Trump says migration has changed Europes fabric as the UN chief calls it a positive global phenomeno

Allowing “millions and millions” of migrants to enter Europe has changed its “fabric,” President Trump said Thursday, telling a mass-circulation British tabloid newspaper that unless the Europeans “act very quickly, it’s never going to be what it was, and I don’t mean that in a positive way.”

Trump Says Migration Has Changed Europe’s ‘Fabric,’ As UN Chief Calls It a ‘Positive Global Phenomenon’

You've got the good side of things and the bad side of things. Trump is the good trying to tell the world and their antifa like retards how the game is, but yet the morons choose to listen to the evil side leading them to the pits of death, then we have Trump trying to save those who know what's going on can't tell ANTI FREEDOM freaks a thing though


The Left Wingers believe that the Muslims are just fooling around.
They think that Muslims will help build their political power.

Check it out PK . --- Refugee host school bans revealing clothes --- i really don't care as i am a guy but its the women and girls that will be hurt by flooding civilized Western Society with muslim refugees PK .

These idiots think it's all a joke and none of this is happening. I never saw leftist as the dumbest mother fkrs there are but man this Trump run shows an entirely different side of FAKES who try to act as if they are so humanatarian and they are the biggest lying scum bags in society.. Gawd they sicken me!!!
and then it gets to my CURSE , these lefties and their kids of the up and coming Generations that will get what they DESERVE .
Wishful thinking on your biased political effort.
I am in Germany now, and i see mostly success. Much less crime than in the US, and much much less disparity between rich & poor.
People are happy and so are the many chirping birds..
Strange, thousands of marchers against Germany's Islamization, seem to differ from your perception.
Not at all. Obviously, MANY Germans are fed up with UNCONTROLLED immigration. They don’t like that direction and want more controls.
That does NOT mean that most Islamic immigrants are screwing up the country.
I see many Islamic-looking people in Berlin and other cities in Germany, and i don’t feel unsafe in any way. I pity them, esp the women who are culturally repressed. Maybe after 1 or 2 generations, they will integrate culturally, like most Turkish immigrants have previously (appearance-wise).
---------------------- or maybe your Austrian girls will be told to dress so that they don't tempt the muslim savages PK.
I don’t have Austrian girls; not sure where that came from. I’m a US citizen.
You got it the other way around. Those relatively few “muslim savages” will adapt to normal Western dress in time, or their life will be very unpleasant.
-------------------------------------- or , as i said the Autrian girls will be forced to adopt styles so that they don't entice the muslim savages with their normal style of dress OK .
Euro girls will NOT adapt/adopt. Why should they? No need.
Western girls like to look sexy and entice good-looking boys or men with money.
A few incidents or lurking savages has not & will not stop them from trying to be sexy, unless they travel to muslim countries.
Check it out PK . --- Refugee host school bans revealing clothes --- i really don't care as i am a guy but its the women and girls that will be hurt by flooding civilized Western Society with muslim refugees PK .
Yes, i recall that story from THREE years ago.
It was a temporary caution recommended to parents & students WHILE nearby refugee camps were setup.
Do you have anything more recent that confirms your FEARS?
stories of muslim savages going after 'euro' girls are all over the place . I have NO fears , these are 'euro' women and girls . I post or give my opinion mainly for American women . By the way , see the rapes going on in Sweden and see the GROOMING GANGS made up of 'muslims' in England . Even 'english' government and legal system are afraid of the muslim grooming gangs PK !!
stories of muslim savages going after 'euro' girls are all over the place . I have NO fears , these are 'euro' women and girls . I post or give my opinion mainly for American women . By the way , see the rapes going on in Sweden and see the GROOMING GANGS made up of 'muslims' in England . Even 'english' government and legal system are afraid of the muslim grooming gangs PK !!
Of course there are MANY incidents of muslim male asshole groups intimidating & raping Western girls. That is NOT GOOD. And when that happens, it makes news AND the US con media keeps repeating the news and makes it seem like it happens all the time! NOT!!

There are MANY incidents in US of murders and gun violence and pimps and rapes by both whites & blacks. If the Euro media did what US con media does, it would seem US is in constant chaos, like in those stupid “purge” movies!

Have you been to Europe recently? I’ve been here for 2 months now, and i have not seen any real safety issues (only minor ones). The muslim people that i see are well behaved. Unfortunately, however, the muslim women do dress VERY conservatively ... due to their male dominated stupid cultures.

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