Trump Says....

Fraud you say?

How Trump steered supporters into unwitting donations ...

1 day ago · How Trump steered supporters into unwitting donations Contributors had to wade through a fine-print disclaimer and manually uncheck a box to opt out International New York Times,

How Trump Steered Supporters Into Unwitting Donations ...

1 day ago · Contributors had to wade through a fine-print disclaimer and manually uncheck a box to opt out. As the election neared, the Trump team made that …

This morning it was reported that 3% of credit card fraud reports were on Trumpy Bear. THREE PERCENT! - Amazing grifting eh? :rolleyes-41:
See post #18, the new members of the 'Search For Votes' Elite Strike Force.

The new team can learn from some of the dead-ends (very) that the old Elite Strike Force (v.1.0) searched for votes.

For example here is Count Flatula thoroughly searching one suspected location for votes.
We may suggest they need not revisit that location. I think.

View attachment 476270

Rudy was tucking in his shirt - Definitely NOT playing with the Rudy Tootiy! :laugh2:
There are tons of evidence the courts refused to hear.

Poor baby :itsok:

  • Overall, we rate Here is the Evidence Right Biased and Questionable based on the publication of election fraud misinformation, the use of poor sources, and a complete lack of transparency.
Trump says to boycott theses companies and reminds everyone the election was stolen. Good man.

View attachment 476219

I proudly voted twice for the Honorable Donald J. Trump.

But I respectfully disagree with him regarding boycotts.

If I am benefiting from a company, I am happy to ignore its political stance and to enjoy the advantages of doing business with it.

For example, I detest Mr. Bezos's Washington Post, but I would never, ever boycott his Amazon company, for it has saved me and millions of other Americans during this horrible pandemic.

Of course, it's fine to boycott a company such as airline A if it does not matter to you whether you fly airline A or B.

P.S. I sure miss President Trump. At least he was his own man, firing people left and right. The current Oval Office occupant (bless his little heart!) is simply doing the bidding of his caregivers (AKA his "advisers"). THEY are the ones who do the hiring & firing.
Boycott means don't watch, and don't buy.
Yes, I left that out by mistake.

I think we were both posting at the same time. I saw your post after I hit the "send" button.

I'm really focused on the "buy" part right now, because my friends and I are counting the days until we can all go to the ball park together. The only one of us who has been vaccinated is the only one of the 6 of us who hates baseball and will never go to another baseball game again. But she will come to Sunday brunch at the Hot House with us before the game because she does love to eat.

The Blue Jays are using their Dunedin Spring facility as their home field for now. They used their Buffalo Triple A field last year. There are no live sports in Ontario right now. The Raptors didn't set foot in Canada all season long. Canada is now opening up to vaccinations now that we are virtually swimming in vaccine. Two of us have birthdays in late May/early June. We like going to a ball game for our birthdays. Preceded by a nice brunch downtown. The latest lockdown makes such a possibility unlikely.

But at this point one of my closest family friends had her elderly grandmother admitted to hospital in Poland with covid yesterday. Things aren't looking good. Poland is very right wing and deeply anti-vaxxer. Her grandmother refused the vaccine. So my complaint about wanting to go to the ball park seems really petty today.
I proudly voted twice for the Honorable Donald J. Trump.

But I respectfully disagree with him regarding boycotts.

If I am benefiting from a company, I am happy to ignore its political stance and to enjoy the advantages of doing business with it.

For example, I detest Mr. Bezos's Washington Post, but I would never, ever boycott his Amazon company, for it has saved me and millions of other Americans during this horrible pandemic.

Of course, it's fine to boycott a company such as airline A if it does not matter to you whether you fly airline A or B.

P.S. I sure miss President Trump. At least he was his own man, firing people left and right. The current Oval Office occupant (bless his little heart!) is simply doing the bidding of his caregivers (AKA his "advisers"). THEY are the ones who do the hiring & firing.

I too love Amazon and wouldn't leave them even if I did hate Bezos. Funny - Trumpy Bear's tax cuts enabled Amazon to pay ZERO in taxes. Makes me wonder why he would give his hated enemies such a windfall! ;)

So lemme get this straight. You miss Trump's incompetence and daily chaos. You miss that he fired competent career professionals left and right and installed totally unqualified toadies who would do his bidding such as Scott Atlas, Richard Grenell, Omarosa, Rick Perry, Callista Gingrich, Scotty Pruitt, Ben Carson, Betsy DeVos, Jared, Ivanka (etc- I could go on) .

Finally, you voted for this guy twice and are PROUD of it? :lol:

Finally, you voted for this guy twice and are PROUD of it?

An admonishment to the poster 'DrLove'.
Sincerely meant.

So, I ask that you not be so effective in giving noogies & wedgies to posters such as Parser, Lastamender, and a whole host of those of such nature.
I fear, and suggest you should also, .... I fear that you may kill the golden comedy goose.

I mean by that, I sometimes relay examples of the nuttjobbery & jackassery I read on this venue at the afternoon euchre game poolside on Wednesdays.

It's sorta kinda been makin' me more popular than my normal persona and wit warrants.

In short, some of these 'Jackass Patriots', Mealteam 6 Ninjas, QNuts, and the MAGA Duped & Snookered make for a rich vein to mine. They are great material for satire, snark, and snickers. 'Good copy' as they say in the trade.

So, don't kill these gooses.

Respectfully requested.
I proudly voted twice for the Honorable Donald J. Trump.

But I respectfully disagree with him regarding boycotts.

If I am benefiting from a company, I am happy to ignore its political stance and to enjoy the advantages of doing business with it.

For example, I detest Mr. Bezos's Washington Post, but I would never, ever boycott his Amazon company, for it has saved me and millions of other Americans during this horrible pandemic.

Of course, it's fine to boycott a company such as airline A if it does not matter to you whether you fly airline A or B.

P.S. I sure miss President Trump. At least he was his own man, firing people left and right. The current Oval Office occupant (bless his little heart!) is simply doing the bidding of his caregivers (AKA his "advisers"). THEY are the ones who do the hiring & firing.

I too love Amazon and wouldn't leave them even if I did hate Bezos. Funny - Trumpy Bear's tax cuts enabled Amazon to pay ZERO in taxes. Makes me wonder why he would give his hated enemies such a windfall! ;)

So lemme get this straight. You miss Trump's incompetence and daily chaos. You miss that he fired competent career professionals left and right and installed totally unqualified toadies who would do his bidding such as Scott Atlas, Richard Grenell, Omarosa, Rick Perry, Callista Gingrich, Scotty Pruitt, Ben Carson, Betsy DeVos, Jared, Ivanka (etc- I could go on) .

Finally, you voted for this guy twice and are PROUD of it? :lol:


I am an 84-year-old computer illiterate, so I have messed up twice with my reply.

Wish me luck on my 3rd try.

1. Thanks for your humorous approach. Too many posters take themselves way too seriously.

2. The Donald came from the business world. So firing people left & right was natural.

3. The current Oval Office occupant (bless his little heart) is so pathetic that I naturally miss the spry Donald. (I remember that some Dems were upset that he didn't seem to age in office!)

Have a nice day!

(I am now going to push the "Post reply" button. Wish me luck!
Trump says to boycott theses companies and reminds everyone the election was stolen. Good man.

View attachment 476219

I proudly voted twice for the Honorable Donald J. Trump.

But I respectfully disagree with him regarding boycotts.

If I am benefiting from a company, I am happy to ignore its political stance and to enjoy the advantages of doing business with it.

For example, I detest Mr. Bezos's Washington Post, but I would never, ever boycott his Amazon company, for it has saved me and millions of other Americans during this horrible pandemic.

Of course, it's fine to boycott a company such as airline A if it does not matter to you whether you fly airline A or B.

P.S. I sure miss President Trump. At least he was his own man, firing people left and right. The current Oval Office occupant (bless his little heart!) is simply doing the bidding of his caregivers (AKA his "advisers"). THEY are the ones who do the hiring & firing.

Trump has always been a seat of the pants guy. That's why he's had so many bankruptcies
I proudly voted twice for the Honorable Donald J. Trump.

But I respectfully disagree with him regarding boycotts.

If I am benefiting from a company, I am happy to ignore its political stance and to enjoy the advantages of doing business with it.

For example, I detest Mr. Bezos's Washington Post, but I would never, ever boycott his Amazon company, for it has saved me and millions of other Americans during this horrible pandemic.

Of course, it's fine to boycott a company such as airline A if it does not matter to you whether you fly airline A or B.

P.S. I sure miss President Trump. At least he was his own man, firing people left and right. The current Oval Office occupant (bless his little heart!) is simply doing the bidding of his caregivers (AKA his "advisers"). THEY are the ones who do the hiring & firing.

I too love Amazon and wouldn't leave them even if I did hate Bezos. Funny - Trumpy Bear's tax cuts enabled Amazon to pay ZERO in taxes. Makes me wonder why he would give his hated enemies such a windfall! ;)

So lemme get this straight. You miss Trump's incompetence and daily chaos. You miss that he fired competent career professionals left and right and installed totally unqualified toadies who would do his bidding such as Scott Atlas, Richard Grenell, Omarosa, Rick Perry, Callista Gingrich, Scotty Pruitt, Ben Carson, Betsy DeVos, Jared, Ivanka (etc- I could go on) .

Finally, you voted for this guy twice and are PROUD of it? :lol:


I am an 84-year-old computer illiterate, so I have messed up twice with my reply.

Wish me luck on my 3rd try.

1. Thanks for your humorous approach. Too many posters take themselves way too seriously.

2. The Donald came from the business world. So firing people left & right was natural.

3. The current Oval Office occupant (bless his little heart) is so pathetic that I naturally miss the spry Donald. (I remember that some Dems were upset that he didn't seem to age in office!)

Have a nice day!

(I am now going to push the "Post reply" button. Wish me luck!

SOOO spry!! :D
PS: Dang u old. God Bless ya for 84!

Trump says to boycott theses companies and reminds everyone the election was stolen. Good man.

View attachment 476219
The guy did not mention the fraud. Don't worry Trump will handle that. :mm:

Fraud you say?

How Trump steered supporters into unwitting donations ...

1 day ago · How Trump steered supporters into unwitting donations Contributors had to wade through a fine-print disclaimer and manually uncheck a box to opt out International New York Times,

How Trump Steered Supporters Into Unwitting Donations ...
1 day ago · Contributors had to wade through a fine-print disclaimer and manually uncheck a box to opt out. As the election neared, the Trump team made that …
None of that changes the fact the election was stolen.
Care to provide proof of anyone convicted of stealing an election from the law and order president.
Trump says to boycott theses companies and reminds everyone the election was stolen. Good man.

View attachment 476219
The guy did not mention the fraud. Don't worry Trump will handle that. :mm:

Fraud you say?

How Trump steered supporters into unwitting donations ...

1 day ago · How Trump steered supporters into unwitting donations Contributors had to wade through a fine-print disclaimer and manually uncheck a box to opt out International New York Times,

How Trump Steered Supporters Into Unwitting Donations ...
1 day ago · Contributors had to wade through a fine-print disclaimer and manually uncheck a box to opt out. As the election neared, the Trump team made that …
None of that changes the fact the election was stolen.
Care to provide proof of anyone convicted of stealing an election from the law and order president.
Are you kidding? No one was arrested for spying on him.
Trump says to boycott theses companies and reminds everyone the election was stolen. Good man.

View attachment 476219

I proudly voted twice for the Honorable Donald J. Trump.

But I respectfully disagree with him regarding boycotts.

If I am benefiting from a company, I am happy to ignore its political stance and to enjoy the advantages of doing business with it.

For example, I detest Mr. Bezos's Washington Post, but I would never, ever boycott his Amazon company, for it has saved me and millions of other Americans during this horrible pandemic.

Of course, it's fine to boycott a company such as airline A if it does not matter to you whether you fly airline A or B.

P.S. I sure miss President Trump. At least he was his own man, firing people left and right. The current Oval Office occupant (bless his little heart!) is simply doing the bidding of his caregivers (AKA his "advisers"). THEY are the ones who do the hiring & firing.

I will never know what a Chick-fil-A tastes like, and I would definitely boycott any airline which doesn't stand up for human/voting rights. Nor will I ever patronize Hobby Lobby. I make a point of supporting companies who social justice policies I do support, such as Body Shoppe, and companies which continue to manufacture in North America, such as Osh Gosh.

But then I started making "ethical" decisions about where I spend my money back in the 1970's, when I was a young banker who understood the impact that ethical investing could have. I don't own any diamond jewellry, much as I love sparkly things, because when I was younger, 80% of all diamonds came from DeBeers Consolidated in South Africa. Then there's "conflict diamonds".

My "good jewellry", is mostly Native American silver and turquoise, purchased from the artisans, or their representatives.
I proudly voted twice for the Honorable Donald J. Trump.

But I respectfully disagree with him regarding boycotts.

If I am benefiting from a company, I am happy to ignore its political stance and to enjoy the advantages of doing business with it.

For example, I detest Mr. Bezos's Washington Post, but I would never, ever boycott his Amazon company, for it has saved me and millions of other Americans during this horrible pandemic.

Of course, it's fine to boycott a company such as airline A if it does not matter to you whether you fly airline A or B.

P.S. I sure miss President Trump. At least he was his own man, firing people left and right. The current Oval Office occupant (bless his little heart!) is simply doing the bidding of his caregivers (AKA his "advisers"). THEY are the ones who do the hiring & firing.

I too love Amazon and wouldn't leave them even if I did hate Bezos. Funny - Trumpy Bear's tax cuts enabled Amazon to pay ZERO in taxes. Makes me wonder why he would give his hated enemies such a windfall! ;)

So lemme get this straight. You miss Trump's incompetence and daily chaos. You miss that he fired competent career professionals left and right and installed totally unqualified toadies who would do his bidding such as Scott Atlas, Richard Grenell, Omarosa, Rick Perry, Callista Gingrich, Scotty Pruitt, Ben Carson, Betsy DeVos, Jared, Ivanka (etc- I could go on) .

Finally, you voted for this guy twice and are PROUD of it? :lol:


I am an 84-year-old computer illiterate, so I have messed up twice with my reply.

Wish me luck on my 3rd try.

1. Thanks for your humorous approach. Too many posters take themselves way too seriously.

2. The Donald came from the business world. So firing people left & right was natural.

3. The current Oval Office occupant (bless his little heart) is so pathetic that I naturally miss the spry Donald. (I remember that some Dems were upset that he didn't seem to age in office!)

Have a nice day!

(I am now going to push the "Post reply" button. Wish me luck!

The Donald came from the business world, where firing people left and right simply doesn't happen. Not if you have any hope of making money. Something that Trump has never done. Hiring and firing people is expensive, wasteful, and it slows down the work. Head hunters charge 15 - 25% of the new hire's first year compensation. Most companies go out of their way to make sure that new hires are a good fit and that they'll stay.

If your company has a high rate of turnover, it's generally indicative of poor management, or the boss is an asshole. Both are true in Trump's case.

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