Trump slammed by Parkland Hero students at Rally

Too bad these kids are not taught about the 2nd amendment and their rights and WHY they are so important. Some loon is no reason to take any rights away from the people. If we were to follow that logic, everyone would be locked up in jail by now!

Just listen.




You don't have the right to say anything except "we're sorry, we're going to fix it..."

Indoctrination at work...

The democrat party certainly is handing them their education.
Maybe if you had gone through a mass shooting like her, you would get where she’s coming from. It absolutely blows my mind that you people are too dense to learn basic cognitive empathy.

I have no empathy for children being used for propaganda.

Are you just pretending this shooting didn’t happen or are you saying it isn’t worth thinking of solutions to it.

It’s amazing how dense you are. This girl was in a traumatic experience. Even if you disagree with her stance on guns, how about you be an adult and show her some respect for reacting with emotion. It’s bad enough you marked “funny” on the post making a crack about whether or not she was transgendered. Christ are you in the 7th grade or something?

I sympathize with all abused children and that kid was being abused. She was fed every leftist talking point in the book and claimed her message wasn't political, bullshit. You fuckers have no problem standing on the bodies of dead kids and parading a very emotional one out to be your spokesperson. You and your ilk are the scum of the earth and stop the crocodile tears when you're called on it. This is a POLITICAL message board.

Oh so this girl doesn’t have a mind of her own? Some adult was coaching her. God you people are so dumb. Where is the evidence of that? Maybe if you go through a mass shooting, you can bitch about whatever she says. You could even throw in making fun of her appearance again because that’s just how childish you are.

All you need do is listen to what she said, she parroted leftist talking points I've been seeing on this board for years, no she doesn't have a mind of her own, she's been well indoctrinated. And if she doesn't want her appearance ridiculed, she might try looking like a girl instead of a bull dyke.

Or maybe you can let her look like whatever she wants and be an adult about it. I bet you feel like a big tough guy insulting some teenage girl huh?
I have no empathy for children being used for propaganda.

Are you just pretending this shooting didn’t happen or are you saying it isn’t worth thinking of solutions to it.

It’s amazing how dense you are. This girl was in a traumatic experience. Even if you disagree with her stance on guns, how about you be an adult and show her some respect for reacting with emotion. It’s bad enough you marked “funny” on the post making a crack about whether or not she was transgendered. Christ are you in the 7th grade or something?

I sympathize with all abused children and that kid was being abused. She was fed every leftist talking point in the book and claimed her message wasn't political, bullshit. You fuckers have no problem standing on the bodies of dead kids and parading a very emotional one out to be your spokesperson. You and your ilk are the scum of the earth and stop the crocodile tears when you're called on it. This is a POLITICAL message board.

Oh so this girl doesn’t have a mind of her own? Some adult was coaching her. God you people are so dumb. Where is the evidence of that? Maybe if you go through a mass shooting, you can bitch about whatever she says. You could even throw in making fun of her appearance again because that’s just how childish you are.

All you need do is listen to what she said, she parroted leftist talking points I've been seeing on this board for years, no she doesn't have a mind of her own, she's been well indoctrinated. And if she doesn't want her appearance ridiculed, she might try looking like a girl instead of a bull dyke.

Or maybe you can let her look like whatever she wants and be an adult about it. I bet you feel like a big tough guy insulting some teenage girl huh?

She's free to look like a dyke if she choses, and I can express my opinion about it, see how freedom works. I know you're an ass that thinks freedom except for your ilk is bad, but you can take your PC crap and shove it. I ain't buy'n.

Are you just pretending this shooting didn’t happen or are you saying it isn’t worth thinking of solutions to it.

It’s amazing how dense you are. This girl was in a traumatic experience. Even if you disagree with her stance on guns, how about you be an adult and show her some respect for reacting with emotion. It’s bad enough you marked “funny” on the post making a crack about whether or not she was transgendered. Christ are you in the 7th grade or something?

I sympathize with all abused children and that kid was being abused. She was fed every leftist talking point in the book and claimed her message wasn't political, bullshit. You fuckers have no problem standing on the bodies of dead kids and parading a very emotional one out to be your spokesperson. You and your ilk are the scum of the earth and stop the crocodile tears when you're called on it. This is a POLITICAL message board.

Oh so this girl doesn’t have a mind of her own? Some adult was coaching her. God you people are so dumb. Where is the evidence of that? Maybe if you go through a mass shooting, you can bitch about whatever she says. You could even throw in making fun of her appearance again because that’s just how childish you are.

All you need do is listen to what she said, she parroted leftist talking points I've been seeing on this board for years, no she doesn't have a mind of her own, she's been well indoctrinated. And if she doesn't want her appearance ridiculed, she might try looking like a girl instead of a bull dyke.

Or maybe you can let her look like whatever she wants and be an adult about it. I bet you feel like a big tough guy insulting some teenage girl huh?

She's free to look like a dyke if she choses, and I can express my opinion about it, see how freedom works. I know you're an ass that thinks freedom except for your ilk is bad, but you can take your PC crap and shove it. I ain't buy'n.

No, see you got it backwards. It’s you Repubs who whine about kneeling football players and gay people simply existing. You are the 1st amendment hypocrites believe me.
Oh boo fucking hoo. Gay people, black people, gun owners. I am so SICK AND TIRED of this old tired rhetoric. I'm quite SURE I am not the only one. This shit is getting old FAST.

Addendum: the large amount of Neoconservatives who also instruct in our schools are tired of left political views too.
I sympathize with all abused children and that kid was being abused. She was fed every leftist talking point in the book and claimed her message wasn't political, bullshit. You fuckers have no problem standing on the bodies of dead kids and parading a very emotional one out to be your spokesperson. You and your ilk are the scum of the earth and stop the crocodile tears when you're called on it. This is a POLITICAL message board.

Oh so this girl doesn’t have a mind of her own? Some adult was coaching her. God you people are so dumb. Where is the evidence of that? Maybe if you go through a mass shooting, you can bitch about whatever she says. You could even throw in making fun of her appearance again because that’s just how childish you are.

All you need do is listen to what she said, she parroted leftist talking points I've been seeing on this board for years, no she doesn't have a mind of her own, she's been well indoctrinated. And if she doesn't want her appearance ridiculed, she might try looking like a girl instead of a bull dyke.

Or maybe you can let her look like whatever she wants and be an adult about it. I bet you feel like a big tough guy insulting some teenage girl huh?

She's free to look like a dyke if she choses, and I can express my opinion about it, see how freedom works. I know you're an ass that thinks freedom except for your ilk is bad, but you can take your PC crap and shove it. I ain't buy'n.

No, see you got it backwards. It’s you Repubs who whine about kneeling football players and gay people simply existing. You are the 1st amendment hypocrites believe me.
This guy gets it!
After being a member of this forum for some years now, I don't really have any sympathy left for any of your leftist causes. The only thing I can find common ground with leftists is helping the poor and disadvantaged in our OWN country (not refugees from OTHER countries - WTF??)
Anyhow, you have no more right to take anyone's constitutionally guaranteed rights (or to limit them) than you do to ban Muslims from this country because of the few loons who kill mass amounts of people among them!
One way to force gun laws and change quickly is to give every Black person a gun to carry.


Reagan jumped on this movement quickly so the movement wouldn't happen again.
I sympathize with all abused children and that kid was being abused. She was fed every leftist talking point in the book and claimed her message wasn't political, bullshit. You fuckers have no problem standing on the bodies of dead kids and parading a very emotional one out to be your spokesperson. You and your ilk are the scum of the earth and stop the crocodile tears when you're called on it. This is a POLITICAL message board.

Oh so this girl doesn’t have a mind of her own? Some adult was coaching her. God you people are so dumb. Where is the evidence of that? Maybe if you go through a mass shooting, you can bitch about whatever she says. You could even throw in making fun of her appearance again because that’s just how childish you are.

All you need do is listen to what she said, she parroted leftist talking points I've been seeing on this board for years, no she doesn't have a mind of her own, she's been well indoctrinated. And if she doesn't want her appearance ridiculed, she might try looking like a girl instead of a bull dyke.

Or maybe you can let her look like whatever she wants and be an adult about it. I bet you feel like a big tough guy insulting some teenage girl huh?

She's free to look like a dyke if she choses, and I can express my opinion about it, see how freedom works. I know you're an ass that thinks freedom except for your ilk is bad, but you can take your PC crap and shove it. I ain't buy'n.

No, see you got it backwards. It’s you Repubs who whine about kneeling football players and gay people simply existing. You are the 1st amendment hypocrites believe me.

Where did I say she was gay? That said, what the hell does being gay have to do with the 1st Amendment?

ABSOLUTELY! This is the kind of world that will make you happy!

Once again boychick, you're the one advocating the Florida solution where one side only has the guns. I wanted the teachers/administrators who wanted to get a CC to carry a gun and fight back. You really are "special"

I understand. The solution to guns is more guns. And if that doesn't do it, even more guns. Guns in government buildings. guns in libraries, guns in schools, guns in churches, guns at concerts, in movie theaters, at the football game. Your logic is crystal clear! How could anything go wrong with people of all ages blasting away at each other, trying to figure out who are the bad guys and who are the good guys! I am especially interested in how that would sort out in a dark movie theater!

But, most people are rational, so none of that is ever going to happen. Even so, it is very disturbing that anyone could possibly think that what you advocate is good.

There's already guns in govt buildings.


It's kool. Vandal already admitted he lost by going to the you're a racist crap. That's how you know leftists know themselves that they're done

...and you, not so cleverly, completely disregarded my question about how you are going to tell the good guys from the bad guys in a school shootout if it was not a gun free zone.

You have a guy shooting over and over aiming at different people. You have another guy aiming a gun specifically at him. Ask any cop if they're trained to handle that and they'll tell you they are.

Still, could an accidental shooting happen? Yes, it could.

So your turn, answer my question. You'll keep a situation where one person is repeatedly and intentionally shooting as many people as they can because you're more concerned about preventing the chance there is one accidental shooting? Seriously?

I'll volunteer to risk being shot by a cop who screws up in order to take shots at the shooter. Most people with CCs would.

Except LoneLaugher, he said he wouldn't
Constitutional Americans....there's a new rallying word we must use to protect our 2nd Amendment rights......
Whatever nonsense the Left wants in order to advance their gun grabbing Political agenda of disarming Americans......

Contact your Representatives NOW and support the 2nd!

The sheeple liberals are responding like zombies to their sheep herders call....they've got a new tactic...Using the Children

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