Live video of Iranian missiles raining down on Tel Aviv, Israel

I can’t believe what I’m reading on this forum from the leftists. They are actually so antisemitic that they are siding with the Islamic Terror State against Israel and the Jews!

On another thread, one poster was practically cheering how some of Iran’s missiles were getting through. I am positively disgusted with how much Jew-hate was just under the surface throughout the Democrat Party, and even more disgusted that liberal Jews are so brainwashed that they are siding with the Party who would wipe out Israel if they could.
It isn't just Jew hate. It's American hate as well. These are democrats, meaning they are communists. Communists just hate everything civilization stands for.
Bibi, along with the Boltons and all the warmongers of this world, must be euphoric with happiness.

Bibi's dream has almost come true, war with Iran!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

How fantastic is that? how wonderful .......ain't life good!!!!!!!!

Fucking Idiots. :cuckoo:
Are you feeling OK? That rant indicates some serious issues! If Israel wanted war with Iran, why haven't they attacked except in response to Iran's acts?
In fairness, they did get on to Israel for the genocidal death and destruction that they have laid upon their neighbors and all, so a few rockets should earn some notice.
So, what was the justification of the Iranian rocket attack a few months ago? Iran has been committing acts of war against Israel.
Harris lied and lied and lied. Then ABC Picked up for her. If you think that CBS will do the same, they might. Surely Walz got the questions some time ago. I can't account for democrat outright cheating. That's what they do.
O suppose when one is immune to the truth as you appear to be then your candidate can never really "lose" at anything.
Whenever he does you just craft a story that it was only because someone "cheated" right?
O know a six year old who explains his losses in simple board games the same way.

Iranian missile attack underway against Israel​

Iran’s anticipated missile attack against Israel is now underway, according to Fox News Chief Foreign Correspondent Trey Yingst, citing an Israeli source.
The Israeli Defense Forces also said in a statement that "A short while ago, missiles were launched from Iran towards the State of Israel."
"In the last few minutes, the Home Front Command has distributed life-saving instructions in various areas across the country," the IDF said. "The public is asked to adhere to the Home Front Command's guidelines. Upon hearing a siren, you must enter a protected space and remain there until further notice."
I wonder if by now the mullahs realize how bad they fucked up. It has to be sinking in about now. The bravado is over with now the results will be reaped.
O suppose when one is immune to the truth as you appear to be then your candidate can never really "lose" at anything.
Whenever he does you just craft a story that it was only because someone "cheated" right?
O know a six year old who explains his losses in simple board games the same way.
Whatever helps you sleep at night.
Their nuke program is gone now. Israel no longer has to create “accidents” they can just blow it up.
Iran sure timed their missile attack perfectly. Reports were that they were within months, even weeks, of having nukes - and now Israel can take them out.

As much as the leftists on this site like to bitch about the Jews - oops, the “Zionists” - they will be doing the world a favor, including America, by disarming the State Sponsor of Terrorism of nuclear capability.

If the antisemites weren’t so engrained with their hatred, they’d be able to see that the Jews are about to save America’s butt as much as their own.
Nobody is going to prevent Iran from getting nuclear weapons
Then why try to bribe them with millions of dollars?

I know you will tell me its their money

And my response to that who gives a crap?

Dont give them a penny

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