Trump Sopports show throwing the first punch, looking for trouble, provoking.

Paying tax for efficient govt, helping truly needy, military, roads etc. Is not complained so much about.

However, never do I want to pay FED/state workers to retire at age 50 after doing lousy lazy useless work for all k if 20-30 years. Revolution stuff that is.
The military retire afetr 20 and do jack shit afterwards. That bother you too?

I am no expert on what Military get in retirement, they earn it. As do Police, Firefight too. Cut outbPension spiking, double dippers, consultant re-hires, politicians etc. step 1, then take a look. Good health, age 50? Negro please! $20T debt......many states broke and I supposed to say Okie Dokie. Sir may I have another...,, whack.
So, certain people you approve of working for only 20 years and then getting paid for the rest of their lives by us for doing nothing but not others? Got it.

Want to work on that one a bit, bitch?
You risk life, you earn more. Paper push bureaucrat? No. Go on SSI or your own 401K like "we" have too.

If people knew what going on in ILL or CA or FED they may wise up a little bit. But this for other thread.......
Talk about inciting. Read the OP, it's pretty obvious the OP's own rhetoric and choice of words would immediately create a hostile situation that likely would result in a physical fight.

Those who live in glass houses.......
how funny trump wants to bring back jobs from mexicans...yet he hires them for all his projects...the spoken word and reality are so far apart.....

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