Trump says Biden is “against God” but can’t even articulate what that means


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011

“He’s following the radical left agenda: take away your guns, destroy your Second Amendment, no religion, no anything, hurt the Bible, hurt God,” Trump said during a campaign visit to Ohio. “He’s against God, he’s against guns.”

Right of course. It clearly says in the Bible “Don't turn the other cheek. Shoot him!”

I’m so glad we have a moron like Trump to point out to us the lost passages in the Bible about semi-automatic weapons.

“He’s following the radical left agenda: take away your guns, destroy your Second Amendment, no religion, no anything, hurt the Bible, hurt God,” Trump said during a campaign visit to Ohio. “He’s against God, he’s against guns.”

Right of course. It clearly says in the Bible “Don't turn the other cheek. Shoot him!”

I’m so glad we have a moron like Trump to point out to us the lost passages in the Bible about semi-automatic weapons.


“He’s following the radical left agenda: take away your guns, destroy your Second Amendment, no religion, no anything, hurt the Bible, hurt God,” Trump said during a campaign visit to Ohio. “He’s against God, he’s against guns.”

Right of course. It clearly says in the Bible “Don't turn the other cheek. Shoot him!”

I’m so glad we have a moron like Trump to point out to us the lost passages in the Bible about semi-automatic weapons.

You’ll always have that little gem of video huh?
All democrook political whores are against God, unless they're campaigning among believers. Then they suddenly become pious evangelical servants of Christ. As soon as the elections are over they set out to undermine every religion except islam at every opportunity. The DNC is a corrupt criminal syndicate, and a tool of lucifer. There is nothing redeeming about these regressive parasites.

All democrook political whores are against God, unless they're campaigning among believers. Then they suddenly become pious evangelical servants of Christ. As soon as the elections are over they set out to undermine every religion except islam at every opportunity. The DNC is a corrupt criminal syndicate, and a tool of lucifer. There is nothing redeeming about these regressive parasites.

How is it that you explain Trump conflating gun ownership with the Bible and God?

“He’s following the radical left agenda: take away your guns, destroy your Second Amendment, no religion, no anything, hurt the Bible, hurt God,” Trump said during a campaign visit to Ohio. “He’s against God, he’s against guns.”

Right of course. It clearly says in the Bible “Don't turn the other cheek. Shoot him!”

I’m so glad we have a moron like Trump to point out to us the lost passages in the Bible about semi-automatic weapons.

You’ll always have that little gem of video huh?

All democrook political whores are against God, unless they're campaigning among believers. Then they suddenly become pious evangelical servants of Christ. As soon as the elections are over they set out to undermine every religion except islam at every opportunity. The DNC is a corrupt criminal syndicate, and a tool of lucifer. There is nothing redeeming about these regressive parasites.

Republicans say they are Christian until it comes time to do what Jesus told us to do.

“He’s following the radical left agenda: take away your guns, destroy your Second Amendment, no religion, no anything, hurt the Bible, hurt God,” Trump said during a campaign visit to Ohio. “He’s against God, he’s against guns.”

Right of course. It clearly says in the Bible “Don't turn the other cheek. Shoot him!”

I’m so glad we have a moron like Trump to point out to us the lost passages in the Bible about semi-automatic weapons.

Biden's stands against the Word of Almighty God are part of his record. He'll have an opportunity to defend his record during the debates.

“He’s following the radical left agenda: take away your guns, destroy your Second Amendment, no religion, no anything, hurt the Bible, hurt God,” Trump said during a campaign visit to Ohio. “He’s against God, he’s against guns.”

Right of course. It clearly says in the Bible “Don't turn the other cheek. Shoot him!”

I’m so glad we have a moron like Trump to point out to us the lost passages in the Bible about semi-automatic weapons.

Just more proof that Trump is batshit insane!

“He’s following the radical left agenda: take away your guns, destroy your Second Amendment, no religion, no anything, hurt the Bible, hurt God,” Trump said during a campaign visit to Ohio. “He’s against God, he’s against guns.”

Right of course. It clearly says in the Bible “Don't turn the other cheek. Shoot him!”

I’m so glad we have a moron like Trump to point out to us the lost passages in the Bible about semi-automatic weapons.
Biden was the VP of an administration that forced churches to insure abortion procedures....what else has to be known?....

“He’s following the radical left agenda: take away your guns, destroy your Second Amendment, no religion, no anything, hurt the Bible, hurt God,” Trump said during a campaign visit to Ohio. “He’s against God, he’s against guns.”

Right of course. It clearly says in the Bible “Don't turn the other cheek. Shoot him!”

I’m so glad we have a moron like Trump to point out to us the lost passages in the Bible about semi-automatic weapons.

Just more proof that Trump is batshit insane!
No that's the libtards in the streets or Portland and Seattle.....

“He’s following the radical left agenda: take away your guns, destroy your Second Amendment, no religion, no anything, hurt the Bible, hurt God,” Trump said during a campaign visit to Ohio. “He’s against God, he’s against guns.”

Right of course. It clearly says in the Bible “Don't turn the other cheek. Shoot him!”

I’m so glad we have a moron like Trump to point out to us the lost passages in the Bible about semi-automatic weapons.

Just more proof that Trump is batshit insane!
No that's the libtards in the streets or Portland and Seattle.....

Yep, while exercising their 1st Amendment right to protest. It's in the Constitution...

“He’s following the radical left agenda: take away your guns, destroy your Second Amendment, no religion, no anything, hurt the Bible, hurt God,” Trump said during a campaign visit to Ohio. “He’s against God, he’s against guns.”

Right of course. It clearly says in the Bible “Don't turn the other cheek. Shoot him!”

I’m so glad we have a moron like Trump to point out to us the lost passages in the Bible about semi-automatic weapons.


Democrats say Trump is against God, but can't articulate why.

“He’s following the radical left agenda: take away your guns, destroy your Second Amendment, no religion, no anything, hurt the Bible, hurt God,” Trump said during a campaign visit to Ohio. “He’s against God, he’s against guns.”

Right of course. It clearly says in the Bible “Don't turn the other cheek. Shoot him!”

I’m so glad we have a moron like Trump to point out to us the lost passages in the Bible about semi-automatic weapons.

Just more proof that Trump is batshit insane!
No that's the libtards in the streets or Portland and Seattle.....

Yep, while exercising their 1st Amendment right to protest. It's in the Constitution...
There is no right to your constitution and bill of rights....

“He’s following the radical left agenda: take away your guns, destroy your Second Amendment, no religion, no anything, hurt the Bible, hurt God,” Trump said during a campaign visit to Ohio. “He’s against God, he’s against guns.”

Right of course. It clearly says in the Bible “Don't turn the other cheek. Shoot him!”

I’m so glad we have a moron like Trump to point out to us the lost passages in the Bible about semi-automatic weapons.
Biden was the VP of an administration that forced churches to insure abortion procedures....what else has to be known?....
Since American Christianity got hijacked by the republican party people who claim to be Christian has been in a steady decline. No one to blame except yourselves.

“He’s following the radical left agenda: take away your guns, destroy your Second Amendment, no religion, no anything, hurt the Bible, hurt God,” Trump said during a campaign visit to Ohio. “He’s against God, he’s against guns.”

Right of course. It clearly says in the Bible “Don't turn the other cheek. Shoot him!”

I’m so glad we have a moron like Trump to point out to us the lost passages in the Bible about semi-automatic weapons.


Democrats say Trump is against God, but can't articulate why.
Against Christianity and the Bible? Oh that's easy. You already know that is true.
The moment a politician accuses another of being “against God” or “against the Bible,” that politician has lost my vote forever. It is one of the basest forms of political immorality, at least to my way of thinking.

That would be true even if the politician genuinely believed in either a moral God or the Christian Bible, which of course Donald Trump does not. Conmen politicians who use religion to sell themselves, or attack their opponents, like those who preach “pie in the sky when you die,” should be ridiculed and rejected.

Of course that doesn’t necessarily mean the man’s opponent is worth a damn ....

“He’s following the radical left agenda: take away your guns, destroy your Second Amendment, no religion, no anything, hurt the Bible, hurt God,” Trump said during a campaign visit to Ohio. “He’s against God, he’s against guns.”

Right of course. It clearly says in the Bible “Don't turn the other cheek. Shoot him!”

I’m so glad we have a moron like Trump to point out to us the lost passages in the Bible about semi-automatic weapons.
How is trump on that "though shalt not commit adultery" thing? or "Though shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor" thing? If you are outside listening to trump talk about God, even on a sunny day you better run for cover in a well grounded structure.

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