trump singles out Coats in his criticism of the Intel Chiefs

Trump singled out Dan Coats in morning rant about intelligence community - CNNPolitics

trump has lost his small mind. Coats has more brains in his little toe than trump has in his orange skull...
I find it amazing that Trump appointees would actually tell Trump he's full shit. There days may be numbered.

Trump has done everything he could to draw attention away from the fact that North Korea is every bit the threat they were when he came into office. China is every bit the military threat they have been. The result of his tearing up the nuclear deal with Iran is the centrifuges are once again spinning. And Russia now owns the Middle East with the US withdrawal. All of this to concentrate Americans on the huge threat at our southern border which is nothing compared to the nuclear missiles or balance power shitting to the Russians.
Trump has done nothing to make a bad situation worse when it comes to Iran or NK. Not his fault he was handed the shit.
We need to stop immigrants, with no job skills, from coming to this country. The only way I can think of to do this is a wall.

Kim has played him like a fiddle....the great deal maker.....HA!
The Democratic Party has played you like a fiddle Jimbo.
Coats will probably be the next Grown Up to resign....Never disagree with the Comrade in Chief....
Barack Obama committed an international War crime by invading Syria without the consent, permission, or request of the Syrian government or Syrian president.

While he was doing all of this, he took his eyes off North Korea and allowed them to acquire missile technology that gave them the ability to strike the United States with its nuclear Arsenal.
None of it was an accident. The mother fucker is a communist and was/is hell bent on destroying the United States.
Kudos to JimH52 for acknowledging Obama is a communist who is hell bent on destroying the U.S. Thank you, JimH52.
Reading is not your strong suit
Observation is not yours.

I figure - like Trump - his Trumpbots are not too big on reading.

So I present this in an easy-to-view video.
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Considering Obama, Brennan and Clapper had their excrement-encrusted fingers all over them, I'm not too keen on our current intelligence agencies myself.
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Considering Obama, Brennan and Clapper had their excrement-encrusted fingers all over them, I'm not too keen on our current intelligence agencies myself.
Mot to mention that Haspel and Coats reek of Bush poontang.
trump is either incompetent or he is a Russian Asset. No President in US history has been at odds with every Intel head. Most of trump's foreign policy will benefit one person.. Guess who...

Yeah...Putin....his keeper.

I figure - like Trump - his Trumpbots are not too big on reading.

So I present this in an easy-to-view video.

You mean the intelligence community that said Iraq had WMDs?
The ones that were taken by surprise on 9/11?
The ones that said Russia would never invade the Crimea?
The ones that the CIA which spied on congress and lied about it under oath to congress is a part of?
The ones that the NSA that spied on citizens without a warrant are a part of?
The ones that the list is just a small part of their failures and misdeeds?

Not sure I put a lot of stock in them either.
You mean the intelligence community that said Iraq had WMDs?
The ones that were taken by surprise on 9/11?
The ones that said Russia would never invade the Crimea?
The ones that the CIA which spied on congress and lied about it under oath to congress is a part of?
The ones that the NSA that spied on citizens without a warrant are a part of?
The ones that the list is just a small part of their failures and misdeeds?

Not sure I put a lot of stock in them either.

Innit odd how all the failures of the "intelligence community" are now ignored by the moonbats?
Donald Trump Attacks His Own Intelligence Agencies

but not a word about Russian intel invading our democracy ..

OMG president Trump criticized intelligence chiefs who made a giant mess of things during the Obama administration holy crap what was Trump thinking. /sarcasm

I thought destroying AQ, killing Bin Laden, reclaiming most of the territory taken by ISIS after their advances in the wake of US withdrawal from Iraq.

Obama isn't the President who went into the Middle East and completed fucked up the place. That would be GWB, who refused to listen to his intelligence community and was determined to do things his way, regardless of what they told him. Just like Trump is doing now.

Obama was trying to extract himself from a disaster that was totally FUBAR. Yes mistakes were made, but not by the intel community.
It is hard to believe that Conservatives have turned their back on our Intel community and taken the word of a Charlatan....a man who has agreed with a murderer like Putin over out own Intel findings. The Republican Party is a shell of itself. An empty shell at that....

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