Who are the Israelis?

The Revival - Be'eri is back in the field and winning!

Soccer team of Hapoel Be'eri-Eshcol beat Hapoel Rahat in an exciting return match.
The coach, Pablo Rabinovitch: 'Just our return to activity is already the great achievement of the season'


Monday, the Nofey Habesor soccer field in the Eshkol Regional Council was renovated after a year, during which they did not play or train. The renewed team under the guidance of coach Pablo Rabinovitch showed up for their first game of the season - a league game against Hapoel Rahat. The team from the 'Otef region, which started training just over a month ago, has 16 players, with 70 percent of them born in 2010 - 3rd grade boys. It was the team's first tool test after it didn't even have practice games.

The video clip did nothing to address “who the Israelis” are.

During the 6th - 8th centuries A.D. were a warring tribe of people known as the Khazars. They were fairly loose-knit, held together (primarily) by trade and by war. During this period, one of their leaders thought it necessary to adopt a religion that would further unite them into a homogenous people. After exploring the tenets of Christianity, Muhammadism, and Judaism, they settled on Judaism and converted, en masse, to that particular religion, thus adopting the title: “Jews.”

Modern Jews are primarily an Asiatic people related to the Huns, Turks, and Mongols and are converts to modern Pharisaism known as Judaism. They have little to no relationship to biblical Israel.

"Koestler advances the thesis that Ashkenazi Jews are not descended from the historical Israelites of antiquity, but from Khazars, a Turkic people originating in and populating an empire north of and between the Black Sea and Caspian Sea. Koestler's hypothesis is that the Khazars - who converted to Judaism in the 8th century - migrated westwards into current Eastern Europe (primarily Ukraine, Poland, Belarus, Lithuania, Hungary and Germany) in the 12th and 13th centuries when the Khazar Empire was collapsing."

Why ABORIGINAL Australians Stand with ISRAEL

Join Nova Peris as she hikes Masada with Nate Buzz, sharing a powerful conversation about her unwavering support for Israel during the recent conflict. Discover the profound connections between the Aboriginal and Jewish peoples, as they discuss their shared struggles as indigenous peoples and enduring ties to their lands.

Nova Peris, an Olympic gold medalist, politician, and advocate for Aboriginal rights, draws compelling parallels between her community's experiences and the resilience of the Jewish people in the land of Israel. This is an inspiring conversation on solidarity, identity, and the unbreakable bonds forged through shared histories.

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Who are the people making 'Aliyah this summer?

Temple Mount Update | For the nation of Israel at the time of Redemption

Daily lesson at the Temple Mount Yeshivah - Rabbi David Cohen

Then what does that make the other 70% of people in Israel, Mongols or Brazilians. Or don't you like the truth about Israel being 60% Sephardic Jews with very few Ashkenazi Jews left. So this one small fact destroys your every post about the Jews being INVADERS and COLONISTS when in fact they are indigenous to the area. Unlike the arab muslims that are just bums from the surrounding lands.

Arabs have been in Palestine since 500 BC. Sargon 2 settled four Arab tribes in Samaria.

Your ignorance is convenient.


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