Trump said our intel agencies pushed back the briefing date to Friday to "build a case".

while we are at it, Congress needs to reopen the case of Charlie Rangel, who for some reason, forgot to pay his taxes!
The prosecutor has to have undisputable evidence that Russia hacked the DNC laptops causing the Dems to lose.

WTF? No he doesn't need to prove effects hacking had on election result. That is a ridiculous standard someone that suspects Russia did it sets out to not have to publicly accept it.

If Russia broke laws in the US to interfere in our elections that is a hostile act and grounds for retaliation.
Obama commanded the rooskies to "cut it out!". What more do you want him to do?
The prosecutor has to have undisputable evidence that Russia hacked the DNC laptops causing the Dems to lose.

WTF? No he doesn't need to prove effects hacking had on election result. That is a ridiculous standard someone that suspects Russia did it sets out to not have to publicly accept it.

If Russia broke laws in the US to interfere in our elections that is a hostile act and grounds for retaliation.
Obama commanded the rooskies to "cut it out!". What more do you want him to do?

Ummm, THIS?

Russia sanctions announced by White House, Obama ejects diplomats -
That Trump said he would release his taxes is not fake news, but is irrefutably indicative.
The prosecutor has to have undisputable evidence that Russia hacked the DNC laptops causing the Dems to lose.

WTF? No he doesn't need to prove effects hacking had on election result. That is a ridiculous standard someone that suspects Russia did it sets out to not have to publicly accept it.

If Russia broke laws in the US to interfere in our elections that is a hostile act and grounds for retaliation.
Obama commanded the rooskies to "cut it out!". What more do you want him to do?

Ummm, THIS?

Russia sanctions announced by White House, Obama ejects diplomats -
He said cut it they went home. They will be replaced by more honest people......I'm sure.
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Somebody hacked the DNC but why did they not have "hacking defense" like the RNC has and why have they not responded to the terrible things they did and said (like giving the questions to the debate to Crooked H). A total double standard! Media, as usual, gave them a pass.
i wonder why the intelligence agencies are stalling.....

The prosecutor has to have undisputable evidence that Russia hacked the DNC laptops causing the Dems to lose. Ukraine hacked one of Burlington Electric Company's many laptops and installed malware but that laptop was never connected to the grid the utility reported yesterday.
The dumb asses at the WPO made the claim about the Burlington malware. Turned out to be just another fake news bullshit lie from W.P.
They had to make a public apology.
Try to keep up asshole!
Trump says intel briefing on Russian hacks pushed back to Friday

The president-elect insinuated that the meeting was delayed because intelligence agencies don't have enough evidence to prove Russia's involvement.

"The 'Intelligence' briefing on so-called 'Russian hacking' was delayed until Friday, perhaps more time needed to build a case. Very strange!" Trump tweeted.

"I also know things that other people don't know, and so they cannot be sure of the situation," Trump responded when asked why he doubts intelligence reports of Russian hacking, according to a pool reporter.

When asked what Trump knows that other people don't know, Trump responded, "You'll find out on Tuesday or Wednesday."

The Latest: Official says intel community ready for Trump | Daily Mail Online

The official says the intelligence community was confused by Trump's tweet Tuesday saying the briefing had been delayed until Friday. The official was not authorized to discuss the issue publicly and spoke only on condition of anonymity.

Report: Trump's 'delayed' intelligence meeting was always scheduled for Friday

Tomorrow is Wednesday. Do you think he will tell us what he "knows" that other people don't "know"?

The reason the intelligence community was confused is because the meeting was always scheduled for Friday.

Wow, "They are trying to build a case"? That's dark. I wonder if he got that statement approved by Putin before he said it?

Trump knows things other people don't know. Or is it he sees things other people don't see? What ever.
build what case? Mr. Trump himself claimed the election was rigged in Mrs. Clinton's favor. He won. Seems like, "proof positive".
Obama lied about Russia hacking in order to distract from the disastrous DNC content that was exposed.
i wonder why the intelligence agencies are stalling.....

The prosecutor has to have undisputable evidence that Russia hacked the DNC laptops causing the Dems to lose. Ukraine hacked one of Burlington Electric Company's many laptops and installed malware but that laptop was never connected to the grid the utility reported yesterday.
Now it's questionable whether the Ukraine even installed it on what has become the nation's most famous laptop. Cybernauts are saying this particular malware can be readily downloaded online and has been millions of times.

The very public suicide of the Washington Post continues to thrill the nation.

Those danged cybernauts will experience a rude awakening when they learn about bootstrap. In my salad years changed hard wiring it the general purpose digital computer shown in my avatar. After I did my skullduggery late at night when nobody was around, every time the main frame started the teletype would turn on and print out FUCK YOU. Everyone including officers thought that cool and then ordered the computer instructors to make it stop doing that, which they could not do. It became a big fuss and threats were made and I took it out late at night when nobody was around. I got away with something and thought that was cool.
Years ago I worked in the Attorney General's office as just a minion. I knew 'Basic' and Fortran etc.
I once hacked into the computers on the floor above mine and had the text on their screens appear upside down at random times (supposedly).
Someone remembered that I had some computer knowledge so they came and asked me if I could figure out how to fix the problem. I told them I would try from my cubicle downstairs. After some "CONSIDERABLE' expert analysis, including working a number of hours at double pay on the weekends I was able to fix the problem.
But the same thing happened the next week and for a few weeks after.
When they started mumbling about bringing in a computer expert from a commercial firm to look into the problem. I was finally able to announce I was able to fix the problem permanently!
Shortly thereafter I was given a promotion to work on the floor above mine.
I was asked (Ordered) to give a detailed explanation of what had happened and how I fixed the problem. I simply copied a page from an obscure operating manual but changed a bunch of words.
Hacking is as easy today as picking your nose.
Books are available on how to do it.
The reason the DNC was so easily hacked was the 'LIB man-bun' dopers the DNC hired as computer experts were 'friends of family' within the DNC top ranks. The dopers really didn't know what they were doing or up against.
Just another case of LIB stupidity.
"Disturbing and adversarial"

What the intelligence community says about Trump.
Donald Trump said yesterday that intelligence agencies pushed back a Tuesday briefing on details about Russia hacking to Friday. Trump called the postponement "very strange".

It turns out that there was no meeting scheduled Tuesday at all!
Scott Detrow on Twitter

Trump's imaginary meeting is very strange, indeed!

He didn't say it was scheduled for Tuesday neither.
i wonder why the intelligence agencies are stalling.....

The prosecutor has to have undisputable evidence that Russia hacked the DNC laptops causing the Dems to lose. Ukraine hacked one of Burlington Electric Company's many laptops and installed malware but that laptop was never connected to the grid the utility reported yesterday.

That story was fake new, they withdrew it.
So keep up please.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Another thread started by liberals.

Another thread libs are destroyed.
^ In general parlance, bootstrapping usually refers to a self-starting process that is supposed to proceed without external input. In computer technology the term (usually shortened to booting) usually refers to the process of loading the basic software into the memory of a computer after power-on or general reset, especially the operating system which will then take care of loading other software as needed.

Booting is the process of starting a computer, specifically with regard to starting its software. The process involves a chain of stages, in which at each stage a smaller, simpler program loads and then executes the larger, more complicated program of the next stage. It is in this sense that the computer "pulls itself up by its bootstraps", i.e. it improves itself by its own efforts. Booting is a chain of events that starts with execution of hardware-based procedures and may then hand-off to firmware and software which is loaded into main memory. Booting often involves processes such as performing self-tests, loading configuration settings, loading a BIOS, resident monitors, a hypervisor, an operating system, or utility software.


BIOS (which basically boils down to the drivers for your motherboard), the OS (Operating system, aka Windows), drivers loaded by the OS to run your other hardware (hard drives, graphics cards, etc.) are all considered as "bootstrapped."

In the OS you can code a "batch" file to load almost any program you want at "launch" - this includes malware and viruses, in fact some of the nasty shit viruses actually run every time you boot and slowly infect every bit on your system completely destroying it (virtually, physically its fine, you just have to wipe the hard drive and start over, but you have to be careful about using any information on rewriteable discs - that's kind of why CD's became the choice, not only do they hold more, but the process to rewrite the data on them is more resistant to viral infections - though less so today with rewriting technology.)

The first computer I was trained on was made by Ford Motor Company and analog and gun computer. The third computer I was trained on was the Univac 1219 and missile computer which had real time and the Univac 1218 was a business computer without real time. I am stretching back decades but a digital computer is the same today as it was back then using ones and zeros.
My first exposure to computers was at the IBM building in Calgary Alberta in 1965. I had been sent there to learn about 'computers'.
There were six IBM 360s ganged up in series.
At the time these computers had the same 'computing power' as the ones at NASA.
My job involved feeding trays of cards into the computers and changing huge tape reels during the night shift.
Julian Assange said "a 14 year old could have hacked Podesta" - why was DNC so careless?
Because they are convinced of their 'natural mental superiority.
That's why they look down their noses at men and women who choose to live a different lifestyle as LIBS do.
Note to all your feckless man-buns fools: Not everyone in the country wants to live like the characters portrayed in the movie 'Birdcage'.
dannyboys And I thought I was an old geek for five and a quarters and three and a half's (yep, still have some of each, backups of data made of course) They smell good what can I say, I also love that "heavy" sound the old drive heads make "whirrr, chunk!" - it's such a great sound. I still like the modem connect sound too - I use it as my ringtone :D

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