Trump Slams Rapist, & Sexual Abuser Bill Clinton, Reopens Feud With Hilary

Dirt bag Trump, with 60% national disapproval rating is going after the most popular and well liked President in a half a century for sexual escapades that happened twenty or more years ago.
Right. You're defending the guy who used Monica Lewinski for a humidor and calling Donald Trump a "dirt bag?"
Monica was a consenting adult, did not feel used until Republicans turned her private business into politics, and her sexual activities were her business and none of yours. According to statistics, huge sums of money are spent on sexual toys and aids in America. Your statement is basically saying you think huge numbers of Americans are perverted. That is why your dopey views are ignored and viewed as hypocrisy or a simple holier than thou bit of nonsense.
Monica was a subordinate employee, and according to the legislation Bill Clinton signed into law, having sex with subordinates constitutes sexual harassment, whether they are "willing" or not.

It's wonderful how laws liberals support always come back to bite them in the ass.
Bill Clinton like Bill Cosby, should be in prison. They're dangerous serial rapist perverts. They've been allowed to get away with their crimes due to their power and money. Clinton Bootlickers really should look into Bill Clinton's close relationship with Millionaire Pedophile Rapist and Dem-Donor, Jeffrey Epstein.

Their relationship is incredibly disturbing. They were involved in some very dark evil crimes. So good on Trump for showing people what the Clintons are about. They're despicable people. They should never be allowed in power again.

Maybe Trump isn't the best person to bring up Jeffrey Epstein.

Jeffrey Epstein: International Moneyman of Mystery

Epstein likes to tell people that he's a loner, a man who's never touched alcohol or drugs, and one whose nightlife is far from energetic. And yet if you talk to Donald Trump, a different Epstein emerges. "I've known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy,'' Trump booms from a speakerphone. "He's a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it -- Jeffrey enjoys his social life."

Kind of an unfortunate quote.
Dirt bag Trump, with 60% national disapproval rating is going after the most popular and well liked President in a half a century for sexual escapades that happened twenty or more years ago.
Right. You're defending the guy who used Monica Lewinski for a humidor and calling Donald Trump a "dirt bag?"
Monica was a consenting adult, did not feel used until Republicans turned her private business into politics, and her sexual activities were her business and none of yours. According to statistics, huge sums of money are spent on sexual toys and aids in America. Your statement is basically saying you think huge numbers of Americans are perverted. That is why your dopey views are ignored and viewed as hypocrisy or a simple holier than thou bit of nonsense.
Monica was a subordinate employee, and according to the legislation Bill Clinton signed into law, having sex with subordinates constitutes sexual harassment, whether they are "willing" or not.

It's wonderful how laws liberals support always come back to bite them in the ass.

Or would have, if they just didn't ignore the law.
22 is not a little kid. Period.

She was an adult. He was an adult.

I agree he should have kept it in his pants. But that doesn't make her a "little kid."

and Trump's wife was even older ... 28. She too was not a "little kid."
A matter of differences of personal codes of ethics, I assure you.

Yours holds that a 49 year old man, bonking a 22 year old woman-child, is not 'picking on a little kid'.

Mine (and that of most decent folks of my acquaintance) holds otherwise.

And, of course, it is one's personal code of ethics, which largely governs a citizen's vote - amongst those value ethics, anyway.

As to Trump - yep - same thing - pickin' on little kids - trouble is, he wasn't President of the United States - in a position of high trust - when he did it.

And, of course, his wife wasn't enabling such behaviors and working fast and furious to cover his tracks and doing everything but 'holding it' during the act.
You guys have endless bullshit excuses to cover for Mr. Fascist Liar Trump. Remember that the leaders in the Republican Congress that made such a big deal about the Pres getting a bj from a consulting female adult were all drummed out of the congress and House speakership for committing sexual offenses and adultery. One by one as they searched for a speaker they discovered misbehavior and had to move on to a new selection. Finally, they ended up with Denny Hastert and look at what happened. All these years later and it turns out the guy was a pedophile and is now getting ready for some time in prison.

Except that that accusation against Bill was not cheating, but sexual harassment.

Cheating was a given.
Funny. I recall many on the right chastising the left for supporting a cheater when Clinton was first running for president.

Now they embrace a cheater of their own.


I did not say I embraced Trump, but I do know that Bill Clinton is a lying, low life, bottom feeding scumbag and those would be his good points.
trumps first wife one time said he was a rapist....and we know trump is a cheater and his current wife is a porn in glass house should not throw diamonds to quote g.t.

That's all lies, of course.
Trump's wife gave a sworn deposition that that Trump phsically attacked her and raped her. The deposition statements are public. Nude photo's of Trump's wife are also available on line. As far as cheating, his cheating was covered on a daily basis as front page news when he was doing it. So what part of that post is untrue?
trumps first wife one time said he was a rapist....and we know trump is a cheater and his current wife is a porn in glass house should not throw diamonds to quote g.t.

That's all lies, of course.
Trump's wife gave a sworn deposition that that Trump phsically attacked her and raped her. The deposition statements are public. Nude photo's of Trump's wife are also available on line. As far as cheating, his cheating was covered on a daily basis as front page news when he was doing it. So what part of that post is untrue?

She said exactly what her lawyer told her to say. End of story.
Anyone that would in any way show defense of or otherwise try to hide or redirect attention away from the sexual predator Bill Clinton and the long list of women he's either made passes at, groped, had an affair with, dipped his cigar in or flat out raped, is a complete low life, trailer trash, gutter licking, human bag of garbage... in other words, LIBERALS.
And anyone should believe you considering there's no proof Clinton ever raped anyone?
And you just self identified... idiot.
Translation: another rightard who can't prove Clinton raped anyone. :eusa_doh:

He's a degenerate sexual predator. But hey, go on worshipping him. It's your call.
Pointing out how imbecilic rightards are is not worshiping Clinton. It's pointing out how imbecilic rightards are. :thup:

Sure looks like you're worshipping th asshole pervert. You should read your own posts sometime.
Here is Trump showing how disgusted he was with Bill Clinton in 2005- when Trump invited him to Trump's third wedding- and when Trump was not running for President.....


Trump plays his supporters like a bag pipes.
Here is Trump showing how disgusted he was with Bill Clinton in 2005- when Trump invited him to Trump's third wedding- and when Trump was not running for President.....

View attachment 58067

Trump plays his supporters like a bag pipes.

Reagan was quite friendly to Tip O'Neal and such people too.

It is a mystery.

I have friends I disagree with politically. And have been civil in public to even more.

Does that make me soft? Or Hypocritical? Or just polite?
trumps first wife one time said he was a rapist....and we know trump is a cheater and his current wife is a porn in glass house should not throw diamonds to quote g.t.

That's all lies, of course.
Trump's wife gave a sworn deposition that that Trump phsically attacked her and raped her. The deposition statements are public. Nude photo's of Trump's wife are also available on line. As far as cheating, his cheating was covered on a daily basis as front page news when he was doing it. So what part of that post is untrue?

I don't give a damn about Trump cheating. I don't even give a damn about Slick Willy cheating. What I do care about is the fact that Hillary was on a mission to destroy any woman who brought up Slick's sexual escapades. She's the ultimate hypocrite on women's issues. Yet, she thinks she's going to win by making the so-called "war on women" an issue in the campaign.

Ivana denies the rape allegations. Nothing said by one party in a divorce against the other party can be believed.
Here is Trump showing how disgusted he was with Bill Clinton in 2005- when Trump invited him to Trump's third wedding- and when Trump was not running for President.....

View attachment 58067

Trump plays his supporters like a bag pipes.

Reagan was quite friendly to Tip O'Neal and such people too.

It is a mystery.

I have friends I disagree with politically. And have been civil in public to even more.

Does that make me soft? Or Hypocritical? Or just polite?

Being friendly with persons who you disagree with politically is quite understandable.

I for one- would not invite to my wedding- anyone I considered to be a rapist.

Did Trump invite someone he considered to be 'rapist' to his wedding- because he welcomes rapists to his weddings?

Or did Trump suddenly decide that Clinton was a rapist after Trump decided to run for President?

God Trump plays his followers like an old bag pipe.
trumps first wife one time said he was a rapist....and we know trump is a cheater and his current wife is a porn in glass house should not throw diamonds to quote g.t.

That's all lies, of course.
Trump's wife gave a sworn deposition that that Trump phsically attacked her and raped her. The deposition statements are public. Nude photo's of Trump's wife are also available on line. As far as cheating, his cheating was covered on a daily basis as front page news when he was doing it. So what part of that post is untrue?

I don't give a damn about Trump cheating. I don't even give a damn about Slick Willy cheating. What I do care about is the fact that Hillary was on a mission to destroy any woman who brought up Slick's sexual escapades. She's the ultimate hypocrite on women's issues. Yet, she thinks she's going to win by making the so-called "war on women" an issue in the campaign.

Ivana denies the rape allegations. Nothing said by one party in a divorce against the other party can be believed.
And according to her contract not to ever discuss the facts and terms of her divorce, Ivana risks losing her multimillion dollar mansion, the funds for it's upkeep and her monthly allowance reputed to be hundreds of thousands of dollars per month and left with no home or regular income.
Oh THIS is going to be a GREAT campaign, Not even the candidate yet, and already DRAWING BLOOD from the scumbags the MSM and lapdog supposed journalists have been covering up for over 30 years! ^ | 27 December 2015
Donald Trump on Saturday night slammed Hillary Clinton by citing her husband's history of marital infidelity and alleged sexual misconduct, escalating the increasingly personal feud between the GOP front-runner and the leading Democratic presidential candidate. "Hillary Clinton has announced that she is letting her husband out to campaign but HE'S DEMONSTRATED A PENCHANT FOR SEXISM, so inappropriate!" Trump tweeted. The "penchant for sexism" line refers to an interview Hillary Clinton gave earlier in the week to the Des Moines Register, when she used those words to describe the real-estate mogul after he said that she got "schlonged"

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To be fair, bill Clinton was never accused of rape.
Oh THIS is going to be a GREAT campaign, Not even the candidate yet, and already DRAWING BLOOD from the scumbags the MSM and lapdog supposed journalists have been covering up for over 30 years! ^ | 27 December 2015
Donald Trump on Saturday night slammed Hillary Clinton by citing her husband's history of marital infidelity and alleged sexual misconduct, escalating the increasingly personal feud between the GOP front-runner and the leading Democratic presidential candidate. "Hillary Clinton has announced that she is letting her husband out to campaign but HE'S DEMONSTRATED A PENCHANT FOR SEXISM, so inappropriate!" Trump tweeted. The "penchant for sexism" line refers to an interview Hillary Clinton gave earlier in the week to the Des Moines Register, when she used those words to describe the real-estate mogul after he said that she got "schlonged"

View attachment 57985


To be fair, bill Clinton was never accused of rape.

You mean he was never indicted for it. He was accused of it.
President Clinton was indicted by the House - and acquitted by the Senate. No impeachment.



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View attachment 58037


Yes, he was indicted by the House - but acquitted by the Senate. Hence, not removed from office.
that doesn't mean he wasn't impeached.
By the house. The Republican controlled senate wouldn't touch it. They knew the Supreme Court would over turn it as being a political stunt and unconstitutional.

For once, try to get passed the GOP propaganda rhetoric and figure out why.
Oh THIS is going to be a GREAT campaign, Not even the candidate yet, and already DRAWING BLOOD from the scumbags the MSM and lapdog supposed journalists have been covering up for over 30 years! ^ | 27 December 2015
Donald Trump on Saturday night slammed Hillary Clinton by citing her husband's history of marital infidelity and alleged sexual misconduct, escalating the increasingly personal feud between the GOP front-runner and the leading Democratic presidential candidate. "Hillary Clinton has announced that she is letting her husband out to campaign but HE'S DEMONSTRATED A PENCHANT FOR SEXISM, so inappropriate!" Trump tweeted. The "penchant for sexism" line refers to an interview Hillary Clinton gave earlier in the week to the Des Moines Register, when she used those words to describe the real-estate mogul after he said that she got "schlonged"

View attachment 57985


To be fair, bill Clinton was never accused of rape.

You mean he was never indicted for it. He was accused of it.
By who?
A matter of differences of personal codes of ethics, I assure you.

Yours holds that a 49 year old man, bonking a 22 year old woman-child, is not 'picking on a little kid'.

Mine (and that of most decent folks of my acquaintance) holds otherwise.

And, of course, it is one's personal code of ethics, which largely governs a citizen's vote - amongst those value ethics, anyway.

As to Trump - yep - same thing - pickin' on little kids - trouble is, he wasn't President of the United States - in a position of high trust - when he did it.

And, of course, his wife wasn't enabling such behaviors and working fast and furious to cover his tracks and doing everything but 'holding it' during the act.
You guys have endless bullshit excuses to cover for Mr. Fascist Liar Trump. Remember that the leaders in the Republican Congress that made such a big deal about the Pres getting a bj from a consulting female adult were all drummed out of the congress and House speakership for committing sexual offenses and adultery. One by one as they searched for a speaker they discovered misbehavior and had to move on to a new selection. Finally, they ended up with Denny Hastert and look at what happened. All these years later and it turns out the guy was a pedophile and is now getting ready for some time in prison.

Except that that accusation against Bill was not cheating, but sexual harassment.

Cheating was a given.
Funny. I recall many on the right chastising the left for supporting a cheater when Clinton was first running for president.

Now they embrace a cheater of their own.


I did not say I embraced Trump, but I do know that Bill Clinton is a lying, low life, bottom feeding scumbag and those would be his good points.
Who cares who you embrace?

The right embraces Trump in that he is their favored candidate in the polls. And like Clinton, he is a womanizer who cheated on his wife.

24 years ago, the right criticized the left for supporting a candidate who was accused of cheating on his wife.

Now they themselves support a candidate who is known to have cheated on his wife.

Goes to show why no one should pay any attention to rightwingers when they bitch & moan about anything.
You guys have endless bullshit excuses to cover for Mr. Fascist Liar Trump. Remember that the leaders in the Republican Congress that made such a big deal about the Pres getting a bj from a consulting female adult were all drummed out of the congress and House speakership for committing sexual offenses and adultery. One by one as they searched for a speaker they discovered misbehavior and had to move on to a new selection. Finally, they ended up with Denny Hastert and look at what happened. All these years later and it turns out the guy was a pedophile and is now getting ready for some time in prison.

Except that that accusation against Bill was not cheating, but sexual harassment.

Cheating was a given.
Funny. I recall many on the right chastising the left for supporting a cheater when Clinton was first running for president.

Now they embrace a cheater of their own.


I did not say I embraced Trump, but I do know that Bill Clinton is a lying, low life, bottom feeding scumbag and those would be his good points.
Who cares who you embrace?

The right embraces Trump in that he is their favored candidate in the polls. And like Clinton, he is a womanizer who cheated on his wife.

24 years ago, the right criticized the left for supporting a candidate who was accused of cheating on his wife.

Now they themselves support a candidate who is known to have cheated on his wife.

Goes to show why no one should pay any attention to rightwingers when they bitch & moan about anything.

Does character matter? In your opinion?
Except that that accusation against Bill was not cheating, but sexual harassment.

Cheating was a given.
Funny. I recall many on the right chastising the left for supporting a cheater when Clinton was first running for president.

Now they embrace a cheater of their own.


I did not say I embraced Trump, but I do know that Bill Clinton is a lying, low life, bottom feeding scumbag and those would be his good points.
Who cares who you embrace?

The right embraces Trump in that he is their favored candidate in the polls. And like Clinton, he is a womanizer who cheated on his wife.

24 years ago, the right criticized the left for supporting a candidate who was accused of cheating on his wife.

Now they themselves support a candidate who is known to have cheated on his wife.

Goes to show why no one should pay any attention to rightwingers when they bitch & moan about anything.

Does character matter? In your opinion?
Sure it does.

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