Trump slammed by Parkland Hero students at Rally

Excellent idea...I will donate a check of 1000 thoughts & prayers to the NRA.i
1,000 thoughts from you? That check is going to bounce. As far as the prayers they come from the foxhole and you would not mean one of them.

Another one misses the point.
The one on your head? I haven't missed that.

You missed the point of a post and imply I'm stupid? Funny, dude, real funny.
You said you were stupid, I said your head is pointed, OK dude?

Wow, OK, making up whole conversations in your head, have fun
Kaz, your plans to make our schools safer by arming the people who are there is totally asinine, and ridiculas. It is the same delusional mindset that you guys have, in which you invision yourselves holding off the black helicopters of the New World Order in the street with your AR-15's. I swear it would not even surprise me if you had given all your firearms women's names. Nobody takes you seriously other than those with the same fetish.

You're a bit of a fool. Does it make you "feel" superior when you disparage others?
As far as the fighting goes, as a swabbie you actually have no real knowledge of what it really is. Let me help you here, it isn't the winning or losing, it's the fight itself. Sometimes one is forced to fight with what one has. Nobody always wins, one simply does what one can. Here's another little tid bit for you, if you deny that the NWO is real you are a fool.

Did you get that out of the Turner Diaries or some other porno mag?

(smile) Tell me son, how many of our Presidents have spoken of it?

The Turner Diaries? Hopefully none.

Both Ike and JFK warned of them covertly, Bush 1, Clinton, Bush II and Obama ALL spoke of it.
Kaz, your plans to make our schools safer by arming the people who are there is totally asinine, and ridiculas. It is the same delusional mindset that you guys have, in which you invision yourselves holding off the black helicopters of the New World Order in the street with your AR-15's. I swear it would not even surprise me if you had given all your firearms women's names. Nobody takes you seriously other than those with the same fetish.

You're a bit of a fool. Does it make you "feel" superior when you disparage others?
As far as the fighting goes, as a swabbie you actually have no real knowledge of what it really is. Let me help you here, it isn't the winning or losing, it's the fight itself. Sometimes one is forced to fight with what one has. Nobody always wins, one simply does what one can. Here's another little tid bit for you, if you deny that the NWO is real you are a fool.

Did you get that out of the Turner Diaries or some other porno mag?

(smile) Tell me son, how many of our Presidents have spoken of it?

The Turner Diaries? Hopefully none.

Both Ike and JFK warned of them covertly, Bush 1, Clinton, Bush II and Obama ALL spoke of it.

The Turner Diaries?
All one has to do is mention the "New World Order", and it is kind of like a magic incantation that summons all the conspiracy nuts and keyboard commandos. Most of them are no more dangerous than the people who still think that aliens abducted Elvis. Unfortunately, they send their money to the NRA, who, in turn, send it to the GOP, which puts them in a different category. The thing that I can't figure out is why so many of them never served in the armed forces.
I own five firearms, including one 9mm pistol. Now, I live in Arizona, where any idiot can walk around with a gun anywhere. You can open carry without even having to demonstrate that you know where the safety switch is. If I did carry it around, and I found myself in a situation where someone or some people started firing, i would probably shoot anyone who pointed a gun in my direction, and ask questions later. That may not be the best course of action, but I can't see myself suggesting to someone who is shooting in my direction to please identify himself. All things considered, I suspect that my carrying a gun is not really going to make anything I run into any better, so I don't.

Arizona is the worst. A simple background check against criminal history (not mental health) and after that 5 minute wait you can literally walk out the door and take it anywhere you want, don't have to know shit about the firearm.

NICS is supposed to contain mental health information also, you can blame the States, not the NRA or Trump for them not following the law and reporting the info.


Just listen.




You don't have the right to say anything except "we're sorry, we're going to fix it..."

More powerful than anything else. Young people with the backing of everyone around them that had to live through this horror and lost family and friends telling these worthless government employees including Lying Trump and ghoul Congress and the weak NRA that this shit is going to change.
Actually we have a criminal problem, we need criminal control not gun control. The vast majority of violent criminals in this country are repeat offenders. You silly motherfucker

Report again asshole can't say mother fucker on here .

Don't know where you got that misguided idea. You can say anything you want as long as there is thread related content in the post.


USMB Rules and Guidelines

  • No Direct or implied threats of violence/harm towards another member, or members family and/or threats with the intent of interfering in or disrupting a member's life.
  • No Attacks on family members.

Say what?

Poor wittle thing, calling you a name in no way implies a personal threat or attack or your family. You really are one dumb motherfucker. Report that, LMAO


Hey I fucked your mother also, I guess I got sloppy seconds....


But it was fun :)

And now you prove my point why liberalism is killing America, words have no meaning anymore.
Flying is not a right, it is a privilege. There is nothing in the Constitution about the right to fly. There is no right to own a bomb, there is nothing in the Constitution that gives you a right to own a bomb.

Again, you go to work to try to change the law but 71% of all Americans do not want a ban on guns. So good luck with your battle.

Lots of other things we can do, like place the responsibility where it really lies, not on the guns but on the person that misuses a gun.
Bombs don't kill, people do according to your theory of guns.
It pisses the crap out of me that Americans think that they need guns. And massacres unfold before their eyes time and time again...what else is needed to be done so Americans can understand that guns are not needed?
Should we take Americans to other countries and showed how wonderful it's without guns?
Should the death toll reach a million a year?
What exactly?

Again bombs are not a Constitutional right. So, that is my theory, if you don’t like it, change the Constitution. The vast majority of Americans disagree with you, whether it “pisses you off” or not, that is also irrelevant as most Americans are fine with Americans owning guns.
The only way to know if Americans love keeping guns or not is by doing a refurundum. Since most cons don't believe in polls lately.
The growth of other minorities, the youth voters and the decreasing of the conservatives nuts and close minded older whites will difinetly have an impact on future of guns in this inevitable

The poll I linked was from November of 2017, so read it and tell me what you think. All you need is two thirds of the House and two thirds of the Senate to approve eliminating the 2nd Amendment then 3/4 of the states to ratify the repeal of the amendment.

Also, if you would have looked at the poll, in 1959 60% of Americans favored a gun ban, now it is only 28%. So, you have a long road and a long time to change opinions. What is interesting is that although gun ownership is under 50%, 71% oppose the banning of guns.
Demographics of this country is changing rapidly so will the voting. No one would've guessed that a black can be president in a country where racism was a norm not long ago. Cons are up in arms against diversity and immigration because they know that it will kill lot of their stupid laws and outdated regulations and amendments. I'm in LA not one person I know or spoke is pro gun...and the country is moving away from conservatism .....qnd by saying conservatism, is the radical version of it (racist, bigoted, pro gun, anti immigrants, ect...) I will give it max 20 or 30 years. We will have a Hispanic president before that too, hopefully from a Mexican decent.
Time for America to join the civilised world and abolish their deadly toys.

So, how does your fears of getting shot effect your daily life? Are you afraid to go out in public? Do you home school your children? Do you just shop online so you don’t have to face the public and the possibility of getting shot?
1,000 thoughts from you? That check is going to bounce. As far as the prayers they come from the foxhole and you would not mean one of them.

Another one misses the point.
The one on your head? I haven't missed that.

You missed the point of a post and imply I'm stupid? Funny, dude, real funny.
You said you were stupid, I said your head is pointed, OK dude?

Wow, OK, making up whole conversations in your head, have fun
I will.

Just listen.




You don't have the right to say anything except "we're sorry, we're going to fix it..."

More powerful than anything else. Young people with the backing of everyone around them that had to live through this horror and lost family and friends telling these worthless government employees including Lying Trump and ghoul Congress and the weak NRA that this shit is going to change.

What you see is the Left using these children to disarm Americans.

Just listen.




You don't have the right to say anything except "we're sorry, we're going to fix it..."

More powerful than anything else. Young people with the backing of everyone around them that had to live through this horror and lost family and friends telling these worthless government employees including Lying Trump and ghoul Congress and the weak NRA that this shit is going to change.

No it won’t change, 71% of Americans in November are against a gun ban. You have a long, long way to go. In 1959 60% of Americans wanted to ban guns, you are losing ground.
what do you not understand about the statement, "you are the president"?

We arent' talking about Trump, Obama, Bush, Clinton, etc.

What will YOU do?
You missed my answer I guess. I said foe a started recognize its a gun issue and not just mental illness.

Show me a gun that went out by itself and killed a bunch of people. I've got several and none of them has left the house with out me.

Show me a bomb that exploded without a terrorist ? Why do we have to ban bombs? Why do we get searched and sexually harassed at airports and we can't carry whatever the heck we went ?

Now tell me, why most countries don't have mass shootings, and kids slaughtered in schools?

Typical uninformed regressive, explosives are used in this country millions of times a year legally. Just like guns are legally used about 2 million times a year for self defense. We have outlawed terrorist, how's that working? Come to think of it, how's it working in the UK, France, Belgium and many more countries? So other countries DO have mass shootings and bombings, they are smaller countries and have fewer. BTW snowflake, hammers kill more people than all long guns combined, when are you going to call for banning hammers?

Oh, and I've never set foot in an airport since the TSA was installed, you can willingly give up your 4th amendment rights, I chose not to. Just like I chose not to give up my AR and its ability to take out as many wild hogs as I can get in my sites.

Typical con lunatic. You don't travel you just get your propaganda from radical sites , radios and tv. Says that other countries has desert shootings because they are smaller...I honestly don't blame you, I blame your upringings and flat out fucked up. Keep on using your AR I just hope you don' hurt yourself or a loved one when you lose your temper.

I don't travel any more because of the TSA, and you have no clue where I've been, what I've done or what my education is. I've had full access to guns and ammo since I was big enough to walk and never considered using them against another person, except in self defense, because I was taught better by a loving mother and father. Only pathetic snowflakes like you use losing your temper as an excuse for bad behavior.

I own five firearms, including one 9mm pistol. Now, I live in Arizona, where any idiot can walk around with a gun anywhere. You can open carry without even having to demonstrate that you know where the safety switch is. If I did carry it around, and I found myself in a situation where someone or some people started firing, i would probably shoot anyone who pointed a gun in my direction, and ask questions later. That may not be the best course of action, but I can't see myself suggesting to someone who is shooting in my direction to please identify himself. All things considered, I suspect that my carrying a gun is not really going to make anything I run into any better, so I don't.

Arizona is the worst. A simple background check against criminal history (not mental health) and after that 5 minute wait you can literally walk out the door and take it anywhere you want, don't have to know shit about the firearm.
The shootings still happen in gun free zones.

They do, as long as people with violent pasts and mental health problems can legally buy a gun, especially the mass shooting specials.
People who have been convicted of any crimes cannot legally get guns, moron. If you think you can find all the people with mental health problems, you're dreaming. Unless they're problems are serious enough to have required a legal proceeding of some kind, the government will never know they have a problem.

In Florida a private seller does not need/actually is barred from doing a background check when selling their own firearms. And, no I don't expect to block the sale of firearms to everyone who is mentally ill, that's a ridiculous standard, I'd say you know this but it's you probably don't.

That's a lie, anyone in FL can go to a FFL to do a background check on a prospective buyer in a private sale. Most people just don't want to pay the fees to have the dealer do the transfer.

The shootings still happen in gun free zones.

They do, as long as people with violent pasts and mental health problems can legally buy a gun, especially the mass shooting specials.
People who have been convicted of any crimes cannot legally get guns, moron. If you think you can find all the people with mental health problems, you're dreaming. Unless they're problems are serious enough to have required a legal proceeding of some kind, the government will never know they have a problem.

In Florida a private seller does not need/actually is barred from doing a background check when selling their own firearms. And, no I don't expect to block the sale of firearms to everyone who is mentally ill, that's a ridiculous standard, I'd say you know this but it's you probably don't.
Allow me to quote you:

"They do, as long as people with violent pasts and mental health problems can legally buy a gun, especially the mass shooting specials."

The opposite of allowing people with mental health problems to buy guns is to not allow people with mental health problems to buy guns. So which do you support, allowing it or not allowing it?

I support checking the mental health status and criminal background checks from all firearm sales.

I also support mandatory firearm training and banning certain firearm accessories such as expanded magazines and bump stalks.
Only people who have had some kind of legal proceeding related to their mental health would have any kind of mental health "status" that law enforcement could check. There are millions of people out there, like cruz, who have serious mental health issues but have never even been to see a psychologist.

So your reccomendation of preventing all people with mental health issues from buying guns is absolutely toothless. It certainly wouldn't have prevented Cruz from buying guns.

The rest of your post is the usual litany of leftwing demands to strip people of their right to bear arms. The only people you are convincing are the already convinced.
Ok, you're the president.

How do you get 300,000,000+ firearms turned in?

How do you get gangbangers and other criminal types to give up their firearms?

How do you get Congress to pass a bill making it mandatory to turn in their arms?

How do you get the repeal of the Second Amendment passed?
Is not something that can be done by just the sitting president. But Americans as a whole need to change their mentality about gun ownership, vote out pro gun nuts, and walk towards sanity and a safer country.
One major terrorist attack and we spent billions of dollars to stop other attacks from happening, along of dozens of security measures and legislations, that even goes into violating some civil liberties that this country was founded on...thousands die each year from gun violence and we still can't do anything tangible to stop the blood bath.
Is not something that can be done by just the sitting president.

I'm well aware of that.

takes a lot of people and states to get it repealed.


answer the question.

How do you, as the newly appointed president, get the ball rolling?
Someone else not this mental we have now. By admitting that we have a gun problem and not just blame it on mental illness. For a starter.
Actually we have a criminal problem, we need criminal control not gun control. The vast majority of violent criminals in this country are repeat offenders. You silly motherfucker

Report again asshole can't say mother fucker on here .
you can't say mother fucker on here .

actually, you can

Just listen.




You don't have the right to say anything except "we're sorry, we're going to fix it..."

More powerful than anything else. Young people with the backing of everyone around them that had to live through this horror and lost family and friends telling these worthless government employees including Lying Trump and ghoul Congress and the weak NRA that this shit is going to change.

Young people are ignorant and naive. That's why we don't let them vote.
Bombs don't kill, people do according to your theory of guns.
It pisses the crap out of me that Americans think that they need guns. And massacres unfold before their eyes time and time again...what else is needed to be done so Americans can understand that guns are not needed?
Should we take Americans to other countries and showed how wonderful it's without guns?
Should the death toll reach a million a year?
What exactly?

Again bombs are not a Constitutional right. So, that is my theory, if you don’t like it, change the Constitution. The vast majority of Americans disagree with you, whether it “pisses you off” or not, that is also irrelevant as most Americans are fine with Americans owning guns.
The only way to know if Americans love keeping guns or not is by doing a refurundum. Since most cons don't believe in polls lately.
The growth of other minorities, the youth voters and the decreasing of the conservatives nuts and close minded older whites will difinetly have an impact on future of guns in this inevitable

The poll I linked was from November of 2017, so read it and tell me what you think. All you need is two thirds of the House and two thirds of the Senate to approve eliminating the 2nd Amendment then 3/4 of the states to ratify the repeal of the amendment.

Also, if you would have looked at the poll, in 1959 60% of Americans favored a gun ban, now it is only 28%. So, you have a long road and a long time to change opinions. What is interesting is that although gun ownership is under 50%, 71% oppose the banning of guns.
Demographics of this country is changing rapidly so will the voting. No one would've guessed that a black can be president in a country where racism was a norm not long ago. Cons are up in arms against diversity and immigration because they know that it will kill lot of their stupid laws and outdated regulations and amendments. I'm in LA not one person I know or spoke is pro gun...and the country is moving away from conservatism .....qnd by saying conservatism, is the radical version of it (racist, bigoted, pro gun, anti immigrants, ect...) I will give it max 20 or 30 years. We will have a Hispanic president before that too, hopefully from a Mexican decent.
Time for America to join the civilised world and abolish their deadly toys.

So, how does your fears of getting shot effect your daily life? Are you afraid to go out in public? Do you home school your children? Do you just shop online so you don’t have to face the public and the possibility of getting shot?
All of the above, except the home schooling but still worried about my kids getting shot or kidnapped....something I didn' have to worry about growing overseas....America is a dangerous place to live for sure. We need to make it better by banning guns, so the damage is minimal.
Again bombs are not a Constitutional right. So, that is my theory, if you don’t like it, change the Constitution. The vast majority of Americans disagree with you, whether it “pisses you off” or not, that is also irrelevant as most Americans are fine with Americans owning guns.
The only way to know if Americans love keeping guns or not is by doing a refurundum. Since most cons don't believe in polls lately.
The growth of other minorities, the youth voters and the decreasing of the conservatives nuts and close minded older whites will difinetly have an impact on future of guns in this inevitable

The poll I linked was from November of 2017, so read it and tell me what you think. All you need is two thirds of the House and two thirds of the Senate to approve eliminating the 2nd Amendment then 3/4 of the states to ratify the repeal of the amendment.

Also, if you would have looked at the poll, in 1959 60% of Americans favored a gun ban, now it is only 28%. So, you have a long road and a long time to change opinions. What is interesting is that although gun ownership is under 50%, 71% oppose the banning of guns.
Demographics of this country is changing rapidly so will the voting. No one would've guessed that a black can be president in a country where racism was a norm not long ago. Cons are up in arms against diversity and immigration because they know that it will kill lot of their stupid laws and outdated regulations and amendments. I'm in LA not one person I know or spoke is pro gun...and the country is moving away from conservatism .....qnd by saying conservatism, is the radical version of it (racist, bigoted, pro gun, anti immigrants, ect...) I will give it max 20 or 30 years. We will have a Hispanic president before that too, hopefully from a Mexican decent.
Time for America to join the civilised world and abolish their deadly toys.

So, how does your fears of getting shot effect your daily life? Are you afraid to go out in public? Do you home school your children? Do you just shop online so you don’t have to face the public and the possibility of getting shot?
All of the above, except the home schooling but still worried about my kids getting shot or kidnapped....something I didn' have to worry about growing overseas....America is a dangerous place to live for sure. We need to make it better by banning guns, so the damage is minimal.

but still worried about my kids getting shot or kidnapped....something I didn' have to worry about growing overseas....

kids don't get shot or kidnapped overseas?

Where did you live?

Lala land?
Actually we have a criminal problem, we need criminal control not gun control. The vast majority of violent criminals in this country are repeat offenders. You silly motherfucker

Report again asshole can't say mother fucker on here .

Don't know where you got that misguided idea. You can say anything you want as long as there is thread related content in the post.


USMB Rules and Guidelines

  • No Direct or implied threats of violence/harm towards another member, or members family and/or threats with the intent of interfering in or disrupting a member's life.
  • No Attacks on family members.

Say what?

Poor wittle thing, calling you a name in no way implies a personal threat or attack or your family. You really are one dumb motherfucker. Report that, LMAO


Hey I fucked your mother also, I guess I got sloppy seconds....


But it was fun :)

So you find your fun in fucking dead people? You really are sick.


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