Trump Slams Rapist, & Sexual Abuser Bill Clinton, Reopens Feud With Hilary

Funny. I recall many on the right chastising the left for supporting a cheater when Clinton was first running for president.

Now they embrace a cheater of their own.


I did not say I embraced Trump, but I do know that Bill Clinton is a lying, low life, bottom feeding scumbag and those would be his good points.
Who cares who you embrace?

The right embraces Trump in that he is their favored candidate in the polls. And like Clinton, he is a womanizer who cheated on his wife.

24 years ago, the right criticized the left for supporting a candidate who was accused of cheating on his wife.

Now they themselves support a candidate who is known to have cheated on his wife.

Goes to show why no one should pay any attention to rightwingers when they bitch & moan about anything.

When Trump lies to a federal judge, a grand jury and the entire world like Clinton dId I will condemn him. See how easy that was.
So cheating on your wife is ok with you as long as you don't lie about it to a Grand Jury.
It isn't an impeachable offense unless you lied about it to a Grand Jury.

liberals always have high standards lmao.
Funny. I recall many on the right chastising the left for supporting a cheater when Clinton was first running for president.

Now they embrace a cheater of their own.


I did not say I embraced Trump, but I do know that Bill Clinton is a lying, low life, bottom feeding scumbag and those would be his good points.
Who cares who you embrace?

The right embraces Trump in that he is their favored candidate in the polls. And like Clinton, he is a womanizer who cheated on his wife.

24 years ago, the right criticized the left for supporting a candidate who was accused of cheating on his wife.

Now they themselves support a candidate who is known to have cheated on his wife.

Goes to show why no one should pay any attention to rightwingers when they bitch & moan about anything.

When Trump lies to a federal judge, a grand jury and the entire world like Clinton dId I will condemn him. See how easy that was.
So cheating on your wife is ok with you as long as you don't lie about it to a Grand Jury.
It isn't an impeachable offense unless you lied about it to a Grand Jury.
And yet, the right bitched & moaned about Bill's purported affairs long before lying about Lewinski. So it certainly mattered to riightards then; even though it matters not to rightards now.
I did not say I embraced Trump, but I do know that Bill Clinton is a lying, low life, bottom feeding scumbag and those would be his good points.
Who cares who you embrace?

The right embraces Trump in that he is their favored candidate in the polls. And like Clinton, he is a womanizer who cheated on his wife.

24 years ago, the right criticized the left for supporting a candidate who was accused of cheating on his wife.

Now they themselves support a candidate who is known to have cheated on his wife.

Goes to show why no one should pay any attention to rightwingers when they bitch & moan about anything.

When Trump lies to a federal judge, a grand jury and the entire world like Clinton dId I will condemn him. See how easy that was.
So cheating on your wife is ok with you as long as you don't lie about it to a Grand Jury.
It isn't an impeachable offense unless you lied about it to a Grand Jury.

liberals always have high standards lmao.
Cries a rightie; a member of the herd who thought it was wrong to vote for a president accused of cheating on his wife when said candidate was a Democrat, but it's OK now that the candidate is a Republican.
Cheating was a given.
Funny. I recall many on the right chastising the left for supporting a cheater when Clinton was first running for president.

Now they embrace a cheater of their own.


I did not say I embraced Trump, but I do know that Bill Clinton is a lying, low life, bottom feeding scumbag and those would be his good points.
Who cares who you embrace?

The right embraces Trump in that he is their favored candidate in the polls. And like Clinton, he is a womanizer who cheated on his wife.

24 years ago, the right criticized the left for supporting a candidate who was accused of cheating on his wife.

Now they themselves support a candidate who is known to have cheated on his wife.

Goes to show why no one should pay any attention to rightwingers when they bitch & moan about anything.

When Trump lies to a federal judge, a grand jury and the entire world like Clinton dId I will condemn him. See how easy that was.
So cheating on your wife is ok with you as long as you don't lie about it to a Grand Jury.

The blue dress DNA was proof that no one was lying except Clinton. Keep on defending the low life bottom feeder and it brings you down to his level.

Cheating on your wife is not OK. Repeatedly cheating on your wife and trying to lie out of it is considerably worse. Lying to a Grand Jury and a Federal Judge are crimes. Then having the enabler Hillary call the women he conned nuts and sluts was also not OK. Trump paid for his mistake with his money, Clinton paid his women off with government jobs and taxpayers money.
Last edited:
I did not say I embraced Trump, but I do know that Bill Clinton is a lying, low life, bottom feeding scumbag and those would be his good points.
Who cares who you embrace?

The right embraces Trump in that he is their favored candidate in the polls. And like Clinton, he is a womanizer who cheated on his wife.

24 years ago, the right criticized the left for supporting a candidate who was accused of cheating on his wife.

Now they themselves support a candidate who is known to have cheated on his wife.

Goes to show why no one should pay any attention to rightwingers when they bitch & moan about anything.

When Trump lies to a federal judge, a grand jury and the entire world like Clinton dId I will condemn him. See how easy that was.
So cheating on your wife is ok with you as long as you don't lie about it to a Grand Jury.
It isn't an impeachable offense unless you lied about it to a Grand Jury.
And yet, the right bitched & moaned about Bill's purported affairs long before lying about Lewinski. So it certainly mattered to riightards then; even though it matters not to rightards now.

Trumps affair is alleged, Clinton's are a proven fact.
Who cares who you embrace?

The right embraces Trump in that he is their favored candidate in the polls. And like Clinton, he is a womanizer who cheated on his wife.

24 years ago, the right criticized the left for supporting a candidate who was accused of cheating on his wife.

Now they themselves support a candidate who is known to have cheated on his wife.

Goes to show why no one should pay any attention to rightwingers when they bitch & moan about anything.

When Trump lies to a federal judge, a grand jury and the entire world like Clinton dId I will condemn him. See how easy that was.
So cheating on your wife is ok with you as long as you don't lie about it to a Grand Jury.
It isn't an impeachable offense unless you lied about it to a Grand Jury.
And yet, the right bitched & moaned about Bill's purported affairs long before lying about Lewinski. So it certainly mattered to riightards then; even though it matters not to rightards now.

Trumps affair is alleged, Clinton's are a proven fact.

Trump is a known rapist

Hey Donald....No means NO
I did not say I embraced Trump, but I do know that Bill Clinton is a lying, low life, bottom feeding scumbag and those would be his good points.
Who cares who you embrace?

The right embraces Trump in that he is their favored candidate in the polls. And like Clinton, he is a womanizer who cheated on his wife.

24 years ago, the right criticized the left for supporting a candidate who was accused of cheating on his wife.

Now they themselves support a candidate who is known to have cheated on his wife.

Goes to show why no one should pay any attention to rightwingers when they bitch & moan about anything.

Does character matter? In your opinion?
Sure it does.

Odd, the Conventional Wisdom at the time of Clinton's Impeachment was that IT DID NOT!

That, btw, was driven by heavy propaganda from the lib media.

Me? I recall at the time dismissing the Infidelity aspect of the scandal, but being concerned about Sexual Harassment aspect.

There was this couple at my regular bar at the time, who had an open marriage. I recall asking the woman her opinion, as it seemed that Bill and Hillary had an understanding.

She was supportive of Bill having fun outside of the marriage, if HIllary was aware, but agreed that throwing his sex partners under the bus because they were becoming inconvenient, was wrong.

With the passage of time, my opinions on the matter have shifted somewhat.

I am more concerned about the infidelity aspect.

But on the other hand, there is none of the real issues of Bill and HIllary's scandal, imo, the vicious coverup and the bizarre behavior of Bill with his girls.

BUT on the other, other hand, character is one issue. The rest of the GOP pack is mostly not worthy of consideration.

And Hillary?

Clinton's impeachment had nothing to do with sexual harassment.

As far as his character, I don't recall the left claiming his actions regarding Lewinski were of character. Not that there weren't any nuts who might have; but not in general.

"Bill Clinton, the 42nd President of the United States, was impeached by the House of Representatives on two charges, one ofperjury and one of obstruction of justice, on December 19, 1998."

Both stemming from his Sexual Harassment case.

And plenty of lib partisans were out there claiming "Character doesn't matter".

I recall a recurring meme was "do you want the best brain surgeon even if he is an asshole"?

It was not just the fringe. It was crafted into the Conventional Wisdom by the lib media.
Lied under oath about what? Ivana got chicken feed compared to what Trump was worth at the time.

You're simply a vicious little troll trying to take a bite out of Trump's ankle any way you can.

It is documented that Ivana swore under oath in her sworn divorce deposition that Donald violently raped and ripped her hair out.

The book, by former Texas Monthly and Newsweek reporter Harry Hurt III, described a harrowing scene. After a painful scalp reduction surgery to remove a bald spot, Donald Trump confronted his then-wife, who had previously used the same plastic surgeon.

“Your fucking doctor has ruined me!” Trump cried.

What followed was a “violent assault,” according to Lost Tycoon. Donald held back Ivana’s arms and began to pull out fistfuls of hair from her scalp, as if to mirror the pain he felt from his own operation. He tore off her clothes and unzipped his pants.

“Then he jams his penis inside her for the first time in more than sixteen months. Ivana is terrified… It is a violent assault,” Hurt writes. “According to versions she repeats to some of her closest confidantes, ‘he raped me.’”

Following the incident, Ivana ran upstairs, hid behind a locked door, and remained there “crying for the rest of night.” When she returned to the master bedroom in the morning, he was there.

“As she looks in horror at the ripped-out hair scattered all over the bed, he glares at her and asks with menacing casualness: ‘Does it hurt?’” Hurt writes.

Ex-Wife: Donald Trump Made Me Feel ‘Violated’ During Sex

Damn, that is really sick and vicious.

Divorce testimony has no credibility.

Are you claiming that Trump lied in his divorce testimony?

I said what I meant. I did not use obscure words.

Trump can sense your fear.

So can I.
You mean like Palin sensed my fear?

Hillary drags him around like they accuse others of using their children.

well Billy billy billy the serial adulterer, accused of forcing himself on WOMEN folk and he with his Wife Hillary nearly destroying another woman he used for his own personal sex toy in our white house. so billy is FAIR GAME. how funny they think he wouldn't and shouldn't be.
I think this is Hillarious!

Hillary Clinton has just proven that she is in so much trouble that she CAN'T do it herself, that she NEEDS to bring in her husband to help win the Presidency, hoping his (unexplainable) fondness for Bill Clinton will help her campaign.

By bringing back Ex-President Bill Clinton, however, she also brings back 'Slick Willy', the pathologically lying, career sexually harassing, raping, adulterous, oft-visitor of 'Pedophile Island', making any reference to him or his past completely relevant. It is relevant because Hillary would not be going to the WH alone to represent this nation. No, her sleazing pig of a husband would be coming along as the 1st male '1st Lady', also seeking to 'rule' as well.

Hillary's 'camp' is notorious for unleashing the full power and wrath of the Clinton 'Politics of Personal Destruction' machine upon her opposition, but this move of bringing in Slick Willey as a major part of the campaign now opens her completely up and makes her even more vulnerable to anyone who so chooses to 'fight fire with fire'. It is a desperate, yet calculated chess move, one that is massively counting on the GOP's past trend of 'not getting down in the mud' with her and counting on the media to attack, condemn, and silence any such 'return fire'.

I have news for her....Donald Trump isn't the 'past GOP', is not shackling himself with those 'handcuffs', and if you go after him he is going to go for your juggler...which Hillary just exposed.

The media convinced people that a candidate's past does not matter - at least Obama's didn't. I don't think they are going to buy that shite again. Bill Clinton and his entire past is fair game...and I am pretty sure Hillary doesn't want to go there, which is why she will try to kill any attempt to do so. Good luck with that.

This is going to get ugly...and make for some pretty awesome 'reality TV'. :)
Funny. I recall many on the right chastising the left for supporting a cheater when Clinton was first running for president.

Now they embrace a cheater of their own.


I did not say I embraced Trump, but I do know that Bill Clinton is a lying, low life, bottom feeding scumbag and those would be his good points.
Who cares who you embrace?

The right embraces Trump in that he is their favored candidate in the polls. And like Clinton, he is a womanizer who cheated on his wife.

24 years ago, the right criticized the left for supporting a candidate who was accused of cheating on his wife.

Now they themselves support a candidate who is known to have cheated on his wife.

Goes to show why no one should pay any attention to rightwingers when they bitch & moan about anything.

When Trump lies to a federal judge, a grand jury and the entire world like Clinton dId I will condemn him. See how easy that was.
So cheating on your wife is ok with you as long as you don't lie about it to a Grand Jury.

The blue dress DNA was proof that no one was lying except Clinton. Keep on defending the low life bottom feeder and it brings you down to his level.

Cheating on your wife is not OK. Repeatedly cheating on your wife and trying to lie out of it is considerably worse. Lying to a Grand Jury and a Federal Judge are crimes. Then having the enabler Hillary call the women he conned nuts and sluts was also not OK. Trump paid for his mistake with his money, Clinton paid his women off with government jobs and taxpayers money.
If cheating on your wife is not ok, how can righties vote for Trump?

Oh, that's right... you're hypocrites who don't actually care that Trump cheated on his wife. Of course, had Trump been running as a Democrat -- then you'd care.

Who cares who you embrace?

The right embraces Trump in that he is their favored candidate in the polls. And like Clinton, he is a womanizer who cheated on his wife.

24 years ago, the right criticized the left for supporting a candidate who was accused of cheating on his wife.

Now they themselves support a candidate who is known to have cheated on his wife.

Goes to show why no one should pay any attention to rightwingers when they bitch & moan about anything.

When Trump lies to a federal judge, a grand jury and the entire world like Clinton dId I will condemn him. See how easy that was.
So cheating on your wife is ok with you as long as you don't lie about it to a Grand Jury.
It isn't an impeachable offense unless you lied about it to a Grand Jury.
And yet, the right bitched & moaned about Bill's purported affairs long before lying about Lewinski. So it certainly mattered to riightards then; even though it matters not to rightards now.

Trumps affair is alleged, Clinton's are a proven fact.
Trump's affair was not alleged, ya fluffer. He was dating Marla Maples in public after his wife caught him. He even brags about the time he brought the two of them to a ski resort and his wife found out.

Dayam, you sycophants are in deep denial.
I did not say I embraced Trump, but I do know that Bill Clinton is a lying, low life, bottom feeding scumbag and those would be his good points.
Who cares who you embrace?

The right embraces Trump in that he is their favored candidate in the polls. And like Clinton, he is a womanizer who cheated on his wife.

24 years ago, the right criticized the left for supporting a candidate who was accused of cheating on his wife.

Now they themselves support a candidate who is known to have cheated on his wife.

Goes to show why no one should pay any attention to rightwingers when they bitch & moan about anything.

When Trump lies to a federal judge, a grand jury and the entire world like Clinton dId I will condemn him. See how easy that was.
So cheating on your wife is ok with you as long as you don't lie about it to a Grand Jury.

The blue dress DNA was proof that no one was lying except Clinton. Keep on defending the low life bottom feeder and it brings you down to his level.

Cheating on your wife is not OK. Repeatedly cheating on your wife and trying to lie out of it is considerably worse. Lying to a Grand Jury and a Federal Judge are crimes. Then having the enabler Hillary call the women he conned nuts and sluts was also not OK. Trump paid for his mistake with his money, Clinton paid his women off with government jobs and taxpayers money.
If cheating on your wife is not ok, how can righties vote for Trump?

Oh, that's right... you're hypocrites who don't actually care that Trump cheated on his wife. Of course, had Trump been running as a Democrat -- then you'd care.


One minus isn't the end of the game.

Trump is willing to craft policy based on advancing the interests of Americans.

That puts him in the lead IMO.

There are other REPUBLICAN candidates who have presumably been faithful to their wives. But their stance on the issues SUCK.

So, Fuck them, despite their good marriages.
Who cares who you embrace?

The right embraces Trump in that he is their favored candidate in the polls. And like Clinton, he is a womanizer who cheated on his wife.

24 years ago, the right criticized the left for supporting a candidate who was accused of cheating on his wife.

Now they themselves support a candidate who is known to have cheated on his wife.

Goes to show why no one should pay any attention to rightwingers when they bitch & moan about anything.

Does character matter? In your opinion?
Sure it does.

Odd, the Conventional Wisdom at the time of Clinton's Impeachment was that IT DID NOT!

That, btw, was driven by heavy propaganda from the lib media.

Me? I recall at the time dismissing the Infidelity aspect of the scandal, but being concerned about Sexual Harassment aspect.

There was this couple at my regular bar at the time, who had an open marriage. I recall asking the woman her opinion, as it seemed that Bill and Hillary had an understanding.

She was supportive of Bill having fun outside of the marriage, if HIllary was aware, but agreed that throwing his sex partners under the bus because they were becoming inconvenient, was wrong.

With the passage of time, my opinions on the matter have shifted somewhat.

I am more concerned about the infidelity aspect.

But on the other hand, there is none of the real issues of Bill and HIllary's scandal, imo, the vicious coverup and the bizarre behavior of Bill with his girls.

BUT on the other, other hand, character is one issue. The rest of the GOP pack is mostly not worthy of consideration.

And Hillary?

Clinton's impeachment had nothing to do with sexual harassment.

As far as his character, I don't recall the left claiming his actions regarding Lewinski were of character. Not that there weren't any nuts who might have; but not in general.

"Bill Clinton, the 42nd President of the United States, was impeached by the House of Representatives on two charges, one ofperjury and one of obstruction of justice, on December 19, 1998."

Both stemming from his Sexual Harassment case.

And plenty of lib partisans were out there claiming "Character doesn't matter".

I recall a recurring meme was "do you want the best brain surgeon even if he is an asshole"?

It was not just the fringe. It was crafted into the Conventional Wisdom by the lib media.
Holyfuckingshi! :cuckoo:

You actually said you were "concerned about Sexual Harassment aspect."

... there was no "sexual harassment" aspect to his impeachment. There was no "sexual harassment" aspect to perjury. There is no "sexual harassment" aspect to OoJ. Nor was Clinton impeached for "sexual harassment."
Who cares who you embrace?

The right embraces Trump in that he is their favored candidate in the polls. And like Clinton, he is a womanizer who cheated on his wife.

24 years ago, the right criticized the left for supporting a candidate who was accused of cheating on his wife.

Now they themselves support a candidate who is known to have cheated on his wife.

Goes to show why no one should pay any attention to rightwingers when they bitch & moan about anything.

When Trump lies to a federal judge, a grand jury and the entire world like Clinton dId I will condemn him. See how easy that was.
So cheating on your wife is ok with you as long as you don't lie about it to a Grand Jury.

The blue dress DNA was proof that no one was lying except Clinton. Keep on defending the low life bottom feeder and it brings you down to his level.

Cheating on your wife is not OK. Repeatedly cheating on your wife and trying to lie out of it is considerably worse. Lying to a Grand Jury and a Federal Judge are crimes. Then having the enabler Hillary call the women he conned nuts and sluts was also not OK. Trump paid for his mistake with his money, Clinton paid his women off with government jobs and taxpayers money.
If cheating on your wife is not ok, how can righties vote for Trump?

Oh, that's right... you're hypocrites who don't actually care that Trump cheated on his wife. Of course, had Trump been running as a Democrat -- then you'd care.


One minus isn't the end of the game.

Trump is willing to craft policy based on advancing the interests of Americans.

That puts him in the lead IMO.

There are other REPUBLICAN candidates who have presumably been faithful to their wives. But their stance on the issues SUCK.

So, Fuck them, despite their good marriages.
Of course, like I said... cheating on one's wife doesn't actually matter to many righties unless the candidate is a Democrat. You're only reaffirming that point, thanks!
Does character matter? In your opinion?
Sure it does.

Odd, the Conventional Wisdom at the time of Clinton's Impeachment was that IT DID NOT!

That, btw, was driven by heavy propaganda from the lib media.

Me? I recall at the time dismissing the Infidelity aspect of the scandal, but being concerned about Sexual Harassment aspect.

There was this couple at my regular bar at the time, who had an open marriage. I recall asking the woman her opinion, as it seemed that Bill and Hillary had an understanding.

She was supportive of Bill having fun outside of the marriage, if HIllary was aware, but agreed that throwing his sex partners under the bus because they were becoming inconvenient, was wrong.

With the passage of time, my opinions on the matter have shifted somewhat.

I am more concerned about the infidelity aspect.

But on the other hand, there is none of the real issues of Bill and HIllary's scandal, imo, the vicious coverup and the bizarre behavior of Bill with his girls.

BUT on the other, other hand, character is one issue. The rest of the GOP pack is mostly not worthy of consideration.

And Hillary?

Clinton's impeachment had nothing to do with sexual harassment.

As far as his character, I don't recall the left claiming his actions regarding Lewinski were of character. Not that there weren't any nuts who might have; but not in general.

"Bill Clinton, the 42nd President of the United States, was impeached by the House of Representatives on two charges, one ofperjury and one of obstruction of justice, on December 19, 1998."

Both stemming from his Sexual Harassment case.

And plenty of lib partisans were out there claiming "Character doesn't matter".

I recall a recurring meme was "do you want the best brain surgeon even if he is an asshole"?

It was not just the fringe. It was crafted into the Conventional Wisdom by the lib media.
Holyfuckingshi! :cuckoo:

You actually said you were "concerned about Sexual Harassment aspect."

... there was no "sexual harassment" aspect to his impeachment. There was no "sexual harassment" aspect to perjury. There is no "sexual harassment" aspect to OoJ. Nor was Clinton impeached for "sexual harassment."

I should have said "at the time of Clinton's Sexual Harassment Scandal", as the Impeachment was significantly later.

Though the cover up that led to the Perjury and the Obstruction of Justice was of course in response to that lawsuit.

The rest of my post stands.

"Bill Clinton, the 42nd President of the United States, was impeached by the House of Representatives on two charges, one ofperjury and one of obstruction of justice, on December 19, 1998."

Both stemming from his Sexual Harassment case.

And plenty of lib partisans were out there claiming "Character doesn't matter".

I recall a recurring meme was "do you want the best brain surgeon even if he is an asshole"?

It was not just the fringe. It was crafted into the Conventional Wisdom by the lib media.
When Trump lies to a federal judge, a grand jury and the entire world like Clinton dId I will condemn him. See how easy that was.
So cheating on your wife is ok with you as long as you don't lie about it to a Grand Jury.

The blue dress DNA was proof that no one was lying except Clinton. Keep on defending the low life bottom feeder and it brings you down to his level.

Cheating on your wife is not OK. Repeatedly cheating on your wife and trying to lie out of it is considerably worse. Lying to a Grand Jury and a Federal Judge are crimes. Then having the enabler Hillary call the women he conned nuts and sluts was also not OK. Trump paid for his mistake with his money, Clinton paid his women off with government jobs and taxpayers money.
If cheating on your wife is not ok, how can righties vote for Trump?

Oh, that's right... you're hypocrites who don't actually care that Trump cheated on his wife. Of course, had Trump been running as a Democrat -- then you'd care.


One minus isn't the end of the game.

Trump is willing to craft policy based on advancing the interests of Americans.

That puts him in the lead IMO.

There are other REPUBLICAN candidates who have presumably been faithful to their wives. But their stance on the issues SUCK.

So, Fuck them, despite their good marriages.
Of course, like I said... cheating on one's wife doesn't actually matter to many righties unless the candidate is a Democrat. You're only reaffirming that point, thanks!

I wasn't that concerned with Bill cheating on his wife.

But by the rules of the time, his Sexual Harassment should have destroyed him.

But Bill was too big to lose, so the Feminists, and the lib Media and the Dems all closed ranks and stone walled like nothing I had ever seen, before or since.

And changed the rules to give Bill a pass.
So cheating on your wife is ok with you as long as you don't lie about it to a Grand Jury.

The blue dress DNA was proof that no one was lying except Clinton. Keep on defending the low life bottom feeder and it brings you down to his level.

Cheating on your wife is not OK. Repeatedly cheating on your wife and trying to lie out of it is considerably worse. Lying to a Grand Jury and a Federal Judge are crimes. Then having the enabler Hillary call the women he conned nuts and sluts was also not OK. Trump paid for his mistake with his money, Clinton paid his women off with government jobs and taxpayers money.
If cheating on your wife is not ok, how can righties vote for Trump?

Oh, that's right... you're hypocrites who don't actually care that Trump cheated on his wife. Of course, had Trump been running as a Democrat -- then you'd care.


One minus isn't the end of the game.

Trump is willing to craft policy based on advancing the interests of Americans.

That puts him in the lead IMO.

There are other REPUBLICAN candidates who have presumably been faithful to their wives. But their stance on the issues SUCK.

So, Fuck them, despite their good marriages.
Of course, like I said... cheating on one's wife doesn't actually matter to many righties unless the candidate is a Democrat. You're only reaffirming that point, thanks!

I wasn't that concerned with Bill cheating on his wife.

But by the rules of the time, his Sexual Harassment should have destroyed him.

But Bill was too big to lose, so the Feminists, and the lib Media and the Dems all closed ranks and stone walled like nothing I had ever seen, before or since.

And changed the rules to give Bill a pass.
Why on Earth should an accusation of sexual harassment have destroyed him? There wasn't even any merit to the accusation.
LINK: Sharpton: Trump Attacks on Bill Clinton ‘a Christmas Gift to Hillary Clinton’ - Breitbart

Sharpton: Trump Attacks on Bill Clinton ‘a Christmas Gift to Hillary Clinton’
- "Al Sharpton said if Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump uses Bill Clinton’s sexual indiscretions to go after Hillary Clinton it will be a “Christmas gift” to the Democratic presidential hopeful because Sharpton believes her base will be “energized” by the attacks."

Almost 50% of Americans already believe Hillary is the least trustworthy of all the current candidates. Most Americans who bought the media / Liberal B$ about how the DNC candidate's past doesn't matter - that they were fed during the Obama campaigns reject that shite now. Almost NO ONE believes the pathetic B$ about a 'Right Wing Conspiracy', especially since her F*ups throughout her entire public career are thoroughly documented and she is up to her ass in alligators with the on-going FBI investigation for crimes under the Espionage Act that has already released enough evidence to have her indicted.

The fact is that Hillary is appropriately frightened, enough to admit she can't win on her own so much that she is willing to call in her pathologically lying, careers sexual harasser / rapist ' adulterous, Pedophile Island-visiting husband for help. SHE just made the tactical error (in my opinion) of making Slick Willey's past 'fair game'.

And while some liberals, who argued Clinton's private issues did not matter and none of Obama's past mattered, are now going after Trump for a child born out of wedlock, to declare Trump has no right to bring up the Clinton's past is incredibly, laughably hypocritical.
When is Trump going to open up his Divorce records so we can examine his infidelities.

We also need to know more about the Hooters girl he is married to

I love the way you conflate infidelities with rape and sexual abuse.

IN doing so, you disallow the very concept of women as adults capable of consent.

A mindset coming from WAY before Women's Lib.

LIterally REactionary, in fact.

Liberals. All the self awareness of a turnip.

Since Bill Clinton is guilty of neither, all we have is Donald Trump
After all Trump is the one running for President. We do know he had to pay his wives off handsomely to cover his infidelities. It is all covered in his divorce records....what is he hiding?

In a thread about credible accusations of rape and sexual abuse against a Dem President, you bring up as a counter, a demand for sealed records about Trumps infidelities.

Your demand in context equates infidelities with rape and sexual abuse.

Because, otherwise there would be NO point in bringing them up, unless they would balance out the accusations against Bill.

IN doing so, you disallow the very concept of women as adults capable of consent.

A mindset coming from WAY before Women's Lib.

LIterally REactionary, in fact.

Liberals. All the self awareness of a turnip.
What do we know about Trumps sexual escapades?
Millionaire playboy his entire life
Documented marital infidelities
Married to a communist, ex call girl known for her nude photo shoots

Bill Clinton is old is Trump leading the GOP
There is a BIG difference between Trump and Bill Clinton. Trump was honest in that he ended his marriage when it was not working out. Clinton just continued his sexual escapades with the dishonesty he and his wife are so well known for. Hillary then kept quiet while Bill was even seeking young girls on an island away from the US LE. What trash!

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