Trump Slams Rapist, & Sexual Abuser Bill Clinton, Reopens Feud With Hilary

If it was credible, it wouldn't have been thrown out due to lack of merit. If Clinton was so powerful to avoid a conviction, as you incredibly claim, the same judge who dismissed Jones' allegations due to lack of merit; wouldn't have charged Clinton with contempt of court and fined him.
Guilty people have the cases against them thrown out all the time. (Case in point, murderer goes free because evidence found in his apartment was obtained without a search warrant; drug dealer caught with evidence was not read his rights, etc...). His contempt of court WAS proven in front of the judge...
If it was credible, it wouldn't have been thrown out due to lack of merit. If Clinton was so powerful to avoid a conviction, as you incredibly claim, the same judge who dismissed Jones' allegations due to lack of merit; wouldn't have charged Clinton with contempt of court and fined him.
Guilty people have the cases against them thrown out all the time. (Case in point, murderer goes free because evidence found in his apartment was obtained without a search warrant; drug dealer caught with evidence was not read his rights, etc...). His contempt of court WAS proven in front of the judge...
Jones' case was thrown out of court due to lack of merit. Your inability to accept that is not my problem.
It was a credible accusation,

And back then accusations of sexual harassment, regardless of credibility, destroyed men. Think Witch Hunt.

But Bill was too big to lose, so the Feminists, and the lib Media and the Dems all closed ranks and stone walled like nothing I had ever seen, before or since.

And changed the rules to give Bill a pass.
Riiiight .... it was so credible an accusation, that her accusation was thrown out of court due to lack of merit. :eusa_doh:

Right. Because the President of the United States is easy to win a case against regardless of the merit of the case.

It was a credible accusation,

And back then accusations of sexual harassment, regardless of credibility, destroyed men. Think Witch Hunt.

But Bill was too big to lose, so the Feminists, and the lib Media and the Dems all closed ranks and stone walled like nothing I had ever seen, before or since.

And changed the rules to give Bill a pass.
What bullshit. Had there been merit to her case, it wouldn't have been dismissed due to lack of merit.

You're actually claiming the same judge who found Clinton to be in contempt for lying about having an affair, let Clinton off the hook. :cuckoo:

Jones' case was dismissed due to lack of merit. Deal with it. :thup:

RIght. Because Presidents of the United States aren't incredible powerful people who can use that power to protect themselves.

Jone's case was completely credible.

AND as I repeatedly pointed out, which you repeatedly ignored, there was a Witch Hunt mentality going on back them with regard to Sexual Harassment.

But Bill was bigger than the Witchhunt.
If it was credible, it wouldn't have been thrown out due to lack of merit. If Clinton was so powerful to avoid a conviction, as you incredibly claim, the same judge who dismissed Jones' allegations due to lack of merit; wouldn't have charged Clinton with contempt of court and fined him.


Clinton managed to beat the rap somehow on the politically dangerous accusation of Sexual Harassment, while taking the hit on the far less damaging "lying about sex" charge.
If it was credible, it wouldn't have been thrown out due to lack of merit. If Clinton was so powerful to avoid a conviction, as you incredibly claim, the same judge who dismissed Jones' allegations due to lack of merit; wouldn't have charged Clinton with contempt of court and fined him.
Guilty people have the cases against them thrown out all the time. (Case in point, murderer goes free because evidence found in his apartment was obtained without a search warrant; drug dealer caught with evidence was not read his rights, etc...). His contempt of court WAS proven in front of the judge...
Jones' case was thrown out of court due to lack of merit. Your inability to accept that is not my problem.

Your blind faith in the system is your problem.

Or do you only have that when it serves your ideological purposes?
Slick Willey - Pedophile

Details on Bill Clinton's ride on pedophile's 'Lolita Express' sought

The taxpayer watchdog group Judicial Watch announced Tuesday that it filed suit for the costs of U.S. Secret Service protection of former President Bill Clinton when he rode on convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein's private jet, dubbed the "Lolita Express."

The group filed suit after the Department of Homeland Security failed to comply with a prior Freedom of Information Act request from earlier this year.

According to news reports, the former president took several flights on the jet to the Epstein's island, and at least on one was accompanied by "4 secret service," according to a flight logbook...


Pedophile Took The Fifth When Asked About Clinton ...


Pedophile's 'Fixer' Maintains Close Ties to the Clintons
- WeeklyStandard


Yeah, yeah, spare me the Liberal 101: 'Your source is not credible'
There are tons more...
What leads you to believe he is/was a pedophile?
The same evidence that revealed his trips to the place dubbed 'Pedophile island'. Google it - there is lots there...
All I found from Google was the one person who says she saw Clinton there, says she did not have sex with him or see him have sex with anyone else.

That really is all the evidence required to charge someone with pedophilia, huh? I guess by your standards, Bush was also a pedophile since an underage boys prostitute ring was brought into the White House while Bush Sr. was president? Who knew Bush was gay and a pedophile?
If it was credible, it wouldn't have been thrown out due to lack of merit. If Clinton was so powerful to avoid a conviction, as you incredibly claim, the same judge who dismissed Jones' allegations due to lack of merit; wouldn't have charged Clinton with contempt of court and fined him.
Guilty people have the cases against them thrown out all the time. (Case in point, murderer goes free because evidence found in his apartment was obtained without a search warrant; drug dealer caught with evidence was not read his rights, etc...). His contempt of court WAS proven in front of the judge...
Jones' case was thrown out of court due to lack of merit. Your inability to accept that is not my problem.

Your blind faith in the system is your problem.

Or do you only have that when it serves your ideological purposes?
Too fucking retarded given the one expressing a lack in faith in the system is actually you -- claiming a judge who charged Clinton with a crime did not charge him with another crime you think he committed because of his power.
All I found from Google was the one person who says she saw Clinton there, says she did not have sex with him or see him have sex with anyone else.

WHY would you go with a convicted pedophile to a place dubbed pedophile island if you were not interested in having sex with children? Hellooooo?!

Would you ever go to a Rave with a convicted drug pusher without any intention of doing drugs?
Would you ever go to a 'pedophile island' with a convicted pedophile with no intention or desire to have sex with children?
- Ummm, no!

And just because some girl who saw him there was not invited to a threesome is evidence that Clinton did not engage in sex with a minor? Really?
Riiiight .... it was so credible an accusation, that her accusation was thrown out of court due to lack of merit. :eusa_doh:

Right. Because the President of the United States is easy to win a case against regardless of the merit of the case.

It was a credible accusation,

And back then accusations of sexual harassment, regardless of credibility, destroyed men. Think Witch Hunt.

But Bill was too big to lose, so the Feminists, and the lib Media and the Dems all closed ranks and stone walled like nothing I had ever seen, before or since.

And changed the rules to give Bill a pass.
What bullshit. Had there been merit to her case, it wouldn't have been dismissed due to lack of merit.

You're actually claiming the same judge who found Clinton to be in contempt for lying about having an affair, let Clinton off the hook. :cuckoo:

Jones' case was dismissed due to lack of merit. Deal with it. :thup:

RIght. Because Presidents of the United States aren't incredible powerful people who can use that power to protect themselves.

Jone's case was completely credible.

AND as I repeatedly pointed out, which you repeatedly ignored, there was a Witch Hunt mentality going on back them with regard to Sexual Harassment.

But Bill was bigger than the Witchhunt.
If it was credible, it wouldn't have been thrown out due to lack of merit. If Clinton was so powerful to avoid a conviction, as you incredibly claim, the same judge who dismissed Jones' allegations due to lack of merit; wouldn't have charged Clinton with contempt of court and fined him.


Clinton managed to beat the rap somehow on the politically dangerous accusation of Sexual Harassment, while taking the hit on the far less damaging "lying about sex" charge.
Again, too fucking stupid. :cuckoo: Since when is a criminal charge "less damaging" than a civil charge?
All I found from Google was the one person who says she saw Clinton there, says she did not have sex with him or see him have sex with anyone else.

WHY would you go with a convicted pedophile to a place dubbed pedophile island if you were not interested in having sex with children? Hellooooo?!

Would you ever go to a Rave with a convicted drug pusher without any intention of doing drugs?
Would you ever go to a 'pedophile island' with a convicted pedophile with no intention or desire to have sex with children?
- Ummm, no!

And just because some girl who saw him there was not invited to a threesome is evidence that Clinton did not engage in sex with a minor? Really?
Whoa... you're getting ahead of yourself. Clinton purportedly traveled with Epstein around 2002. Epstein's scandal broke around 2005. So you lie when you claim Clinton went anywhere with a convicted pedophile.

Your lies adide, Stephan Hawkins also traveled to that island. According to you nuts, Stephan Hawkins is a pedophile. :cuckoo:
Whoa... you're getting ahead of yourself. Clinton purportedly traveled with Epstein around 2002. Epstein's scandal broke around 2005. So you lie when you claim Clinton went anywhere with a convicted pedophile.

Your lies adide, Stephan Hawkins also traveled to that island. According to you nuts, Stephan Hawkins is a pedophile. :cuckoo:

"So you lie when you claim Clinton went anywhere with a convicted pedophile."
- Educate yourself before you call someone a liar:

Flight logs reveal the many trips Bill Clinton and Alan Dershowitz took on pedophile Jeffrey Epstein's private jet with anonymous women

Flight logs released from Jeffrey Epstein's 'Lolita Express'

Slick Willey was / is not only good associates but good friends with the Pedophile.


Bill Clinton identified in lawsuit against his former friend and pedophile Jeffrey Epstein who had 'regular' orgies at his Caribbean compound that the former president visited multiple times
  • The former president was friends with Jeffrey Epstein, a financier who was arrested in 2008 for soliciting underage prostitutes
Bill Clinton cited in ex friend pedophile Jeffrey Epstein's lawsuit


Would you ever go on a convicted pedophile's private plane numerous times without knowing / being friends with the man? Common sense says it would NEVER happen.
Feel free to apologize (but I won't hold my breath...)
Last edited:
Whoa... you're getting ahead of yourself. Clinton purportedly traveled with Epstein around 2002. Epstein's scandal broke around 2005. So you lie when you claim Clinton went anywhere with a convicted pedophile.

Your lies adide, Stephan Hawkins also traveled to that island. According to you nuts, Stephan Hawkins is a pedophile. :cuckoo:

"So you lie when you claim Clinton went anywhere with a convicted pedophile."
- Educate yourself before you call someone a liar:

Flight logs reveal the many trips Bill Clinton and Alan Dershowitz took on pedophile Jeffrey Epstein's private jet with anonymous women

Flight logs released from Jeffrey Epstein's 'Lolita Express'

Slick Willey was / is not only good associates but good friends with the Pedophile.


Bill Clinton identified in lawsuit against his former friend and pedophile Jeffrey Epstein who had 'regular' orgies at his Caribbean compound that the former president visited multiple times
  • The former president was friends with Jeffrey Epstein, a financier who was arrested in 2008 for soliciting underage prostitutes
Bill Clinton cited in ex friend pedophile Jeffrey Epstein's lawsuit


Would you ever go on a convicted pedophile's private plane numerous times without knowing / being friends with the man? Common sense says it would NEVER happen.
Feel free to apologize (but I won't hold my breath...)
Why on Earth would I apologize for you lying -- which your link confirms?

You intimated Clinton traveled with a convicted pedophile. Epstein was convicted in 2008. The link you offered said Clinton traveled with Epstein in 2002.

You lied.

You're done.
You lied. You're done.

You made excuses for Clinton, sad he never went to the island, never had sex with anyone there, did not know Epstein, never knew him, was never around him, using all kinds of outrageous claims that defies the most basic common sense.

I proved Clinton went there, numerous times, exposed the complete lack of common sense of your arguments, and prove YOU lied about Clinton not ever knowing / being anywhere near a convicted pedophile.

YOU lied....YOU are DONE. And how much lower will you go to defend the pathetic, despicable career sexually harassing, RAPING, adulterous, child molesting pig?!
When is Trump going to open up his Divorce records so we can examine his infidelities.

We also need to know more about the Hooters girl he is married to

I love the way you conflate infidelities with rape and sexual abuse.

IN doing so, you disallow the very concept of women as adults capable of consent.

A mindset coming from WAY before Women's Lib.

LIterally REactionary, in fact.

Liberals. All the self awareness of a turnip.

Since Bill Clinton is guilty of neither, all we have is Donald Trump
After all Trump is the one running for President. We do know he had to pay his wives off handsomely to cover his infidelities. It is all covered in his divorce records....what is he hiding?

In a thread about credible accusations of rape and sexual abuse against a Dem President, you bring up as a counter, a demand for sealed records about Trumps infidelities.

Your demand in context equates infidelities with rape and sexual abuse.

Because, otherwise there would be NO point in bringing them up, unless they would balance out the accusations against Bill.

IN doing so, you disallow the very concept of women as adults capable of consent.

A mindset coming from WAY before Women's Lib.

LIterally REactionary, in fact.

Liberals. All the self awareness of a turnip.
What do we know about Trumps sexual escapades?
Millionaire playboy his entire life
Documented marital infidelities
Married to a communist, ex call girl known for her nude photo shoots

Bill Clinton is old is Trump leading the GOP
There is a BIG difference between Trump and Bill Clinton. Trump was honest in that he ended his marriage when it was not working out. Clinton just continued his sexual escapades with the dishonesty he and his wife are so well known for. Hillary then kept quiet while Bill was even seeking young girls on an island away from the US LE. What trash!

Trump openly cheated and had two marriages end because of it. Trump had a baby out of wedlock. Trump has been a playboy fro his whole life and has no intention of changing. He is on his third wife...the Hooters girl
Bill Clinton is still with his wife
You lied. You're done.

You made excuses for Clinton, sad he never went to the island, never had sex with anyone there, did not know Epstein, never knew him, was never around him, using all kinds of outrageous claims that defies the most basic common sense.

I proved Clinton went there, numerous times, exposed the complete lack of common sense of your arguments, and prove YOU lied about Clinton not ever knowing / being anywhere near a convicted pedophile.

YOU lied....YOU are DONE. And how much lower will you go to defend the pathetic, despicable career sexually harassing, RAPING, adulterous, child molesting pig?!
Now you're lying to cover your lies. I never said Clinton didn't go to that island.

Di you see why no one gives a shit when you rightards fling your shit?
1969: Eileen Wellstone, an English woman who said Mr. Clinton sexually assaulted her after she met him at a pub near Oxford University where Mr. Clinton was a student.

1978: Juanita Broaddrick - Claimed Bill Clinton raped her

1983: Sally Perdue, a former Miss Arkansas who said she had a four-month affair with Clinton

1984: a self-proclaimed rock-and-roll groupie, who said Mr. Clinton propositioned her

1991: Sandra Allen James, a former Washington, D.C., political fund-raiser who said Mr. Clinton invited her to his hotel room during a 1991 campaign trip, pinned her against the wall and put his hand under her dress.

1992: Christy Zercher, an airline flight attendant on Mr. Clinton’s 1992 campaign plane, who said Mr. Clinton exposed himself and grabbed her breasts.

1992: Jennifer Flowers - adulterous affair
- After initially denying it, Clinton later admitted that he had a sexual encounter with Flowers when put under oath during the Lewinsky investigation.

1993: Kathleen Wiley - Accused Clinton of Groping her

1995: Monica Lewinski - 'historic' public adulterous affair

1998: Elizabeth Ward Gracen accused Clinton of rape; later changed her to story to be an adulterous affair (- reports/rumors claimed this change happened after Gracen was bullied/threatened by Hillary / Hillary supporters)

1998: Paula Jones - accusation of sexual harassment; Clinton found guilty of Contempt of Court, disbarred - On November 18, 1998, Clinton agreed to an out-of-court settlement, and agreed to pay Jones and her attorneys a sum of $850,000. (He was never found guilty because he PAID HER OFF!

Bobbie Ann Williams, a one-time Little Rock prostitute who said Mr. Clinton fathered a child by her when he was the governor of Arkansas.

Other sexual harassment victims / accusers:
- Lencola Sullivan, a former Miss Arkansas and fourth runner-up in the Miss America pageant.
- Elizabeth Ward, a former Miss Arkansas and Miss America.
- Susie Whitacre, press aide to Mr. Clinton when he was governor

Clinton's name appears more than 10 times on flight manifests for Jeffrey Epstein's private airliner: a Boeing 727. Epstein was convicted in 2008 in Florida for soliciting underage teenage prostitutes. Court documents show that Epstein used the Fifth Amendment to avoid self-incrimination in a deposition when directly asked, “Do you know former President Clinton personally?” Epstein made the plea in a 2010-2011 civil case between Epstein and Florida lawyer Brad Edwards, who sued Epstein on behalf of some of Epstein’s alleged victims
- It has already been proven that the 2 were / are friends...

...but you go right on defending this PIG, Faun.
Now you're lying to cover your lies. I never said Clinton didn't go to that island.

Di you see why no one gives a shit when you rightards fling your shit?

That's right - you only claimed that Bill Clinton who did not know the convicted pedophile took nearly a dozen trips on the convicted pedophile's private plane to sex island with no intent to have sex with anyone, especially minors, and never had sex with anyone there.


The depth to which Liberals will go, the fantasies they are willing to make up, to defend their pathetic, sexually deviant party 'heroes' knows no limits. THIS is why no intelligent person listens to the shite like that which you have spewed in an attempt to protect Bill Clinton.
Bill Clinton is still with his wife

He has cheated on her since the 60s, has sexually harassed and RAPED women his entire career, and has engaged in NUMEROUS adulterous affairs but gets a pass?!

Yeah, compared to Trump he is truly 'Husband of the Century'!

1969: Eileen Wellstone, an English woman who said Mr. Clinton sexually assaulted her after she met him at a pub near Oxford University where Mr. Clinton was a student.

1978: Juanita Broaddrick - Claimed Bill Clinton raped her

1983: Sally Perdue, a former Miss Arkansas who said she had a four-month affair with Clinton

1984: a self-proclaimed rock-and-roll groupie, who said Mr. Clinton propositioned her

1991: Sandra Allen James, a former Washington, D.C., political fund-raiser who said Mr. Clinton invited her to his hotel room during a 1991 campaign trip, pinned her against the wall and put his hand under her dress.

1992: Christy Zercher, an airline flight attendant on Mr. Clinton’s 1992 campaign plane, who said Mr. Clinton exposed himself and grabbed her breasts.

1992: Jennifer Flowers - adulterous affair
- After initially denying it, Clinton later admitted that he had a sexual encounter with Flowers when put under oath during the Lewinsky investigation.

1993: Kathleen Wiley - Accused Clinton of Groping her

1995: Monica Lewinski - 'historic' public adulterous affair

1998: Elizabeth Ward Gracen accused Clinton of rape; later changed her to story to be an adulterous affair (- reports/rumors claimed this change happened after Gracen was bullied/threatened by Hillary / Hillary supporters)

1998: Paula Jones - accusation of sexual harassment; Clinton found guilty of Contempt of Court, disbarred - On November 18, 1998, Clinton agreed to an out-of-court settlement, and agreed to pay Jones and her attorneys a sum of $850,000. (He was never found guilty because he PAID HER OFF!

Bobbie Ann Williams, a one-time Little Rock prostitute who said Mr. Clinton fathered a child by her when he was the governor of Arkansas.

Other sexual harassment victims / accusers:
- Lencola Sullivan, a former Miss Arkansas and fourth runner-up in the Miss America pageant.
- Elizabeth Ward, a former Miss Arkansas and Miss America.
- Susie Whitacre, press aide to Mr. Clinton when he was governor

Clinton's name appears more than 10 times on flight manifests for Jeffrey Epstein's private airliner: a Boeing 727. Epstein was convicted in 2008 in Florida for soliciting underage teenage prostitutes. Court documents show that Epstein used the Fifth Amendment to avoid self-incrimination in a deposition when directly asked, “Do you know former President Clinton personally?” Epstein made the plea in a 2010-2011 civil case between Epstein and Florida lawyer Brad Edwards, who sued Epstein on behalf of some of Epstein’s alleged victims
- It has already been proven that the 2 were / are friends...

...but you go right on defending this PIG, Faun.
You lied.

You're done.

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