trump singles out Coats in his criticism of the Intel Chiefs

Donald Trump Attacks His Own Intelligence Agencies

but not a word about Russian intel invading our democracy ..


I don't know what Putin has on his choice as president. I hope Mueller finds out before he pushes the US into being just another Russian satellite....

Yes....the greatest attack on our electoral system in US history and the so called president has not even acknowledged it....much less tried to do something to stop it.

Now he says the Russians have stopped their efforts while the Intel Chiefs say otherwise.

Bastard in Chief
Barry knew the Russians began in 2014 and let them continue for 2 years. Gee, why aren't you concerned about what Putin had on Barry?


Obama was a elected again?

No....we have a nutcase as president....
He did better as Pres in 1 year than Barry did in 8. :p
Donald Trump Attacks His Own Intelligence Agencies

but not a word about Russian intel invading our democracy ..


I don't know what Putin has on his choice as president. I hope Mueller finds out before he pushes the US into being just another Russian satellite....

Yes....the greatest attack on our electoral system in US history and the so called president has not even acknowledged it....much less tried to do something to stop it.

Now he says the Russians have stopped their efforts while the Intel Chiefs say otherwise.

Bastard in Chief
Barry knew the Russians began in 2014 and let them continue for 2 years. Gee, why aren't you concerned about what Putin had on Barry?


Obama was a elected again?

No....we have a nutcase as president....
He did better as Pres in 1 year than Barry did in 8. :p

The person is a Manchild......
Donald Trump Attacks His Own Intelligence Agencies

but not a word about Russian intel invading our democracy ..


I don't know what Putin has on his choice as president. I hope Mueller finds out before he pushes the US into being just another Russian satellite....

Yes....the greatest attack on our electoral system in US history and the so called president has not even acknowledged it....much less tried to do something to stop it.

Now he says the Russians have stopped their efforts while the Intel Chiefs say otherwise.

Bastard in Chief
Barry knew the Russians began in 2014 and let them continue for 2 years. Gee, why aren't you concerned about what Putin had on Barry?


Obama was a elected again?

No....we have a nutcase as president....
He did better as Pres in 1 year than Barry did in 8. :p

The person is a Manchild......
This person did better than Obama...unless you are talking about me. If so, I am a man, child.
I don't know what Putin has on his choice as president. I hope Mueller finds out before he pushes the US into being just another Russian satellite....

Yes....the greatest attack on our electoral system in US history and the so called president has not even acknowledged it....much less tried to do something to stop it.

Now he says the Russians have stopped their efforts while the Intel Chiefs say otherwise.

Bastard in Chief
Barry knew the Russians began in 2014 and let them continue for 2 years. Gee, why aren't you concerned about what Putin had on Barry?


Obama was a elected again?

No....we have a nutcase as president....
He did better as Pres in 1 year than Barry did in 8. :p

The person is a Manchild......
This person did better than Obama...unless you are talking about me. If so, I am a man, child.

Annoying ....Bye
Why is Government solving our problems in the Middle East and not Capitalism?
The Govt is NOT solving our problems in the M.E. At best it is stemming the rising tide, re-routing the course of the river, delaying...

You call illegally invading Syria, having invaded with no possible chance of a regime change or accomplishing much of anything, 'solving our problems'?

You think helping the terrorists who slaughtered 3,000 Americans take over their own nation is 'solving our problems'?

The Intel community are a bunch of posers and traitors who engaged in the conspiracy against Trump, watched for 2 years Barry let Russians interfere in the US, missed NK obtaining missile technology, etc...
It’s Trump who is the traitor.

Russia is not our friend.
Trump singled out Dan Coats in morning rant about intelligence community - CNNPolitics

trump has lost his small mind. Coats has more brains in his little toe than trump has in his orange skull...
I saw part of an interview with Trump's son, Donald Jr. He said Trump likes sparring and push back in his meetings. It helps him to a consensus. Thew thing is, Trump is a bit more transparent then other President's who have done the same thing but it is kept quiet.
Obama showed his birth certificate. If Trump is so transparent why doesn’t he show his tax returns?

Yes Virginia it really is.....just....that....simple.


Disclosure of presidential tax returns will be subject of Feb. 7 House hearing
By Mike DeBonis
January 31 at 8:28 PM
A House panel is set to examine proposals that would force the public disclosure of presidential and vice-presidential tax returns, a direct challenge from Democrats to President Trump’s norm-breaking decision not to reveal his own.

The hearing of the House Ways and Means subcommittee on oversight is scheduled for the afternoon of Feb. 7, two days after Trump visits Capitol Hill for his State of the Union address.

The panel’s chairman, Rep. John Lewis (D-Ga.), did not provide details about the hearing Thursday beyond its title, “Legislative Proposals and Tax Law Related to Presidential and Vice-Presidential Tax Returns,” and a list of witnesses.
The hearing is a crucial first step for congressional Democrats, who have said they plan to pursue multiple avenues to force Trump to disclose his returns and also force future presidential and vice-presidential candidates to follow suit.
The Intel community are a bunch of posers and traitors who engaged in the conspiracy against Trump, watched for 2 years Barry let Russians interfere in the US, missed NK obtaining missile technology, etc...
It’s Trump who is the traitor.

Russia is not our friend.
Trump singled out Dan Coats in morning rant about intelligence community - CNNPolitics

trump has lost his small mind. Coats has more brains in his little toe than trump has in his orange skull...
I saw part of an interview with Trump's son, Donald Jr. He said Trump likes sparring and push back in his meetings. It helps him to a consensus. Thew thing is, Trump is a bit more transparent then other President's who have done the same thing but it is kept quiet.
Obama showed his birth certificate. If Trump is so transparent why doesn’t he show his tax returns?

Yes Virginia it really is.....just....that....simple.


Disclosure of presidential tax returns will be subject of Feb. 7 House hearing
By Mike DeBonis
January 31 at 8:28 PM
A House panel is set to examine proposals that would force the public disclosure of presidential and vice-presidential tax returns, a direct challenge from Democrats to President Trump’s norm-breaking decision not to reveal his own.

The hearing of the House Ways and Means subcommittee on oversight is scheduled for the afternoon of Feb. 7, two days after Trump visits Capitol Hill for his State of the Union address.

The panel’s chairman, Rep. John Lewis (D-Ga.), did not provide details about the hearing Thursday beyond its title, “Legislative Proposals and Tax Law Related to Presidential and Vice-Presidential Tax Returns,” and a list of witnesses.
The hearing is a crucial first step for congressional Democrats, who have said they plan to pursue multiple avenues to force Trump to disclose his returns and also force future presidential and vice-presidential candidates to follow suit.

Snowflakes have recently tried to claim they have finally accepted the 2016 election results and have moved on....but reminds us they haven't let the entire 'Tax Return' thing go and moved on.

The Intel community are a bunch of posers and traitors who engaged in the conspiracy against Trump, watched for 2 years Barry let Russians interfere in the US, missed NK obtaining missile technology, etc...
It’s Trump who is the traitor.

Russia is not our friend.
Trump singled out Dan Coats in morning rant about intelligence community - CNNPolitics

trump has lost his small mind. Coats has more brains in his little toe than trump has in his orange skull...
I saw part of an interview with Trump's son, Donald Jr. He said Trump likes sparring and push back in his meetings. It helps him to a consensus. Thew thing is, Trump is a bit more transparent then other President's who have done the same thing but it is kept quiet.
Obama showed his birth certificate. If Trump is so transparent why doesn’t he show his tax returns?

Yes Virginia it really is.....just....that....simple.


Disclosure of presidential tax returns will be subject of Feb. 7 House hearing
By Mike DeBonis
January 31 at 8:28 PM
A House panel is set to examine proposals that would force the public disclosure of presidential and vice-presidential tax returns, a direct challenge from Democrats to President Trump’s norm-breaking decision not to reveal his own.

The hearing of the House Ways and Means subcommittee on oversight is scheduled for the afternoon of Feb. 7, two days after Trump visits Capitol Hill for his State of the Union address.

The panel’s chairman, Rep. John Lewis (D-Ga.), did not provide details about the hearing Thursday beyond its title, “Legislative Proposals and Tax Law Related to Presidential and Vice-Presidential Tax Returns,” and a list of witnesses.
The hearing is a crucial first step for congressional Democrats, who have said they plan to pursue multiple avenues to force Trump to disclose his returns and also force future presidential and vice-presidential candidates to follow suit.

Snowflakes have recently tried to claim they have finally accepted the 2016 election results and have moved on....but reminds us they haven't let the entire 'Tax Return' thing go and moved on.


nobody has moved on from any trump/russia ties, no matter where they lead.
nobody has moved on from any trump/russia ties, no matter where they lead.
That's because after 2 years none have been found.

That's because after 2 years the only ties to Russians involve the Democrats, and they are still trying to ignore those.
nobody has moved on from any trump/russia ties, no matter where they lead.
That's because after 2 years none have been found.

That's because after 2 years the only ties to Russians involve the Democrats, and they are still trying to ignore those.

uh - watergate took 2 years to unravel & that was a cakewalk compared to the many dark roads this clusterfuck has gone down.

flynn was a democrat? papadopulous was a democrat? manafort was a democrat? ROGER STONE???????????


So what you are saying is we should build the wall to keep the Mexican cartels out, thanks.

Why? They just drive trucks through border check points

Like the big drug bust today at s border check point. The Wall is a trump monument. He is going to declare a State of Emergency....the USSC will also him down.....then he can say....

"Well...I tried."

Let's call it the Bone Spur of Border Walls....
uh - watergate took 2 years to unravel & that was a cakewalk compared to the many dark roads this clusterfuck has gone down.

flynn was a democrat? papadopulous was a democrat? manafort was a democrat? ROGER STONE??????????? lol.... next.
Thank you for demonstrating how Liberals are ruled by irrational emotion rather than FACT.

EVIDENCE SHOWS Obama was made aware in 2014 that Russia attempting to hack our electrical grid, that they were attempting to hack the e-mails of senior level govt officials - like Hillary, were successfully running a Counter-Intel ops using social media to get snowflakes to organize and march for them, AND that Russia was paying willing liberal groups Antifa, BLM, and the Black Fist to spread racial division, hatred, and violence. That same evidence shows Barry gave Putin and the Russians a free pass to do so for 2 years.

There has been and is no evidence to date proving the President ever illegally colluded with the Hillary did.

Papadopulous' crime was both an ignorant decision on his part and a set-up by the Mueller team, better known as a Perjury Trap. Evidence shows an Australian diplomat loyal to Hillary met with Papa to discuss 'dirt on Hillary', that he notified the FBI about the meeting before it happened. Mueller said the indictment was due to a 'drunken conversation in a British Pub' between Papa and the Aussie. What was not highly publicized was the Aussie asked the questions, Papa never told him anything and never got anything from the Aussie, and later when asked about the meeting by Mueller's team / the FBI Papa lied about the meeting never happening. He said he did not want the word to get out that the meeting took place because the media would spin it as Trump looking for dirt on Hillary, which was not the case here.


After Brennan and the FBI illegally used Hillary's purchased Russian-authored dossier to illegally obtain warrants to use against Trump and his team and to and to open an investigation, MUELLER WENT BACK DECADES - TO BEFORE OBAMA WAS ELECTED PRESIDENT - IN AN INVESTIGATION THAT WAS SUPPOSED TO BE ABOUT RUSSIAN INTERFERENCE IN 2016 (which began in 2014)...IN ORDER TO FIND A CRIME TRUMP'S CAMPAIGN MANAGER PERPETRATED JUST SO HE COULD USE MANAFORT TO TRY TO GET TO TRUMP.

Mueller's investigation of this crime unfortunately revealed / exposed the fact that Hillary's campaign manager was also guilty of the same crime, since he and Manafort were partners at the time. MUELLER GAVE HILLARY'S CAMPAIGN MANAGER, JOHN PODESTA, IMMUNITY (in exchange for NOTHING) FOR HIS CRIME YET INDICTED MANAFORT.


In the end, Mueller's desperate, an unethical, ploy resulted in the indictment of Manafort but failed miserable to result in any evidence against Trump.

Which leads us back to YOU and the proven display of ignorance you just put on, also demonstrating you have no clue what is really going on, what evidence has been found, what has been revealed, and that you are only spitting out the talking points you have been fed.

I like you - I encourage you to educate yourself more. Do your own research. Think for yourself! Good luck.
Trump singled out Dan Coats in morning rant about intelligence community - CNNPolitics

trump has lost his small mind. Coats has more brains in his little toe than trump has in his orange skull...
I find it amazing that Trump appointees would actually tell Trump he's full shit. There days may be numbered.

Trump has done everything he could to draw attention away from the fact that North Korea is every bit the threat they were when he came into office. China is every bit the military threat they have been. The result of his tearing up the nuclear deal with Iran is the centrifuges are once again spinning. And Russia now owns the Middle East with the US withdrawal. All of this to concentrate Americans on the huge threat at our southern border which is nothing compared to the nuclear missiles or balance power shitting to the Russians.
Trump has done nothing to make a bad situation worse when it comes to Iran or NK. Not his fault he was handed the shit.
We need to stop immigrants, with no job skills, from coming to this country. The only way I can think of to do this is a wall.
I think most Americans would agree that stopping missiles is more important than stopping migrants.
They're both important. But the migrants is an immediate problem the missiles aren't yet.
A problem that has existed for over 50 years and is less of a problem today than in past is not an immediate problem.
Obama was right to be in Syria.
So you believe committing an International War Crime and putting more US troops in harm's way to help more terrorists was the right thing to do?

Well of course you do.....


If we believe your interpretation. You are just parroting Trump. The fact is that the opposition to Assad was largely Syrians. That was the time to get more involved. By the time Obama got involved, it was harder to do,

No international crime there.
The Intel community are a bunch of posers and traitors who engaged in the conspiracy against Trump, watched for 2 years Barry let Russians interfere in the US, missed NK obtaining missile technology, etc...
Oh why don't you shut up you lying little pig. They are patriots who work to keep us safe. You and your crazy conspiracy theories show that you are a lunatic who needs to be locked up somewhere.
The documented truth about Democrats stings like a bit@h, don't it, BB?!


You want to smear our intelligence agencies just because they disagree with your lord and master Trump. They do the best they can. The3re has been no conspiracies. Only in your loopy mind. They are real patriots and Trump is not.
Clearly our greatest enemy is Russia...
Someone should have told Barry that before he cared more about scoring s sound byte 1 liner in a debate against Romney.

Perhaps someone should have told Hillary before she gave the Russians a plastic 'reset' prop with the Russian word 'OVERCHARGE' on it...


Obama came into office with the same mindset as Trump. Make peace with Putin and he got taken to the cleaners. However he acknowledged it and placed sanctions on Russia. Trump still doesn't get it. The Russians are still helping Trump.
EVIDENCE SHOWS Obama was made aware in 2014 that Russia attempting to hack our electrical grid,

Yet here we are four years later...knowing how devastating Russian hacking can be...and Trump is doing what exactly?

Kissing Putin's ass?


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