Trump said Russia is no longer targeting the U.S.

Watching the LIBTARDIANS rooting for America is bringing tears to my eyes I tell ya. Tears!
President Trump says Russia, no longer targeting U.S. Which does not match with what our intelligent community is telling us.

The day after the Helsinki meeting where Trump decided to walk back his comments about "I don't see any reason why it 'would' be Russia" who attacked us, after taking Putin's word for it, came back home a day later, and changed it to "wouldn't", with an "apostrophe t".

And today, he said Russia is no longer targeting the U.S.? According to who? Trump? Lol! His own intelligence said that Russia was actively trying to attack our election system for 2018, right now.

So, now I'm totally confused? Can some of these Trump apologists explain to me who is saying what, and who is telling the truth, because we can't have two different stories on Russia? Trump or our intelligence community is lying?

The way I see it, Trump was either lying once or twice? Unless someone can prove me wrong?

This guy doesn't have a clue. And I said it with an "apostrophe t", that I won't change.
This is exactly the way I saw Trump as a candidate, a poor communicator, who mixes up his words and speaks in disjointed phrases, not sentences. When diplomacy is called for he's brash and inconsiderate, when decisiveness is needed, he's indecisive. When real ideas are needed he falls back on campaign rhetoric.

There should be no need for the press secretary to explain what the president means. It should be crystal clear. Great leadership and great language go hand in hand. The most effective presidents were, by far, the best orators, George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt, Franklin D. Roosevelt, John F. Kennedy, and Ronald Reagan.
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President Trump says Russia, no longer targeting U.S. Which does not match with what our intelligent community is telling us.

The day after the Helsinki meeting where Trump decided to walk back his comments about "I don't see any reason why it 'would' be Russia" who attacked us, after taking Putin's word for it, came back home a day later, and changed it to "wouldn't", with an "apostrophe t".

And today, he said Russia is no longer targeting the U.S.? According to who? Trump? Lol! His own intelligence said that Russia was actively trying to attack our election system for 2018, right now.

So, now I'm totally confused? Can some of these Trump apologists explain to me who is saying what, and who is telling the truth, because we can't have two different stories on Russia? Trump or our intelligence community is lying?

The way I see it, Trump was either lying once or twice? Unless someone can prove me wrong?

This guy doesn't have a clue. And I said it with an "apostrophe t", that I won't change.
More fake news. Trump never said that.
Watching the LIBTARDIANS rooting for America is bringing tears to my eyes I tell ya. Tears!
And what have you offered today other than what came out of your own slop jar?
All out war on the Left's slow coup against a duly elected President.
Watching the LIBTARDIANS rooting for America is bringing tears to my eyes I tell ya. Tears!

Laughing.....someone has to. With Trump and your ilk backing Trumps sniveling apology “blame America” tour in Helsinki with our own president refusing to back his own country over Putin’s denials.
President Trump says Russia, no longer targeting U.S. Which does not match with what our intelligent community is telling us.

The day after the Helsinki meeting where Trump decided to walk back his comments about "I don't see any reason why it 'would' be Russia" who attacked us, after taking Putin's word for it, came back home a day later, and changed it to "wouldn't", with an "apostrophe t".

And today, he said Russia is no longer targeting the U.S.? According to who? Trump? Lol! His own intelligence said that Russia was actively trying to attack our election system for 2018, right now.

So, now I'm totally confused? Can some of these Trump apologists explain to me who is saying what, and who is telling the truth, because we can't have two different stories on Russia? Trump or our intelligence community is lying?

The way I see it, Trump was either lying once or twice? Unless someone can prove me wrong?

This guy doesn't have a clue. And I said it with an "apostrophe t", that I won't change.
More fake news. Trump never said that.

Oh yes he did.

Asked by reporters before a Cabinet meeting whether Moscow was still targeting the United States, Trump shook his head and said, "No."

White House denies Trump said Russia no longer targeting U.S.

So when Trump said no, he didn’t actually mean no? That’s your working theory?

Laughing.....Trump is either an inept liar, or one of the most incompetent communicators to ever sit in the Oval Office.

Your best case scenario is that Trump is so wildly incompetent that he was outsmarted by the concept of a yes or no question. And needed 2 tried, 48 hours, his communications team and a press release to figure it out.

That’s your best case scanario. Your worst is that we caught Trump lying yet again to protect Russia and Putin.
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President Trump says Russia, no longer targeting U.S. Which does not match with what our intelligent community is telling us.

The day after the Helsinki meeting where Trump decided to walk back his comments about "I don't see any reason why it 'would' be Russia" who attacked us, after taking Putin's word for it, came back home a day later, and changed it to "wouldn't", with an "apostrophe t".

And today, he said Russia is no longer targeting the U.S.? According to who? Trump? Lol! His own intelligence said that Russia was actively trying to attack our election system for 2018, right now.

So, now I'm totally confused? Can some of these Trump apologists explain to me who is saying what, and who is telling the truth, because we can't have two different stories on Russia? Trump or our intelligence community is lying?

The way I see it, Trump was either lying once or twice? Unless someone can prove me wrong?

This guy doesn't have a clue. And I said it with an "apostrophe t", that I won't change.
More fake news. Trump never said that.
Watching the LIBTARDIANS rooting for America is bringing tears to my eyes I tell ya. Tears!
And what have you offered today other than what came out of your own slop jar?
All out war on the Left's slow coup against a duly elected President.
Which one do you believe:

It was recorded.
Well his new claim is that no meant "no more questions" even though he continued on and answered the question.

They aren’t even bothering with plausible lies at this point.

And why would they bother....trump’s people will believe whatever he tells them to believe. Hell, they probably believe both the lie, and the lie about the lie.
Like Corker said, they behave like a cult.

President Trump says Russia, no longer targeting U.S. Which does not match with what our intelligent community is telling us.

The day after the Helsinki meeting where Trump decided to walk back his comments about "I don't see any reason why it 'would' be Russia" who attacked us, after taking Putin's word for it, came back home a day later, and changed it to "wouldn't", with an "apostrophe t".

And today, he said Russia is no longer targeting the U.S.? According to who? Trump? Lol! His own intelligence said that Russia was actively trying to attack our election system for 2018, right now.

So, now I'm totally confused? Can some of these Trump apologists explain to me who is saying what, and who is telling the truth, because we can't have two different stories on Russia? Trump or our intelligence community is lying?

The way I see it, Trump was either lying once or twice? Unless someone can prove me wrong?

This guy doesn't have a clue. And I said it with an "apostrophe t", that I won't change.
More fake news. Trump never said that.
Watching the LIBTARDIANS rooting for America is bringing tears to my eyes I tell ya. Tears!
And what have you offered today other than what came out of your own slop jar?
All out war on the Left's slow coup against a duly elected President.
Which one do you believe:

It was recorded.
Confusion is the name of the game.
President Trump says Russia, no longer targeting U.S. Which does not match with what our intelligent community is telling us.

The day after the Helsinki meeting where Trump decided to walk back his comments about "I don't see any reason why it 'would' be Russia" who attacked us, after taking Putin's word for it, came back home a day later, and changed it to "wouldn't", with an "apostrophe t".

And today, he said Russia is no longer targeting the U.S.? According to who? Trump? Lol! His own intelligence said that Russia was actively trying to attack our election system for 2018, right now.

So, now I'm totally confused? Can some of these Trump apologists explain to me who is saying what, and who is telling the truth, because we can't have two different stories on Russia? Trump or our intelligence community is lying?

The way I see it, Trump was either lying once or twice? Unless someone can prove me wrong?

This guy doesn't have a clue. And I said it with an "apostrophe t", that I won't change.
More fake news. Trump never said that.
Watching the LIBTARDIANS rooting for America is bringing tears to my eyes I tell ya. Tears!
And what have you offered today other than what came out of your own slop jar?
All out war on the Left's slow coup against a duly elected President.
Which one do you believe:

It was recorded.
On Fox News, they say don't listen to what Trump says but what he does. Presidents set policy by what they say. There is no Trump Foreign Policy book. Thousands of people in the administration listen to the president to determine the US position toward other nations on various international issues. Foreign heads of state listen to the president and analyze his statements to determine US policies that might effect them, When the president says one thing today and then says the opposite next week, it leaves the US government and governments of other countries waffling back and forth, creating confusion, and distrust.

"Words have power."

"Observe good faith and justice toward all nations. Cultivate peace and harmony with all."
George Washington

"Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power."
Abraham Lincoln

"Keep your eyes on the stars, and your feet on the ground."
Theodore Roosevelt

"Human kindness has never weakened the stamina or softened the fiber of a free people. A nation does not have to be cruel to be tough."
Franklin D. Roosevelt

"And so, my fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you -- ask what you can do for your country."
John F. Kennedy"

"Peace is not absence of conflict, it is the ability to handle conflict by peaceful means."
Ronald Reagan

"Grab them by the pussy"
Donald Trump
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Oh goody! MSNBC as a source!!

I hadn't seen them as a source in so long, it's so nice to see the lefts bastion of liberalism back at USMB!!
There's no way you can convince me that media is dishonest and biased.

They told the truth, that's how. The truth cares nothing for bias. It means what it says, and backs up what it means. Any more questions?
Of course Trump is lying about this. But it means nothing for his base. They’ll believe whatever their pussy grabbing koolaid man tells them.
Oh goody! MSNBC as a source!!

I hadn't seen them as a source in so long, it's so nice to see the lefts bastion of liberalism back at USMB!!
There's no way you can convince me that media is dishonest and biased.

They told the truth, that's how. The truth cares nothing for bias. It means what it says, and backs up what it means. Any more questions?

Idealism is the Costume That Sadism Dresses Up In
Oh goody! MSNBC as a source!!

I hadn't seen them as a source in so long, it's so nice to see the lefts bastion of liberalism back at USMB!!
There's no way you can convince me that media is dishonest and biased.

They told the truth, that's how. The truth cares nothing for bias. It means what it says, and backs up what it means. Any more questions?
That's their opinion.....nothing more.
The greatest deception men suffer is from their own opinions.

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