trump singles out Coats in his criticism of the Intel Chiefs

You want to smear our intelligence agencies...
As I said, the truth stings like a bit@h, BB, and the evidence does not lie. You, on the other hand.....

Evidence proves everything I have pointed out.

I am sorry if the evidence of their own actions 'smears' them.

I hate the fact that the NSA Director was caught PERJURING himself TWICE.

I hate that we had a criminal SOB as CIA Director who illegally spied on Americans, reporters, the media, US Senators, USSC Justices, and to avoid prison was forced to appear before Congress and admit and apologize for doing those things.

You can throw your little tantrum and, like most snowflakes, blame others for the crimes committed by these Dems OR you can try being an adult and holding those who actually perpetrated the crimes accountable.

Your choice.
Yet here we are four years later...knowing how devastating Russian hacking can be...and Trump is doing what exactly?
The President, unfortunately, is still having to fight off the proven Conspirators, Perjurers, Obstructionists, and criminals who have been running this now-proven Conspiracy / coup attempt for the last 2+ years.

Kissing Putin's ass? No, that would be THIS guy:

After sending this message to Putin through Medvedev in 2012, 2 years later Barry gave Putin uranium, Crimea, TS data, and 2 years of challenge-free hacking / pillaging in the US.
Just more attempts to destabilize our country.

Trumpers are undermining every institution in the nation.

It's SO much easier to STEAL when you live in anarchy
The Intel community are a bunch of posers and traitors who engaged in the conspiracy against Trump, watched for 2 years Barry let Russians interfere in the US, missed NK obtaining missile technology, etc...
It’s Trump who is the traitor.

Russia is not our friend.
Trump singled out Dan Coats in morning rant about intelligence community - CNNPolitics

trump has lost his small mind. Coats has more brains in his little toe than trump has in his orange skull...
I saw part of an interview with Trump's son, Donald Jr. He said Trump likes sparring and push back in his meetings. It helps him to a consensus. Thew thing is, Trump is a bit more transparent then other President's who have done the same thing but it is kept quiet.
Obama showed his birth certificate. If Trump is so transparent why doesn’t he show his tax returns?

Yes Virginia it really is.....just....that....simple.


Disclosure of presidential tax returns will be subject of Feb. 7 House hearing
By Mike DeBonis
January 31 at 8:28 PM
A House panel is set to examine proposals that would force the public disclosure of presidential and vice-presidential tax returns, a direct challenge from Democrats to President Trump’s norm-breaking decision not to reveal his own.

The hearing of the House Ways and Means subcommittee on oversight is scheduled for the afternoon of Feb. 7, two days after Trump visits Capitol Hill for his State of the Union address.

The panel’s chairman, Rep. John Lewis (D-Ga.), did not provide details about the hearing Thursday beyond its title, “Legislative Proposals and Tax Law Related to Presidential and Vice-Presidential Tax Returns,” and a list of witnesses.
The hearing is a crucial first step for congressional Democrats, who have said they plan to pursue multiple avenues to force Trump to disclose his returns and also force future presidential and vice-presidential candidates to follow suit.

Snowflakes have recently tried to claim they have finally accepted the 2016 election results and have moved on....but reminds us they haven't let the entire 'Tax Return' thing go and moved on.


Nor should they. Trump did not put his assets in a blind trust. That means he is profiting directly from being President. When he goes on his vacations, he goes to his resorts which means that taxpayers pay for his security and that money goes into his pocket. Kushner has used Trump to get investors to invest in projects promising things like citizenship. If his tax returns were released, they might prove he is profiting handsomely from being President despite giving up his salary.
Nor should they. Trump did not put his assets in a blind trust. That means he is profiting directly from being President.
PUH-LEASE tell me 1 President who did NOT 'profit' from being President?!


The lengths snowflakes will try to go to in order to demonize and disrespect our President is amazing.
Barack Obama committed an international War crime by invading Syria without the consent, permission, or request of the Syrian government or Syrian president.

While he was doing all of this, he took his eyes off North Korea and allowed them to acquire missile technology that gave them the ability to strike the United States with its nuclear Arsenal.

There was no war crimes. Assad is the one who committed a war crime by gassing his own people. The fact is that Syria has aligned itself with Iran and Russia to dominate the Middle East. That is much more serious than North Korea.

And now trump....conveniently for Putin..wants to give Syria over to Russia....I guess that was the order Putin gave him at the little get together without US officials...?

Why not give Syria to Russia we don't want the headache of dealing with them. Let Russia deal with them.
What Trump is doing is criminal neglect. Clearly our greatest enemy is Russia and according to the DNI, they have the capability to shut down our electric grid for weeks or months. If that is not a frightening thought then I don't know what is. Instead Trump is more worried about playing politics. Trump is a incompetent boob.
No our greatest threat is China. Russia is a pipsqueak compared to China.
Trump singled out Dan Coats in morning rant about intelligence community - CNNPolitics

trump has lost his small mind. Coats has more brains in his little toe than trump has in his orange skull...
I find it amazing that Trump appointees would actually tell Trump he's full shit. There days may be numbered.

Trump has done everything he could to draw attention away from the fact that North Korea is every bit the threat they were when he came into office. China is every bit the military threat they have been. The result of his tearing up the nuclear deal with Iran is the centrifuges are once again spinning. And Russia now owns the Middle East with the US withdrawal. All of this to concentrate Americans on the huge threat at our southern border which is nothing compared to the nuclear missiles or balance power shitting to the Russians.
Trump has done nothing to make a bad situation worse when it comes to Iran or NK. Not his fault he was handed the shit.
We need to stop immigrants, with no job skills, from coming to this country. The only way I can think of to do this is a wall.
I think most Americans would agree that stopping missiles is more important than stopping migrants.
They're both important. But the migrants is an immediate problem the missiles aren't yet.
A problem that has existed for over 50 years and is less of a problem today than in past is not an immediate problem.
It's an immediate problem if they're competing with me for jobs!
It's an immediate problem if they're preventing me from earning a living wage.
Why is Government solving our problems in the Middle East and not Capitalism?
The Govt is NOT solving our problems in the M.E. At best it is stemming the rising tide, re-routing the course of the river, delaying...

You call illegally invading Syria, having invaded with no possible chance of a regime change or accomplishing much of anything, 'solving our problems'?

You think helping the terrorists who slaughtered 3,000 Americans take over their own nation is 'solving our problems'?

what is the right wing Objective in the Middle East?
Why is Government solving our problems in the Middle East and not Capitalism?

Why is the US solving problems in the ME and not on out southern border. Fix the problems at home before you go looking to help others.
Government solves all problems not Capitalism for the right wing. Yet, the right wing alleges to be for Capitalism, not socialism on a national basis.
Think about where we are. We are talking about an American president that is PUBLICLY disagreeing with the greatest Intel agencies in the world. Never before has a president publicly critisized the agencies like trump.

Maybe behind the scenes some have doubted and rethought the findings....but never in a blatant and derogatory way as trump. The world is looking at this and saying.

"Americans are pretty slow. It is obvious that trump has an agenda as he degrades NATO....doubts his Intel.....and walks away from our allies."

Just how gullible can we be to let a man reverse the global gains that we have made since WWII with two years of incompetence. The world is laughing at trump and thinks American citizens can't recognize a Russian Asset even when there in front of our face....give trump two more years and Russian Intel will have the keys to the White House....if they don't already....
Barack Obama committed an international War crime by invading Syria without the consent, permission, or request of the Syrian government or Syrian president.

While he was doing all of this, he took his eyes off North Korea and allowed them to acquire missile technology that gave them the ability to strike the United States with its nuclear Arsenal.

There was no war crimes. Assad is the one who committed a war crime by gassing his own people. The fact is that Syria has aligned itself with Iran and Russia to dominate the Middle East. That is much more serious than North Korea.

And now trump....conveniently for Putin..wants to give Syria over to Russia....I guess that was the order Putin gave him at the little get together without US officials...?

Why not give Syria to Russia we don't want the headache of dealing with them. Let Russia deal with them.
There are huge, practical consequences for the United States when it comes to Syria. Trump's announcement of a pull out in Syria is a gift to Russia. It will give Russia exactly what they have wanted for years a strong foothold in the Middle East.
There are huge, practical consequences for the United States when it comes to Syria. Trump's announcement of a pull out in Syria is a gift to Russia. It will give Russia exactly what they have wanted for years a strong foothold in the Middle East.
Al-Assad has been Putin's puppet for YEARS! This isn't anything new.

Invading Syria was / is STILL an International War Crime. The US can't just invade any country in the world it wants to.

Our Invasion of Syria resulted in Russia coming in and building a military base there....Barry's invasion gave Putin an excuse to do so.

We will leave Syria the way it was when we entered it, minus a lot less of ISIS....

Whatever happened to Liberals arguing how the US is not the world's policeman, how we had no business being in the regime-change business.....

Oh yeah, that all changed when the Nobel Peace Prize winner joined the terrorists who slaughtered 3,000 Americans in murdering the leader of Libya (who was helping Coalition forces fight terrorists in Northern Africa) and handing the country over to Al Qaeda...
Barack Obama committed an international War crime by invading Syria without the consent, permission, or request of the Syrian government or Syrian president.

While he was doing all of this, he took his eyes off North Korea and allowed them to acquire missile technology that gave them the ability to strike the United States with its nuclear Arsenal.

There was no war crimes. Assad is the one who committed a war crime by gassing his own people. The fact is that Syria has aligned itself with Iran and Russia to dominate the Middle East. That is much more serious than North Korea.

And now trump....conveniently for Putin..wants to give Syria over to Russia....I guess that was the order Putin gave him at the little get together without US officials...?

Why not give Syria to Russia we don't want the headache of dealing with them. Let Russia deal with them.
There are huge, practical consequences for the United States when it comes to Syria. Trump's announcement of a pull out in Syria is a gift to Russia. It will give Russia exactly what they have wanted for years a strong foothold in the Middle East.
So, what? I don't care. It is not in our interest to play world police force.
It's an immediate problem if they're preventing me from earning a living wage.
Then lift yourself up by your bootstraps and find a better job. Right?
I'm bi-polar and have a bum foot with multiple fractures complicated with neuropathy. I can't feel myself breaking bones in my feet. They won't give me disability because I was self employed all my life and don't have any Social Security points. So I'm stuck with the jobs I can do from home sitting at my desk. I got bills to pay,.
It's an immediate problem if they're preventing me from earning a living wage.
Then lift yourself up by your bootstraps and find a better job. Right?
I'm bi-polar and have a bum foot with multiple fractures complicated with neuropathy. I can't feel myself breaking bones in my feet. They won't give me disability because I was self employed all my life and don't have any Social Security points. So I'm stuck with the jobs I can do from home sitting at my desk. I got bills to pay,.

So sorry....
There are huge, practical consequences for the United States when it comes to Syria. Trump's announcement of a pull out in Syria is a gift to Russia. It will give Russia exactly what they have wanted for years a strong foothold in the Middle East.
Al-Assad has been Putin's puppet for YEARS! This isn't anything new.

Invading Syria was / is STILL an International War Crime. The US can't just invade any country in the world it wants to.

Our Invasion of Syria resulted in Russia coming in and building a military base there....Barry's invasion gave Putin an excuse to do so.

We will leave Syria the way it was when we entered it, minus a lot less of ISIS....

Whatever happened to Liberals arguing how the US is not the world's policeman, how we had no business being in the regime-change business.....

Oh yeah, that all changed when the Nobel Peace Prize winner joined the terrorists who slaughtered 3,000 Americans in murdering the leader of Libya (who was helping Coalition forces fight terrorists in Northern Africa) and handing the country over to Al Qaeda...
The fact is without any US presence, Russia will own Syria.
Yet here we are four years later...knowing how devastating Russian hacking can be...and Trump is doing what exactly?
The President, unfortunately, is still having to fight off the proven Conspirators, Perjurers, Obstructionists, and criminals who have been running this now-proven Conspiracy / coup attempt for the last 2+ years.

Kissing Putin's ass? No, that would be THIS guy:

After sending this message to Putin through Medvedev in 2012, 2 years later Barry gave Putin uranium, Crimea, TS data, and 2 years of challenge-free hacking / pillaging in the US.

The issue today is not what Obama did 8 years ago but what Trump is doing today, giving Syria to Russia with his blessing.

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