Trump Should Strike China Now Before They Get Any Stronger

Compare World Military Powers Results
We still have a technological advantage over the People Army. I think we should strike now and crush them before it's to late. Their economy would collapse if they could not dump their garbage into our markets. We owe them $$$$$? Not after we go to war. Wall Street won't like it...but they are the most unpatriotic mothetfuckers in the country. Screw their " investment portfolios."
What an absolutely idiotic idea. Before our missiles struck China, there would be incoming from Russia. There is not winning in a nuclear war. The MAD paradigm is aptly named. And even if Russia did not strike, the incoming from China would render the USA an memory as a power in the world.
Nuclear war? We would evaporate them.
You dumb fuck, how many cities in the US destroyed would it take to put the US back to third world status? China also has nuclear missiles.And Russia would likely attack in this kind of situation.
Hell, no,

No war.
We must before it is too late. Our younger generation is weak. Politically correct and weak. Been taught that America is a bad place...white people should feel guilty by birth...and everyone gets a participation trophy. No. We need another "Greatesst Generation" and that can only. Be achieved through a major war.
Fuck you, you damned son of a bitch. War is not some video game. Real people and families die, and you are talking nuclear war, where whole cities die. Go volunteer for Isis, they are your soul brothers. Please get out of this nation, we don't need crazies like you.
I've been in war. Combat. Infantry. I'm a realist and love my grandkids and my democratic republic which is the hope for all the world. Stop Hitler before he becomes a threat. Stop Tojo before he becomes a threat. Sorry you are too weak.
Sorry, you are just too fucking insane.
Hell if someone wants to show some U.S. force... give civilians warnings, and then drop a huge bomb on Raqqa. Turn a few miles of sand to glass and see how ISIS and other terrorists organizations respond to that.
No warning. ISIS using them as shields anyway.
Hell, no,

No war.
We must before it is too late. Our younger generation is weak. Politically correct and weak. Been taught that America is a bad place...white people should feel guilty by birth...and everyone gets a participation trophy. No. We need another "Greatesst Generation" and that can only. Be achieved through a major war.
Fuck you, you damned son of a bitch. War is not some video game. Real people and families die, and you are talking nuclear war, where whole cities die. Go volunteer for Isis, they are your soul brothers. Please get out of this nation, we don't need crazies like you.
I've been in war. Combat. Infantry. I'm a realist and love my grandkids and my democratic republic which is the hope for all the world. Stop Hitler before he becomes a threat. Stop Tojo before he becomes a threat. Sorry you are too weak.
Sorry, you are just too fucking insane.
You are not strong enough to be and American pajama boy liberal.
Hell if someone wants to show some U.S. force... give civilians warnings, and then drop a huge bomb on Raqqa. Turn a few miles of sand to glass and see how ISIS and other terrorists organizations respond to that.
No warning. ISIS using them as shields anyway.

No, you give civilians warnings. Raqqa is their caliphate. The ISIS fighters won't leave... and who knows how much money, gold, and oil they have there. One large bomb and the rest of the terrorists in the world get the message.
Compare World Military Powers Results
We still have a technological advantage over the People Army. I think we should strike now and crush them before it's to late. Their economy would collapse if they could not dump their garbage into our markets. We owe them $$$$$? Not after we go to war. Wall Street won't like it...but they are the most unpatriotic mothetfuckers in the country. Screw their " investment portfolios."
What an absolutely idiotic idea. Before our missiles struck China, there would be incoming from Russia. There is not winning in a nuclear war. The MAD paradigm is aptly named. And even if Russia did not strike, the incoming from China would render the USA an memory as a power in the world.
Nuclear war? We would evaporate them.
You dumb fuck, how many cities in the US destroyed would it take to put the US back to third world status? China also has nuclear missiles.And Russia would likely attack in this kind of situation.
China has medium range missiles and a few ICBM's. or two will get through. Price must be paid.
Hell if someone wants to show some U.S. force... give civilians warnings, and then drop a huge bomb on Raqqa. Turn a few miles of sand to glass and see how ISIS and other terrorists organizations respond to that.
No warning. ISIS using them as shields anyway.

No, you give civilians warnings. Raqqa is their caliphate. The ISIS fighters won't leave... and who knows how much money, gold, and oil they have there. One large bomb and the rest of the terrorists in the world get the message.
There are no civilians in war. Only enemy combatants. Total war.
Compare World Military Powers Results
We still have a technological advantage over the People Army. I think we should strike now and crush them before it's to late. Their economy would collapse if they could not dump their garbage into our markets. We owe them $$$$$? Not after we go to war. Wall Street won't like it...but they are the most unpatriotic mothetfuckers in the country. Screw their " investment portfolios."
What an absolutely idiotic idea. Before our missiles struck China, there would be incoming from Russia. There is not winning in a nuclear war. The MAD paradigm is aptly named. And even if Russia did not strike, the incoming from China would render the USA an memory as a power in the world.
Nuclear war? We would evaporate them.
You dumb fuck, how many cities in the US destroyed would it take to put the US back to third world status? China also has nuclear missiles.And Russia would likely attack in this kind of situation.
Nuclear arsenals | ICAN
You see...strike now while we have the advantage.
Hell, no,

No war.
We must before it is too late. Our younger generation is weak. Politically correct and weak. Been taught that America is a bad place...white people should feel guilty by birth...and everyone gets a participation trophy. No. We need another "Greatesst Generation" and that can only. Be achieved through a major war.
Your America is a bad place. It must be defeated for the sake of the world.
Compare World Military Powers Results
We still have a technological advantage over the People Army. I think we should strike now and crush them before it's to late. Their economy would collapse if they could not dump their garbage into our markets. We owe them $$$$$? Not after we go to war. Wall Street won't like it...but they are the most unpatriotic mothetfuckers in the country. Screw their " investment portfolios."

Too late dude. The US would never beat China, it's simply not a viable option.

Of course we would, but it's still a stupid thing to suggest.
Of course we would, but we would then be unable to beat anyone else, not even Mexico.
Compare World Military Powers Results
We still have a technological advantage over the People Army. I think we should strike now and crush them before it's to late. Their economy would collapse if they could not dump their garbage into our markets. We owe them $$$$$? Not after we go to war. Wall Street won't like it...but they are the most unpatriotic mothetfuckers in the country. Screw their " investment portfolios."
What an absolutely idiotic idea. Before our missiles struck China, there would be incoming from Russia. There is not winning in a nuclear war. The MAD paradigm is aptly named. And even if Russia did not strike, the incoming from China would render the USA an memory as a power in the world.
Nuclear war? We would evaporate them.
You dumb fuck, how many cities in the US destroyed would it take to put the US back to third world status? China also has nuclear missiles.And Russia would likely attack in this kind of situation.
Nuclear arsenals | ICAN
You see...strike now while we have the advantage.

Hell the U.S. doesn't even know if their nuclear missiles still work.
Hell, no,

No war.
We must before it is too late. Our younger generation is weak. Politically correct and weak. Been taught that America is a bad place...white people should feel guilty by birth...and everyone gets a participation trophy. No. We need another "Greatesst Generation" and that can only. Be achieved through a major war.

A huge percentage of our products come from China. The number of U.S. corporations that are directly or indirectly tied to China is massive. And lets not talk about how much debt we owe to China, or the holdings they have in the US. Attacking China would have the effect of attacking our own economy. It would be better to slowly disentangle ourselves from China, and then shift global manufacturing away from China before going in there guns blazing. Respectfully.
Compare World Military Powers Results
We still have a technological advantage over the People Army. I think we should strike now and crush them before it's to late. Their economy would collapse if they could not dump their garbage into our markets. We owe them $$$$$? Not after we go to war. Wall Street won't like it...but they are the most unpatriotic mothetfuckers in the country. Screw their " investment portfolios."

Too late dude. The US would never beat China, it's simply not a viable option.

Of course we would, but it's still a stupid thing to suggest.
Of course we would, but we would then be unable to beat anyone else, not even Mexico.
Compare World Military Powers Results
We still have a technological advantage over the People Army. I think we should strike now and crush them before it's to late. Their economy would collapse if they could not dump their garbage into our markets. We owe them $$$$$? Not after we go to war. Wall Street won't like it...but they are the most unpatriotic mothetfuckers in the country. Screw their " investment portfolios."
What an absolutely idiotic idea. Before our missiles struck China, there would be incoming from Russia. There is not winning in a nuclear war. The MAD paradigm is aptly named. And even if Russia did not strike, the incoming from China would render the USA an memory as a power in the world.
Nuclear war? We would evaporate them.
You dumb fuck, how many cities in the US destroyed would it take to put the US back to third world status? China also has nuclear missiles.And Russia would likely attack in this kind of situation.
Nuclear arsenals | ICAN
You see...strike now while we have the advantage.
Jesus fucking Christ!!!!!!!!!!! China only has 260 nuclear heads that we know of. So if they were only 10% accurate, what 26 cities can we lose, and still be a viable world power? God, you may have been in combat, but you are totally insane.
Hell, no,

No war.
We must before it is too late. Our younger generation is weak. Politically correct and weak. Been taught that America is a bad place...white people should feel guilty by birth...and everyone gets a participation trophy. No. We need another "Greatesst Generation" and that can only. Be achieved through a major war.

A huge percentage of our products come from China. The number of U.S. corporations that are directly or indirectly tied to China is massive. And lets not talk about how much debt we owe to China, or the holdings they have in the US. Attacking China would have the effect of attacking our own economy. It would be better to slowly disentangle ourselves from China, and then shift global manufacturing away from China before going in there guns blazing. Russia, in its effort to influence the outcome of an American election, is a bigger threat. If Reagan was in the White House instead of Obama, Russia would in trouble. Respectfully.
Fuck China...we need them for shit. Made in the USA by Americans is the path to go.
Compare World Military Powers Results
We still have a technological advantage over the People Army. I think we should strike now and crush them before it's to late. Their economy would collapse if they could not dump their garbage into our markets. We owe them $$$$$? Not after we go to war. Wall Street won't like it...but they are the most unpatriotic mothetfuckers in the country. Screw their " investment portfolios."
Good god this is such lazy, dangerous, ignorant fucking thinking. Beyond being out of your mind suggesting we go to war with the 2nd world's military power, it would be stupid to think eliminating China would somehow fix our economy. China and the USA are interdependent on each other. If one goes down, the other goes down. The world's economy would then follow.

Lol this thread is something else. When I saw your title I honestly thought you were making a sarcastic point, but oh no, you are serious. Wow. Just wow. This forum never ceases to amaze me.
Why are you supporting a threat to the United States?

Why are you suggesting such an insane course of action? You really should be committed.
Compare World Military Powers Results
We still have a technological advantage over the People Army. I think we should strike now and crush them before it's to late. Their economy would collapse if they could not dump their garbage into our markets. We owe them $$$$$? Not after we go to war. Wall Street won't like it...but they are the most unpatriotic mothetfuckers in the country. Screw their " investment portfolios."
What an absolutely idiotic idea. Before our missiles struck China, there would be incoming from Russia. There is not winning in a nuclear war. The MAD paradigm is aptly named. And even if Russia did not strike, the incoming from China would render the USA an memory as a power in the world.
Nuclear war? We would evaporate them.
You dumb fuck, how many cities in the US destroyed would it take to put the US back to third world status? China also has nuclear missiles.And Russia would likely attack in this kind of situation.
Nuclear arsenals | ICAN
You see...strike now while we have the advantage.
Jesus fucking Christ!!!!!!!!!!! China only has 260 nuclear heads that we know of. So if they were only 10% accurate, what 26 cities can we lose, and still be a viable world power? God, you may have been in combat, but you are totally insane.
How many can attached to ICBMs? Could they be 10% accurate? Would they use nukes? You assume they would use nukes? You are stuck in a Cold War era dilema. Chinese capitalists would overthrow the communist party when hostilities begin.
The US could not win. Sorry.

Neither military could defeat the other in a land invasion. The most the US could do is establish a naval blockade and raid air traffic. It would come at incredible costs that could only be upheld for a limited period of time, and the US would eventually collapse under the pressure of sustaining them.
Ever hear of a place called Tianamen Square? We would have a segment of the population on our side.
No, we would not. The act of attacking them would unite them, and they would all fight us.
Compare World Military Powers Results
We still have a technological advantage over the People Army. I think we should strike now and crush them before it's to late. Their economy would collapse if they could not dump their garbage into our markets. We owe them $$$$$? Not after we go to war. Wall Street won't like it...but they are the most unpatriotic mothetfuckers in the country. Screw their " investment portfolios."
Good god this is such lazy, dangerous, ignorant fucking thinking. Beyond being out of your mind suggesting we go to war with the 2nd world's military power, it would be stupid to think eliminating China would somehow fix our economy. China and the USA are interdependent on each other. If one goes down, the other goes down. The world's economy would then follow.

Lol this thread is something else. When I saw your title I honestly thought you were making a sarcastic point, but oh no, you are serious. Wow. Just wow. This forum never ceases to amaze me.
Why are you supporting a threat to the United States?

Why are you suggesting such an insane course of action? You really should be committed.
so we should wait for North Korea, Iran, or lone nut terrorist...with Chinese support to blow up one of our cities? Nope...remove China from our market and our economy. We do not need them.
The US could not win. Sorry.

Neither military could defeat the other in a land invasion. The most the US could do is establish a naval blockade and raid air traffic. It would come at incredible costs that could only be upheld for a limited period of time, and the US would eventually collapse under the pressure of sustaining them.
Ever hear of a place called Tianamen Square? We would have a segment of the population on our side.
No, we would not. The act of attacking them would unite them, and they would all fight us.
And we would kill them.

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