trump singles out Coats in his criticism of the Intel Chiefs

OMG president Trump criticized intelligence chiefs who made a giant mess of things during the Obama administration holy crap what was Trump thinking. /sarcasm

I thought destroying AQ, killing Bin Laden, reclaiming most of the territory taken by ISIS after their advances in the wake of US withdrawal from Iraq.

Obama isn't the President who went into the Middle East and completed fucked up the place. That would be GWB, who refused to listen to his intelligence community and was determined to do things his way, regardless of what they told him. Just like Trump is doing now.

Obama was trying to extract himself from a disaster that was totally FUBAR. Yes mistakes were made, but not by the intel community.

You realize Saudi Arabia just called Obama a big fat liar right? Obama's Syria red ring a bell? :21:
That'd be the country that chopped the journalist up in the SA Consulate in Turkey...right?

Yes, I think you are correct in saying that. The one with the audio tape of the murder which was ignored by both the Liar in Chief and the Secretary of State, so they could deny any knowledge of the horrific and brutal murder. The message we are sending, murder who ever you want as long as you keep buying our "stuff."

Can you expect anymore from a Dictator Wannabe?
Trump singled out Dan Coats in morning rant about intelligence community - CNNPolitics

trump has lost his small mind. Coats has more brains in his little toe than trump has in his orange skull...

Trump has severe mental problems! Severe!


Trump singled out Dan Coats in morning rant about intelligence community - CNNPolitics

trump has lost his small mind. Coats has more brains in his little toe than trump has in his orange skull...

Trump has severe mental problems! Severe!



Now he says they were "misquoted." Does he think NO ONE watched them basically tell the world that he is full of shit? DAG!
The people working in the Intel community gotta be shaking their head....WHO ARE WE WORKING FOR?

Their statements directly contradict trump's assertions in multiple ways.

He is using the old "Believe what I tell you, Not what you see and hear." MO.....Nutcase in Chief....
The Intel community are a bunch of posers and traitors who engaged in the conspiracy against Trump, watched for 2 years Barry let Russians interfere in the US, missed NK obtaining missile technology, etc...
Oh why don't you shut up you lying little pig. They are patriots who work to keep us safe. You and your crazy conspiracy theories show that you are a lunatic who needs to be locked up somewhere.
Barack Obama committed an international War crime by invading Syria without the consent, permission, or request of the Syrian government or Syrian president.

While he was doing all of this, he took his eyes off North Korea and allowed them to acquire missile technology that gave them the ability to strike the United States with its nuclear Arsenal.

There was no war crimes. Assad is the one who committed a war crime by gassing his own people. The fact is that Syria has aligned itself with Iran and Russia to dominate the Middle East. That is much more serious than North Korea.
There was no war crimes.
Oh, BB, your ignorance is showing again.

Invading a sovereign nation militarily without being asked or given permission by that nation's govt or President IS an 'International War Crime' and is exactly what Barry, the Nobel Peace Prize Winner (for 'Potential') did.
The Intel community are a bunch of posers and traitors who engaged in the conspiracy against Trump, watched for 2 years Barry let Russians interfere in the US, missed NK obtaining missile technology, etc...
Oh why don't you shut up you lying little pig. They are patriots who work to keep us safe. You and your crazy conspiracy theories show that you are a lunatic who needs to be locked up somewhere.
The documented truth about Democrats stings like a bit@h, don't it, BB?!

Barack Obama committed an international War crime by invading Syria without the consent, permission, or request of the Syrian government or Syrian president.

While he was doing all of this, he took his eyes off North Korea and allowed them to acquire missile technology that gave them the ability to strike the United States with its nuclear Arsenal.

There was no war crimes. Assad is the one who committed a war crime by gassing his own people. The fact is that Syria has aligned itself with Iran and Russia to dominate the Middle East. That is much more serious than North Korea.

And now trump....conveniently for Putin..wants to give Syria over to Russia....I guess that was the order Putin gave him at the little get together without US officials...?
And now trump....conveniently for Putin..wants to give Syria over to Russia....I guess that was the order Putin gave him at the little get together without US officials...?
You need to do your homework and study history, lil' buddy. I hate to break it to you, but Al-Assad is and has been Vlad's puppet and under Vlad's protection for DECADES.

Russia and Iran have been running weapons through Syria to Israel's enemies for a very long time. It's not like anyone has tried to keep that a secret.

What Trump is doing is criminal neglect. Clearly our greatest enemy is Russia and according to the DNI, they have the capability to shut down our electric grid for weeks or months. If that is not a frightening thought then I don't know what is. Instead Trump is more worried about playing politics. Trump is a incompetent boob.
And now trump....conveniently for Putin..wants to give Syria over to Russia....I guess that was the order Putin gave him at the little get together without US officials...?
You need to do your homework and study history, lil' buddy. I hate to break it to you, but Al-Assad is and has been Vlad's puppet and under Vlad's protection for DECADES.

Russia and Iran have been running weapons through Syria to Israel's enemies for a very long time. It's not like anyone has tried to keep that a secret.

Obama was right to be in Syria. The only problem is he did not go far enough and did not act when the red line was crossed.
Obama was right to be in Syria.
So you believe committing an International War Crime and putting more US troops in harm's way to help more terrorists was the right thing to do?

Well of course you do.....

Clearly our greatest enemy is Russia...
Someone should have told Barry that before he cared more about scoring s sound byte 1 liner in a debate against Romney.

Perhaps someone should have told Hillary before she gave the Russians a plastic 'reset' prop with the Russian word 'OVERCHARGE' on it...

Donald Trump Attacks His Own Intelligence Agencies

but not a word about Russian intel invading our democracy ..


I don't know what Putin has on his choice as president. I hope Mueller finds out before he pushes the US into being just another Russian satellite....

Yes....the greatest attack on our electoral system in US history and the so called president has not even acknowledged it....much less tried to do something to stop it.

Now he says the Russians have stopped their efforts while the Intel Chiefs say otherwise.

Bastard in Chief
Barack Obama committed an international War crime by invading Syria without the consent, permission, or request of the Syrian government or Syrian president.

While he was doing all of this, he took his eyes off North Korea and allowed them to acquire missile technology that gave them the ability to strike the United States with its nuclear Arsenal.

There was no war crimes. Assad is the one who committed a war crime by gassing his own people. The fact is that Syria has aligned itself with Iran and Russia to dominate the Middle East. That is much more serious than North Korea.

And now trump....conveniently for Putin..wants to give Syria over to Russia....I guess that was the order Putin gave him at the little get together without US officials...?
And you are given Southern California, Arizona, New Mexico and parts of Texas to Mexico to start.
Donald Trump Attacks His Own Intelligence Agencies

but not a word about Russian intel invading our democracy ..


I don't know what Putin has on his choice as president. I hope Mueller finds out before he pushes the US into being just another Russian satellite....

Yes....the greatest attack on our electoral system in US history and the so called president has not even acknowledged it....much less tried to do something to stop it.

Now he says the Russians have stopped their efforts while the Intel Chiefs say otherwise.

Bastard in Chief
Barry knew the Russians began in 2014 and let them continue for 2 years. Gee, why aren't you concerned about what Putin had on Barry?

Donald Trump Attacks His Own Intelligence Agencies

but not a word about Russian intel invading our democracy ..


I don't know what Putin has on his choice as president. I hope Mueller finds out before he pushes the US into being just another Russian satellite....

Yes....the greatest attack on our electoral system in US history and the so called president has not even acknowledged it....much less tried to do something to stop it.

Now he says the Russians have stopped their efforts while the Intel Chiefs say otherwise.

Bastard in Chief
Barry knew the Russians began in 2014 and let them continue for 2 years. Gee, why aren't you concerned about what Putin had on Barry?


Obama was a elected again?

No....we have a nutcase as president....

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