Trump should turn over his businesses to a blind trust..........

Trump knows his business inside and out and so any trust containing his holdings would be far from blind. Americans knew the situation going into the election and we all should just settle down and keep our eyes on it the best we can.

His business is now RUNNING THE COUNTRY, Trump knew this going in.

There is not a single way he can remain a businessman somehow isolated from presidency. If he can't be full time American president he needs to quit and go back to his marketing gig.

This is obscene.
His kids are going to run the business, douche bag. He will be a full time president.

FRankly, I think a half time president would be preferable to a full time busybody trying to run our lives from sun up to sun down.

His kids are ALREADY on the fucking phone and in the meetings with foreign leaders with daddy at their side asshole.

I'd have no problem his kids running business and stay the fuck out of Trumps presidency. That's not the case at all, they were all in on his presidential bid, they are knee deep in transition and there is nothing indicating they are falling off anytime soon.

I'm aware of one meeting they attended. Did you imagine his kids weren't going to attend state functions as the children of every other president has done?

Yeah.............the kids of other presidents did attend things like state dinners and the like. But they didn't sit in on meetings with business leaders and heads of state.

But if either of Obama's daughters were allowed into a meeting with a visiting head of state, I'm sure those on the right would be screaming that they want him impeached for leaking state secrets.
Not throwing rocks, a blind trust is the right thing to do. its to big of a job, try & lead & run a business at the same time.
He's handing the business to his children to run . Selling off his business is pure idiocy.

His children are all over the White House, and there will most certainly be complaints. To form a real blind trust Trump would have to sell off everything, then put the cash in a blind trust. There is no such thing as fixed assets in a blind trust, and still receiving profit from those fixed assets that are in foreign countries.

Trump has major investments in China, Saudi Arabia and a host of other countries, that implies a conflict of interest when dealing with them. Especially China.
Trump isn't going to put his holdings in a blind trust. Get used to it.

Lol - How about NO.

You Trumpsters were all up in arms about how Clinton is supposedly mixing business and running state department, keep bloviating on and on about swamp to be drained....yet have absolutely no reservations about a mountain of blatant conflict of interests Trump is setting up for himself as a PRESIDENT.

Thoughtless lemming much?

You can behave like a petulant child for the next 8 years, but your whining will fall on deaf ears.

Nuh I'll behave like rational adult that understands that this is not some third world country shithole and around here, for very good reasons painstakingly learned through history, you do not get to a run a sprawling international business while occupying the highest office.

It's time you grow up out of personality cultism and and stick to sound principles of clean governing.
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Trump knows his business inside and out and so any trust containing his holdings would be far from blind. Americans knew the situation going into the election and we all should just settle down and keep our eyes on it the best we can.

His business is now RUNNING THE COUNTRY, Trump knew this going in.

There is not a single way he can remain a businessman somehow isolated from presidency. If he can't be full time American president he needs to quit and go back to his marketing gig.

This is obscene.
His kids are going to run the business, douche bag. He will be a full time president.

FRankly, I think a half time president would be preferable to a full time busybody trying to run our lives from sun up to sun down.

His kids are ALREADY on the fucking phone and in the meetings with foreign leaders with daddy at their side asshole.

I'd have no problem his kids running business and stay the fuck out of Trumps presidency. That's not the case at all, they were all in on his presidential bid, they are knee deep in transition and there is nothing indicating they are falling off anytime soon.

I'm aware of one meeting they attended. Did you imagine his kids weren't going to attend state functions as the children of every other president has done?

Yeah.............the kids of other presidents did attend things like state dinners and the like. But they didn't sit in on meetings with business leaders and heads of state.

But if either of Obama's daughters were allowed into a meeting with a visiting head of state, I'm sure those on the right would be screaming that they want him impeached for leaking state secrets.

Obama's daughters are not his close advisors and top executives of his companies you idiot.
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So what happens when he turns it over to a blind trust and they make more money with it than he did.
He's handing the business to his children to run . Selling off his business is pure idiocy.

His children are all over the White House, and there will most certainly be complaints. To form a real blind trust Trump would have to sell off everything, then put the cash in a blind trust. There is no such thing as fixed assets in a blind trust, and still receiving profit from those fixed assets that are in foreign countries.

Trump has major investments in China, Saudi Arabia and a host of other countries, that implies a conflict of interest when dealing with them. Especially China.
Trump isn't going to put his holdings in a blind trust. Get used to it.

Lol - How about NO.

You Trumpsters were all up in arms about how Clinton is supposedly mixing business and running state department, keep bloviating on and on about swamp to be drained....yet have absolutely no reservations about a mountain of blatant conflict of interests Trump is setting up for himself as a PRESIDENT.

Thoughtless lemming much?

You can behave like a petulant child for the next 8 years, but your whining will fall on deaf ears.

Nuh I'll behave like rational adult that understands that this is not some third world country shithole and around here, for very good reasons painstakingly learned through history, you do not get to a run a sprawling international business while occupying the highest office.

It's time you grow up out of personality cultism and and stick to sound principles of clean governing.
You have to be rational before you can behave like a rational adult, and whining incessantly that Trump refuses to liquidate his business is that a petulant child would do.

Trump's children are going to run his business, and there is no rule that says Trump can't do it if he wants to. Left wingers believe their fantasies are the same as fact. It's time you learned they aren't.

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