Trump sends a warning for Russia to leave Venezuela.

the other mike

Diamond Member
Jan 5, 2019
Secret City under Denver Airport
First Afghanistan 40 years ago, then Ukraine, Syria and now in Venezuela,
Moscow and Washington continue a dangerous cat and mouse game with often serious consequences for everyone involved.

US President Donald Trump ( seemingly out of character ) has warned that Russia must get out of Venezuela. Two planeloads of Russian troops are currently in the Latin American country under the terms of a 2001 cooperation treaty
Speaking at the White House, Trump also warned that “all options are open” when it comes to getting Russia out of Venezuela.

Around 100 Russian troops touched down in Caracas on Saturday, a show of support for President Nicolas Maduro’s government. The move caused consternation in Washington, however, with Vice President Mike Pence calling the deployment an “unnecessary provocation.”

Pence also called on Russia to withdraw its support of Maduro and “stand with Juan Guaido,” the Washington-sponsored opposition leader who declared himself interim president in January.

Russia must get out of Venezuela, all options open - Trump

Russia on military planes in Venezuela: Our specialists are there based on cooperation treaty
Clearly this is Pompeo and Bolton talking. I don't know what kind of leverage they have on the president, but he seems to be reading their scripts most of the time. ( was it much different with Obama, Bush or Clinton ? )
I think that Trump will be able to get the Russians out of Venezuela in a peaceful manner.....and not put us in the dangerous position that JFK did during the cuban missile crisis.
But but but....COLLUSION!
we already have all the collusion we need, sonny. remember the tough sanctions congress passed against Russia, before the election, with a majority republican congress, almost unanimous, that Trump signed but never never actually authorized? Putin overruled Congress on that one...remember, drain clog?
I think that Trump will be able to get the Russians out of Venezuela in a peaceful manner.....and not put us in the dangerous position that JFK did during the cuban missile crisis.
how old are you, sonny? i bet even the other kids in your second grade special ed class are laughing at how stupid you are for even trying to compare a punk ass bitch like Trump to one of our best presidents JFK...were you trying to be stupid or do you just not have any choice?
Why should they leave?

Bolton is a "war hawk" although he did not want to die on a rice paddy.
the only republican war hawk who was willing to walk the walk and talk the talk, that i can recall, was McCain...that was my biggest problem with him- he never met a war he did not like. but, still, he did have the right to be a war hawk in at least he had been in combat, unlike bolton and gomer bush and cheney and reagan and trump....
word on the street is Trump has given Putin 2 weeks to get those jets out of there, or he can expect no more hour long massages with a happy ending. that's bound to get Putin's attention....
I think that Trump will be able to get the Russians out of Venezuela in a peaceful manner.....and not put us in the dangerous position that JFK did during the cuban missile crisis.
Not put us in a dangerous position like JFK when he stopped the Russians from keeping NUCLEAR MISSILES IN CUBA, JUST 90 MILES FROM OUR COUNTRY? that is putting us in a dangerous position? as opposed to HAVING CUBA BEING ARMED WITH NUCLEAR MISSILES JUST 90 MILES FROM OUR COUNTRY? what are you smoking, boy?
Why should they leave?

I agree. I for one couldn't care less about Venezuela and I sure don't care if the Russians are there.

If they want a mess. They can have it.
Claudette, the Russia/Venezuela threat is in establishing a Russian base so near our borders IMHO.
Russia has always complained about American bases in Turkey, giving us miliraty access to the Russian land mass. Our bases in Germany and Italy have always been to simply to keep Russia within its borders, since the country has a history of ingesting helpless neighboring States. JFK took the risk of keeping the USSR our of our hemisphere. But those days are over. We may be playing nice with the new Russia for now, but their goals of expansion and ours of withdrawals gives the possibility of a future problems.
Russia has always complained about American bases in Turkey, giving us miliraty access to the Russian land mass.
So it's fair enough if Russia does the same thing, right?
I don't like it. Russia has made bad governing decisions for millennia at being backward. Stalin took the name of socialism but acted like an crazy Czar. After WWI, Russia was forced into the 20th Century and blundered its way into the modern world. But some of the old regime and it's love of power lingers, and I don't trust Putin or his gang of oligarchs. Unfortunately for us, Russia is patient as willing to take steps so small in its quest for world dominance that they seem reasonable and go un-noticed, while we can't see beyond our noses. Lets hope our next Prez is a little more skeptical than our current admirer of tyrants.
First Afghanistan 40 years ago, then Ukraine, Syria and now in Venezuela,
Moscow and Washington continue a dangerous cat and mouse game with often serious consequences for everyone involved.

US President Donald Trump ( seemingly out of character ) has warned that Russia must get out of Venezuela. Two planeloads of Russian troops are currently in the Latin American country under the terms of a 2001 cooperation treaty
Speaking at the White House, Trump also warned that “all options are open” when it comes to getting Russia out of Venezuela.

Around 100 Russian troops touched down in Caracas on Saturday, a show of support for President Nicolas Maduro’s government. The move caused consternation in Washington, however, with Vice President Mike Pence calling the deployment an “unnecessary provocation.”

Pence also called on Russia to withdraw its support of Maduro and “stand with Juan Guaido,” the Washington-sponsored opposition leader who declared himself interim president in January.

Russia must get out of Venezuela, all options open - Trump

Russia on military planes in Venezuela: Our specialists are there based on cooperation treaty
Wait! WHAT?

The US MSM has been 'reporting' Trump is a puppet of Putin. This can't be. FAKE NEWS!!!!!!!!

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