Trump slammed by Parkland Hero students at Rally

They do, as long as people with violent pasts and mental health problems can legally buy a gun, especially the mass shooting specials.
People who have been convicted of any crimes cannot legally get guns, moron. If you think you can find all the people with mental health problems, you're dreaming. Unless they're problems are serious enough to have required a legal proceeding of some kind, the government will never know they have a problem.

In Florida a private seller does not need/actually is barred from doing a background check when selling their own firearms. And, no I don't expect to block the sale of firearms to everyone who is mentally ill, that's a ridiculous standard, I'd say you know this but it's you probably don't.
Private sales are just that, no one should be burdened by a fucked up background check. Their private sale

Nope, the laws of this country are everyone's business. Once again, try responding to my post instead of creating all these useless bumper sticker slogans.
It’s the law of the land no background checks on private sales. Live with it

No, there is absolutely no reason for a private sale not to go through a background check.
Again bombs are not a Constitutional right. So, that is my theory, if you don’t like it, change the Constitution. The vast majority of Americans disagree with you, whether it “pisses you off” or not, that is also irrelevant as most Americans are fine with Americans owning guns.
The only way to know if Americans love keeping guns or not is by doing a refurundum. Since most cons don't believe in polls lately.
The growth of other minorities, the youth voters and the decreasing of the conservatives nuts and close minded older whites will difinetly have an impact on future of guns in this inevitable

The poll I linked was from November of 2017, so read it and tell me what you think. All you need is two thirds of the House and two thirds of the Senate to approve eliminating the 2nd Amendment then 3/4 of the states to ratify the repeal of the amendment.

Also, if you would have looked at the poll, in 1959 60% of Americans favored a gun ban, now it is only 28%. So, you have a long road and a long time to change opinions. What is interesting is that although gun ownership is under 50%, 71% oppose the banning of guns.
Demographics of this country is changing rapidly so will the voting. No one would've guessed that a black can be president in a country where racism was a norm not long ago. Cons are up in arms against diversity and immigration because they know that it will kill lot of their stupid laws and outdated regulations and amendments. I'm in LA not one person I know or spoke is pro gun...and the country is moving away from conservatism .....qnd by saying conservatism, is the radical version of it (racist, bigoted, pro gun, anti immigrants, ect...) I will give it max 20 or 30 years. We will have a Hispanic president before that too, hopefully from a Mexican decent.
Time for America to join the civilised world and abolish their deadly toys.

So, how does your fears of getting shot effect your daily life? Are you afraid to go out in public? Do you home school your children? Do you just shop online so you don’t have to face the public and the possibility of getting shot?
All of the above, except the home schooling but still worried about my kids getting shot or kidnapped....something I didn' have to worry about growing overseas....America is a dangerous place to live for sure. We need to make it better by banning guns, so the damage is minimal.
People who have been convicted of any crimes cannot legally get guns, moron. If you think you can find all the people with mental health problems, you're dreaming. Unless they're problems are serious enough to have required a legal proceeding of some kind, the government will never know they have a problem.

In Florida a private seller does not need/actually is barred from doing a background check when selling their own firearms. And, no I don't expect to block the sale of firearms to everyone who is mentally ill, that's a ridiculous standard, I'd say you know this but it's you probably don't.
Private sales are just that, no one should be burdened by a fucked up background check. Their private sale

Nope, the laws of this country are everyone's business. Once again, try responding to my post instead of creating all these useless bumper sticker slogans.
It’s the law of the land no background checks on private sales. Live with it

No, there is absolutely no reason for a private sale not to go through a background check.
There’s a reason why it’s the law of the land, it’s private and it is no one else’s business whatsoever. Most definitely none of the fucking federal governments business
Last edited:
The poll I linked was from November of 2017, so read it and tell me what you think. All you need is two thirds of the House and two thirds of the Senate to approve eliminating the 2nd Amendment then 3/4 of the states to ratify the repeal of the amendment.

Also, if you would have looked at the poll, in 1959 60% of Americans favored a gun ban, now it is only 28%. So, you have a long road and a long time to change opinions. What is interesting is that although gun ownership is under 50%, 71% oppose the banning of guns.
Demographics of this country is changing rapidly so will the voting. No one would've guessed that a black can be president in a country where racism was a norm not long ago. Cons are up in arms against diversity and immigration because they know that it will kill lot of their stupid laws and outdated regulations and amendments. I'm in LA not one person I know or spoke is pro gun...and the country is moving away from conservatism .....qnd by saying conservatism, is the radical version of it (racist, bigoted, pro gun, anti immigrants, ect...) I will give it max 20 or 30 years. We will have a Hispanic president before that too, hopefully from a Mexican decent.
Time for America to join the civilised world and abolish their deadly toys.

So, how does your fears of getting shot effect your daily life? Are you afraid to go out in public? Do you home school your children? Do you just shop online so you don’t have to face the public and the possibility of getting shot?
All of the above, except the home schooling but still worried about my kids getting shot or kidnapped....something I didn' have to worry about growing overseas....America is a dangerous place to live for sure. We need to make it better by banning guns, so the damage is minimal.

So you actually don’t go out in public at all? You never go shopping and only shop online because you are so afraid?

I really don’t fear going out at all. If you feel America is that dangerous why would you raise your kids here? That seems pretty fucked up that you are so afraid of violence but you don’t protect your own children, if I felt other places would be safer for my kids, I’d move in a heartbeat, I wouldn’t hesitate.

Maybe you should move to a safer state than California, my state is one of the safest.
Little bit of exaggeration. But one the downfalls of loving falls living in the US is security. Especially for kids...they have be suprvised at all times, which is not the case in lot of countries. Since 1st grade my parents never dropped me off, I always walked safely with no feat.
And don' get me wrong I love this country, but it has its flaws.
So obviously you want to make it a living hell for other people that don’t agree with you
kids don't get shot or kidnapped overseas?

Where did you live?

Lala land?
A lot less than the US, trust me. The first thing you will notice kids are outside on their own as young as 3. I never had to be dropped off at school/soccer practice or anything else. I know is hard to believe for most Americans but there is a whole world out there.

Our kids walked to school, the kids played outside at the age of three and younger in the front yard. My grandkids walk about two blocks to the bus stop and before that walked six blocks to school until they moved. Of course we don’t live in California, which is 15th in crime, even with a high population.
Good for you. Still prefer California over any red state or town. And you must be an exception because almost all kids get dropped off and picked up.

Who said I lived in a red state? Also most cities are blue, you have some strange misconceptions about this country, maybe you need to leave your bunker and get out more.

Most kids in America, either walk or take the school bus. That is most parts of the country. Is there no bus service where you live?
I didn't say you live in a red state. And no I have 0 interest In revisiting some of the state' here in the US. I love the west coast and I do mostly overseas.
Every city state I've been to, kids get dropped off by their parents, not all but a lot. Which is not the case ina lot of countries where it is very safe for kids to go on their own.
In middle school I walked 45 mins to school, passing many neighborhoods never had an issue. No here in the US i dont think it's doable to much crimes targeting kids and too much fear.
Rural America there is basically no violent crime the speak of, Progressive controlled areas is where all of the violent crime is at... the blue areas.
A lot less than the US, trust me. The first thing you will notice kids are outside on their own as young as 3. I never had to be dropped off at school/soccer practice or anything else. I know is hard to believe for most Americans but there is a whole world out there.

Our kids walked to school, the kids played outside at the age of three and younger in the front yard. My grandkids walk about two blocks to the bus stop and before that walked six blocks to school until they moved. Of course we don’t live in California, which is 15th in crime, even with a high population.
Good for you. Still prefer California over any red state or town. And you must be an exception because almost all kids get dropped off and picked up.

Who said I lived in a red state? Also most cities are blue, you have some strange misconceptions about this country, maybe you need to leave your bunker and get out more.

Most kids in America, either walk or take the school bus. That is most parts of the country. Is there no bus service where you live?
I didn't say you live in a red state. And no I have 0 interest In revisiting some of the state' here in the US. I love the west coast and I do mostly overseas.
Every city state I've been to, kids get dropped off by their parents, not all but a lot. Which is not the case ina lot of countries where it is very safe for kids to go on their own.
In middle school I walked 45 mins to school, passing many neighborhoods never had an issue. No here in the US i dont think it's doable to much crimes targeting kids and too much fear.
Rural America there is basically no violent crime the speak of, Progressive controlled areas is where all of the violent crime is at... the blue areas.
/——/ Hey Libs, Cruz bout the AR15 in Feb 2017 before Trump undid Obozo’s ban. Florida shooting suspect bought gun legally, authorities say
Who said I lived in a red state? Also most cities are blue, you have some strange misconceptions about this country, maybe you need to leave your bunker and get out more.

Most kids in America, either walk or take the school bus. That is most parts of the country. Is there no bus service where you live?
I didn't say you live in a red state. And no I have 0 interest In revisiting some of the state' here in the US. I love the west coast and I do mostly overseas.
Every city state I've been to, kids get dropped off by their parents, not all but a lot. Which is not the case ina lot of countries where it is very safe for kids to go on their own.
In middle school I walked 45 mins to school, passing many neighborhoods never had an issue. No here in the US i dont think it's doable to much crimes targeting kids and too much fear.

I respectfully disagree, I walked to and from school and survived, my kids walked to and from school and survived and my grandkids are doing the same and are surviving. It’s doable and done everyday and I think most kids in this country ride a bus to school.
Not what I saw in different states and cities. Some did walk but most were dropped off and picked up. Maybe in your time it was safer, but now it seems there are more and more crazies....I hear this all the time.

Yep, because people aren't raised the way you were. The disintegration of the family and the community started here in the late 60s to early 70s pushed by you regressives. Now you're bitching about the world you helped create, go figure.

How am i regressive?
I was raised the way I was because not only because of the culture but also the religion play a big role....when people used to help one another, one never expected money or favor but just a good deed that he or she hopes will get it back when he needs help him/her self.
And you are right the US probably was the same way at one, point but when people and society sees the dollar sign in everything lot of things get lost in between the greed and rush rush life style.

It had to do with dollar signs, it had everything to do with the destruction of the moral fabric of the country, the community and the family. Parents that tried to discipline their children were arrested and schools were sued, you can't raise civilized human beings without discipline and personal accountability. During the same period religion was pushed from the public square. So stop blaming tools and put the blame square where it belongs, the people that pushed these policies and are still pushing them, the Democrats.

People who have been convicted of any crimes cannot legally get guns, moron. If you think you can find all the people with mental health problems, you're dreaming. Unless they're problems are serious enough to have required a legal proceeding of some kind, the government will never know they have a problem.

In Florida a private seller does not need/actually is barred from doing a background check when selling their own firearms. And, no I don't expect to block the sale of firearms to everyone who is mentally ill, that's a ridiculous standard, I'd say you know this but it's you probably don't.
Private sales are just that, no one should be burdened by a fucked up background check. Their private sale

Nope, the laws of this country are everyone's business. Once again, try responding to my post instead of creating all these useless bumper sticker slogans.
It’s the law of the land no background checks on private sales. Live with it

No, there is absolutely no reason for a private sale not to go through a background check.

How do you enforce it?

I didn't say you live in a red state. And no I have 0 interest In revisiting some of the state' here in the US. I love the west coast and I do mostly overseas.
Every city state I've been to, kids get dropped off by their parents, not all but a lot. Which is not the case ina lot of countries where it is very safe for kids to go on their own.
In middle school I walked 45 mins to school, passing many neighborhoods never had an issue. No here in the US i dont think it's doable to much crimes targeting kids and too much fear.

I respectfully disagree, I walked to and from school and survived, my kids walked to and from school and survived and my grandkids are doing the same and are surviving. It’s doable and done everyday and I think most kids in this country ride a bus to school.
Not what I saw in different states and cities. Some did walk but most were dropped off and picked up. Maybe in your time it was safer, but now it seems there are more and more crazies....I hear this all the time.

Yep, because people aren't raised the way you were. The disintegration of the family and the community started here in the late 60s to early 70s pushed by you regressives. Now you're bitching about the world you helped create, go figure.

How am i regressive?
I was raised the way I was because not only because of the culture but also the religion play a big role....when people used to help one another, one never expected money or favor but just a good deed that he or she hopes will get it back when he needs help him/her self.
And you are right the US probably was the same way at one, point but when people and society sees the dollar sign in everything lot of things get lost in between the greed and rush rush life style.

It had to do with dollar signs, it had everything to do with the destruction of the moral fabric of the country, the community and the family. Parents that tried to discipline their children were arrested and schools were sued, you can't raise civilized human beings without discipline and personal accountability. During the same period religion was pushed from the public square. So stop blaming tools and put the blame square where it belongs, the people that pushed these policies and are still pushing them, the Democrats.

But how come the most racist, least accepting, least compassionate towards refugees and immigrants are the religious people? And they are the ones that want guns
..doesnt religion teaches you peace, humility and compassion. Why me and most minorities who tend be conservative and have family values are turned off by the bigoted and racist religious right in this country?
I respectfully disagree, I walked to and from school and survived, my kids walked to and from school and survived and my grandkids are doing the same and are surviving. It’s doable and done everyday and I think most kids in this country ride a bus to school.
Not what I saw in different states and cities. Some did walk but most were dropped off and picked up. Maybe in your time it was safer, but now it seems there are more and more crazies....I hear this all the time.

Yep, because people aren't raised the way you were. The disintegration of the family and the community started here in the late 60s to early 70s pushed by you regressives. Now you're bitching about the world you helped create, go figure.

How am i regressive?
I was raised the way I was because not only because of the culture but also the religion play a big role....when people used to help one another, one never expected money or favor but just a good deed that he or she hopes will get it back when he needs help him/her self.
And you are right the US probably was the same way at one, point but when people and society sees the dollar sign in everything lot of things get lost in between the greed and rush rush life style.

It had to do with dollar signs, it had everything to do with the destruction of the moral fabric of the country, the community and the family. Parents that tried to discipline their children were arrested and schools were sued, you can't raise civilized human beings without discipline and personal accountability. During the same period religion was pushed from the public square. So stop blaming tools and put the blame square where it belongs, the people that pushed these policies and are still pushing them, the Democrats.

But how come the most racist, least accepting, least compassionate towards refugees and immigrants are the religious people? And they are the ones that want guns
..doesnt religion teaches you peace, humility and compassion. Why me and most minorities who tend be conservative and have family values are turned off by the bigoted and racist religious right in this country?

I'm religious, and compassionate towards refugees and immigrants, unless they are here illegally. I have little tolerance for illegals. I don't like guns but they are legal, so if you want to own a gun fine by me. When a mass shooting occurs, I blame the shooter and want to get to why he/she pulled the trigger and work on eliminating the underlying issue and not the symptom. Children today have self esteem issues and children need to be responsible and taught what is right and what is wrong and held accountable for their actions. This will empower them to be more confident in their decisions and in life. We need to teach kids to FAIL and when they do, that is okay and what isn't okay is to not do anything. We all have gifts, we all have something we do well, teach kids to find it and do it and then give back to their community and to others.

As far as bigots and racists, they are where you find them, I stay away from that kind of negativity. I know it exists and this board has a lot of them, however to inject race into discussions is just a ruse to end dialogue. I did not agree with Obama's ideas based on my belief system on his ideals, I didn't care what his skin color was yet people would call me and others racist.

I grew up in an area where it was whites and Hispanics, I followed basketball and didn't realize until I was 14 when someone pointed out that many basketball players were black, I had no idea, I watched basketball players and basketball, the skin color didn't even cross my mind. One of my daughters married a black man, I treat him like any son-in-law, I hate him. LOL!
They're just parroting what their liberal teachers are telling them.

Or perhaps almost dying at the hands of a crazy dude changes a person's' point of view. Did you ever think about that? No, of course you you just want to bash the girl because she does not think like you do

Did I blame her? No, her teacher has filled her head full of fuck.
Maybe if you had gone through a mass shooting like her, you would get where she’s coming from. It absolutely blows my mind that you people are too dense to learn basic cognitive empathy.

I have no empathy for children being used for propaganda.

Are you just pretending this shooting didn’t happen or are you saying it isn’t worth thinking of solutions to it.

It’s amazing how dense you are. This girl was in a traumatic experience. Even if you disagree with her stance on guns, how about you be an adult and show her some respect for reacting with emotion. It’s bad enough you marked “funny” on the post making a crack about whether or not she was transgendered. Christ are you in the 7th grade or something?
Utopia, according to Kaz:

And you're the one advocating Florida where the bullets were going one way. I wanted people to fight back. This is you, stupid dick. How stupid are you?

ABSOLUTELY! This is the kind of world that will make you happy!

Once again boychick, you're the one advocating the Florida solution where one side only has the guns. I wanted the teachers/administrators who wanted to get a CC to carry a gun and fight back. You really are "special"

I understand. The solution to guns is more guns. And if that doesn't do it, even more guns. Guns in government buildings. guns in libraries, guns in schools, guns in churches, guns at concerts, in movie theaters, at the football game. Your logic is crystal clear! How could anything go wrong with people of all ages blasting away at each other, trying to figure out who are the bad guys and who are the good guys! I am especially interested in how that would sort out in a dark movie theater!

But, most people are rational, so none of that is ever going to happen. Even so, it is very disturbing that anyone could possibly think that what you advocate is good.

There's already guns in govt buildings.


Maybe so, but you can't bring one inside, at least in my state. So you can either stay outside or trust armed guards who you don't know who make $20 per hour.
And you're the one advocating Florida where the bullets were going one way. I wanted people to fight back. This is you, stupid dick. How stupid are you?

ABSOLUTELY! This is the kind of world that will make you happy!

Once again boychick, you're the one advocating the Florida solution where one side only has the guns. I wanted the teachers/administrators who wanted to get a CC to carry a gun and fight back. You really are "special"

I understand. The solution to guns is more guns. And if that doesn't do it, even more guns. Guns in government buildings. guns in libraries, guns in schools, guns in churches, guns at concerts, in movie theaters, at the football game. Your logic is crystal clear! How could anything go wrong with people of all ages blasting away at each other, trying to figure out who are the bad guys and who are the good guys! I am especially interested in how that would sort out in a dark movie theater!

But, most people are rational, so none of that is ever going to happen. Even so, it is very disturbing that anyone could possibly think that what you advocate is good.

There's already guns in govt buildings.


It's kool. Vandal already admitted he lost by going to the you're a racist crap. That's how you know leftists know themselves that they're done

...and you, not so cleverly, completely disregarded my question about how you are going to tell the good guys from the bad guys in a school shootout if it was not a gun free zone.
ABSOLUTELY! This is the kind of world that will make you happy!

Once again boychick, you're the one advocating the Florida solution where one side only has the guns. I wanted the teachers/administrators who wanted to get a CC to carry a gun and fight back. You really are "special"

I understand. The solution to guns is more guns. And if that doesn't do it, even more guns. Guns in government buildings. guns in libraries, guns in schools, guns in churches, guns at concerts, in movie theaters, at the football game. Your logic is crystal clear! How could anything go wrong with people of all ages blasting away at each other, trying to figure out who are the bad guys and who are the good guys! I am especially interested in how that would sort out in a dark movie theater!

But, most people are rational, so none of that is ever going to happen. Even so, it is very disturbing that anyone could possibly think that what you advocate is good.

There's already guns in govt buildings.


It's kool. Vandal already admitted he lost by going to the you're a racist crap. That's how you know leftists know themselves that they're done

...and you, not so cleverly, completely disregarded my question about how you are going to tell the good guys from the bad guys in a school shootout if it was not a gun free zone.

How do you know if the place is a gun free zone? All of the dead kids…
I respectfully disagree, I walked to and from school and survived, my kids walked to and from school and survived and my grandkids are doing the same and are surviving. It’s doable and done everyday and I think most kids in this country ride a bus to school.
Not what I saw in different states and cities. Some did walk but most were dropped off and picked up. Maybe in your time it was safer, but now it seems there are more and more crazies....I hear this all the time.

Yep, because people aren't raised the way you were. The disintegration of the family and the community started here in the late 60s to early 70s pushed by you regressives. Now you're bitching about the world you helped create, go figure.

How am i regressive?
I was raised the way I was because not only because of the culture but also the religion play a big role....when people used to help one another, one never expected money or favor but just a good deed that he or she hopes will get it back when he needs help him/her self.
And you are right the US probably was the same way at one, point but when people and society sees the dollar sign in everything lot of things get lost in between the greed and rush rush life style.

It had to do with dollar signs, it had everything to do with the destruction of the moral fabric of the country, the community and the family. Parents that tried to discipline their children were arrested and schools were sued, you can't raise civilized human beings without discipline and personal accountability. During the same period religion was pushed from the public square. So stop blaming tools and put the blame square where it belongs, the people that pushed these policies and are still pushing them, the Democrats.

But how come the most racist, least accepting, least compassionate towards refugees and immigrants are the religious people? And they are the ones that want guns
..doesnt religion teaches you peace, humility and compassion. Why me and most minorities who tend be conservative and have family values are turned off by the bigoted and racist religious right in this country?

I see you've been listening to MSNBC, try turning off the propaganda and get out and see the country. There's not a damn thing wrong with fly over country that a fewer million commiecrats wouldn't cure.

They're just parroting what their liberal teachers are telling them.

Or perhaps almost dying at the hands of a crazy dude changes a person's' point of view. Did you ever think about that? No, of course you you just want to bash the girl because she does not think like you do

Did I blame her? No, her teacher has filled her head full of fuck.
Maybe if you had gone through a mass shooting like her, you would get where she’s coming from. It absolutely blows my mind that you people are too dense to learn basic cognitive empathy.

I have no empathy for children being used for propaganda.

Are you just pretending this shooting didn’t happen or are you saying it isn’t worth thinking of solutions to it.

It’s amazing how dense you are. This girl was in a traumatic experience. Even if you disagree with her stance on guns, how about you be an adult and show her some respect for reacting with emotion. It’s bad enough you marked “funny” on the post making a crack about whether or not she was transgendered. Christ are you in the 7th grade or something?

I sympathize with all abused children and that kid was being abused. She was fed every leftist talking point in the book and claimed her message wasn't political, bullshit. You fuckers have no problem standing on the bodies of dead kids and parading a very emotional one out to be your spokesperson. You and your ilk are the scum of the earth and stop the crocodile tears when you're called on it. This is a POLITICAL message board.

And you're the one advocating Florida where the bullets were going one way. I wanted people to fight back. This is you, stupid dick. How stupid are you?

ABSOLUTELY! This is the kind of world that will make you happy!

Once again boychick, you're the one advocating the Florida solution where one side only has the guns. I wanted the teachers/administrators who wanted to get a CC to carry a gun and fight back. You really are "special"

I understand. The solution to guns is more guns. And if that doesn't do it, even more guns. Guns in government buildings. guns in libraries, guns in schools, guns in churches, guns at concerts, in movie theaters, at the football game. Your logic is crystal clear! How could anything go wrong with people of all ages blasting away at each other, trying to figure out who are the bad guys and who are the good guys! I am especially interested in how that would sort out in a dark movie theater!

But, most people are rational, so none of that is ever going to happen. Even so, it is very disturbing that anyone could possibly think that what you advocate is good.

There's already guns in govt buildings.


Maybe so, but you can't bring one inside, at least in my state. So you can either stay outside or trust armed guards who you don't know who make $20 per hour.

Actually in TX you can carry in every govt building except jails, prisons and court houses, hell I can even carry in my congressman's office and have, openly.

Or perhaps almost dying at the hands of a crazy dude changes a person's' point of view. Did you ever think about that? No, of course you you just want to bash the girl because she does not think like you do

Did I blame her? No, her teacher has filled her head full of fuck.
Maybe if you had gone through a mass shooting like her, you would get where she’s coming from. It absolutely blows my mind that you people are too dense to learn basic cognitive empathy.

I have no empathy for children being used for propaganda.

Are you just pretending this shooting didn’t happen or are you saying it isn’t worth thinking of solutions to it.

It’s amazing how dense you are. This girl was in a traumatic experience. Even if you disagree with her stance on guns, how about you be an adult and show her some respect for reacting with emotion. It’s bad enough you marked “funny” on the post making a crack about whether or not she was transgendered. Christ are you in the 7th grade or something?

I sympathize with all abused children and that kid was being abused. She was fed every leftist talking point in the book and claimed her message wasn't political, bullshit. You fuckers have no problem standing on the bodies of dead kids and parading a very emotional one out to be your spokesperson. You and your ilk are the scum of the earth and stop the crocodile tears when you're called on it. This is a POLITICAL message board.

Oh so this girl doesn’t have a mind of her own? Some adult was coaching her. God you people are so dumb. Where is the evidence of that? Maybe if you go through a mass shooting, you can bitch about whatever she says. You could even throw in making fun of her appearance again because that’s just how childish you are.
Did I blame her? No, her teacher has filled her head full of fuck.
Maybe if you had gone through a mass shooting like her, you would get where she’s coming from. It absolutely blows my mind that you people are too dense to learn basic cognitive empathy.

I have no empathy for children being used for propaganda.

Are you just pretending this shooting didn’t happen or are you saying it isn’t worth thinking of solutions to it.

It’s amazing how dense you are. This girl was in a traumatic experience. Even if you disagree with her stance on guns, how about you be an adult and show her some respect for reacting with emotion. It’s bad enough you marked “funny” on the post making a crack about whether or not she was transgendered. Christ are you in the 7th grade or something?

I sympathize with all abused children and that kid was being abused. She was fed every leftist talking point in the book and claimed her message wasn't political, bullshit. You fuckers have no problem standing on the bodies of dead kids and parading a very emotional one out to be your spokesperson. You and your ilk are the scum of the earth and stop the crocodile tears when you're called on it. This is a POLITICAL message board.

Oh so this girl doesn’t have a mind of her own? Some adult was coaching her. God you people are so dumb. Where is the evidence of that? Maybe if you go through a mass shooting, you can bitch about whatever she says. You could even throw in making fun of her appearance again because that’s just how childish you are.

All you need do is listen to what she said, she parroted leftist talking points I've been seeing on this board for years, no she doesn't have a mind of her own, she's been well indoctrinated. And if she doesn't want her appearance ridiculed, she might try looking like a girl instead of a bull dyke.


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