Trump Slams Rapist, & Sexual Abuser Bill Clinton, Reopens Feud With Hilary

...22 and 28 is NOT a "little kid."
To a 49-year-old, 22 is a "little kid", or, it should be, to anyone capable of controlling himself and keeping his pecker in his pocket...
22 is not a little kid. Period.

She was an adult. He was an adult.

I agree he should have kept it in his pants. But that doesn't make her a "little kid."

and Trump's wife was even older ... 28. She too was not a "little kid."
A matter of differences of personal codes of ethics, I assure you.

Yours holds that a 49 year old man, bonking a 22 year old woman-child, is not 'picking on a little kid'.

Mine (and that of most decent folks of my acquaintance) holds otherwise.

And, of course, it is one's personal code of ethics, which largely governs a citizen's vote - amongst those value ethics, anyway.

As to Trump - yep - same thing - pickin' on little kids - trouble is, he wasn't President of the United States - in a position of high trust - when he did it.

And, of course, his wife wasn't enabling such behaviors and working fast and furious to cover his tracks and doing everything but 'holding it' during the act.
You guys have endless bullshit excuses to cover for Mr. Fascist Liar Trump. Remember that the leaders in the Republican Congress that made such a big deal about the Pres getting a bj from a consulting female adult were all drummed out of the congress and House speakership for committing sexual offenses and adultery. One by one as they searched for a speaker they discovered misbehavior and had to move on to a new selection. Finally, they ended up with Denny Hastert and look at what happened. All these years later and it turns out the guy was a pedophile and is now getting ready for some time in prison.

Except that that accusation against Bill was not cheating, but sexual harassment.
No, Fox News.

Not reliable enough for you?
You a fox news supporter now?
Of course not; and I could have supplied links to other sources. I selected Fox News cause you righties trust them.
So Hillary's destroying innocent women because of her husband. Doesn't bother you?
I've long ago learned to tune out the never-ending idiocies espoused by the brain-dead right. Let me know when you get something tangible.

You just said that you don't listen. So, how will you know if he gets something tangible?
Where did I say I don't listen? I said I learned to tune them out. That doesn't mean I'm not listening. I learned to tune my kids out when they were cranky. Doesn't mean I wasn't listening to them in case they really needed something. Righties are no different than little kids in that respect.
What do we know about Trump?

1. Why did his family kick him out and send him to military school?
2. How many hookers has he slept with?
3. Why is he hiding his divorce records?
4 Is his Hooters girl/ porn star wife still a commie?
Doesn't make any difference.

Bubba violated the trust that the American People placed in him.

By all reports, his wife aided and abetted that behavior, time and again.

She might as well have been holding "it" at the time, if the 'aiding and abetting' aspect holds up under a closer scrutiny.

If true, then... game over.

Better that we find out now, and get this out in the open, now, before it's too late.
Bill Clinton is not running...Trump is

How many Hookers has Trump bought?
What are the details of his infidelities?
Is the prospective First Lady a former Hooker? Where did she meet Trump and what was she wearing at the time?

Why won't Trump provide the proof?

But attacking Bill Clinton is a red herring fallacy most on the right can't resist.

"But attacking Bill Clinton is a red herring fallacy most on the right can't resist."

Tell that to the Judge Clinton lied to that fined him for doing so. LOL
She was older than Mary when she had Jesus.

Doesn't matter.

How old was Monica Lewinski when Bubba was porking her?

She was an adult by every measure used in US law.

She was a naive teenager and believed Clinton when he told her he loved her and would divorce Hillary when he got out of office.
22 is a teenager now?? :eusa_doh: WTF is wrong with you people? How old do you think someone has to be until they're no longer a teenager?

Sorry, my mistake. Even a star struck 22 year old can be conned into get on her knees by the greatest con man this century.
Who said she was conned? My recollection is she was a willing participant.

LIbs love to unseal Divorce records cause they know they can find good lies in there.

Divorces are nasty. People will say almost anything to keep control of their kids - especially women. Accusing your future ex of molestation is a favorite female tactic in divorces.

That's why Obama worked so hard to unseal his Senate opponents divorce record. The judge who approved that deserves to be hung.

And as it is almost always he said/she said stuff, there is almost no change of perjury charges being brought.

But libs can point out that it is "sworn" testimony, as though makes it credible.
What "big divorce payout?" Ivana got the $25 million stipulated in her prenuptial agreement. Marital infidelity has no effect on the size of a divorce settlement.

I've seen no evidence that Trump cheated on anyone. Do you have some reference you can post?
Even being shown Trump cheated on Ivana with Marla, you still deny it. :eusa_doh:
Allegations? Tabloid heads lines? I can play liberal games. Ivana says he would make a great president. I am amused how fast you all of a sudden are worried about a so called cheater. When you wasn't worried about a proven cheater.

If Adolf Trump paid me what he paid Ivana - I'd also say "he would make a great president". Wouldn't you? Either Ivana lied under oath or she is lying now. Either way - she's a liar.

Lied under oath about what? Ivana got chicken feed compared to what Trump was worth at the time.

You're simply a vicious little troll trying to take a bite out of Trump's ankle any way you can.

It is documented that Ivana swore under oath in her sworn divorce deposition that Donald violently raped and ripped her hair out.

The book, by former Texas Monthly and Newsweek reporter Harry Hurt III, described a harrowing scene. After a painful scalp reduction surgery to remove a bald spot, Donald Trump confronted his then-wife, who had previously used the same plastic surgeon.

“Your fucking doctor has ruined me!” Trump cried.

What followed was a “violent assault,” according to Lost Tycoon. Donald held back Ivana’s arms and began to pull out fistfuls of hair from her scalp, as if to mirror the pain he felt from his own operation. He tore off her clothes and unzipped his pants.

“Then he jams his penis inside her for the first time in more than sixteen months. Ivana is terrified… It is a violent assault,” Hurt writes. “According to versions she repeats to some of her closest confidantes, ‘he raped me.’”

Following the incident, Ivana ran upstairs, hid behind a locked door, and remained there “crying for the rest of night.” When she returned to the master bedroom in the morning, he was there.

“As she looks in horror at the ripped-out hair scattered all over the bed, he glares at her and asks with menacing casualness: ‘Does it hurt?’” Hurt writes.

Ex-Wife: Donald Trump Made Me Feel ‘Violated’ During Sex

Damn, that is really sick and vicious.

She had a really good lawyer and she repeated everything that he told her to say.
You a fox news supporter now?
Of course not; and I could have supplied links to other sources. I selected Fox News cause you righties trust them.
So Hillary's destroying innocent women because of her husband. Doesn't bother you?
I've long ago learned to tune out the never-ending idiocies espoused by the brain-dead right. Let me know when you get something tangible.

You just said that you don't listen. So, how will you know if he gets something tangible?
Where did I say I don't listen? I said I learned to tune them out. That doesn't mean I'm not listening. I learned to tune my kids out when they were cranky. Doesn't mean I wasn't listening to them in case they really needed something. Righties are no different than little kids in that respect.

Sure. You just keep telling yourself that.

Maybe you can convince yourself.
Doesn't matter.

How old was Monica Lewinski when Bubba was porking her?

She was an adult by every measure used in US law.

She was a naive teenager and believed Clinton when he told her he loved her and would divorce Hillary when he got out of office.
22 is a teenager now?? :eusa_doh: WTF is wrong with you people? How old do you think someone has to be until they're no longer a teenager?

Sorry, my mistake. Even a star struck 22 year old can be conned into get on her knees by the greatest con man this century.
Who said she was conned? My recollection is she was a willing participant.

With your excellent recollection can you tell me why she consented.
Dirt bag Trump, with 60% national disapproval rating is going after the most popular and well liked President in a half a century for sexual escapades that happened twenty or more years ago.
Even being shown Trump cheated on Ivana with Marla, you still deny it. :eusa_doh:
Allegations? Tabloid heads lines? I can play liberal games. Ivana says he would make a great president. I am amused how fast you all of a sudden are worried about a so called cheater. When you wasn't worried about a proven cheater.

If Adolf Trump paid me what he paid Ivana - I'd also say "he would make a great president". Wouldn't you? Either Ivana lied under oath or she is lying now. Either way - she's a liar.

Lied under oath about what? Ivana got chicken feed compared to what Trump was worth at the time.

You're simply a vicious little troll trying to take a bite out of Trump's ankle any way you can.

It is documented that Ivana swore under oath in her sworn divorce deposition that Donald violently raped and ripped her hair out.

The book, by former Texas Monthly and Newsweek reporter Harry Hurt III, described a harrowing scene. After a painful scalp reduction surgery to remove a bald spot, Donald Trump confronted his then-wife, who had previously used the same plastic surgeon.

“Your fucking doctor has ruined me!” Trump cried.

What followed was a “violent assault,” according to Lost Tycoon. Donald held back Ivana’s arms and began to pull out fistfuls of hair from her scalp, as if to mirror the pain he felt from his own operation. He tore off her clothes and unzipped his pants.

“Then he jams his penis inside her for the first time in more than sixteen months. Ivana is terrified… It is a violent assault,” Hurt writes. “According to versions she repeats to some of her closest confidantes, ‘he raped me.’”

Following the incident, Ivana ran upstairs, hid behind a locked door, and remained there “crying for the rest of night.” When she returned to the master bedroom in the morning, he was there.

“As she looks in horror at the ripped-out hair scattered all over the bed, he glares at her and asks with menacing casualness: ‘Does it hurt?’” Hurt writes.

Ex-Wife: Donald Trump Made Me Feel ‘Violated’ During Sex

Damn, that is really sick and vicious.

Divorce testimony has no credibility.

Are you claiming that Trump lied in his divorce testimony?
Dirt bag Trump, with 60% national disapproval rating is going after the most popular and well liked President in a half a century for sexual escapades that happened twenty or more years ago.
Right. You're defending the guy who used Monica Lewinski for a humidor and calling Donald Trump a "dirt bag?"
...22 and 28 is NOT a "little kid."
To a 49-year-old, 22 is a "little kid", or, it should be, to anyone capable of controlling himself and keeping his pecker in his pocket...
22 is not a little kid. Period.

She was an adult. He was an adult.

I agree he should have kept it in his pants. But that doesn't make her a "little kid."

and Trump's wife was even older ... 28. She too was not a "little kid."
A matter of differences of personal codes of ethics, I assure you.

Yours holds that a 49 year old man, bonking a 22 year old woman-child, is not 'picking on a little kid'.

Mine (and that of most decent folks of my acquaintance) holds otherwise.

And, of course, it is one's personal code of ethics, which largely governs a citizen's vote - amongst those value ethics, anyway.

As to Trump - yep - same thing - pickin' on little kids - trouble is, he wasn't President of the United States - in a position of high trust - when he did it.

And, of course, his wife wasn't enabling such behaviors and working fast and furious to cover his tracks and doing everything but 'holding it' during the act.
You guys have endless bullshit excuses to cover for Mr. Fascist Liar Trump. Remember that the leaders in the Republican Congress that made such a big deal about the Pres getting a bj from a consulting female adult were all drummed out of the congress and House speakership for committing sexual offenses and adultery. One by one as they searched for a speaker they discovered misbehavior and had to move on to a new selection. Finally, they ended up with Denny Hastert and look at what happened. All these years later and it turns out the guy was a pedophile and is now getting ready for some time in prison.

Except that that accusation against Bill was not cheating, but sexual harassment.

Cheating was a given.
Dirt bag Trump, with 60% national disapproval rating is going after the most popular and well liked President in a half a century for sexual escapades that happened twenty or more years ago.
Right. You're defending the guy who used Monica Lewinski for a humidor and calling Donald Trump a "dirt bag?"
Monica was a consenting adult, did not feel used until Republicans turned her private business into politics, and her sexual activities were her business and none of yours. According to statistics, huge sums of money are spent on sexual toys and aids in America. Your statement is basically saying you think huge numbers of Americans are perverted. That is why your dopey views are ignored and viewed as hypocrisy or a simple holier than thou bit of nonsense.
She was an adult by every measure used in US law.

She was a naive teenager and believed Clinton when he told her he loved her and would divorce Hillary when he got out of office.
22 is a teenager now?? :eusa_doh: WTF is wrong with you people? How old do you think someone has to be until they're no longer a teenager?

Sorry, my mistake. Even a star struck 22 year old can be conned into get on her knees by the greatest con man this century.
Who said she was conned? My recollection is she was a willing participant.

With your excellent recollection can you tell me why she consented.
Nope. She would have to convey that.

LIbs love to unseal Divorce records cause they know they can find good lies in there.

Divorces are nasty. People will say almost anything to keep control of their kids - especially women. Accusing your future ex of molestation is a favorite female tactic in divorces.

That's why Obama worked so hard to unseal his Senate opponents divorce record. The judge who approved that deserves to be hung.

It's true. Family law is one of the ugliest, nastiest fields of law to practice. People will say ANYTHING, because their emotions are more involved than on virtually anything else.

I've mentioned before that my daughter is embroiled in a custody case with my granddaughter's father, and has had the dubious pleasure of dealing with CPS to try to sort out the various wild accusations that have been flying around. Does it mean my daughter actually abuses her children, or is likely to kidnap them and run off to God-knows-where? Of course not.
To a 49-year-old, 22 is a "little kid", or, it should be, to anyone capable of controlling himself and keeping his pecker in his pocket...
22 is not a little kid. Period.

She was an adult. He was an adult.

I agree he should have kept it in his pants. But that doesn't make her a "little kid."

and Trump's wife was even older ... 28. She too was not a "little kid."
A matter of differences of personal codes of ethics, I assure you.

Yours holds that a 49 year old man, bonking a 22 year old woman-child, is not 'picking on a little kid'.

Mine (and that of most decent folks of my acquaintance) holds otherwise.

And, of course, it is one's personal code of ethics, which largely governs a citizen's vote - amongst those value ethics, anyway.

As to Trump - yep - same thing - pickin' on little kids - trouble is, he wasn't President of the United States - in a position of high trust - when he did it.

And, of course, his wife wasn't enabling such behaviors and working fast and furious to cover his tracks and doing everything but 'holding it' during the act.
You guys have endless bullshit excuses to cover for Mr. Fascist Liar Trump. Remember that the leaders in the Republican Congress that made such a big deal about the Pres getting a bj from a consulting female adult were all drummed out of the congress and House speakership for committing sexual offenses and adultery. One by one as they searched for a speaker they discovered misbehavior and had to move on to a new selection. Finally, they ended up with Denny Hastert and look at what happened. All these years later and it turns out the guy was a pedophile and is now getting ready for some time in prison.

Except that that accusation against Bill was not cheating, but sexual harassment.

Cheating was a given.
Funny. I recall many on the right chastising the left for supporting a cheater when Clinton was first running for president.

Now they embrace a cheater of their own.

trumps first wife one time said he was a rapist....and we know trump is a cheater and his current wife is a porn in glass house should not throw diamonds to quote g.t.
Dirt bag Trump, with 60% national disapproval rating is going after the most popular and well liked President in a half a century for sexual escapades that happened twenty or more years ago.

Great reading comprehension!!

For a chimp.
Allegations? Tabloid heads lines? I can play liberal games. Ivana says he would make a great president. I am amused how fast you all of a sudden are worried about a so called cheater. When you wasn't worried about a proven cheater.

If Adolf Trump paid me what he paid Ivana - I'd also say "he would make a great president". Wouldn't you? Either Ivana lied under oath or she is lying now. Either way - she's a liar.

Lied under oath about what? Ivana got chicken feed compared to what Trump was worth at the time.

You're simply a vicious little troll trying to take a bite out of Trump's ankle any way you can.

It is documented that Ivana swore under oath in her sworn divorce deposition that Donald violently raped and ripped her hair out.

The book, by former Texas Monthly and Newsweek reporter Harry Hurt III, described a harrowing scene. After a painful scalp reduction surgery to remove a bald spot, Donald Trump confronted his then-wife, who had previously used the same plastic surgeon.

“Your fucking doctor has ruined me!” Trump cried.

What followed was a “violent assault,” according to Lost Tycoon. Donald held back Ivana’s arms and began to pull out fistfuls of hair from her scalp, as if to mirror the pain he felt from his own operation. He tore off her clothes and unzipped his pants.

“Then he jams his penis inside her for the first time in more than sixteen months. Ivana is terrified… It is a violent assault,” Hurt writes. “According to versions she repeats to some of her closest confidantes, ‘he raped me.’”

Following the incident, Ivana ran upstairs, hid behind a locked door, and remained there “crying for the rest of night.” When she returned to the master bedroom in the morning, he was there.

“As she looks in horror at the ripped-out hair scattered all over the bed, he glares at her and asks with menacing casualness: ‘Does it hurt?’” Hurt writes.

Ex-Wife: Donald Trump Made Me Feel ‘Violated’ During Sex

Damn, that is really sick and vicious.

Divorce testimony has no credibility.

Are you claiming that Trump lied in his divorce testimony?

I said what I meant. I did not use obscure words.

Trump can sense your fear.

So can I.
Dirt bag Trump, with 60% national disapproval rating is going after the most popular and well liked President in a half a century for sexual escapades that happened twenty or more years ago.
Right. You're defending the guy who used Monica Lewinski for a humidor and calling Donald Trump a "dirt bag?"
Monica was a consenting adult, did not feel used until Republicans turned her private business into politics, and her sexual activities were Ion sexual toys and aids in America. Your statement is basically saying you think huge numbers of Americans are perverted. That is why your dopey views are ignored and viewed as hypocrisy or a simple holier than thou bit of nonsense.

It was a sexual harassment case. Bill's habit of preying on young women that work for him was relevant.

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