Trump/Saudi Collusion: Laying Plans For More Wars In The Middle East [VIDEO]......


Gold Member
Dec 10, 2016
Yeah sure, let's work more closely with the country that financed the 9/11 attacks. What could possibly go wrong?

President Trump's visit with the Saudi Crown Prince seemed to have gone very well yesterday. Despite being solidly behind Hillary in the campaign -- at least in their donations to the Clinton Foundation -- Saudi Arabia's millions spent on lobbying in Washington seem to keep paying dividends. The two seemed to agree on Syria no-fly zones, on the Saudi war on Yemen, the need for a hard line toward Iran, and more.

All the items on the Saudi agenda. But what about America first? We discuss in today's Liberty Report:

11% of our oil comes from Saudi Arabia...

Enough for most past US Presidents to kneel and kiss the Saudi Royal Ring. I hoped Trump would be different. But it doesn't look he will be.
I thought this was going to be a Re-showing of Clinton Cash!

Hildabeast got $100 million from The Saudis.

I did forget however that it was National Fake News & Lefty Butt Hurt Day.

My Bad

Carry on!
The Saudis are 100% right. Iran is a bigger threat than ISIS. They are attempting to establish a Persian Empire in the middle east. If that happens the US will be the next target. The Iranians are clearly trying to destabilize Saudi Arabia and if they succeed the US is in big trouble as well as Israel, The Saudis have had no objection to Israel using Saudi airspace if they strike at Iran.

Iranians have buzzed our warships in the Persian Gulf. Also Trump has said during the campaign that he would renegotiate the treaty and rightfully condemned Iran's buzzing of our warships.
Obama kissed ISiS & Iran's ass and gave them Billions.

I'd rather work with The Saudis & even The Russians who oppose Radical Islam.
Obama kissed ISiS & Iran's ass and gave them Billions.

I'd rather work with The Saudis & even The Russians who oppose Radical Islam.

The Saudis don't oppose radical Islam. They're the creators of it. It's been proven that Saudi Arabia funded and armed ISIS in Syria. And prominent Saudis also bankrolled the 9/11 attacks.

Saudi Arabia is the creator of Sunni Wahhabi Islam. It's the foundation of brutal Terrorist Orgs like Al Qaeda, ISIS, and others. I'm actually ashamed my Government considers Saudi Arabia a 'Close Ally.'

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