Trump slams disgraceful Mueller over leaked questions

That Trump colluded with Russia is a false premise and so far nothing has shown up that would indicate the opposite.

And of course you can bring up Hillary and the fact that she clearly colluded with the Russians
Sure, the Tramp campaign met DIRECTLY with 4 Russian operatives in Tramp Tower but that is NOT collusion, and Hillary NEVER met with any Russians and THAT IS "clearly" collusion. :cuckoo:
So meeting with a Russian attorney who promises "dirt" on Hillary but ends up having nothing, is evidence of collusion, but Hillary paying Russians 12 million to create a fake dossier to destroy Trump as candidate and later as president, then hand it off to Obama officials who used it to LIE to a FISA court in order to spy on members of the Trump campaign, isn't? Got it.

Clinton did not pay $12 million to Russians. The fact is that Comey has testified that parts were verified and the rest was unverified. Being unverified is not being untrue. The fact is that there is no evidence of any lies to the FISA court. You are the LIAR.
What parts were verified? That Russia is a country and Trump was there for business? Ha ha ha.

The FISA warrant was a conspiracy to fool the secret court with a fake dossier in order to spy on an American. Funny that same American falsely accused of being a spy, is walking around giving interviews on TV. Perhaps he can sue and get the witch hunters to pay for the damages they caused him.

Another hack crawls out from under the rock. Well at least you admit she did pay to collude with foreign entities including the Russians, to interfere with our elections.

You can look at Comey's testimony before Congress which Nunes' memo mis-stated. The FBI had clearly verified parts of it. Take your shit and shove it up your ass. Ha ha ha.

Mike Pence was told that the Russians were interfering in our elections in May 2016. The Trump campaign knew that Russians were interfering and despite that Dom Jr and several members of the Trump campaign accompanied him. The fact that they did not get what they expected does not let them off the hook legally.

You are the only hack I see. You and your alt-right crazies.
I saw it.........After he was fired he decided to leak information that was under the FBI's authority.........Who gave him that authority.........oh I'm sorry.....He felt he had that Authority ..........He said so himself............

Now take Roseinstein or STING...........what the hell ever.......sent the information to the WH recommending they fire his ass........OH BUT OBSTRUCTION..........

Utter BS................just like he was a board member of a bank that handed the Clinton Foundation over 90 million dollars...........the TIES THAT BIND.........Same Bank..........Laundered over a 100 million dollars to Drug Cartels...........NO ONE WENT TO JAIL........

Your side is in BED WITH CRIMINALS..............

The investigation should be the other way.......And GOD WILLING...........Your side is gonna get the damn hammer it deserves......Truth always wins out over the LIES of SCUMBAGS.....

Don't like what I have to say BABE...........Change the dang channel.
The Clinton campaign KNOWINGLY paid an intermediary spy for a fake dossier prepared by Russians! This is irrefutable clear evidence of collusion with actual transactional evidence.
Clinton paid nothing to Steele, but lying scum like you knew that already.
Ok so she did the go around in order to avoid being detected. She paid someone who hated Trump who paid another person who hated Trump (Steele) who paid the Russians for a fake dossier on Trump. So she engaged in a financial transaction to help the Russians interfere with our election while trying to destroy Trump and spy on him. Yup, gotcha. Nothing wrong here, just business as normal for the crooked, corrupt criminal Clintons.

Memo: FBI Used Tainted Steele Dossier, Paid For By Hillary Clinton, As Reason To Spy On Trump | Investor's Business Daily

FBI Scandal:
The controversial congressional memo that alleges abuse of the government's surveillance program has now been released to the public. A close reading of the four-page document reveals potentially damning evidence that the FBI and Department of Justice used an anti-Trump dossier funded by the Hillary Clinton campaign as the basis for spying on the Trump campaign.

Steele did not hate Trump. He became disturbed because of what he found out from his Russian contacts. Those have been borne out. The Russians attacked our troops in Syria and are working with Iran to dominate the middle east. Despite this, Trump refused to increase the sanctions on Russia. Clearly Trump is in Putin's back pocket. That is why they helped Trump by hacking the DNC servers. Comedy testified that the dossier was not fake. He said parts of it were verified. confirmed. The crooked traitor is Trump. bought and paid for by Putin.

The Nunes memo has been thoroughly discredited. Also maybe you can explain how they wanted to spy on Trump's campaign when they obtained the FISA warrant on Carter Page a month after he left the campaign. Or are you TOO STUPID to understand a calendar. The Investor's Business Daily is another so-called organization corrupted by Trump. It is completely dishonest.
The INSANITY of defending the criminals who PAID STEELE to dig up DIRT ON TRUMP during the election is Outstanding...........Hell the FBI offered to put Steele on the payroll...........and during the primaries........the RNC paid to have him dig dirt on Trump............

Talk about dirty politics............paid to get DIRT..........NO COLLUSION THERE............Your side is a freaking joke.
Actually there is a 10th step in a G-15. But my retirement is not with the Feds, I only worked for the DOJ as a contract employee. My 32 year career was in Safety Retirement, andI received a 3% COLA this month, and my net monthly income was $257.65 more than last month. Simple math will tell you what I receive each month and annually.

IT is GS-15 not G-15, and contract employees are not assigned GS ranks, roflmao
Actually there is a 10th step in a G-15. But my retirement is not with the Feds, I only worked for the DOJ as a contract employee. My 32 year career was in Safety Retirement, andI received a 3% COLA this month, and my net monthly income was $257.65 more than last month. Simple math will tell you what I receive each month and annually.

IT is GS-15 not G-15, and contract employees are not assigned GS ranks, roflmao

No shit, Sherlock, and I quote: .Actually there is a 10th step in a G-15. But my retirement is not with the Feds.

"GS-15 is the 15th paygrade in the General Schedule (GS) payscale, the payscale used to determine the salaries of most civilian government employees. The GS-15 pay grade is generally reserved for top-level positions such as supervisors, high-level technical specialists, and top professionals holding advanced degrees."

Since I wasn't a civilian employee of the feds, I got paid $50 per hour + expenses (meal, transportation, lodging) an that was two decades ago.
President Trump slammed Special Counsel Robert Mueller as ‘disgraceful’ Tuesday after a list of 48 questions to Trump’s legal team were leaked to the media.
Trump Slams ‘Disgraceful’ Mueller Over Leaked Questions

The fact that this was even done is sickening, this should never be done to any President even that pos Obama. If you can't trust your own staff that is really sad.

That’s funny since his side leaked so you fools would buy it.

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