Trump Slams Rapist, & Sexual Abuser Bill Clinton, Reopens Feud With Hilary

Cheating was a given.
Funny. I recall many on the right chastising the left for supporting a cheater when Clinton was first running for president.

Now they embrace a cheater of their own.


I did not say I embraced Trump, but I do know that Bill Clinton is a lying, low life, bottom feeding scumbag and those would be his good points.
Who cares who you embrace?

The right embraces Trump in that he is their favored candidate in the polls. And like Clinton, he is a womanizer who cheated on his wife.

24 years ago, the right criticized the left for supporting a candidate who was accused of cheating on his wife.

Now they themselves support a candidate who is known to have cheated on his wife.

Goes to show why no one should pay any attention to rightwingers when they bitch & moan about anything.

Does character matter? In your opinion?
Sure it does.

Odd, the Conventional Wisdom at the time of Clinton's Impeachment was that IT DID NOT!

That, btw, was driven by heavy propaganda from the lib media.

Me? I recall at the time dismissing the Infidelity aspect of the scandal, but being concerned about Sexual Harassment aspect.

There was this couple at my regular bar at the time, who had an open marriage. I recall asking the woman her opinion, as it seemed that Bill and Hillary had an understanding.

She was supportive of Bill having fun outside of the marriage, if HIllary was aware, but agreed that throwing his sex partners under the bus because they were becoming inconvenient, was wrong.

With the passage of time, my opinions on the matter have shifted somewhat.

I am more concerned about the infidelity aspect.

But on the other hand, there is none of the real issues of Bill and HIllary's scandal, imo, the vicious coverup and the bizarre behavior of Bill with his girls.

BUT on the other, other hand, character is one issue. The rest of the GOP pack is mostly not worthy of consideration.

And Hillary?

Funny. I recall many on the right chastising the left for supporting a cheater when Clinton was first running for president.

Now they embrace a cheater of their own.


I did not say I embraced Trump, but I do know that Bill Clinton is a lying, low life, bottom feeding scumbag and those would be his good points.
Who cares who you embrace?

The right embraces Trump in that he is their favored candidate in the polls. And like Clinton, he is a womanizer who cheated on his wife.

24 years ago, the right criticized the left for supporting a candidate who was accused of cheating on his wife.

Now they themselves support a candidate who is known to have cheated on his wife.

Goes to show why no one should pay any attention to rightwingers when they bitch & moan about anything.

Does character matter? In your opinion?
Sure it does.

Odd, the Conventional Wisdom at the time of Clinton's Impeachment was that IT DID NOT!

That, btw, was driven by heavy propaganda from the lib media.

Me? I recall at the time dismissing the Infidelity aspect of the scandal, but being concerned about Sexual Harassment aspect.

There was this couple at my regular bar at the time, who had an open marriage. I recall asking the woman her opinion, as it seemed that Bill and Hillary had an understanding.

She was supportive of Bill having fun outside of the marriage, if HIllary was aware, but agreed that throwing his sex partners under the bus because they were becoming inconvenient, was wrong.

With the passage of time, my opinions on the matter have shifted somewhat.

I am more concerned about the infidelity aspect.

But on the other hand, there is none of the real issues of Bill and HIllary's scandal, imo, the vicious coverup and the bizarre behavior of Bill with his girls.

BUT on the other, other hand, character is one issue. The rest of the GOP pack is mostly not worthy of consideration.

And Hillary?

Clinton's impeachment had nothing to do with sexual harassment.

As far as his character, I don't recall the left claiming his actions regarding Lewinski were of character. Not that there weren't any nuts who might have; but not in general.
You guys have endless bullshit excuses to cover for Mr. Fascist Liar Trump. Remember that the leaders in the Republican Congress that made such a big deal about the Pres getting a bj from a consulting female adult were all drummed out of the congress and House speakership for committing sexual offenses and adultery. One by one as they searched for a speaker they discovered misbehavior and had to move on to a new selection. Finally, they ended up with Denny Hastert and look at what happened. All these years later and it turns out the guy was a pedophile and is now getting ready for some time in prison.

Except that that accusation against Bill was not cheating, but sexual harassment.

Cheating was a given.
Funny. I recall many on the right chastising the left for supporting a cheater when Clinton was first running for president.

Now they embrace a cheater of their own.


I did not say I embraced Trump, but I do know that Bill Clinton is a lying, low life, bottom feeding scumbag and those would be his good points.
Who cares who you embrace?

The right embraces Trump in that he is their favored candidate in the polls. And like Clinton, he is a womanizer who cheated on his wife.

24 years ago, the right criticized the left for supporting a candidate who was accused of cheating on his wife.

Now they themselves support a candidate who is known to have cheated on his wife.

Goes to show why no one should pay any attention to rightwingers when they bitch & moan about anything.

When Trump lies to a federal judge, a grand jury and the entire world like Clinton dId I will condemn him. See how easy that was.
I did not say I embraced Trump, but I do know that Bill Clinton is a lying, low life, bottom feeding scumbag and those would be his good points.
Who cares who you embrace?

The right embraces Trump in that he is their favored candidate in the polls. And like Clinton, he is a womanizer who cheated on his wife.

24 years ago, the right criticized the left for supporting a candidate who was accused of cheating on his wife.

Now they themselves support a candidate who is known to have cheated on his wife.

Goes to show why no one should pay any attention to rightwingers when they bitch & moan about anything.

Does character matter? In your opinion?
Sure it does.

Odd, the Conventional Wisdom at the time of Clinton's Impeachment was that IT DID NOT!

That, btw, was driven by heavy propaganda from the lib media.

Me? I recall at the time dismissing the Infidelity aspect of the scandal, but being concerned about Sexual Harassment aspect.

There was this couple at my regular bar at the time, who had an open marriage. I recall asking the woman her opinion, as it seemed that Bill and Hillary had an understanding.

She was supportive of Bill having fun outside of the marriage, if HIllary was aware, but agreed that throwing his sex partners under the bus because they were becoming inconvenient, was wrong.

With the passage of time, my opinions on the matter have shifted somewhat.

I am more concerned about the infidelity aspect.

But on the other hand, there is none of the real issues of Bill and HIllary's scandal, imo, the vicious coverup and the bizarre behavior of Bill with his girls.

BUT on the other, other hand, character is one issue. The rest of the GOP pack is mostly not worthy of consideration.

And Hillary?

Clinton's impeachment had nothing to do with sexual harassment.

As far as his character, I don't recall the left claiming his actions regarding Lewinski were of character. Not that there weren't any nuts who might have; but not in general.
You are a card carrying, pervert lover, sexual predator supporter, and vocal advocate for a member of the pedophile express.

YOU, are a weird, twisted, sick person... course it would be easier to just say LEFTIST.
Who cares who you embrace?

The right embraces Trump in that he is their favored candidate in the polls. And like Clinton, he is a womanizer who cheated on his wife.

24 years ago, the right criticized the left for supporting a candidate who was accused of cheating on his wife.

Now they themselves support a candidate who is known to have cheated on his wife.

Goes to show why no one should pay any attention to rightwingers when they bitch & moan about anything.

Does character matter? In your opinion?
Sure it does.

Odd, the Conventional Wisdom at the time of Clinton's Impeachment was that IT DID NOT!

That, btw, was driven by heavy propaganda from the lib media.

Me? I recall at the time dismissing the Infidelity aspect of the scandal, but being concerned about Sexual Harassment aspect.

There was this couple at my regular bar at the time, who had an open marriage. I recall asking the woman her opinion, as it seemed that Bill and Hillary had an understanding.

She was supportive of Bill having fun outside of the marriage, if HIllary was aware, but agreed that throwing his sex partners under the bus because they were becoming inconvenient, was wrong.

With the passage of time, my opinions on the matter have shifted somewhat.

I am more concerned about the infidelity aspect.

But on the other hand, there is none of the real issues of Bill and HIllary's scandal, imo, the vicious coverup and the bizarre behavior of Bill with his girls.

BUT on the other, other hand, character is one issue. The rest of the GOP pack is mostly not worthy of consideration.

And Hillary?

Clinton's impeachment had nothing to do with sexual harassment.

As far as his character, I don't recall the left claiming his actions regarding Lewinski were of character. Not that there weren't any nuts who might have; but not in general.
You are a card carrying, pervert lover, sexual predator supporter, and vocal advocate for a member of the pedophile express.

YOU, are a weird, twisted, sick person... course it would be easier to just say LEFTIST.

So is Trump. He loves himself some rich pedophile.

Trump Slams Rapist, & Sexual Abuser Bill Clinton, Reopens Feud With Hilary | Page 43 | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
trumps first wife one time said he was a rapist....and we know trump is a cheater and his current wife is a porn in glass house should not throw diamonds to quote g.t.
Trump is a philanderer and whoremonger......and those are his good qualities
If Adolf Trump paid me what he paid Ivana - I'd also say "he would make a great president". Wouldn't you? Either Ivana lied under oath or she is lying now. Either way - she's a liar.

Lied under oath about what? Ivana got chicken feed compared to what Trump was worth at the time.

You're simply a vicious little troll trying to take a bite out of Trump's ankle any way you can.

It is documented that Ivana swore under oath in her sworn divorce deposition that Donald violently raped and ripped her hair out.

The book, by former Texas Monthly and Newsweek reporter Harry Hurt III, described a harrowing scene. After a painful scalp reduction surgery to remove a bald spot, Donald Trump confronted his then-wife, who had previously used the same plastic surgeon.

“Your fucking doctor has ruined me!” Trump cried.

What followed was a “violent assault,” according to Lost Tycoon. Donald held back Ivana’s arms and began to pull out fistfuls of hair from her scalp, as if to mirror the pain he felt from his own operation. He tore off her clothes and unzipped his pants.

“Then he jams his penis inside her for the first time in more than sixteen months. Ivana is terrified… It is a violent assault,” Hurt writes. “According to versions she repeats to some of her closest confidantes, ‘he raped me.’”

Following the incident, Ivana ran upstairs, hid behind a locked door, and remained there “crying for the rest of night.” When she returned to the master bedroom in the morning, he was there.

“As she looks in horror at the ripped-out hair scattered all over the bed, he glares at her and asks with menacing casualness: ‘Does it hurt?’” Hurt writes.

Ex-Wife: Donald Trump Made Me Feel ‘Violated’ During Sex

Damn, that is really sick and vicious.

Divorce testimony has no credibility.

Are you claiming that Trump lied in his divorce testimony?

I said what I meant. I did not use obscure words.

Trump can sense your fear.

So can I.
You mean like Palin sensed my fear?
So Trump is the new kid on the block?

Remember the Barenaked Ladie's commentary on that? If you appreciate symbolism and metaphor, you'll make the connection:

Did Trump rape his wife like she claimed?

Why is Trump hiding the evidence?
Except that that accusation against Bill was not cheating, but sexual harassment.

Cheating was a given.
Funny. I recall many on the right chastising the left for supporting a cheater when Clinton was first running for president.

Now they embrace a cheater of their own.


I did not say I embraced Trump, but I do know that Bill Clinton is a lying, low life, bottom feeding scumbag and those would be his good points.
Who cares who you embrace?

The right embraces Trump in that he is their favored candidate in the polls. And like Clinton, he is a womanizer who cheated on his wife.

24 years ago, the right criticized the left for supporting a candidate who was accused of cheating on his wife.

Now they themselves support a candidate who is known to have cheated on his wife.

Goes to show why no one should pay any attention to rightwingers when they bitch & moan about anything.

When Trump lies to a federal judge, a grand jury and the entire world like Clinton dId I will condemn him. See how easy that was.
So cheating on your wife is ok with you as long as you don't lie about it to a Grand Jury.
Who cares who you embrace?

The right embraces Trump in that he is their favored candidate in the polls. And like Clinton, he is a womanizer who cheated on his wife.

24 years ago, the right criticized the left for supporting a candidate who was accused of cheating on his wife.

Now they themselves support a candidate who is known to have cheated on his wife.

Goes to show why no one should pay any attention to rightwingers when they bitch & moan about anything.

Does character matter? In your opinion?
Sure it does.

Odd, the Conventional Wisdom at the time of Clinton's Impeachment was that IT DID NOT!

That, btw, was driven by heavy propaganda from the lib media.

Me? I recall at the time dismissing the Infidelity aspect of the scandal, but being concerned about Sexual Harassment aspect.

There was this couple at my regular bar at the time, who had an open marriage. I recall asking the woman her opinion, as it seemed that Bill and Hillary had an understanding.

She was supportive of Bill having fun outside of the marriage, if HIllary was aware, but agreed that throwing his sex partners under the bus because they were becoming inconvenient, was wrong.

With the passage of time, my opinions on the matter have shifted somewhat.

I am more concerned about the infidelity aspect.

But on the other hand, there is none of the real issues of Bill and HIllary's scandal, imo, the vicious coverup and the bizarre behavior of Bill with his girls.

BUT on the other, other hand, character is one issue. The rest of the GOP pack is mostly not worthy of consideration.

And Hillary?

Clinton's impeachment had nothing to do with sexual harassment.

As far as his character, I don't recall the left claiming his actions regarding Lewinski were of character. Not that there weren't any nuts who might have; but not in general.
You are a card carrying, pervert lover, sexual predator supporter, and vocal advocate for a member of the pedophile express.

YOU, are a weird, twisted, sick person... course it would be easier to just say LEFTIST.
Great, another rightard who needs to be educated on which is the side of perverts and child molesters....

List of Republican Pedophiles
Oh THIS is going to be a GREAT campaign, Not even the candidate yet, and already DRAWING BLOOD from the scumbags the MSM and lapdog supposed journalists have been covering up for over 30 years! ^ | 27 December 2015
Donald Trump on Saturday night slammed Hillary Clinton by citing her husband's history of marital infidelity and alleged sexual misconduct, escalating the increasingly personal feud between the GOP front-runner and the leading Democratic presidential candidate. "Hillary Clinton has announced that she is letting her husband out to campaign but HE'S DEMONSTRATED A PENCHANT FOR SEXISM, so inappropriate!" Trump tweeted. The "penchant for sexism" line refers to an interview Hillary Clinton gave earlier in the week to the Des Moines Register, when she used those words to describe the real-estate mogul after he said that she got "schlonged"

View attachment 57985


To be fair, bill Clinton was never accused of rape.

You mean he was never indicted for it. He was accused of it.
By who?
Did BRIPAT9643 ever give us a name?
  • In Their Own Words: Why Bill's 'Bimbos' Fear a Hillary Presidency ^ | Aaron Klein
    As women's issues become part of the 2016 presidential race, it may be instructive to review recent statements made by some of Bill Clinton's alleged female victims regarding the ambitions of Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton. Last week, Hillary accused Republican canddiate Donald Trump of having a "penchant for sexism" in an interview with the Des Moines Register in Iowa. The billionaire fired back on Twitter: "Be careful Hillary as you play the war on women or women being degraded card." Trump followed up with a second tweet, saying, "Hillary, when you complain about 'a penchant for sexism,' who are you...
they are all buffuoons and they beleve we are may as well vote for Charles Mansion I can be certain of his policy for us would be
Cheating was a given.
Funny. I recall many on the right chastising the left for supporting a cheater when Clinton was first running for president.

Now they embrace a cheater of their own.


I did not say I embraced Trump, but I do know that Bill Clinton is a lying, low life, bottom feeding scumbag and those would be his good points.
Who cares who you embrace?

The right embraces Trump in that he is their favored candidate in the polls. And like Clinton, he is a womanizer who cheated on his wife.

24 years ago, the right criticized the left for supporting a candidate who was accused of cheating on his wife.

Now they themselves support a candidate who is known to have cheated on his wife.

Goes to show why no one should pay any attention to rightwingers when they bitch & moan about anything.

When Trump lies to a federal judge, a grand jury and the entire world like Clinton dId I will condemn him. See how easy that was.
So cheating on your wife is ok with you as long as you don't lie about it to a Grand Jury.
It isn't an impeachable offense unless you lied about it to a Grand Jury.

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