Trump Slams Rapist, & Sexual Abuser Bill Clinton, Reopens Feud With Hilary

So what DID you mean by your declaration that Clinton never traveled with the pedophile Epstein?

Make it a good one because everything else you have said regarding that B$ has been debunked / proven to be un-supported. Come up with more spin, Faun, while you defend this pig.
There's nothing I need to either defend or spin since I didn't say that either.

You're merely lying again.

You've convinced me you simply can't stop lying. You have no control.
Faun, you are absolutely correct - you never said Clinton didn't travel with a pedophile, you said CONVICTED pedophile. I stand corrected...Clinton traveled with a pedophile, had sex with children and prostitutes, before the pedophile was convicted. That makes every thing ok.

Like I said repeatedly, your affinity for sexual harassers, rapists, and pedophiles is obvious based on your continued, repeated defense of Bill Clinton and the justification of his actions.
Faun, you are absolutely correct - you never said Clinton didn't travel with a pedophile, you said CONVICTED pedophile. I stand corrected...Clinton traveled with a pedophile, had sex with children and prostitutes, before the pedophile was convicted. That makes every thing ok.

Like I said repeatedly, your affinity for sexual harassers, rapists, and pedophiles is obvious based on your continued, repeated defense of Bill Clinton and the justification of his actions.
Your lies continue.

Like I said, you can't stop.

Prove Clinton had sex with children....
Prove Clinton had sex with children....
Faun, would you go to a RAVE with a drug dealer with no intention of doing drugs? Would you go to an orgy with a sex addict without any intention of engaging in the activities? But you expect us to believe that the sexual deviant Slick Willey got on board a private jet with a pedophile and several known hookers (who reportedly said they made at least 1 -2 of these trips) to a private island known for sexual escapades to include pedophilia, and Blll Clinton exercised an ungodly amount of restraint - as his historically documented sexual deviancy leads us to believe he could muster up - and had no sex with anyone while on Pedophile island?!

I did not say I embraced Trump, but I do know that Bill Clinton is a lying, low life, bottom feeding scumbag and those would be his good points.
Who cares who you embrace?

The right embraces Trump in that he is their favored candidate in the polls. And like Clinton, he is a womanizer who cheated on his wife.

24 years ago, the right criticized the left for supporting a candidate who was accused of cheating on his wife.

Now they themselves support a candidate who is known to have cheated on his wife.

Goes to show why no one should pay any attention to rightwingers when they bitch & moan about anything.

When Trump lies to a federal judge, a grand jury and the entire world like Clinton dId I will condemn him. See how easy that was.
So cheating on your wife is ok with you as long as you don't lie about it to a Grand Jury.

The blue dress DNA was proof that no one was lying except Clinton. Keep on defending the low life bottom feeder and it brings you down to his level.

Cheating on your wife is not OK. Repeatedly cheating on your wife and trying to lie out of it is considerably worse. Lying to a Grand Jury and a Federal Judge are crimes. Then having the enabler Hillary call the women he conned nuts and sluts was also not OK. Trump paid for his mistake with his money, Clinton paid his women off with government jobs and taxpayers money.
If cheating on your wife is not ok, how can righties vote for Trump?

Oh, that's right... you're hypocrites who don't actually care that Trump cheated on his wife. Of course, had Trump been running as a Democrat -- then you'd care.


Pay attention this time. It is only alleged that Trump cheated, it is a proven fact that Clinton cheated continuously from the time he was first elected Attorney General in Arkansas.
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One minus isn't the end of the game.

Trump is willing to craft policy based on advancing the interests of Americans.

That puts him in the lead IMO.

There are other REPUBLICAN candidates who have presumably been faithful to their wives. But their stance on the issues SUCK.

So, Fuck them, despite their good marriages.
Of course, like I said... cheating on one's wife doesn't actually matter to many righties unless the candidate is a Democrat. You're only reaffirming that point, thanks!

I wasn't that concerned with Bill cheating on his wife.

But by the rules of the time, his Sexual Harassment should have destroyed him.

But Bill was too big to lose, so the Feminists, and the lib Media and the Dems all closed ranks and stone walled like nothing I had ever seen, before or since.

And changed the rules to give Bill a pass.
Why on Earth should an accusation of sexual harassment have destroyed him? There wasn't even any merit to the accusation.

It was a credible accusation,

And back then accusations of sexual harassment, regardless of credibility, destroyed men. Think Witch Hunt.

But Bill was too big to lose, so the Feminists, and the lib Media and the Dems all closed ranks and stone walled like nothing I had ever seen, before or since.

And changed the rules to give Bill a pass.
Riiiight .... it was so credible an accusation, that her accusation was thrown out of court due to lack of merit. :eusa_doh:

If you are referring to Paula Jones, the court awarded her $850,000. Jones v. Clinton Special Report

America needs a man who can get the job done!
You do know that happened under a Republican majority, right ?
True, but Clinton gets the credit since the budget deficits began falling before Republicans took over the Congress and began rising after Clinton left office. Clearly, the GOP couldn't balnce the budget without Clinton's leadership.

Clinton was dragged kicking and screaming to a balance budget.
Right. Because the President of the United States is easy to win a case against regardless of the merit of the case.

It was a credible accusation,

And back then accusations of sexual harassment, regardless of credibility, destroyed men. Think Witch Hunt.

But Bill was too big to lose, so the Feminists, and the lib Media and the Dems all closed ranks and stone walled like nothing I had ever seen, before or since.

And changed the rules to give Bill a pass.
What bullshit. Had there been merit to her case, it wouldn't have been dismissed due to lack of merit.

You're actually claiming the same judge who found Clinton to be in contempt for lying about having an affair, let Clinton off the hook. :cuckoo:

Jones' case was dismissed due to lack of merit. Deal with it. :thup:

RIght. Because Presidents of the United States aren't incredible powerful people who can use that power to protect themselves.

Jone's case was completely credible.

AND as I repeatedly pointed out, which you repeatedly ignored, there was a Witch Hunt mentality going on back them with regard to Sexual Harassment.

But Bill was bigger than the Witchhunt.
If it was credible, it wouldn't have been thrown out due to lack of merit. If Clinton was so powerful to avoid a conviction, as you incredibly claim, the same judge who dismissed Jones' allegations due to lack of merit; wouldn't have charged Clinton with contempt of court and fined him.


Clinton managed to beat the rap somehow on the politically dangerous accusation of Sexual Harassment, while taking the hit on the far less damaging "lying about sex" charge.
Again, too fucking stupid. :cuckoo: Since when is a criminal charge "less damaging" than a civil charge?

When the civil charge is Sexual Harassment and the criminal charge is just "lying about sex".

Stop being an ass about this.
Of course, like I said... cheating on one's wife doesn't actually matter to many righties unless the candidate is a Democrat. You're only reaffirming that point, thanks!

I wasn't that concerned with Bill cheating on his wife.

But by the rules of the time, his Sexual Harassment should have destroyed him.

But Bill was too big to lose, so the Feminists, and the lib Media and the Dems all closed ranks and stone walled like nothing I had ever seen, before or since.

And changed the rules to give Bill a pass.
Why on Earth should an accusation of sexual harassment have destroyed him? There wasn't even any merit to the accusation.

It was a credible accusation,

And back then accusations of sexual harassment, regardless of credibility, destroyed men. Think Witch Hunt.

But Bill was too big to lose, so the Feminists, and the lib Media and the Dems all closed ranks and stone walled like nothing I had ever seen, before or since.

And changed the rules to give Bill a pass.
Riiiight .... it was so credible an accusation, that her accusation was thrown out of court due to lack of merit. :eusa_doh:

If you are referring to Paula Jones, the court awarded her $850,000. Jones v. Clinton Special Report
You have no fucking clue what you're talking about. :cuckoo:

The court awarded Jones bupkis. In fact, the court threw her case out due to lack of merit. In case you're unaware, courts do not award damages to the losing party. In reality, it was Clinton who offered her that settlement, which came with the agreement that it was not an admission of guilt but just a fuck off payoff after she filed an appeal after her case was thrown out. She took the money and ran. Paid off her lawyers and taxes and had a few bucks left to get a nose job.

Now ya know.

America needs a man who can get the job done!
You do know that happened under a Republican majority, right ?
True, but Clinton gets the credit since the budget deficits began falling before Republicans took over the Congress and began rising after Clinton left office. Clearly, the GOP couldn't balnce the budget without Clinton's leadership.

Clinton was dragged kicking and screaming to a balance budget.
More revisionist history. Just like your claim that a Cort awarded Jones $850,000. :eusa_doh:

In reality, it was Republicans who refused to sign Clinton's first budget, which passed anyway since Democrats still controlled the Congress. During his first two years in office, Clinton lowered the deficit by 36% to 163b, before Republicans passed their first budget. That was lower than all 4 years of Bush and 3 of Reagan's years. When factoring in inflation with real figures, Clinton lowered the deficit before Republicans passed their first budget to a level lower than all 12 Reagan/Bush years.

That trend continued after Republicans took over Congress.

That trend ended when Clinton left office and while Republicans still controlled Congress. Then it ballooned out of control. So no, Republicans couldn't balance shit without Clinton's leadership.
What bullshit. Had there been merit to her case, it wouldn't have been dismissed due to lack of merit.

You're actually claiming the same judge who found Clinton to be in contempt for lying about having an affair, let Clinton off the hook. :cuckoo:

Jones' case was dismissed due to lack of merit. Deal with it. :thup:

RIght. Because Presidents of the United States aren't incredible powerful people who can use that power to protect themselves.

Jone's case was completely credible.

AND as I repeatedly pointed out, which you repeatedly ignored, there was a Witch Hunt mentality going on back them with regard to Sexual Harassment.

But Bill was bigger than the Witchhunt.
If it was credible, it wouldn't have been thrown out due to lack of merit. If Clinton was so powerful to avoid a conviction, as you incredibly claim, the same judge who dismissed Jones' allegations due to lack of merit; wouldn't have charged Clinton with contempt of court and fined him.


Clinton managed to beat the rap somehow on the politically dangerous accusation of Sexual Harassment, while taking the hit on the far less damaging "lying about sex" charge.
Again, too fucking stupid. :cuckoo: Since when is a criminal charge "less damaging" than a civil charge?

When the civil charge is Sexual Harassment and the criminal charge is just "lying about sex".

Stop being an ass about this.
More bullshit. Civil charges, at worst, cost money and possible disgrace.

Criminal charges carry those plus possible jail time.

Your failed attempts to alter reality are noted and dismissed.
trumps first wife one time said he was a rapist....and we know trump is a cheater and his current wife is a porn in glass house should not throw diamonds to quote g.t.
Good God witch, can you please post something with a link to show that it's not such an obvious lie?
RIght. Because Presidents of the United States aren't incredible powerful people who can use that power to protect themselves.

Jone's case was completely credible.

AND as I repeatedly pointed out, which you repeatedly ignored, there was a Witch Hunt mentality going on back them with regard to Sexual Harassment.

But Bill was bigger than the Witchhunt.
If it was credible, it wouldn't have been thrown out due to lack of merit. If Clinton was so powerful to avoid a conviction, as you incredibly claim, the same judge who dismissed Jones' allegations due to lack of merit; wouldn't have charged Clinton with contempt of court and fined him.


Clinton managed to beat the rap somehow on the politically dangerous accusation of Sexual Harassment, while taking the hit on the far less damaging "lying about sex" charge.
Again, too fucking stupid. :cuckoo: Since when is a criminal charge "less damaging" than a civil charge?

When the civil charge is Sexual Harassment and the criminal charge is just "lying about sex".

Stop being an ass about this.
More bullshit. Civil charges, at worst, cost money and possible disgrace.

Criminal charges carry those plus possible jail time.

Your failed attempts to alter reality are noted and dismissed.
Good God woman... how many links to this trash do you need to see before you embarrass yourself further protecting such a rancid piece of shit....

Longtime Bill Clinton sex-assault accuser says Hillary 'enabled' him
damn 007 i thought you might be in a good mood...spotify just got hit with a 150 million lawsuit for copyright can google cant you?
Here is Trump showing how disgusted he was with Bill Clinton in 2005- when Trump invited him to Trump's third wedding- and when Trump was not running for President.....

View attachment 58067

Trump plays his supporters like a bag pipes.

Reagan was quite friendly to Tip O'Neal and such people too.

It is a mystery.

I have friends I disagree with politically. And have been civil in public to even more.

Does that make me soft? Or Hypocritical? Or just polite?

It's entirely possible to have friends that you like, or even love, who are dumber than you are. After all, I love my dog very much. :eusa_whistle:
RIght. Because Presidents of the United States aren't incredible powerful people who can use that power to protect themselves.

Jone's case was completely credible.

AND as I repeatedly pointed out, which you repeatedly ignored, there was a Witch Hunt mentality going on back them with regard to Sexual Harassment.

But Bill was bigger than the Witchhunt.
If it was credible, it wouldn't have been thrown out due to lack of merit. If Clinton was so powerful to avoid a conviction, as you incredibly claim, the same judge who dismissed Jones' allegations due to lack of merit; wouldn't have charged Clinton with contempt of court and fined him.


Clinton managed to beat the rap somehow on the politically dangerous accusation of Sexual Harassment, while taking the hit on the far less damaging "lying about sex" charge.
Again, too fucking stupid. :cuckoo: Since when is a criminal charge "less damaging" than a civil charge?

When the civil charge is Sexual Harassment and the criminal charge is just "lying about sex".

Stop being an ass about this.
More bullshit. Civil charges, at worst, cost money and possible disgrace.

Criminal charges carry those plus possible jail time.

Your failed attempts to alter reality are noted and dismissed.

Really? How much jail time did Bill serve?
More revisionist history. Just like your claim that a Cort awarded Jones $850,000.

TECHNICALLY Faun is correct. The COURT did not award Jones $850,000. Slick Willey agreed to pay her off to make her and his LATEST sexual harassment scandal go away.


Paula Jones - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
- Eventually, the court dismissed the Paula Jones harassment lawsuit, before trial, on the grounds that Jones failed to demonstrate any damages. However, while the dismissal was on appeal, Clinton entered into an out-of-court settlement by agreeing to pay Jones $850,000. Jones v. Clinton Special Report
- President Clinton reached an out-of-court settlement with Paula Jones yesterday, agreeing to pay her $850,000 to drop the sexual harassment lawsuit that led to the worst political crisis of his career and only the third presidential impeachment inquiry in American history.,d.eWE
- Paula Jones, the woman who sued President Bill Clinton for sexual harassment ... he paid $850,000 to her and her attorneys in an out-of-court settlement

Clinton pays Paula Jones $850,000
- Clinton pays Paula Jones $850,000
I wasn't that concerned with Bill cheating on his wife.

But by the rules of the time, his Sexual Harassment should have destroyed him.

But Bill was too big to lose, so the Feminists, and the lib Media and the Dems all closed ranks and stone walled like nothing I had ever seen, before or since.

And changed the rules to give Bill a pass.
Why on Earth should an accusation of sexual harassment have destroyed him? There wasn't even any merit to the accusation.

It was a credible accusation,

And back then accusations of sexual harassment, regardless of credibility, destroyed men. Think Witch Hunt.

But Bill was too big to lose, so the Feminists, and the lib Media and the Dems all closed ranks and stone walled like nothing I had ever seen, before or since.

And changed the rules to give Bill a pass.
Riiiight .... it was so credible an accusation, that her accusation was thrown out of court due to lack of merit. :eusa_doh:

If you are referring to Paula Jones, the court awarded her $850,000. Jones v. Clinton Special Report
You have no fucking clue what you're talking about. :cuckoo:

The court awarded Jones bupkis. In fact, the court threw her case out due to lack of merit. In case you're unaware, courts do not award damages to the losing party. In reality, it was Clinton who offered her that settlement, which came with the agreement that it was not an admission of guilt but just a fuck off payoff after she filed an appeal after her case was thrown out. She took the money and ran. Paid off her lawyers and taxes and had a few bucks left to get a nose job.

Now ya know.

In other words, Clinton paid her off with someone else's money so she wouldn't get her day in the appeals court to prove her case. He was guilty and even a pissant like you know that.

"President Clinton reached an out-of-court settlement with Paula Jones yesterday, agreeing to pay her $850,000 to drop the sexual harassment lawsuit that led to the worst political crisis of his career and only the third presidential impeachment inquiry in American history."

America needs a man who can get the job done!
You do know that happened under a Republican majority, right ?
True, but Clinton gets the credit since the budget deficits began falling before Republicans took over the Congress and began rising after Clinton left office. Clearly, the GOP couldn't balnce the budget without Clinton's leadership.

Clinton was dragged kicking and screaming to a balance budget.
More revisionist history. Just like your claim that a Cort awarded Jones $850,000. :eusa_doh:

In reality, it was Republicans who refused to sign Clinton's first budget, which passed anyway since Democrats still controlled the Congress. During his first two years in office, Clinton lowered the deficit by 36% to 163b, before Republicans passed their first budget. That was lower than all 4 years of Bush and 3 of Reagan's years. When factoring in inflation with real figures, Clinton lowered the deficit before Republicans passed their first budget to a level lower than all 12 Reagan/Bush years.

That trend continued after Republicans took over Congress.

That trend ended when Clinton left office and while Republicans still controlled Congress. Then it ballooned out of control. So no, Republicans couldn't balance shit without Clinton's leadership.

What leadership?

"Recall that it was the Clinton White House that fought Republicans every inch of the way in balancing the budget in 1995. When Republicans proposed their own balanced-budget plan, the White House waged a shameless Mediscare campaign to torpedo the plan — a campaign that the Washington Post slammed as “pure demagoguery.” It was Bill Clinton who, during the big budget fight in 1995, had to submit not one, not two, but five budgets until he begrudgingly matched the GOP’s balanced-budget plan. In fact, during the height of the budget wars in the summer of 1995, the Clinton administration admitted that “balancing the budget is not one of our top priorities.”

And lest we forget, it was Bill Clinton and his wife who tried to engineer a federal takeover of the health care system — a plan that would have sent the government’s finances into the stratosphere. Tom Delay was right: for Clinton to take credit for the balanced budget is like Chicago Cubs pitcher Steve Trachsel taking credit for delivering the pitch to Mark McGuire that he hit out of the park for his 62nd home run."

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