Trump slammed by Parkland Hero students at Rally

The poll I linked was from November of 2017, so read it and tell me what you think. All you need is two thirds of the House and two thirds of the Senate to approve eliminating the 2nd Amendment then 3/4 of the states to ratify the repeal of the amendment.

Also, if you would have looked at the poll, in 1959 60% of Americans favored a gun ban, now it is only 28%. So, you have a long road and a long time to change opinions. What is interesting is that although gun ownership is under 50%, 71% oppose the banning of guns.
Demographics of this country is changing rapidly so will the voting. No one would've guessed that a black can be president in a country where racism was a norm not long ago. Cons are up in arms against diversity and immigration because they know that it will kill lot of their stupid laws and outdated regulations and amendments. I'm in LA not one person I know or spoke is pro gun...and the country is moving away from conservatism .....qnd by saying conservatism, is the radical version of it (racist, bigoted, pro gun, anti immigrants, ect...) I will give it max 20 or 30 years. We will have a Hispanic president before that too, hopefully from a Mexican decent.
Time for America to join the civilised world and abolish their deadly toys.

So, how does your fears of getting shot effect your daily life? Are you afraid to go out in public? Do you home school your children? Do you just shop online so you don’t have to face the public and the possibility of getting shot?
All of the above, except the home schooling but still worried about my kids getting shot or kidnapped....something I didn' have to worry about growing overseas....America is a dangerous place to live for sure. We need to make it better by banning guns, so the damage is minimal.

So you actually don’t go out in public at all? You never go shopping and only shop online because you are so afraid?

I really don’t fear going out at all. If you feel America is that dangerous why would you raise your kids here? That seems pretty fucked up that you are so afraid of violence but you don’t protect your own children, if I felt other places would be safer for my kids, I’d move in a heartbeat, I wouldn’t hesitate.

Maybe you should move to a safer state than California, my state is one of the safest.
Little bit of exaggeration. But one the downfalls of loving falls living in the US is security. Especially for kids...they have be suprvised at all times, which is not the case in lot of countries. Since 1st grade my parents never dropped me off, I always walked safely with no feat.
And don' get me wrong I love this country, but it has its flaws.

I guess it is what you think it to be. I always walked to school and when we moved I took a bus. My kids in grade school walked to school until they had to take a bus to the high school. We lock our house at night most the time but I’m not worried about harm coming to any of us. Not sure what it would be like to worry like you do.
All of the above, except the home schooling but still worried about my kids getting shot or kidnapped....something I didn' have to worry about growing overseas....America is a dangerous place to live for sure. We need to make it better by banning guns, so the damage is minimal.

but still worried about my kids getting shot or kidnapped....something I didn' have to worry about growing overseas....

kids don't get shot or kidnapped overseas?

Where did you live?

Lala land?
A lot less than the US, trust me. The first thing you will notice kids are outside on their own as young as 3. I never had to be dropped off at school/soccer practice or anything else. I know is hard to believe for most Americans but there is a whole world out there.

Our kids walked to school, the kids played outside at the age of three and younger in the front yard. My grandkids walk about two blocks to the bus stop and before that walked six blocks to school until they moved. Of course we don’t live in California, which is 15th in crime, even with a high population.
Good for you. Still prefer California over any red state or town. And you must be an exception because almost all kids get dropped off and picked up.

Who said I lived in a red state? Also most cities are blue, you have some strange misconceptions about this country, maybe you need to leave your bunker and get out more.

Most kids in America, either walk or take the school bus. That is most parts of the country. Is there no bus service where you live?
I didn't say you live in a red state. And no I have 0 interest In revisiting some of the state' here in the US. I love the west coast and I do mostly overseas.
Every city state I've been to, kids get dropped off by their parents, not all but a lot. Which is not the case ina lot of countries where it is very safe for kids to go on their own.
In middle school I walked 45 mins to school, passing many neighborhoods never had an issue. No here in the US i dont think it's doable to much crimes targeting kids and too much fear.
kids don't get shot or kidnapped overseas?

Where did you live?

Lala land?
A lot less than the US, trust me. The first thing you will notice kids are outside on their own as young as 3. I never had to be dropped off at school/soccer practice or anything else. I know is hard to believe for most Americans but there is a whole world out there.

Our kids walked to school, the kids played outside at the age of three and younger in the front yard. My grandkids walk about two blocks to the bus stop and before that walked six blocks to school until they moved. Of course we don’t live in California, which is 15th in crime, even with a high population.
Good for you. Still prefer California over any red state or town. And you must be an exception because almost all kids get dropped off and picked up.

Who said I lived in a red state? Also most cities are blue, you have some strange misconceptions about this country, maybe you need to leave your bunker and get out more.

Most kids in America, either walk or take the school bus. That is most parts of the country. Is there no bus service where you live?
I didn't say you live in a red state. And no I have 0 interest In revisiting some of the state' here in the US. I love the west coast and I do mostly overseas.
Every city state I've been to, kids get dropped off by their parents, not all but a lot. Which is not the case ina lot of countries where it is very safe for kids to go on their own.
In middle school I walked 45 mins to school, passing many neighborhoods never had an issue. No here in the US i dont think it's doable to much crimes targeting kids and too much fear.

I respectfully disagree, I walked to and from school and survived, my kids walked to and from school and survived and my grandkids are doing the same and are surviving. It’s doable and done everyday and I think most kids in this country ride a bus to school.
Demographics of this country is changing rapidly so will the voting. No one would've guessed that a black can be president in a country where racism was a norm not long ago. Cons are up in arms against diversity and immigration because they know that it will kill lot of their stupid laws and outdated regulations and amendments. I'm in LA not one person I know or spoke is pro gun...and the country is moving away from conservatism .....qnd by saying conservatism, is the radical version of it (racist, bigoted, pro gun, anti immigrants, ect...) I will give it max 20 or 30 years. We will have a Hispanic president before that too, hopefully from a Mexican decent.
Time for America to join the civilised world and abolish their deadly toys.

So, how does your fears of getting shot effect your daily life? Are you afraid to go out in public? Do you home school your children? Do you just shop online so you don’t have to face the public and the possibility of getting shot?
All of the above, except the home schooling but still worried about my kids getting shot or kidnapped....something I didn' have to worry about growing overseas....America is a dangerous place to live for sure. We need to make it better by banning guns, so the damage is minimal.

So you actually don’t go out in public at all? You never go shopping and only shop online because you are so afraid?

I really don’t fear going out at all. If you feel America is that dangerous why would you raise your kids here? That seems pretty fucked up that you are so afraid of violence but you don’t protect your own children, if I felt other places would be safer for my kids, I’d move in a heartbeat, I wouldn’t hesitate.

Maybe you should move to a safer state than California, my state is one of the safest.
Little bit of exaggeration. But one the downfalls of loving falls living in the US is security. Especially for kids...they have be suprvised at all times, which is not the case in lot of countries. Since 1st grade my parents never dropped me off, I always walked safely with no feat.
And don' get me wrong I love this country, but it has its flaws.

I guess it is what you think it to be. I always walked to school and when we moved I took a bus. My kids in grade school walked to school until they had to take a bus to the high school. We lock our house at night most the time but I’m not worried about harm coming to any of us. Not sure what it would be like to worry like you do.
Where do you live? I don't worry but learned to be cautious here in the US.
I grow up where the whole city looks out for kids, I used to stay with different neighbours kids all day when my mom went to work, they fought over who will host me. We got disciplined by our elders, and we respected as if they are our parents, when someone dies in the neighborhood everyone took a day off to help with the funeral the next day. If one was caught harassing any kid he will get beat up by everyone. We did errands for the elderly, we carried trash and heavy loads for them. Just so you have an idea.
A lot less than the US, trust me. The first thing you will notice kids are outside on their own as young as 3. I never had to be dropped off at school/soccer practice or anything else. I know is hard to believe for most Americans but there is a whole world out there.

Our kids walked to school, the kids played outside at the age of three and younger in the front yard. My grandkids walk about two blocks to the bus stop and before that walked six blocks to school until they moved. Of course we don’t live in California, which is 15th in crime, even with a high population.
Good for you. Still prefer California over any red state or town. And you must be an exception because almost all kids get dropped off and picked up.

Who said I lived in a red state? Also most cities are blue, you have some strange misconceptions about this country, maybe you need to leave your bunker and get out more.

Most kids in America, either walk or take the school bus. That is most parts of the country. Is there no bus service where you live?
I didn't say you live in a red state. And no I have 0 interest In revisiting some of the state' here in the US. I love the west coast and I do mostly overseas.
Every city state I've been to, kids get dropped off by their parents, not all but a lot. Which is not the case ina lot of countries where it is very safe for kids to go on their own.
In middle school I walked 45 mins to school, passing many neighborhoods never had an issue. No here in the US i dont think it's doable to much crimes targeting kids and too much fear.

I respectfully disagree, I walked to and from school and survived, my kids walked to and from school and survived and my grandkids are doing the same and are surviving. It’s doable and done everyday and I think most kids in this country ride a bus to school.
Not what I saw in different states and cities. Some did walk but most were dropped off and picked up. Maybe in your time it was safer, but now it seems there are more and more crazies....I hear this all the time.
Our kids walked to school, the kids played outside at the age of three and younger in the front yard. My grandkids walk about two blocks to the bus stop and before that walked six blocks to school until they moved. Of course we don’t live in California, which is 15th in crime, even with a high population.
Good for you. Still prefer California over any red state or town. And you must be an exception because almost all kids get dropped off and picked up.

Who said I lived in a red state? Also most cities are blue, you have some strange misconceptions about this country, maybe you need to leave your bunker and get out more.

Most kids in America, either walk or take the school bus. That is most parts of the country. Is there no bus service where you live?
I didn't say you live in a red state. And no I have 0 interest In revisiting some of the state' here in the US. I love the west coast and I do mostly overseas.
Every city state I've been to, kids get dropped off by their parents, not all but a lot. Which is not the case ina lot of countries where it is very safe for kids to go on their own.
In middle school I walked 45 mins to school, passing many neighborhoods never had an issue. No here in the US i dont think it's doable to much crimes targeting kids and too much fear.

I respectfully disagree, I walked to and from school and survived, my kids walked to and from school and survived and my grandkids are doing the same and are surviving. It’s doable and done everyday and I think most kids in this country ride a bus to school.
Not what I saw in different states and cities. Some did walk but most were dropped off and picked up. Maybe in your time it was safer, but now it seems there are more and more crazies....I hear this all the time.

You might want to have your kids go by bus, it is 70%safer than going to school in a car, if you are worried about a child’s safety. Also busing is the largest mass transit in the United States, more kids ride a bus to school than walk or take a car.

School Bus Safety
So, how does your fears of getting shot effect your daily life? Are you afraid to go out in public? Do you home school your children? Do you just shop online so you don’t have to face the public and the possibility of getting shot?
All of the above, except the home schooling but still worried about my kids getting shot or kidnapped....something I didn' have to worry about growing overseas....America is a dangerous place to live for sure. We need to make it better by banning guns, so the damage is minimal.

So you actually don’t go out in public at all? You never go shopping and only shop online because you are so afraid?

I really don’t fear going out at all. If you feel America is that dangerous why would you raise your kids here? That seems pretty fucked up that you are so afraid of violence but you don’t protect your own children, if I felt other places would be safer for my kids, I’d move in a heartbeat, I wouldn’t hesitate.

Maybe you should move to a safer state than California, my state is one of the safest.
Little bit of exaggeration. But one the downfalls of loving falls living in the US is security. Especially for kids...they have be suprvised at all times, which is not the case in lot of countries. Since 1st grade my parents never dropped me off, I always walked safely with no feat.
And don' get me wrong I love this country, but it has its flaws.

I guess it is what you think it to be. I always walked to school and when we moved I took a bus. My kids in grade school walked to school until they had to take a bus to the high school. We lock our house at night most the time but I’m not worried about harm coming to any of us. Not sure what it would be like to worry like you do.
Where do you live? I don't worry but learned to be cautious here in the US.
I grow up where the whole city looks out for kids, I used to stay with different neighbours kids all day when my mom went to work, they fought over who will host me. We got disciplined by our elders, and we respected as if they are our parents, when someone dies in the neighborhood everyone took a day off to help with the funeral the next day. If one was caught harassing any kid he will get beat up by everyone. We did errands for the elderly, we carried trash and heavy loads for them. Just so you have an idea.

Sounds like a good place to raise kids.
Good for you. Still prefer California over any red state or town. And you must be an exception because almost all kids get dropped off and picked up.

Who said I lived in a red state? Also most cities are blue, you have some strange misconceptions about this country, maybe you need to leave your bunker and get out more.

Most kids in America, either walk or take the school bus. That is most parts of the country. Is there no bus service where you live?
I didn't say you live in a red state. And no I have 0 interest In revisiting some of the state' here in the US. I love the west coast and I do mostly overseas.
Every city state I've been to, kids get dropped off by their parents, not all but a lot. Which is not the case ina lot of countries where it is very safe for kids to go on their own.
In middle school I walked 45 mins to school, passing many neighborhoods never had an issue. No here in the US i dont think it's doable to much crimes targeting kids and too much fear.

I respectfully disagree, I walked to and from school and survived, my kids walked to and from school and survived and my grandkids are doing the same and are surviving. It’s doable and done everyday and I think most kids in this country ride a bus to school.
Not what I saw in different states and cities. Some did walk but most were dropped off and picked up. Maybe in your time it was safer, but now it seems there are more and more crazies....I hear this all the time.

You might want to have your kids go by bus, it is 70%safer than going to school in a car, if you are worried about a child’s safety. Also busing is the largest mass transit in the United States, more kids ride a bus to school than walk or take a car.

School Bus Safety
The older ones they walk their....the younger one gets dropped off and picked up. Still the US the least safe for kids I have seen so far between Asia, Europe, the gulf countries and Africa.
All of the above, except the home schooling but still worried about my kids getting shot or kidnapped....something I didn' have to worry about growing overseas....America is a dangerous place to live for sure. We need to make it better by banning guns, so the damage is minimal.

So you actually don’t go out in public at all? You never go shopping and only shop online because you are so afraid?

I really don’t fear going out at all. If you feel America is that dangerous why would you raise your kids here? That seems pretty fucked up that you are so afraid of violence but you don’t protect your own children, if I felt other places would be safer for my kids, I’d move in a heartbeat, I wouldn’t hesitate.

Maybe you should move to a safer state than California, my state is one of the safest.
Little bit of exaggeration. But one the downfalls of loving falls living in the US is security. Especially for kids...they have be suprvised at all times, which is not the case in lot of countries. Since 1st grade my parents never dropped me off, I always walked safely with no feat.
And don' get me wrong I love this country, but it has its flaws.

I guess it is what you think it to be. I always walked to school and when we moved I took a bus. My kids in grade school walked to school until they had to take a bus to the high school. We lock our house at night most the time but I’m not worried about harm coming to any of us. Not sure what it would be like to worry like you do.
Where do you live? I don't worry but learned to be cautious here in the US.
I grow up where the whole city looks out for kids, I used to stay with different neighbours kids all day when my mom went to work, they fought over who will host me. We got disciplined by our elders, and we respected as if they are our parents, when someone dies in the neighborhood everyone took a day off to help with the funeral the next day. If one was caught harassing any kid he will get beat up by everyone. We did errands for the elderly, we carried trash and heavy loads for them. Just so you have an idea.

Sounds like a good place to raise kids.
Most third world countries I guess are like that. It's when it gets too modern where it becomes complicated I guess.

From age 10 or so we went to the beach on our own and it was about 5 miles from house, no parents. And We did so many other things....I was actually shocked when I learned that kids especially in elementary have to be driven pretty much everywhere.
Same goes when I practices sports, always walk to the club as all other kids. We took public transportation on our own.
Oh well two different worlds I guess.
So, who would you select to be trained to shoot back? If you would encourage everyone to come armed and to shoot back, how do you know that you don't have a school full of mass murderer wannabes? In fact, I am sure that kids like the Columbine shooters would be delighted to be told to bring their firearms to school for a "show and tell" day...

Gawd, inner city leftists are so ignorant.

I wouldn't select anyone to train and the stupid hyperbole of "encourage everyone to come armed." You're so mind numbingly simplistic that everyone or no one needs to be armed there is nothing in the middle. Then you call Republicans black and white. Sheesh.

I would simply allow the people who care enough to get trained and want to be able to protect themselves to do so. You don't need or want "everyone" to do it. I can't get over how stupid you are to say such a ridiculous thing. All you need is the shooter to not know who's armed. I bet this has been explained to you many times before

So, what you're really saying is that you only would allow some to use their 2nd amendment rights?

That isn't what he said, you fucking dumbass.

Really? But he doesn't need or want everyone to bring a gun, so in theory he wants to limit who/how many people are allowed to 'protect' themselves. I wonder what he's going to tell everyone else who wants to use their 2nd amendment rights to protect themselves.

Wow, that actually sounds good to you? But kaz, you are letting people choose if they want to have a gun for self defense or not, that's preventing people from having guns.

You wrote that, read it, smacked your lips, hit "post reply."

Got called on your stupid shit twice.

Then did it again ... And I called you stupid. Wow, I was way, way short on that shot

Try responding to my post for a change.
So, what you're really saying is that you only would allow some to use their 2nd amendment rights?

That isn't what he said, you fucking dumbass.

Really? But he doesn't need or want everyone to bring a gun, so in theory he wants to limit who/how many people are allowed to 'protect' themselves. I wonder what he's going to tell everyone else who wants to use their 2nd amendment rights to protect themselves.

You're too stupid to bother arguing with. He hasn't said anything of the sort.

He's actually arguing that because I give people the right to decide whether to be armed or not, I am prohibiting people from arming themselves. Yes, he is that stupid.

Then he turned around and told me I can't read. I couldn't possibly make up the dumb that he actually is
I agree, he is that stupid.

OMG, fingerboi called me stupid. Somebody start a gofundme.
You know...there seems to be a pattern here. Trump gets slammed for just about everything he does and even things he doesn't.

So then Trump didn't sign to axe Obama's law set in place ? Or is Trump just a victim because she is bringing what the GOP and Trump did to light.


No he didn't, maobama didn't get a law passed, he used bureaucratic regulations and congress voted to repeal the regulations, Trump signed that bill. Of course you ignore that the ACLU and many disability groups oppose maobamas regulation from the start.

He was just asking for help. When he walks into a situation where one person is shooting unarmed people who are running away from him, he is trying to figure out how to tell who the bad guy is

Utopia, according to Kaz:

And you're the one advocating Florida where the bullets were going one way. I wanted people to fight back. This is you, stupid dick. How stupid are you?

ABSOLUTELY! This is the kind of world that will make you happy!

Once again boychick, you're the one advocating the Florida solution where one side only has the guns. I wanted the teachers/administrators who wanted to get a CC to carry a gun and fight back. You really are "special"

I understand. The solution to guns is more guns. And if that doesn't do it, even more guns. Guns in government buildings. guns in libraries, guns in schools, guns in churches, guns at concerts, in movie theaters, at the football game. Your logic is crystal clear! How could anything go wrong with people of all ages blasting away at each other, trying to figure out who are the bad guys and who are the good guys! I am especially interested in how that would sort out in a dark movie theater!

But, most people are rational, so none of that is ever going to happen. Even so, it is very disturbing that anyone could possibly think that what you advocate is good.

There's already guns in govt buildings.

They're just parroting what their liberal teachers are telling them.

Or perhaps almost dying at the hands of a crazy dude changes a person's' point of view. Did you ever think about that? No, of course you you just want to bash the girl because she does not think like you do

Did I blame her? No, her teacher has filled her head full of fuck.
Maybe if you had gone through a mass shooting like her, you would get where she’s coming from. It absolutely blows my mind that you people are too dense to learn basic cognitive empathy.

I have no empathy for children being used for propaganda.

Our kids walked to school, the kids played outside at the age of three and younger in the front yard. My grandkids walk about two blocks to the bus stop and before that walked six blocks to school until they moved. Of course we don’t live in California, which is 15th in crime, even with a high population.
Good for you. Still prefer California over any red state or town. And you must be an exception because almost all kids get dropped off and picked up.

Who said I lived in a red state? Also most cities are blue, you have some strange misconceptions about this country, maybe you need to leave your bunker and get out more.

Most kids in America, either walk or take the school bus. That is most parts of the country. Is there no bus service where you live?
I didn't say you live in a red state. And no I have 0 interest In revisiting some of the state' here in the US. I love the west coast and I do mostly overseas.
Every city state I've been to, kids get dropped off by their parents, not all but a lot. Which is not the case ina lot of countries where it is very safe for kids to go on their own.
In middle school I walked 45 mins to school, passing many neighborhoods never had an issue. No here in the US i dont think it's doable to much crimes targeting kids and too much fear.

I respectfully disagree, I walked to and from school and survived, my kids walked to and from school and survived and my grandkids are doing the same and are surviving. It’s doable and done everyday and I think most kids in this country ride a bus to school.
Not what I saw in different states and cities. Some did walk but most were dropped off and picked up. Maybe in your time it was safer, but now it seems there are more and more crazies....I hear this all the time.

Yep, because people aren't raised the way you were. The disintegration of the family and the community started here in the late 60s to early 70s pushed by you regressives. Now you're bitching about the world you helped create, go figure.

So you actually don’t go out in public at all? You never go shopping and only shop online because you are so afraid?

I really don’t fear going out at all. If you feel America is that dangerous why would you raise your kids here? That seems pretty fucked up that you are so afraid of violence but you don’t protect your own children, if I felt other places would be safer for my kids, I’d move in a heartbeat, I wouldn’t hesitate.

Maybe you should move to a safer state than California, my state is one of the safest.
Little bit of exaggeration. But one the downfalls of loving falls living in the US is security. Especially for kids...they have be suprvised at all times, which is not the case in lot of countries. Since 1st grade my parents never dropped me off, I always walked safely with no feat.
And don' get me wrong I love this country, but it has its flaws.

I guess it is what you think it to be. I always walked to school and when we moved I took a bus. My kids in grade school walked to school until they had to take a bus to the high school. We lock our house at night most the time but I’m not worried about harm coming to any of us. Not sure what it would be like to worry like you do.
Where do you live? I don't worry but learned to be cautious here in the US.
I grow up where the whole city looks out for kids, I used to stay with different neighbours kids all day when my mom went to work, they fought over who will host me. We got disciplined by our elders, and we respected as if they are our parents, when someone dies in the neighborhood everyone took a day off to help with the funeral the next day. If one was caught harassing any kid he will get beat up by everyone. We did errands for the elderly, we carried trash and heavy loads for them. Just so you have an idea.

Sounds like a good place to raise kids.
Most third world countries I guess are like that. It's when it gets too modern where it becomes complicated I guess.

From age 10 or so we went to the beach on our own and it was about 5 miles from house, no parents. And We did so many other things....I was actually shocked when I learned that kids especially in elementary have to be driven pretty much everywhere.
Same goes when I practices sports, always walk to the club as all other kids. We took public transportation on our own.
Oh well two different worlds I guess.

I had a paper route when I was 10 or 11, I rode my bike about 10 miles a day and I crossed a main highway it would sometimes take me 15-20 minutes to get across waiting for traffic to clear. We had no public transportation in my area. Two different worlds and we are all people that need to eat and drink to stay alive. So different but still very much the same.
Good for you. Still prefer California over any red state or town. And you must be an exception because almost all kids get dropped off and picked up.

Who said I lived in a red state? Also most cities are blue, you have some strange misconceptions about this country, maybe you need to leave your bunker and get out more.

Most kids in America, either walk or take the school bus. That is most parts of the country. Is there no bus service where you live?
I didn't say you live in a red state. And no I have 0 interest In revisiting some of the state' here in the US. I love the west coast and I do mostly overseas.
Every city state I've been to, kids get dropped off by their parents, not all but a lot. Which is not the case ina lot of countries where it is very safe for kids to go on their own.
In middle school I walked 45 mins to school, passing many neighborhoods never had an issue. No here in the US i dont think it's doable to much crimes targeting kids and too much fear.

I respectfully disagree, I walked to and from school and survived, my kids walked to and from school and survived and my grandkids are doing the same and are surviving. It’s doable and done everyday and I think most kids in this country ride a bus to school.
Not what I saw in different states and cities. Some did walk but most were dropped off and picked up. Maybe in your time it was safer, but now it seems there are more and more crazies....I hear this all the time.

Yep, because people aren't raised the way you were. The disintegration of the family and the community started here in the late 60s to early 70s pushed by you regressives. Now you're bitching about the world you helped create, go figure.

How am i regressive?
I was raised the way I was because not only because of the culture but also the religion play a big role....when people used to help one another, one never expected money or favor but just a good deed that he or she hopes will get it back when he needs help him/her self.
And you are right the US probably was the same way at one, point but when people and society sees the dollar sign in everything lot of things get lost in between the greed and rush rush life style.
Little bit of exaggeration. But one the downfalls of loving falls living in the US is security. Especially for kids...they have be suprvised at all times, which is not the case in lot of countries. Since 1st grade my parents never dropped me off, I always walked safely with no feat.
And don' get me wrong I love this country, but it has its flaws.

I guess it is what you think it to be. I always walked to school and when we moved I took a bus. My kids in grade school walked to school until they had to take a bus to the high school. We lock our house at night most the time but I’m not worried about harm coming to any of us. Not sure what it would be like to worry like you do.
Where do you live? I don't worry but learned to be cautious here in the US.
I grow up where the whole city looks out for kids, I used to stay with different neighbours kids all day when my mom went to work, they fought over who will host me. We got disciplined by our elders, and we respected as if they are our parents, when someone dies in the neighborhood everyone took a day off to help with the funeral the next day. If one was caught harassing any kid he will get beat up by everyone. We did errands for the elderly, we carried trash and heavy loads for them. Just so you have an idea.

Sounds like a good place to raise kids.
Most third world countries I guess are like that. It's when it gets too modern where it becomes complicated I guess.

From age 10 or so we went to the beach on our own and it was about 5 miles from house, no parents. And We did so many other things....I was actually shocked when I learned that kids especially in elementary have to be driven pretty much everywhere.
Same goes when I practices sports, always walk to the club as all other kids. We took public transportation on our own.
Oh well two different worlds I guess.

I had a paper route when I was 10 or 11, I rode my bike about 10 miles a day and I crossed a main highway it would sometimes take me 15-20 minutes to get across waiting for traffic to clear. We had no public transportation in my area. Two different worlds and we are all people that need to eat and drink to stay alive. So different but still very much the same.
True...from what I heard from my american wife's family, the US used to be what lot of third countries used to values, people help each other, hardly any kidnapings and drug and so forth. It's sad nowadays!!!
That isn't what he said, you fucking dumbass.

Really? But he doesn't need or want everyone to bring a gun, so in theory he wants to limit who/how many people are allowed to 'protect' themselves. I wonder what he's going to tell everyone else who wants to use their 2nd amendment rights to protect themselves.

You're too stupid to bother arguing with. He hasn't said anything of the sort.

He's actually arguing that because I give people the right to decide whether to be armed or not, I am prohibiting people from arming themselves. Yes, he is that stupid.

Then he turned around and told me I can't read. I couldn't possibly make up the dumb that he actually is
I agree, he is that stupid.

OMG, fingerboi called me stupid. Somebody start a gofundme.

It only took you 36 hours to come up with that cheap shot.
Gawd, inner city leftists are so ignorant.

I wouldn't select anyone to train and the stupid hyperbole of "encourage everyone to come armed." You're so mind numbingly simplistic that everyone or no one needs to be armed there is nothing in the middle. Then you call Republicans black and white. Sheesh.

I would simply allow the people who care enough to get trained and want to be able to protect themselves to do so. You don't need or want "everyone" to do it. I can't get over how stupid you are to say such a ridiculous thing. All you need is the shooter to not know who's armed. I bet this has been explained to you many times before

So, what you're really saying is that you only would allow some to use their 2nd amendment rights?

That isn't what he said, you fucking dumbass.

Really? But he doesn't need or want everyone to bring a gun, so in theory he wants to limit who/how many people are allowed to 'protect' themselves. I wonder what he's going to tell everyone else who wants to use their 2nd amendment rights to protect themselves.

Wow, that actually sounds good to you? But kaz, you are letting people choose if they want to have a gun for self defense or not, that's preventing people from having guns.

You wrote that, read it, smacked your lips, hit "post reply."

Got called on your stupid shit twice.

Then did it again ... And I called you stupid. Wow, I was way, way short on that shot

Try responding to my post for a change.

I directly responded to your post. You said I was denying people the right to a gun because I was allowing them to chose whether to carry guns and wan't forcing them to carry guns. I mocked you for being an idiot. What were you looking for?

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