidence', then they criticize Trump for doubting their evidence, and now they don't brief Trump as they said they would, refusing to produce their 'evidence'.

Trump Says Intelligence Officials Delayed Briefing on Russian Hacking

"President-elect Donald J. Trump said Tuesday that intelligence officials had delayed briefing him on their conclusion that Russia interfered in the 2016 election and suggested, with no evidence, that they might be buying time to assemble a more substantial case."

One said there wasn't a meeting on Tuesday but they will brief him on Friday. Others refused to comment.

We'll see on Friday.
xband I'm a bit younger than you I think ;)

My first rig was a Compaq Portable 286 with an orange monochrome screen, though I did have an HP 8088 after that.

...I've evolved a bit: FX-8350 4.0GHz 8-Core, Radeon R9 290X 4GB DirectCU II (2-Way CrossFire) - System Build - PCPartPicker

My custom dual chassis audiophile rig; fully modded top chassis for my main system and bottom chassis w/mini rig for isolated coding and jukebox:

I'm working on watercooling atm so only one GPU installed - damn PCIe slots aren't spaced for dual air cooled GPUs. I have to learn XAML for my Aquaero controller interface, aka this mess o'PCBs:

Reported by NPR, so you KNOW it is true. LOL, how does NPR know when this meeting was scheduled? Where is the link to any evidence? Stop being such a patsy.
Did you ask for evidence when Trump said a meeting has been postponed?
Could be he isn't the one soiling diapers every time Trump says something. You have yet to support your claim in the OP. You can't save your failing thread with insults.

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