Trump: Speaks LOUDLY, Carries Big Stick

Tom Horn

Gold Member
Aug 31, 2015
When the Big Dog barks, the little nipper best stay up on the porch. The president mentioned a "military solution" and the dictator panicked. A battalion of USMC could fix the Venzie situation in an afternoon:


President Trump declined to speak with Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro on Friday after the South American leader requested a phone call with him, the White House said in a statement.

"Since the start of this Administration, President Trump has asked that Maduro respect Venezuela’s constitution, hold free and fair elections, release political prisoners, cease all human rights violations, and stop oppressing Venezuela’s great people," White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said in a statement.


Notice this piece of shit carries a Rolex while the people have no food or toilet paper.

Trump refused phone call with Venezuelan president
Yes Tom, you're so concerned about the poor.

America is up to its usual shit in Latin America, intervening in the will of the people.

Sphere of Influence: How American Libertarians Are Remaking Latin American Politics

Keep walkin, creepshow.

Trump is flip-flopping all over the place. He ran on AMERICA FIRST. Remember, asshat?
Now he wants to save a country that he couldn't even find on a map, he's so fucking stupid.
Trump wants to cut 23 million people out of the healthcare system here in the U.S. but rush down to South America and save the Venezuelans.
The motherfucker is just plain batshit crazy.
Trump wants to cut 23 million people out of the healthcare system here in the U.S. but rush down to South America and save the Venezuelans.
The motherfucker is just plain batshit crazy.
We don't ever go in anywhere to save anyone, Venezueala has oil and we must prove only we can rule.
When the Big Dog barks, the little nipper best stay up on the porch. The president mentioned a "military solution" and the dictator panicked. A battalion of USMC could fix the Venzie situation in an afternoon:


President Trump declined to speak with Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro on Friday after the South American leader requested a phone call with him, the White House said in a statement.

"Since the start of this Administration, President Trump has asked that Maduro respect Venezuela’s constitution, hold free and fair elections, release political prisoners, cease all human rights violations, and stop oppressing Venezuela’s great people," White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said in a statement.


Notice this piece of shit carries a Rolex while the people have no food or toilet paper.

Trump refused phone call with Venezuelan president

I used to know somebody in Venezuela a few years ago and then he disappeared. I got the feeling he had trouble talking freely on the internet or that some of our material made him uneasy (might get him in trouble). Bottom line: not a good place and all the assholes on this board who constantly rip on America ought to go there to live! Maybe they will find out just how good of a country they really have here! ITMT, I have no problem going there and kicking a little ass. Just so long as it doesn't turn into a protracted war. If you are going to do a "military action," go in, hit them hard and knock the crap out of them, accomplish your mission and leave. After the world lost respect for the USA with Obama, time to put the fear of God back in some people. Let our enemies know we are crazier and far more dangerous than they are!

Good that Trump is letting that Maduro guy sweat a little bit. Keep him guessing just what it is all about. Every time he hears a creak outside his window now, let him wonder if it is Seal Team 6 sneaking up to cap his ass.

Next mission after Venezuela: sink those new Chinese "islands" out in the south china international waters. Those Chinks need a realignment as well. Then it is back to Iran and Putin.

So much work, so little time.
I dig shoog, and I don't give a fuck what you think.
You don't care so much you had to post about not caring. :thup:

Read the article again then shoog, more american overreach, more war, more empire in decline.
^^^ you not caring some more.. :lol:
Posting isn't an effort for most of us hon, so the article got your knickers all atwist then did it?
^^^you're still not caring.
I dig shoog, and I don't give a fuck what you think.
You don't care so much you had to post about not caring. :thup:

Read the article again then shoog, more american overreach, more war, more empire in decline.
^^^ you not caring some more.. :lol:
Posting isn't an effort for most of us hon, so the article got your knickers all atwist then did it?
^^^you're still not caring.
So nothing on the Intercept reporting then, just all about me?
Our communists were quite taken with Fidel's pal, Hugo Chavez:



Funny how easily the Left reveals itself. It is like they are totally unaware or just don't care. You won't see Trump swapping spit with the Castros! Chavez seems quite pleased with Hillary! That is what the Left calls: "Diplomacy." They worry about the opinions and good relationships with all the wrong people.

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