Trump said our intel agencies pushed back the briefing date to Friday to "build a case".

dannyboys And I thought I was an old geek for five and a quarters and three and a half's (yep, still have some of each, backups of data made of course) They smell good what can I say, I also love that "heavy" sound the old drive heads make "whirrr, chunk!" - it's such a great sound. I still like the modem connect sound too - I use it as my ringtone :D

My first 'computer' was a 'word processor'. LOL It used 5 1/4ers. I still have some laying around with some 3 1/2s.
A Psych professor in his class one day announced he had been talking to someone in another state who claimed someone had figured out a way to transmit words from one, what they were calling 'home computer' to another home computer a thousand miles away using the phone lines!!!!! Some of us laughed at the outrageous claim. Some of us asked where we could get one of these 'home computers'.
That was the beginning for me.
Donald Trump said yesterday that intelligence agencies pushed back a Tuesday briefing on details about Russia hacking to Friday. Trump called the postponement "very strange".

It turns out that there was no meeting scheduled Tuesday at all!
Scott Detrow on Twitter

Trump's imaginary meeting is very strange, indeed!

Herr Drumpf suffers from megalomania
Why the "Herr", guano?
Julian Assange said "a 14 year old could have hacked Podesta" - why was DNC so careless?
  1. How would he know that, unless he's the one who performed the hack?
  2. What kind of person takes advantage of another's naivete?
  3. If Assange's claim is true, there's no question the Russians could have done it.
  4. What 14 year old was interested in doing so, or even knew who Podesta is in order to hack him.
1. His former occupation was as a cyber security expert.
2. Lot's of people for lots of reasons.
3. Could have isn't strong enough for a conviction.
4. You missed the point.
5. It was a phishing email, Podesta's staff gave it the thumbs up and he clicked on the link providing the password. Which was password. Clever people. And they want to run the country.


now he likes Snowden!

That's not what he said, dope.
Wikileaks revealed that the DNC was doing it's best to steal the election with Hillary Clinton as their proxy by "hook or crook" using the lamestream media and it was revealed as to how they were doing so.....somehow the leftard clown posse blames Russia for revealing as to how they were attempting to usurp the entire process...thus they must be shunned for shining the light on their cheating? If true (which it isn't) certainly shines a light on the leftards and how they they think.........
View attachment 105047

Lets start you used "hook or crook" as quotes... Can you show where this was actually said in a DNC email....

Here is what we know:
Russia hacked the DOD servers and thus are enemies of US.. This has been confirmed by DOD or the Senate investigation comitee...

The Senate has seen all the evidence and is overwhealming in its assessment that Russia influenced with the US democratic process using illegal practices.
The Trump administration fisrt lied about talking to Russia then admitted to it...

Trump assigned a SOS who will directly make millions (and his former company 100s of billions) from dropping sanctions with Russia...

There is a simple case to handle here.... Tump is not an impartial observer in this investigation and should recuse himself from the investigation and leave it to an independent commitee...


Are you saying that the released Wikileaks emails proves NO collusion to steal the election? Is that what you are claiming???
Wikileaks revealed that the DNC was doing it's best to steal the election with Hillary Clinton as their proxy by "hook or crook" using the lamestream media and it was revealed as to how they were doing so.....somehow the leftard clown posse blames Russia for revealing as to how they were attempting to usurp the entire process...thus they must be shunned for shining the light on their cheating? If true (which it isn't) certainly shines a light on the leftards and how they they think.........
View attachment 105047

It's laughable that you think that DNC elects anyone. PEOPLE elect and in the end, while DNC was obviously favoring Hillary, Bernie lost fair and square at the voting booth. You make it sound as if DNC or RNC do not ALWAYS favor certain candidate over another.

The DNC colluded to insure that Sanders wasn't going to win the nomination under any circumstance. They were also colluding to commit voter and we have Project Veritas to "thank" for that......
BTW a quick internet search and you will find multiple media outlets reporting several intelligence sources saying that the meeting was ALWAYS scheduled to be on Friday.

Trump says intelligence hearing on Russia delayed until Friday
Report: Trump's 'delayed' intelligence meeting was always scheduled for Friday
Trump takes jab at 'intelligence' officials for allegedly delaying 'Russian hacking' briefing
Why do you think they are stalling?

Stalling only came from lying Trump.
'Breaking: Trump lied about intelligence agencies postponing Russia hacking meeting'

When you say "breaking" you mean this is splattered all over the morning news shows? are they running with it?...are they doing the OMG thing?

That's what they do when they get new talking points. They flood everything with the same message, then scream how it must be truth since everyone published it.

Something like this... it was "dark, dark speech".


Today's talking point is "make America sick again".

BTW a quick internet search and you will find multiple media outlets reporting several intelligence sources saying that the meeting was ALWAYS scheduled to be on Friday.

Trump says intelligence hearing on Russia delayed until Friday
Report: Trump's 'delayed' intelligence meeting was always scheduled for Friday
Trump takes jab at 'intelligence' officials for allegedly delaying 'Russian hacking' briefing
Why do you think they are stalling?

Stalling only came from lying Trump.
Link to Trump postponing the meeting?
BTW a quick internet search and you will find multiple media outlets reporting several intelligence sources saying that the meeting was ALWAYS scheduled to be on Friday.

Trump says intelligence hearing on Russia delayed until Friday
Report: Trump's 'delayed' intelligence meeting was always scheduled for Friday
Trump takes jab at 'intelligence' officials for allegedly delaying 'Russian hacking' briefing
Why do you think they are stalling?

They aren't stalling. They scheduled it for that day.
I think they arestalling since their case is weak, or non existent....

I think Obama will just give Trump jibbirish and claim national security.....and Obama needs the weekend news cycle to bury it....

Why do you think they scheduled the meeting this Friday to begin with if they don't have all the evidence?
Head of the agencies will meet with King Trump to show the seriousness of this problem is. Do you even think what is the motivation why Trump is siding with Russian and Wikileaks instead of his own agencies?
These are the agencies that will help him achieve his goals in making this country strong. Just imagine how awful and disgusting working for an asshole president like Trump.
BTW a quick internet search and you will find multiple media outlets reporting several intelligence sources saying that the meeting was ALWAYS scheduled to be on Friday.

Trump says intelligence hearing on Russia delayed until Friday
Report: Trump's 'delayed' intelligence meeting was always scheduled for Friday
Trump takes jab at 'intelligence' officials for allegedly delaying 'Russian hacking' briefing
Why do you think they are stalling?

They aren't stalling. They scheduled it for that day.
I think they arestalling since their case is weak, or non existent....

I think Obama will just give Trump jibbirish and claim national security.....and Obama needs the weekend news cycle to bury it....

Why do you think they scheduled the meeting this Friday to begin with if they don't have all the evidence?
Head of the agencies will meet with King Trump to show the seriousness of this problem is. Do you even think what is the motivation why Trump is siding with Russian and Wikileaks instead of his own agencies?
These are the agencies that will help him achieve his goals in making this country strong. Just imagine how awful and disgusting working for an asshole president like Trump.
No? Huh......
BTW a quick internet search and you will find multiple media outlets reporting several intelligence sources saying that the meeting was ALWAYS scheduled to be on Friday.

Trump says intelligence hearing on Russia delayed until Friday
Report: Trump's 'delayed' intelligence meeting was always scheduled for Friday
Trump takes jab at 'intelligence' officials for allegedly delaying 'Russian hacking' briefing
Why do you think they are stalling?

They aren't stalling. They scheduled it for that day.
I think they arestalling since their case is weak, or non existent....

I think Obama will just give Trump jibbirish and claim national security.....and Obama needs the weekend news cycle to bury it....

Why do you think they scheduled the meeting this Friday to begin with if they don't have all the evidence?
Head of the agencies will meet with King Trump to show the seriousness of this problem is. Do you even think what is the motivation why Trump is siding with Russian and Wikileaks instead of his own agencies?
These are the agencies that will help him achieve his goals in making this country strong. Just imagine how awful and disgusting working for an asshole president like Trump.
No? Huh......

No? Why Owebo?
Something like this... it was "dark, dark speech".

Lol are you saying it was an optimistic speech? It was ridiculous hyperbole driven speech and he deservingly got hammered for it in the media and the polls for it.
Something like this... it was "dark, dark speech".

Lol are you saying it was an optimistic speech? It was ridiculous hyperbole driven speech and he deservingly got hammered for it in the media and the polls for it.

Are you really THAT stupid that you didn't get it? Really really?

It seems that your only brain cell is fighting you for dominance.
Reality is sometimes difficult to fully comprehend, but 'reality television' (one of the finest examples of oxymoron) is divorced from it. It appears Trump is entangled in there.

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