Trump stands up for Iranian people, Obama failed to do the same


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
While his predecessor was hesitant and perhaps overly cautious, President Donald Trump was quick to offer his support to Iranian protesters that are critical of the country’s leadership.
Trump Stands Up For Iranian People, Obama Failed To Do Same

Oh the Trump haters can't stand the fact the guy was willing to help so we can be sure the deep state has made him look as horrible as they can.
While his predecessor was hesitant and perhaps overly cautious, President Donald Trump was quick to offer his support to Iranian protesters that are critical of the country’s leadership.
Trump Stands Up For Iranian People, Obama Failed To Do Same

Oh the Trump haters can't stand the fact the guy was willing to help so we can be sure the deep state has made him look as horrible as they can.
Too bad Trump can't be as understanding of the protesters in his own country.
While his predecessor was hesitant and perhaps overly cautious, President Donald Trump was quick to offer his support to Iranian protesters that are critical of the country’s leadership.
Trump Stands Up For Iranian People, Obama Failed To Do Same

Oh the Trump haters can't stand the fact the guy was willing to help so we can be sure the deep state has made him look as horrible as they can.
Too bad Trump can't be as understanding of the protesters in his own country.

He understands they are un-American regressives.
"I urge the Trump Administration to do everything possible to support these courageous protestors, and I call upon freedom-loving nations everywhere to rally behind and publicly express their support for the Iranian people." - Lyin Ted Cruz
Iranian Protests:

Bill Clinton...*silence*
Jimmy Carter...*silence*
Barack Obama...*silence*
George W. Bush...*silence*
George H. W. Bush...*silence*

President Trump: "The world is watching!" "Iranian gov't should respect their people's rights"
While his predecessor was hesitant and perhaps overly cautious, President Donald Trump was quick to offer his support to Iranian protesters that are critical of the country’s leadership.
Trump Stands Up For Iranian People, Obama Failed To Do Same

Oh the Trump haters can't stand the fact the guy was willing to help so we can be sure the deep state has made him look as horrible as they can.
You mean the CIA and Mossad are trying to overthrow a democratically elected government which ended SOOOOO well all over the Middle East so far. The CIA did this shit in 1953 and THAT is why the people welcomed back the Ayatollah in 1979. The US and Israel will never learn its lesson. I hope Iran stands strong!
The first and only coverage CNN provides on the protests is the counter-rally supporting the government

Oh CNN. You never fail to fail.
"With humility about how little we know about what's happening inside Iran, this much is clear: it's an Iranian moment and not anyone else's. But the rights of people to protest peacefully and voice their aspirations are universal and governments everywhere should respect that." - Low Energy Long-Winded John Kerry
"Which one is achievable in the next 7 (or 70) yrs? 1) Peace and stability in the Middle East; 2) An end to the 3rd-worldization of America? Which one is your JOB?" - Wacky Ann Coulter To Trump
If the Iranian protestors were carrying anti-Trump signs then maybe, just maybe, the hacks in the lib-media would cover them. But, protecting King Obama’s precious Iran Deal is more important to them than things such as freedom, liberty, & justice.

Trump, loudly & proudly, stands in solidarity with the Iranian people yearning to be free. Obama never did. That's a really nice change.
"Iran is failing at every level despite the terrible deal made with them by the Obama Administration. The great Iranian people have been repressed for many years. They are hungry for food & for freedom. Along with human rights, the wealth of Iran is being looted. TIME FOR CHANGE!" - President Trump

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