Trump signs EO authorizing cabinets to waive/suspend/eliminate regulations

great move Mr President



Yeah... I don't think that's gonna stand up.
im not even sure what that means.
It means if you are the head of a federal agency and there is a useless regulation you can get rid of it on your own. It has nothing to do with laws.
Hmm... For example maybe - A trucker goes to get his or her medical card updated for two more years, and in the physicians office they have forms to fill out in the process. Ok so what does a truck drivers health evaluation, and medical card renewal have to do with whether or not a driver is running intrastate or interstate ???

Intrastate - is when a driver only drives his rig within a 100 mile air radius from his home location. Doesn't cross state lines.

Interstate - is when a driver runs over the line into another state or runs all states (i.e. long distance hauler).

So tell me what does a drivers health have to do with where it is that they ultimately drive their trucks, whether it be intrastate or interstate ??

Ok, so let's say a trucking company has both types of hauling going on as a fleet, and the intrastate drivers truck breaks down one day, and the dispatcher wants the driver to hop into another truck, but it's route is only an interstate haul. Can the driver transfer to that truck for the day, and take it over the state line if the medical card paperwork at the physicians office checked the block that said intrastate instead of interstate ??? Why does the physicians office have to be concerned with a driver's route in the medical card area of a driver's certification ??

If they can't transfer into different trucks during the week due to break down etc, then how dumb or stupid is that ??? What does a driver's health card have to do with whether or not they drive in their state or out of their state ???

Is this one of those ridiculous regulations that was created by a government that is out of control ??

A friend told me this story recently, and I felt it appropriate to mention it in this thread. Not sure what it all means, but tried to tell it like he told me or maybe he's got it wrong about the meaning in relation to his routes and medical card allowances.

Are there millions of rules or regulations stopping simple progress in society, and hindering people's ability to easily make a living be it this or be it that ???

Trump could be right on these things, otherwise when it comes to restoring America, and unleashing it's huge potential again.


Where you at Ray ? Answers are needed. Haven't seen Ray lately....
Amazing to me that people cheer this because it's Trump that's doing it.
No. 1 - I don't believe that EO are even Constitutional, we have no king.
No. 2 - I KNOW "ABC" agencies are illegal - unelected unaccountable officials writing laws?? No, that is NOT Constitutional.
Amazing to me that people cheer this because it's Trump that's doing it.
No. 1 - I don't believe that EO are even Constitutional, we have no king.
No. 2 - I KNOW "ABC" agencies are illegal - unelected unaccountable officials writing laws?? No, that is NOT Constitutional.

We cheer because most of the eliminations during his term have been common sense moves, and he is the only one with adequate common sense in Washington who will do it.

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