Trump slams disgraceful Mueller over leaked questions

The Clinton campaign KNOWINGLY paid an intermediary spy for a fake dossier prepared by Russians! This is irrefutable clear evidence of collusion with actual transactional evidence.
Clinton paid nothing to Steele, but lying scum like you knew that already.
Ok so she did the go around in order to avoid being detected. She paid someone who hated Trump who paid another person who hated Trump (Steele) who paid the Russians for a fake dossier on Trump. So she engaged in a financial transaction to help the Russians interfere with our election while trying to destroy Trump and spy on him. Yup, gotcha. Nothing wrong here, just business as normal for the crooked, corrupt criminal Clintons.

Memo: FBI Used Tainted Steele Dossier, Paid For By Hillary Clinton, As Reason To Spy On Trump | Investor's Business Daily

FBI Scandal:
The controversial congressional memo that alleges abuse of the government's surveillance program has now been released to the public. A close reading of the four-page document reveals potentially damning evidence that the FBI and Department of Justice used an anti-Trump dossier funded by the Hillary Clinton campaign as the basis for spying on the Trump campaign.
Trumpers and Alt Right: focus!

It's the liar in the office that concerns America, not Clinton or Obama.
Wrong again, the investigation is about Russia interference and any COLLUSION during the last election, and bringing ANYBODY who coordinated and colluded with the Russians to justice. All arrows point to Clinton, ex Obama officials, and leadership of the justice dept., a criminal conspiracy that will soon be exposed.

Idiot-gram, ignorant hack and mendacious variety.

The evidence of collusion with Russians, and Trump&Co and Trump's Family is a well known fact. There is no evidence that HRC, or her husband, or former Obama officials and/or the DOJ / FBI have engaged in a criminal conspiracy.

Once again the BIG LIE is afoot, and the poster of this criminal conspiracy is a damn liar.
Crime one: conspiracy and collusion: she paid for a fake dossier which was turned over to a FISA court by coconspirators to spy on members of the opposing candidate. Crime 2: She destroyed 30,000 emails and cell phones, clear evidence of obstruction. Crime 3: She had a private server from which she sent and received classified emails, exposing our national security. Crime 4: mishandling classified information: classified emails were found on the lap top of outside individual without clearance, a convicted Democrat pedophile Anthony Weiner.

Just the facts and actual events, now go ahead and tell us why she and her coconspirators aren't behind bars.

If what you say is true, why do you think the partisan Republican Caucus could not find enough evidence to conclude she had committed these crimes, and why didn't the justice dept,. lead by Republicans, not indict her?

[don't bother to answer, I'm sure you'll blame it all on this Deep State nonsense]
Why didn't the justice dept. indict her? What a dumbass you are! Because our crooked attorney general Loretta Lynch was having meetings with the suspect in the investigation in the back of her plane for 45 minutes? Or was it because she worked for a man and Hillary was his incumbent, meaning she's out of a job if Trump becomes president? Or was it because Lynch even told Comey to call it a matter and not an investigation, in order to make his criminal boss Obama happy? You forget that the leadership of the FBI, justice dept. Obama and his officials were all part of this elaborate conspiracy against Trump, which as know, FAILED.
That Trump colluded with Russia is a false premise and so far nothing has shown up that would indicate the opposite.

And of course you can bring up Hillary and the fact that she clearly colluded with the Russians
Sure, the Tramp campaign met DIRECTLY with 4 Russian operatives in Tramp Tower but that is NOT collusion, and Hillary NEVER met with any Russians and THAT IS "clearly" collusion. :cuckoo:
So meeting with a Russian attorney who promises "dirt" on Hillary but ends up having nothing, is evidence of collusion, but Hillary paying Russians 12 million to create a fake dossier to destroy Trump as candidate and later as president, then hand it off to Obama officials who used it to LIE to a FISA court in order to spy on members of the Trump campaign, isn't? Got it.

Clinton did not pay $12 million to Russians. The fact is that Comey has testified that parts were verified and the rest was unverified. Being unverified is not being untrue. The fact is that there is no evidence of any lies to the FISA court. You are the LIAR.
Stealth Jeff on Twitter

That Trump colluded with Russia is a false premise and so far nothing has shown up that would indicate the opposite.

And of course you can bring up Hillary and the fact that she clearly colluded with the Russians
Sure, the Tramp campaign met DIRECTLY with 4 Russian operatives in Tramp Tower but that is NOT collusion, and Hillary NEVER met with any Russians and THAT IS "clearly" collusion. :cuckoo:
So meeting with a Russian attorney who promises "dirt" on Hillary but ends up having nothing, is evidence of collusion, but Hillary paying Russians 12 million to create a fake dossier to destroy Trump as candidate and later as president, then hand it off to Obama officials who used it to LIE to a FISA court in order to spy on members of the Trump campaign, isn't? Got it.

Clinton did not pay $12 million to Russians. The fact is that Comey has testified that parts were verified and the rest was unverified. Being unverified is not being untrue. The fact is that there is no evidence of any lies to the FISA court. You are the LIAR.
What parts were verified? That Russia is a country and Trump was there for business? Ha ha ha.

The FISA warrant was a conspiracy to fool the secret court with a fake dossier in order to spy on an American. Funny that same American falsely accused of being a spy, is walking around giving interviews on TV. Perhaps he can sue and get the witch hunters to pay for the damages they caused him.

Another hack crawls out from under the rock. Well at least you admit she did pay to collude with foreign entities including the Russians, to interfere with our elections.
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Ok so she did the go around in order to avoid being detected. She paid someone who hated Trump who paid another person who hated Trump (Steele) who paid the Russians for a fake dossier on Trump.
As opposed to Tramp who had his campaign meet directly with Russian agents in Tramp Tower to get dirt on Hillary from the Russian government who were supporting him.
Ok so she did the go around in order to avoid being detected. She paid someone who hated Trump who paid another person who hated Trump (Steele) who paid the Russians for a fake dossier on Trump.
As opposed to Tramp who had his campaign meet directly with Russian agents in Tramp Tower to get dirt on Hillary from the Russian government who were supporting him.
Your lunacy is filled with holes.

1- It is not illegal to meet with Russians, happens thousands of time a day.
2- No indication that Don Jr. Knew she was a Russian agent
3- in fact she said testified in front of congress, she had no affiliation with Russian govt., which she recently changed.
4- If she is indeed a Russian "agent " why wasn't she indicted along with the other Russians recently indicted by Mueller?
5- Don Jr. Didn't fall for the switch and bait. Nothing came of the meeting and everyone went their own way.

6- Hillary Clinton actually conspired, colluded, paid for, and deciminated exactly what what you are accusing Don Jr. of!

You got nothing but BS and hyperventilating. A little intellectual honesty will do you some good, but since liberalism is a mental disorder....
No indication that Don Jr. Knew she was a Russian agent
The lies just keep on coming.

On Jun 7, 2016, at 4:20 PM, Rob Goldstone wrote:


Hope all is well

Emin asked that I schedule a meeting with you and The Russian government attorney who is flying over from Moscow for this Thursday.

I believe you are aware of the meeting - and so wondered if 3pm or later on Thursday works for you?

I assume it would be at your office.


Rob Goldstone
Don Jr. Didn't fall for the switch and bait. Nothing came of the meeting and everyone went their own way.
Actually a follow up email from Goldstone revealed that he found a story of the DNC hack "eerily weird" given what they had discussed at Trump Tower five days earlier. So Don Jr was clearly lying about what was actually discussed at the meeting.
The Clinton campaign KNOWINGLY paid an intermediary spy for a fake dossier prepared by Russians! This is irrefutable clear evidence of collusion with actual transactional evidence.
Clinton paid nothing to Steele, but lying scum like you knew that already.
Ok so she did the go around in order to avoid being detected. She paid someone who hated Trump who paid another person who hated Trump (Steele) who paid the Russians for a fake dossier on Trump. So she engaged in a financial transaction to help the Russians interfere with our election while trying to destroy Trump and spy on him. Yup, gotcha. Nothing wrong here, just business as normal for the crooked, corrupt criminal Clintons.

Memo: FBI Used Tainted Steele Dossier, Paid For By Hillary Clinton, As Reason To Spy On Trump | Investor's Business Daily

FBI Scandal:
The controversial congressional memo that alleges abuse of the government's surveillance program has now been released to the public. A close reading of the four-page document reveals potentially damning evidence that the FBI and Department of Justice used an anti-Trump dossier funded by the Hillary Clinton campaign as the basis for spying on the Trump campaign.

Steele did not hate Trump. He became disturbed because of what he found out from his Russian contacts. Those have been borne out. The Russians attacked our troops in Syria and are working with Iran to dominate the middle east. Despite this, Trump refused to increase the sanctions on Russia. Clearly Trump is in Putin's back pocket. That is why they helped Trump by hacking the DNC servers. Comedy testified that the dossier was not fake. He said parts of it were verified. confirmed. The crooked traitor is Trump. bought and paid for by Putin.

The Nunes memo has been thoroughly discredited. Also maybe you can explain how they wanted to spy on Trump's campaign when they obtained the FISA warrant on Carter Page a month after he left the campaign. Or are you TOO STUPID to understand a calendar. The Investor's Business Daily is another so-called organization corrupted by Trump. It is completely dishonest.
Trumpers and Alt Right: focus!

It's the liar in the office that concerns America, not Clinton or Obama.
Wrong again, the investigation is about Russia interference and any COLLUSION during the last election, and bringing ANYBODY who coordinated and colluded with the Russians to justice. All arrows point to Clinton, ex Obama officials, and leadership of the justice dept., a criminal conspiracy that will soon be exposed.

Idiot-gram, ignorant hack and mendacious variety.

The evidence of collusion with Russians, and Trump&Co and Trump's Family is a well known fact. There is no evidence that HRC, or her husband, or former Obama officials and/or the DOJ / FBI have engaged in a criminal conspiracy.

Once again the BIG LIE is afoot, and the poster of this criminal conspiracy is a damn liar.
Crime one: conspiracy and collusion: she paid for a fake dossier which was turned over to a FISA court by coconspirators to spy on members of the opposing candidate. Crime 2: She destroyed 30,000 emails and cell phones, clear evidence of obstruction. Crime 3: She had a private server from which she sent and received classified emails, exposing our national security. Crime 4: mishandling classified information: classified emails were found on the lap top of outside individual without clearance, a convicted Democrat pedophile Anthony Weiner.

Just the facts and actual events, now go ahead and tell us why she and her coconspirators aren't behind bars.

If what you say is true, why do you think the partisan Republican Caucus could not find enough evidence to conclude she had committed these crimes, and why didn't the justice dept,. lead by Republicans, not indict her?

[don't bother to answer, I'm sure you'll blame it all on this Deep State nonsense]
Why didn't the justice dept. indict her? What a dumbass you are! Because our crooked attorney general Loretta Lynch was having meetings with the suspect in the investigation in the back of her plane for 45 minutes? Or was it because she worked for a man and Hillary was his incumbent, meaning she's out of a job if Trump becomes president? Or was it because Lynch even told Comey to call it a matter and not an investigation, in order to make his criminal boss Obama happy? You forget that the leadership of the FBI, justice dept. Obama and his officials were all part of this elaborate conspiracy against Trump, which as know, FAILED.

How about no evidence of a crime. There is no conspiracy of against Trump. It shows how CRAZY you are.
Wong again, Hillary knowingly engaged in a transaction paying 12 million to a British spy who paid a Russian spy for a fake dossier.
Repeating you Limbaugh Lies does not make them any less of a lie. Hillary paid nothing to a British spy.
Notice how the liar went from Hillary paying the made up sum of $12 million to "Russians" to Hillary paying the imaginary $12 million now to a "British spy."

It is paid through middle men like GPS Fusion passing through many hands to have deniability...............

So now we are getting farther and farther away from Hillary paying the Russians the fake $12 million to paying middle men, none of which can be proven to have been paid $12 million.
I said the DNC paid them for dirt on I said .......deniability............

Russians paid Bill and the clinton Foundations 100's of millions.....

$500,000 for a short speech from the Clintons..........I'm sure they did that because they loved their voices so much........

Nice back door deal.........on Uranium 1.

Judicial They have financed both sides however they only released hacked DNC Watch has the pay for play emails as well...........

Plenty to charge them with.

The Russians have helped finance Trump in a number of projects. They also released hacked DNC e-mails not RNC e-mails.

Uranium 1 is a fantasy driven by the looney tune right such as yourself.
This is not the first leak by Mueller and his goons and it won't be the last. He's now getting desperate because the House has concluded with a NO COLLUSION verdict and he knows he's got nothing to show for either, so he threw this piece of red meat out there for his bosses in the Deep State and Democratic Party to chew on.

The leak came from the White House. The WH taped and transcribed the reading of the Questions by Mueller’s team. A copy of that Transcription was leaked to the Times.

Doesn’t Team Trump get tired of Dumb Donald shooting himself in the foot? Guess that’s why Kelly calls him an “idiot” and Tillerson called him a “moron”.
Do you have proof? How do you know the leak didn't come from Mueller, after all, they have a history.

It was identified by White House staff as having come from the White House.
But then that goes against Trump's claim that he's a stable genius. Stable geniuses don't forget things like that.
So did the real genius Hillary break the law by having a private server in her home of which she sent and received classified govt. emails, did she commit obstruction by wiping her illegal sever, destroying 30,000 emails, smashing a dozen cell phones with a hammer, and allowing her classified emails to show up on convicted pedophile Anthony Weiner's lap top?

Inquiring minds want to know.

Hilary? Lol

Focus! Hilary isn't the one sitting the Whitehouse right now. Agent Orange is.

Nice try at deflection though.
I noticed you didn't deny any of the crimes that Hillary committed, Hillary isn't in the Oval Office, thank God for that. Now you can explain why she and her coconspirators clearly got away with obvious crimes of collusion, obstruction, and criminal conspiracy and coordination with a foreign power to disrupt the American election, what Trump is being falsely accused of, during the same election in question.

Allegations ARE NOT crimes. In fact a number of allegations have been lodged against HRC and a number of investigations have been futile in finding any substance to these allegations. That assholes continue to claim HRC committed crimes, and never have any evidence of wrongdoing, we can conclude these assholes are perpetrating the BIG LIES, a typical tactic used by damn liars and biddable fools who chant "Lock her Up" with a total disregard for the moral imperative attached to American jurisprudence.
That Clinton destroyed 30,000 subpoenaed emails, destroyed 12 cellphones, paid money for a fake Russian dossier to use against Trump and interfere with US elections, lied under oath about not sending or receiving classified emails, and allowing classified emails to be convicted pedophile Democratic operative Anthony Weiner are facts, not allegations. Now go ahead and give her a pass for it.

Trumpers and Alt Right: focus!

It's the liar in the office that concerns America, not Clinton or Obama.
Wrong again, the investigation is about Russia interference and any COLLUSION during the last election, and bringing ANYBODY who coordinated and colluded with the Russians to justice. All arrows point to Clinton, ex Obama officials, and leadership of the justice dept., a criminal conspiracy that will soon be exposed.

Idiot-gram, ignorant hack and mendacious variety.

The evidence of collusion with Russians, and Trump&Co and Trump's Family is a well known fact. There is no evidence that HRC, or her husband, or former Obama officials and/or the DOJ / FBI have engaged in a criminal conspiracy.

Once again the BIG LIE is afoot, and the poster of this criminal conspiracy is a damn liar.
Crime one: conspiracy and collusion: she paid for a fake dossier which was turned over to a FISA court by coconspirators to spy on members of the opposing candidate. Crime 2: She destroyed 30,000 emails and cell phones, clear evidence of obstruction. Crime 3: She had a private server from which she sent and received classified emails, exposing our national security. Crime 4: mishandling classified information: classified emails were found on the lap top of outside individual without clearance, a convicted Democrat pedophile Anthony Weiner.

Just the facts and actual events, now go ahead and tell us why she and her coconspirators aren't behind bars.

Because you haven't given us any facts.

1. Opposition research is not a crime. Comey again confirmed parts of it had been verified. A judge is going to ask how you are spying on a campaign when the FISA warrant was obtained a month after Page left the campaign. Just because you are too stupid to understand how a calendar works does not mean everyone else is.

2.Clinton had every right to delete personal e-mails. No evidence was found by the FBI of obstruction.

3. Whether that is a prosecutorial matter is a fair question. Especially when that the only matter in question.

4. There is no evidence of anything being untoward. Nothing the FBI found changed Comey's assessment.
That Trump colluded with Russia is a false premise and so far nothing has shown up that would indicate the opposite.

And of course you can bring up Hillary and the fact that she clearly colluded with the Russians
Sure, the Tramp campaign met DIRECTLY with 4 Russian operatives in Tramp Tower but that is NOT collusion, and Hillary NEVER met with any Russians and THAT IS "clearly" collusion. :cuckoo:
So meeting with a Russian attorney who promises "dirt" on Hillary but ends up having nothing, is evidence of collusion, but Hillary paying Russians 12 million to create a fake dossier to destroy Trump as candidate and later as president, then hand it off to Obama officials who used it to LIE to a FISA court in order to spy on members of the Trump campaign, isn't? Got it.

Clinton did not pay $12 million to Russians. The fact is that Comey has testified that parts were verified and the rest was unverified. Being unverified is not being untrue. The fact is that there is no evidence of any lies to the FISA court. You are the LIAR.
What parts were verified? That Russia is a country and Trump was there for business? Ha ha ha.

The FISA warrant was a conspiracy to fool the secret court with a fake dossier in order to spy on an American. Funny that same American falsely accused of being a spy, is walking around giving interviews on TV. Perhaps he can sue and get the witch hunters to pay for the damages they caused him.

Another hack crawls out from under the rock. Well at least you admit she did pay to collude with foreign entities including the Russians, to interfere with our elections.

You can look at Comey's testimony before Congress which Nunes' memo mis-stated. The FBI had clearly verified parts of it. Take your shit and shove it up your ass. Ha ha ha.

Mike Pence was told that the Russians were interfering in our elections in May 2016. The Trump campaign knew that Russians were interfering and despite that Dom Jr and several members of the Trump campaign accompanied him. The fact that they did not get what they expected does not let them off the hook legally.

You are the only hack I see. You and your alt-right crazies.
Wong again, Hillary knowingly engaged in a transaction paying 12 million to a British spy who paid a Russian spy for a fake dossier.
Repeating you Limbaugh Lies does not make them any less of a lie. Hillary paid nothing to a British spy.
Notice how the liar went from Hillary paying the made up sum of $12 million to "Russians" to Hillary paying the imaginary $12 million now to a "British spy."

It is paid through middle men like GPS Fusion passing through many hands to have deniability...............

So now we are getting farther and farther away from Hillary paying the Russians the fake $12 million to paying middle men, none of which can be proven to have been paid $12 million.
I said the DNC paid them for dirt on I said .......deniability............

Russians paid Bill and the clinton Foundations 100's of millions.....

$500,000 for a short speech from the Clintons..........I'm sure they did that because they loved their voices so much........

Nice back door deal.........on Uranium 1.

Judicial They have financed both sides however they only released hacked DNC Watch has the pay for play emails as well...........

Plenty to charge them with.

The Russians have helped finance Trump in a number of projects. They also released hacked DNC e-mails not RNC e-mails.

Uranium 1 is a fantasy driven by the looney tune right such as yourself.
Nothing to see there.........when the DOJ and FBi is in your pockets........

I can give you MILLIONS of reasons why your post is utter BS.............Your CRIMINAL LOST THE ELECTION.......


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