Trump Sends In The Cavalry: ATF Heads To Chicago To Clean Up The City


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
The Man keeps his promises. The mayor asks and President Trump responds.

ATF headquarters in Washington sent out a bulletin to all field offices looking for agents to volunteer for permanent transfer to Chicago.

In the bulletin, they noted there have been 4,386 shootings and more than 750 homicides in 2016 alone, which is a 58% increase over 2015. It goes on to say, “ATF is committed to helping Chicago law enforcement partners to prevent and reduce these violent killings and assaults.”

Emanuel said in addition to the ATF agents, he would also like Drug Enforcement and FBI agents to help with the crime that has crippled the city in recent years.

Full story @ BREAKING: Trump Sends In The Cavalry - Feds Head To Chicago...
Well Obama stuck to his promise on shovel ready jobs....those grave diggers have been working overtime in Chicago
Well Obama stuck to his promise on shovel ready jobs....those grave diggers have been working overtime in Chicago

I want to put in a "funny and agree," but there is nothing funny about what is happening in Chicago. If they shut it down there, the feds need to go on a tour to keep inner cities safe. Chicago is pathetic, and any lefty that thinks (like the DERPSTER) what is happening there is a typical way of life, then they need to be injected into the inner city to help fix it!

Leftists are PATHETIC! They created this disaster, and now want to wash their hands of the mess...............unless they can get them to vote one way, all the time..........then they are worth the lefts attention. I am sorry, but the far leftists are the people who will bring this country down if we do not stop them. They are the closest thing to Marxists we have ever seen, and the Castro brothers haven't a thing on them outside of murder; which should tell everyone how awful the far left is!
The Man keeps his promises. The mayor asks and President Trump responds.

ATF headquarters in Washington sent out a bulletin to all field offices looking for agents to volunteer for permanent transfer to Chicago.

In the bulletin, they noted there have been 4,386 shootings and more than 750 homicides in 2016 alone, which is a 58% increase over 2015. It goes on to say, “ATF is committed to helping Chicago law enforcement partners to prevent and reduce these violent killings and assaults.”

Emanuel said in addition to the ATF agents, he would also like Drug Enforcement and FBI agents to help with the crime that has crippled the city in recent years.

Full story @ BREAKING: Trump Sends In The Cavalry - Feds Head To Chicago...


About fucking time.

It is amazing to me that we accept this horror as normal. I hope that this is only the beginning.

I admit to be surprised that the Mayor is willing to accept the help.
The Man keeps his promises. The mayor asks and President Trump responds.

ATF headquarters in Washington sent out a bulletin to all field offices looking for agents to volunteer for permanent transfer to Chicago.

In the bulletin, they noted there have been 4,386 shootings and more than 750 homicides in 2016 alone, which is a 58% increase over 2015. It goes on to say, “ATF is committed to helping Chicago law enforcement partners to prevent and reduce these violent killings and assaults.”

Emanuel said in addition to the ATF agents, he would also like Drug Enforcement and FBI agents to help with the crime that has crippled the city in recent years.

Full story @ BREAKING: Trump Sends In The Cavalry - Feds Head To Chicago...
Oh hell, send in the National Guard with orders to shoot.
It falls on Republican politicians to clean out Democrat shit holes.

I wonder why Obama didn't head back to his hometown with his daughters in tow where he could do something meaningful for a change.
It falls on Republican politicians to clean out Democrat shit holes.

I wonder why Obama didn't head back to his hometown with his daughters in tow where he could do something meaningful for a change.

Because from his perspective Chicago is a massive success story.

Those scared and terrified citizens will be voting democratic till the Sun burns out.

What's the problem? As long as they are breeding new votes faster than they are dying, it's all good to Obama and his ilk.

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