Trump special counsel Jack Smith subpoenas Georgia secretary of state

But that is not what he asked for, he asked for a very specific number of votes to be found. No matter how much you spin it and how far you shove your head up Trump's ass, those were his words.
He cited the number he was behind. And he felt certain they could be found by denying the false votes.

You can try to spin this all you want. But the tape speaks for itself.

That’s why you lose.
He cited the number he was behind. And he felt certain they could be found by denying the false votes.

You can try to spin this all you want. But the tape speaks for itself.

That’s why you lose.

Yes it does, and Trump asked for a specific number of votes to be found.

Nothing you say defending your god will change that.
No dummy, Trump asking for some votes does not at all mean GA officials went along with his corrupt scheming.

The call and the asking itself is potentially criminal in GA and speaks to his general intent to abuse his office to overturn election results.
From which university did you receive your Law Degree?
It says this....So look. All I want to do is this. I just want to find 11,780 votes, which is one more than we have because we won the state.

So you agree that you're lying when you say say Trump told Rasputin or ANYONE to find votes for him?

I get it, you only lie because you're consumed with hatred...
That's not what they heard. They heard something completely different. You provided the tape, and they heard different words.

They will not be persuaded otherwise.

These people exist in their own, entirely separate reality. This whole thing just has to somehow play itself out.

Hey fucktard - what he SAID is what matters - what you vile scum WANTED him to say is irrelevant.
So look. All I want to do is this. I just want to find 11,780 votes, which is one more than we have because we won the state.

Yes. He did want to find at least enough votes to win. That is how elections are won: with more votes than the other contestants.

But see, the point, which you continue to try to pretend doesn’t exist, remains. Trump continued to complain about the other side having cheated. Obviously, he wanted only LEGAL votes counted. You know. The ones which complied with the actual election laws.

If you don’t count illegal votes, it seems easy to find the winning tally!
All Trump has to do is say "fuck off."

So, what is the time stamp where Trump ordered Rasputen to "find votes?

Oh wait, you're just a fucking liar - there is no time stamp - it never happened...
Oh well.
Totally your choice to keep your head up your ass.
Next time you pull it out though you might just take note.

Your orange cat-turd King is in pretty BIG trouble on multiple fronts.
Georgia is just one.

But that is not what he asked for, he asked for a very specific number of votes to be found. No matter how much you spin it and how far you shove your head up Trump's ass, those were his words.

No, he didn't - you're just a pathological liar.

He made a statement of how many votes it would take for him to win, nothing more.
Oh well.
Totally your choice to keep your head up your ass.
Next time you pull it out though you might just take note.

Your orange cat-turd King is in pretty BIG trouble on multiple fronts.
Georgia is just one.

And it all based on flat out lies like this one.

You Nazis and your lies...
Yes, what DID he say?

Hint: nothing about "I order you to find me 11,000 votes."
What could he have meant by "find me" 11,000 votes....when speaking to the Secretary of State....
AFTER the vote count was already in?


Sounds like a question that only a Grand Jury is going to be able to figure out after hearing Trump's sworn testimony in response to Jack Smith's questioning.

Hope we get to see it on live TV.
Oh well.
Totally your choice to keep your head up your ass.
Next time you pull it out though you might just take note.

Your orange cat-turd King is in pretty BIG trouble on multiple fronts.
Georgia is just one.

The Magic is gone. That pussy poster can’t answer, and won’t admit it. So, he changes the subject. he is one fully transparent pussy this MurkyMuck.
"...does not at all mean GA officials went along with his corrupt scheming.
They refused to do what he told them to do.

Yupper, true that.

Not only did they refuse the request to go "find" the minimum votes needed to win......they CYA'd themselves by recording the call. They knew they were gonna be asked something, ummmm, 'sketchy'......and they wanted to have a good witnesss. A witness like a tape recorder.

The Daily Mail back in January of 2021 reported:

  • "Trump used call to Georgia Secretary of State on Saturday to demand he 'find 11,780 votes' - the number needed to overturn Joe Biden's victory in the state
  • But he had tried to get through 'at least' 18 times.......
  • Call leaked Sunday to the Washington Post and now Politico reports that Raffensperger leaked the tape after Trump tweeted about the call and said official 'doesn't have a clue'
  • Raffensperger tweeted 'the truth will come out' hours before the bombshell tape dropped
  • In the audio of the call, the president is heard berating the Georgia Republican to do anything to change the outcome of the Georgia election
  • Republicans fear call could cost them Georgia Senate runoff elections on Tuesday and that Trump rally in state on Monday night will turn into liability ......."

I have no doubt they are serious.

The gaslighting has reached such profound proportions, they are literally detached from reality now. I consider them mentally ill.
It would much better if they were just lying or fooling around.

This country hasn't seen this before. Europe and the Middle East have.

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