Trump slammed by Parkland Hero students at Rally

The only way to know if Americans love keeping guns or not is by doing a refurundum. Since most cons don't believe in polls lately.
The growth of other minorities, the youth voters and the decreasing of the conservatives nuts and close minded older whites will difinetly have an impact on future of guns in this inevitable

The poll I linked was from November of 2017, so read it and tell me what you think. All you need is two thirds of the House and two thirds of the Senate to approve eliminating the 2nd Amendment then 3/4 of the states to ratify the repeal of the amendment.

Also, if you would have looked at the poll, in 1959 60% of Americans favored a gun ban, now it is only 28%. So, you have a long road and a long time to change opinions. What is interesting is that although gun ownership is under 50%, 71% oppose the banning of guns.
Demographics of this country is changing rapidly so will the voting. No one would've guessed that a black can be president in a country where racism was a norm not long ago. Cons are up in arms against diversity and immigration because they know that it will kill lot of their stupid laws and outdated regulations and amendments. I'm in LA not one person I know or spoke is pro gun...and the country is moving away from conservatism .....qnd by saying conservatism, is the radical version of it (racist, bigoted, pro gun, anti immigrants, ect...) I will give it max 20 or 30 years. We will have a Hispanic president before that too, hopefully from a Mexican decent.
Time for America to join the civilised world and abolish their deadly toys.

So, how does your fears of getting shot effect your daily life? Are you afraid to go out in public? Do you home school your children? Do you just shop online so you don’t have to face the public and the possibility of getting shot?
All of the above, except the home schooling but still worried about my kids getting shot or kidnapped....something I didn' have to worry about growing overseas....America is a dangerous place to live for sure. We need to make it better by banning guns, so the damage is minimal.

but still worried about my kids getting shot or kidnapped....something I didn' have to worry about growing overseas....

kids don't get shot or kidnapped overseas?

Where did you live?

Lala land?
A lot less than the US, trust me. The first thing you will notice kids are outside on their own as young as 3. I never had to be dropped off at school/soccer practice or anything else. I know is hard to believe for most Americans but there is a whole world out there.
I'm complaining that no one was shooting back, dumb ass. Here's how you know that. It's what I said. What about that confused you?

You write like you skipped high school.

And yeah, I'd like him trading fire with skilled marksmen, not marksman. That would take all of his time rather than your plan where the shooter aims at unarmed person, fires, repeats

So, who would you select to be trained to shoot back? If you would encourage everyone to come armed and to shoot back, how do you know that you don't have a school full of mass murderer wannabes? In fact, I am sure that kids like the Columbine shooters would be delighted to be told to bring their firearms to school for a "show and tell" day...

Gawd, inner city leftists are so ignorant.

I wouldn't select anyone to train and the stupid hyperbole of "encourage everyone to come armed." You're so mind numbingly simplistic that everyone or no one needs to be armed there is nothing in the middle. Then you call Republicans black and white. Sheesh.

I would simply allow the people who care enough to get trained and want to be able to protect themselves to do so. You don't need or want "everyone" to do it. I can't get over how stupid you are to say such a ridiculous thing. All you need is the shooter to not know who's armed. I bet this has been explained to you many times before

So, what you're really saying is that you only would allow some to use their 2nd amendment rights?

That isn't what he said, you fucking dumbass.

Really? But he doesn't need or want everyone to bring a gun, so in theory he wants to limit who/how many people are allowed to 'protect' themselves. I wonder what he's going to tell everyone else who wants to use their 2nd amendment rights to protect themselves.

Wow, that actually sounds good to you? But kaz, you are letting people choose if they want to have a gun for self defense or not, that's preventing people from having guns.

You wrote that, read it, smacked your lips, hit "post reply."

Got called on your stupid shit twice.

Then did it again ... And I called you stupid. Wow, I was way, way short on that shot
She rightfully blames them for inaction.

Your actions caused a shooter to be able to kill 17 people without anyone able to fight back.

YOU owe US the explanation, Zoonie. What's wrong with what you are doing?

I'm more concerned with the guy getting the gun in the first place. Rather than the chaos that would ensue if the gunman, cops and teachers are having a shoot out with each other.

In all fairness, we have to give NRA credit. My brother is an NRA cultist. He was out in the woods one day practicing his fast draw with a Colt 22 and shot himself in the leg. Who knows. Maybe if he had not been trained by the NRA he might have shot himself where it would have REALLY hurt. The good news is that, with him being laid up for a couple of months, several beavers down by the lake near his backyard got a reprieve for the Fall season.

He didn't learn that from the NRA.

So just to be clear, NAACP members are "cultist?" AARP members are "cultists?" Or just people you disagree with are "cultists"?

Typical bigoted leftist

You need to learn the definition of 'bigot', but we've established in another thread that you don't like to read.

Um ... they don't have dictionaries in your home town of stupidville?

And what thread did we establish that?
Your actions caused a shooter to be able to kill 17 people without anyone able to fight back.

YOU owe US the explanation, Zoonie. What's wrong with what you are doing?

I'm more concerned with the guy getting the gun in the first place. Rather than the chaos that would ensue if the gunman, cops and teachers are having a shoot out with each other.

In all fairness, we have to give NRA credit. My brother is an NRA cultist. He was out in the woods one day practicing his fast draw with a Colt 22 and shot himself in the leg. Who knows. Maybe if he had not been trained by the NRA he might have shot himself where it would have REALLY hurt. The good news is that, with him being laid up for a couple of months, several beavers down by the lake near his backyard got a reprieve for the Fall season.

He didn't learn that from the NRA.

So just to be clear, NAACP members are "cultist?" AARP members are "cultists?" Or just people you disagree with are "cultists"?

Typical bigoted leftist

You need to learn the definition of 'bigot', but we've established in another thread that you don't like to read.

Um ... they don't have dictionaries in your home town of stupidville?

And what thread did we establish that?
He may be the mayor of that town.
So, who would you select to be trained to shoot back? If you would encourage everyone to come armed and to shoot back, how do you know that you don't have a school full of mass murderer wannabes? In fact, I am sure that kids like the Columbine shooters would be delighted to be told to bring their firearms to school for a "show and tell" day...

Gawd, inner city leftists are so ignorant.

I wouldn't select anyone to train and the stupid hyperbole of "encourage everyone to come armed." You're so mind numbingly simplistic that everyone or no one needs to be armed there is nothing in the middle. Then you call Republicans black and white. Sheesh.

I would simply allow the people who care enough to get trained and want to be able to protect themselves to do so. You don't need or want "everyone" to do it. I can't get over how stupid you are to say such a ridiculous thing. All you need is the shooter to not know who's armed. I bet this has been explained to you many times before

So, what you're really saying is that you only would allow some to use their 2nd amendment rights?

That isn't what he said, you fucking dumbass.

Really? But he doesn't need or want everyone to bring a gun, so in theory he wants to limit who/how many people are allowed to 'protect' themselves. I wonder what he's going to tell everyone else who wants to use their 2nd amendment rights to protect themselves.

You're too stupid to bother arguing with. He hasn't said anything of the sort.

He's actually arguing that because I give people the right to decide whether to be armed or not, I am prohibiting people from arming themselves. Yes, he is that stupid.

Then he turned around and told me I can't read. I couldn't possibly make up the dumb that he actually is
She rightfully blames them for inaction.

Your actions caused a shooter to be able to kill 17 people without anyone able to fight back.

YOU owe US the explanation, Zoonie. What's wrong with what you are doing?

I'm more concerned with the guy getting the gun in the first place. Rather than the chaos that would ensue if the gunman, cops and teachers are having a shoot out with each other.

In all fairness, we have to give NRA credit. My brother is an NRA cultist. He was out in the woods one day practicing his fast draw with a Colt 22 and shot himself in the leg. Who knows. Maybe if he had not been trained by the NRA he might have shot himself where it would have REALLY hurt. The good news is that, with him being laid up for a couple of months, several beavers down by the lake near his backyard got a reprieve for the Fall season.

He didn't learn that from the NRA.

So just to be clear, NAACP members are "cultist?" AARP members are "cultists?" Or just people you disagree with are "cultists"?

Typical bigoted leftist

Perhaps we can solve the issue about who is a good guy and who is a bad guy pretending to be a good guy, by doing like the police do. They wear uniforms with POLICE spelled out on their backs. Everyone who would be allowed to bring a gun to school could only do it if they agreed to wear a black shirt with white lettering on the back, spelling out, either GOOD, or BAD. That should work.

Um ... OK? What the hell, here you go ...

Gawd, inner city leftists are so ignorant.

I wouldn't select anyone to train and the stupid hyperbole of "encourage everyone to come armed." You're so mind numbingly simplistic that everyone or no one needs to be armed there is nothing in the middle. Then you call Republicans black and white. Sheesh.

I would simply allow the people who care enough to get trained and want to be able to protect themselves to do so. You don't need or want "everyone" to do it. I can't get over how stupid you are to say such a ridiculous thing. All you need is the shooter to not know who's armed. I bet this has been explained to you many times before

So, what you're really saying is that you only would allow some to use their 2nd amendment rights?

That isn't what he said, you fucking dumbass.

Really? But he doesn't need or want everyone to bring a gun, so in theory he wants to limit who/how many people are allowed to 'protect' themselves. I wonder what he's going to tell everyone else who wants to use their 2nd amendment rights to protect themselves.

You're too stupid to bother arguing with. He hasn't said anything of the sort.

He's actually arguing that because I give people the right to decide whether to be armed or not, I am prohibiting people from arming themselves. Yes, he is that stupid.

Then he turned around and told me I can't read. I couldn't possibly make up the dumb that he actually is
I never have quite understood why these shills make themselves look so stupid on message boards. If you couldn't read you couldn't possibly reply to their infantile lie filled posts. :21:
All one has to do is mention the "New World Order", and it is kind of like a magic incantation that summons all the conspiracy nuts and keyboard commandos. Most of them are no more dangerous than the people who still think that aliens abducted Elvis. Unfortunately, they send their money to the NRA, who, in turn, send it to the GOP, which puts them in a different category. The thing that I can't figure out is why so many of them never served in the armed forces.

Sorry pop, you're an idiot. I don't send the NRA or Republican's a fucking thing. But I know you an idiot.
I'm complaining that no one was shooting back, dumb ass. Here's how you know that. It's what I said. What about that confused you?

You write like you skipped high school.

And yeah, I'd like him trading fire with skilled marksmen, not marksman. That would take all of his time rather than your plan where the shooter aims at unarmed person, fires, repeats

So, who would you select to be trained to shoot back? If you would encourage everyone to come armed and to shoot back, how do you know that you don't have a school full of mass murderer wannabes? In fact, I am sure that kids like the Columbine shooters would be delighted to be told to bring their firearms to school for a "show and tell" day...

Gawd, inner city leftists are so ignorant.

I wouldn't select anyone to train and the stupid hyperbole of "encourage everyone to come armed." You're so mind numbingly simplistic that everyone or no one needs to be armed there is nothing in the middle. Then you call Republicans black and white. Sheesh.

I would simply allow the people who care enough to get trained and want to be able to protect themselves to do so. You don't need or want "everyone" to do it. I can't get over how stupid you are to say such a ridiculous thing. All you need is the shooter to not know who's armed. I bet this has been explained to you many times before

So, what you're really saying is that you only would allow some to use their 2nd amendment rights?

How did you possibly get that out of what I said? I'm thinking it's because you're stupid

You don't want everyone armed, so at some point there is a limit. What is that limit?

Not everyone wants to be armed. The majority don't. This is just a contrived problem.

What if everyone wanted to be a janitor? What is the limit?

The answer is who the hell cares, not everyone wants to be a janitor.

I like how leftists take every situation to these ridiculous hyperbole, then you say you're smarter than Republicans because you're not all black and white they are.

Actually, that's exactly why they are smarter than you. And frankly, Republicans aren't all that smart. Yet they run laps around you
Your actions caused a shooter to be able to kill 17 people without anyone able to fight back.

YOU owe US the explanation, Zoonie. What's wrong with what you are doing?

I'm more concerned with the guy getting the gun in the first place. Rather than the chaos that would ensue if the gunman, cops and teachers are having a shoot out with each other.

In all fairness, we have to give NRA credit. My brother is an NRA cultist. He was out in the woods one day practicing his fast draw with a Colt 22 and shot himself in the leg. Who knows. Maybe if he had not been trained by the NRA he might have shot himself where it would have REALLY hurt. The good news is that, with him being laid up for a couple of months, several beavers down by the lake near his backyard got a reprieve for the Fall season.

He didn't learn that from the NRA.

So just to be clear, NAACP members are "cultist?" AARP members are "cultists?" Or just people you disagree with are "cultists"?

Typical bigoted leftist

Perhaps we can solve the issue about who is a good guy and who is a bad guy pretending to be a good guy, by doing like the police do. They wear uniforms with POLICE spelled out on their backs. Everyone who would be allowed to bring a gun to school could only do it if they agreed to wear a black shirt with white lettering on the back, spelling out, either GOOD, or BAD. That should work.

Apparently what we need is a program of eugenics that prevents liberals from having offspring. That would raise the average IQ of the population by 30 points.

He was just asking for help. When he walks into a situation where one person is shooting unarmed people who are running away from him, he is trying to figure out how to tell who the bad guy is
Your actions caused a shooter to be able to kill 17 people without anyone able to fight back.

YOU owe US the explanation, Zoonie. What's wrong with what you are doing?

I'm more concerned with the guy getting the gun in the first place

That's a goal, not a plan. And it's one we all share. I want that too. The difference is I don't make my saying that sound like an actual plan like you do


Rather than the chaos that would ensue if the gunman, cops and teachers are having a shoot out with each other.

Gotcha, someone shooting unarmed isn't chaos, someone shooting back is. Thank the Lord you successfully ignored turning an innocent mass shooting into chaos in Florida

"More guns" is not a plan.

First of all, your quote is a lie, I never said that. Maybe you need to go back to high school to learn what quote marks mean and how to use them. Hint, quote marks are called ... quote marks. Think about it. But not too hard, you don't want to hurt yourself.

And I didn't advocate more guns, I advocated not disarming honest citizens.

Again, you didn't get that from my post. And I was right about why. You're stupid

Your 'plan' boils down to 'more guns', nothing more.

Yes, in Florida, you like the situation where only the shooter had a gun. I would have liked there to be more guns.

Well, at least you admitted that you enjoyed the slaughter. That doesn't make it any less sick of you, but at least you where honest. Kudos for that

Just listen.




You don't have the right to say anything except "we're sorry, we're going to fix it..."

More powerful than anything else. Young people with the backing of everyone around them that had to live through this horror and lost family and friends telling these worthless government employees including Lying Trump and ghoul Congress and the weak NRA that this shit is going to change.

What you see is the Left using these children to disarm Americans.

Even the children are out to get you......

Just listen.




You don't have the right to say anything except "we're sorry, we're going to fix it..."

More powerful than anything else. Young people with the backing of everyone around them that had to live through this horror and lost family and friends telling these worthless government employees including Lying Trump and ghoul Congress and the weak NRA that this shit is going to change.

What you see is the Left using these children to disarm Americans.

Even the children are out to get you......

No the children are being used because they are children. Paranoia, or not, has nothing to do with indoctrination.
Again bombs are not a Constitutional right. So, that is my theory, if you don’t like it, change the Constitution. The vast majority of Americans disagree with you, whether it “pisses you off” or not, that is also irrelevant as most Americans are fine with Americans owning guns.
The only way to know if Americans love keeping guns or not is by doing a refurundum. Since most cons don't believe in polls lately.
The growth of other minorities, the youth voters and the decreasing of the conservatives nuts and close minded older whites will difinetly have an impact on future of guns in this inevitable

The poll I linked was from November of 2017, so read it and tell me what you think. All you need is two thirds of the House and two thirds of the Senate to approve eliminating the 2nd Amendment then 3/4 of the states to ratify the repeal of the amendment.

Also, if you would have looked at the poll, in 1959 60% of Americans favored a gun ban, now it is only 28%. So, you have a long road and a long time to change opinions. What is interesting is that although gun ownership is under 50%, 71% oppose the banning of guns.
Demographics of this country is changing rapidly so will the voting. No one would've guessed that a black can be president in a country where racism was a norm not long ago. Cons are up in arms against diversity and immigration because they know that it will kill lot of their stupid laws and outdated regulations and amendments. I'm in LA not one person I know or spoke is pro gun...and the country is moving away from conservatism .....qnd by saying conservatism, is the radical version of it (racist, bigoted, pro gun, anti immigrants, ect...) I will give it max 20 or 30 years. We will have a Hispanic president before that too, hopefully from a Mexican decent.
Time for America to join the civilised world and abolish their deadly toys.

So, how does your fears of getting shot effect your daily life? Are you afraid to go out in public? Do you home school your children? Do you just shop online so you don’t have to face the public and the possibility of getting shot?
All of the above, except the home schooling but still worried about my kids getting shot or kidnapped....something I didn' have to worry about growing overseas....America is a dangerous place to live for sure. We need to make it better by banning guns, so the damage is minimal.

So you actually don’t go out in public at all? You never go shopping and only shop online because you are so afraid?

I really don’t fear going out at all. If you feel America is that dangerous why would you raise your kids here? That seems pretty fucked up that you are so afraid of violence but you don’t protect your own children, if I felt other places would be safer for my kids, I’d move in a heartbeat, I wouldn’t hesitate.

Maybe you should move to a safer state than California, my state is one of the safest.
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I'm more concerned with the guy getting the gun in the first place. Rather than the chaos that would ensue if the gunman, cops and teachers are having a shoot out with each other.

In all fairness, we have to give NRA credit. My brother is an NRA cultist. He was out in the woods one day practicing his fast draw with a Colt 22 and shot himself in the leg. Who knows. Maybe if he had not been trained by the NRA he might have shot himself where it would have REALLY hurt. The good news is that, with him being laid up for a couple of months, several beavers down by the lake near his backyard got a reprieve for the Fall season.

He didn't learn that from the NRA.

So just to be clear, NAACP members are "cultist?" AARP members are "cultists?" Or just people you disagree with are "cultists"?

Typical bigoted leftist

Perhaps we can solve the issue about who is a good guy and who is a bad guy pretending to be a good guy, by doing like the police do. They wear uniforms with POLICE spelled out on their backs. Everyone who would be allowed to bring a gun to school could only do it if they agreed to wear a black shirt with white lettering on the back, spelling out, either GOOD, or BAD. That should work.

Apparently what we need is a program of eugenics that prevents liberals from having offspring. That would raise the average IQ of the population by 30 points.

He was just asking for help. When he walks into a situation where one person is shooting unarmed people who are running away from him, he is trying to figure out how to tell who the bad guy is

Utopia, according to Kaz:

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Just listen.




You don't have the right to say anything except "we're sorry, we're going to fix it..."

More powerful than anything else. Young people with the backing of everyone around them that had to live through this horror and lost family and friends telling these worthless government employees including Lying Trump and ghoul Congress and the weak NRA that this shit is going to change.

What you see is the Left using these children to disarm Americans.

Even the children are out to get you......

No the children are being used because they are children. Paranoia, or not, has nothing to do with indoctrination.

The poll I linked was from November of 2017, so read it and tell me what you think. All you need is two thirds of the House and two thirds of the Senate to approve eliminating the 2nd Amendment then 3/4 of the states to ratify the repeal of the amendment.

Also, if you would have looked at the poll, in 1959 60% of Americans favored a gun ban, now it is only 28%. So, you have a long road and a long time to change opinions. What is interesting is that although gun ownership is under 50%, 71% oppose the banning of guns.
Demographics of this country is changing rapidly so will the voting. No one would've guessed that a black can be president in a country where racism was a norm not long ago. Cons are up in arms against diversity and immigration because they know that it will kill lot of their stupid laws and outdated regulations and amendments. I'm in LA not one person I know or spoke is pro gun...and the country is moving away from conservatism .....qnd by saying conservatism, is the radical version of it (racist, bigoted, pro gun, anti immigrants, ect...) I will give it max 20 or 30 years. We will have a Hispanic president before that too, hopefully from a Mexican decent.
Time for America to join the civilised world and abolish their deadly toys.

So, how does your fears of getting shot effect your daily life? Are you afraid to go out in public? Do you home school your children? Do you just shop online so you don’t have to face the public and the possibility of getting shot?
All of the above, except the home schooling but still worried about my kids getting shot or kidnapped....something I didn' have to worry about growing overseas....America is a dangerous place to live for sure. We need to make it better by banning guns, so the damage is minimal.

but still worried about my kids getting shot or kidnapped....something I didn' have to worry about growing overseas....

kids don't get shot or kidnapped overseas?

Where did you live?

Lala land?
A lot less than the US, trust me. The first thing you will notice kids are outside on their own as young as 3. I never had to be dropped off at school/soccer practice or anything else. I know is hard to believe for most Americans but there is a whole world out there.

Our kids walked to school, the kids played outside at the age of three and younger in the front yard. My grandkids walk about two blocks to the bus stop and before that walked six blocks to school until they moved. Of course we don’t live in California, which is 15th in crime, even with a high population.

Just listen.




You don't have the right to say anything except "we're sorry, we're going to fix it..."

More powerful than anything else. Young people with the backing of everyone around them that had to live through this horror and lost family and friends telling these worthless government employees including Lying Trump and ghoul Congress and the weak NRA that this shit is going to change.

What you see is the Left using these children to disarm Americans.

Even the children are out to get you......

No the children are being used because they are children. Paranoia, or not, has nothing to do with indoctrination.

Compare it to anything you wish.
They're just parroting what their liberal teachers are telling them.

Or perhaps almost dying at the hands of a crazy dude changes a person's' point of view. Did you ever think about that? No, of course you you just want to bash the girl because she does not think like you do

Did I blame her? No, her teacher has filled her head full of fuck.
Please enlighten me on what is false fuck head.
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