Trump starts his rally with Melania reciting the Lords comes the alt-left meltdown!

Trump's choosing to hold a campaign style rally is simply more evidence that he is fully committed to dividing the country.
It was not meant for division. He's the people's president and he's bypassing the corrupt media and taking his wonderful news information straight to the people.

The people don't want his bigotry. Only your type do.
You misconstrue bigotry with patriotism. Read this take on the patriotic rally.
The Daily Stormer is an American neo-Nazi and white supremacist news and commentary website.[1][2] It is part of the alt-right movement.[3] Its editor is Andrew Anglin, who founded it on July 4, 2013, as a faster-paced replacement for his previous website Total Fascism.
The Daily Stormer - Wikipedia
A novel place for a prayer, though. Was Melania trying to tell us something?

My husband is President. We must prepare to meet our Maker.

I suppose it could have been worse. At least it wasn't the 23rd Psalm.
Trump's choosing to hold a campaign style rally is simply more evidence that he is fully committed to dividing the country.
It was not meant for division. He's the people's president and he's bypassing the corrupt media and taking his wonderful news information straight to the people.

The people don't want his bigotry. Only your type do.
You misconstrue bigotry with patriotism. Read this take on the patriotic rally.
The Daily Stormer is an American neo-Nazi and white supremacist news and commentary website.[1][2] It is part of the alt-right movement.[3] Its editor is Andrew Anglin, who founded it on July 4, 2013, as a faster-paced replacement for his previous website Total Fascism.
The Daily Stormer - Wikipedia
Irrelevant. They report facts and the truth where political correctness neutralizes the MSM rendering them untrustworthy.
Isn't it beautiful to return to God in America. God is the key element in making America great again and if we loose sight of God, America will be in peril like before under Obama, a non-natural born Citizen. Nevertheless it was refreshing for Empress Melania to recite the Lord's prayer. With that said my children, bow your heads with American patriot Steve McGarrett and pray:

Heavenly Father –

We praise You, Father God, for Your blessings upon our nation. And giving us prodigals a Second Chance.

This month of February, may we reflect on three birthdays of three presidents in three different centuries. Presidents raised up during crisis in American history:

* 18th century: George Washington (born February 22, 1732), our first president who brought us through the American Revolution.

This day, we pray our leadership emulate our first president, grounded in God’s Word.

Likewise, may we have victory over tyranny which has morphed from a tyrant on the throne into….
- political correctness,
- mob rule,
- politics of personal destruction,
- character assassinations,
- unelected entrenched bureaucracy,
- a godless unelected judiciary,
- the propaganda enabled by fake news,

* 19th century: Abraham Lincoln (born February 12, 1809), who brought us through those dark days of the Civil War.

This day, we are likewise as divided as we have ever been.
We pray for a spiritual awakening. Spiritual discernment Healing of divisions within the soul of our nation.
And may our government of the people, by the people, and for the people not perish from this earth.

* 20th century: Ronald Reagan (born February 6, 1911), who led us through the dangerous days of the Cold War.

This day, we pray deliverance from godlessness threatening us from all fronts, inside and outside our borders:
- spiritual apostasy of religious institutions that used to provide moral ballast,
- the “deep state”,
- mobs, useful idiots, anarchists,
- vain philosophies gripping the hearts and minds of our people,
- revised history and lies taught in schools and universities,
- censorship of free speech and free exercise of religion,

Yet, we are heartened this day that You raised up these imperfect men to help forge as well as keep our nation, based on liberty and freedom.

This day, we lift up President Trump and Vice President Pence and their families, their staff, and the 115th Congress. Guide their hearts and minds. Fill them with Your Wisdom. Grant them courage to do the right thing.

Protect them from harm on all fronts. Frustrate the plans of the Evil One to wreak chaos, violence, sedition. Likewise, protect all those who put themselves in harm’s way to serve others, home and abroad. Give them special grace during the coming year.

In Jesus Name we pray,


Jesus does not forgive racists.
I'm glad I don't have anything to worry about!

Yeah, we know what they say about ignorance and bliss.

The castle of the mad king Ludwig:


Just came to mind for some reason, something about Trump's rally yesterday...

Isn't it beautiful to return to God in America. God is the key element in making America great again and if we loose sight of God, America will be in peril like before under Obama, a non-natural born Citizen. Nevertheless it was refreshing for Empress Melania to recite the Lord's prayer. With that said my children, bow your heads with American patriot Steve McGarrett and pray:

Heavenly Father –

We praise You, Father God, for Your blessings upon our nation. And giving us prodigals a Second Chance.

This month of February, may we reflect on three birthdays of three presidents in three different centuries. Presidents raised up during crisis in American history:

* 18th century: George Washington (born February 22, 1732), our first president who brought us through the American Revolution.

This day, we pray our leadership emulate our first president, grounded in God’s Word.

Likewise, may we have victory over tyranny which has morphed from a tyrant on the throne into….
- political correctness,
- mob rule,
- politics of personal destruction,
- character assassinations,
- unelected entrenched bureaucracy,
- a godless unelected judiciary,
- the propaganda enabled by fake news,

* 19th century: Abraham Lincoln (born February 12, 1809), who brought us through those dark days of the Civil War.

This day, we are likewise as divided as we have ever been.
We pray for a spiritual awakening. Spiritual discernment Healing of divisions within the soul of our nation.
And may our government of the people, by the people, and for the people not perish from this earth.

* 20th century: Ronald Reagan (born February 6, 1911), who led us through the dangerous days of the Cold War.

This day, we pray deliverance from godlessness threatening us from all fronts, inside and outside our borders:
- spiritual apostasy of religious institutions that used to provide moral ballast,
- the “deep state”,
- mobs, useful idiots, anarchists,
- vain philosophies gripping the hearts and minds of our people,
- revised history and lies taught in schools and universities,
- censorship of free speech and free exercise of religion,

Yet, we are heartened this day that You raised up these imperfect men to help forge as well as keep our nation, based on liberty and freedom.

This day, we lift up President Trump and Vice President Pence and their families, their staff, and the 115th Congress. Guide their hearts and minds. Fill them with Your Wisdom. Grant them courage to do the right thing.

Protect them from harm on all fronts. Frustrate the plans of the Evil One to wreak chaos, violence, sedition. Likewise, protect all those who put themselves in harm’s way to serve others, home and abroad. Give them special grace during the coming year.

In Jesus Name we pray,


Jesus does not forgive racists.
Right, Jesus wasn't white.

That may be where the term whitewashed came from.

Isn't it beautiful to return to God in America. God is the key element in making America great again and if we loose sight of God, America will be in peril like before under Obama, a non-natural born Citizen. Nevertheless it was refreshing for Empress Melania to recite the Lord's prayer. With that said my children, bow your heads with American patriot Steve McGarrett and pray:

Heavenly Father –

We praise You, Father God, for Your blessings upon our nation. And giving us prodigals a Second Chance.

This month of February, may we reflect on three birthdays of three presidents in three different centuries. Presidents raised up during crisis in American history:

* 18th century: George Washington (born February 22, 1732), our first president who brought us through the American Revolution.

This day, we pray our leadership emulate our first president, grounded in God’s Word.

Likewise, may we have victory over tyranny which has morphed from a tyrant on the throne into….
- political correctness,
- mob rule,
- politics of personal destruction,
- character assassinations,
- unelected entrenched bureaucracy,
- a godless unelected judiciary,
- the propaganda enabled by fake news,

* 19th century: Abraham Lincoln (born February 12, 1809), who brought us through those dark days of the Civil War.

This day, we are likewise as divided as we have ever been.
We pray for a spiritual awakening. Spiritual discernment Healing of divisions within the soul of our nation.
And may our government of the people, by the people, and for the people not perish from this earth.

* 20th century: Ronald Reagan (born February 6, 1911), who led us through the dangerous days of the Cold War.

This day, we pray deliverance from godlessness threatening us from all fronts, inside and outside our borders:
- spiritual apostasy of religious institutions that used to provide moral ballast,
- the “deep state”,
- mobs, useful idiots, anarchists,
- vain philosophies gripping the hearts and minds of our people,
- revised history and lies taught in schools and universities,
- censorship of free speech and free exercise of religion,

Yet, we are heartened this day that You raised up these imperfect men to help forge as well as keep our nation, based on liberty and freedom.

This day, we lift up President Trump and Vice President Pence and their families, their staff, and the 115th Congress. Guide their hearts and minds. Fill them with Your Wisdom. Grant them courage to do the right thing.

Protect them from harm on all fronts. Frustrate the plans of the Evil One to wreak chaos, violence, sedition. Likewise, protect all those who put themselves in harm’s way to serve others, home and abroad. Give them special grace during the coming year.

In Jesus Name we pray,


Jesus does not forgive racists.
I'm glad I don't have anything to worry about!

Yeah, we know what they say about ignorance and bliss.
Ignorant, yes, but you don't seem very blissful to me. Maybe you should work on that. Hard to be blissful when you despise liberty and beautiful women and live in a country that is home to both.

Liberty and Jesus don't go together. Jeezus!

Isn't it beautiful to return to God in America. God is the key element in making America great again and if we loose sight of God, America will be in peril like before under Obama, a non-natural born Citizen. Nevertheless it was refreshing for Empress Melania to recite the Lord's prayer. With that said my children, bow your heads with American patriot Steve McGarrett and pray:

Heavenly Father –

We praise You, Father God, for Your blessings upon our nation. And giving us prodigals a Second Chance.

This month of February, may we reflect on three birthdays of three presidents in three different centuries. Presidents raised up during crisis in American history:

* 18th century: George Washington (born February 22, 1732), our first president who brought us through the American Revolution.

This day, we pray our leadership emulate our first president, grounded in God’s Word.

Likewise, may we have victory over tyranny which has morphed from a tyrant on the throne into….
- political correctness,
- mob rule,
- politics of personal destruction,
- character assassinations,
- unelected entrenched bureaucracy,
- a godless unelected judiciary,
- the propaganda enabled by fake news,

* 19th century: Abraham Lincoln (born February 12, 1809), who brought us through those dark days of the Civil War.

This day, we are likewise as divided as we have ever been.
We pray for a spiritual awakening. Spiritual discernment Healing of divisions within the soul of our nation.
And may our government of the people, by the people, and for the people not perish from this earth.

* 20th century: Ronald Reagan (born February 6, 1911), who led us through the dangerous days of the Cold War.

This day, we pray deliverance from godlessness threatening us from all fronts, inside and outside our borders:
- spiritual apostasy of religious institutions that used to provide moral ballast,
- the “deep state”,
- mobs, useful idiots, anarchists,
- vain philosophies gripping the hearts and minds of our people,
- revised history and lies taught in schools and universities,
- censorship of free speech and free exercise of religion,

Yet, we are heartened this day that You raised up these imperfect men to help forge as well as keep our nation, based on liberty and freedom.

This day, we lift up President Trump and Vice President Pence and their families, their staff, and the 115th Congress. Guide their hearts and minds. Fill them with Your Wisdom. Grant them courage to do the right thing.

Protect them from harm on all fronts. Frustrate the plans of the Evil One to wreak chaos, violence, sedition. Likewise, protect all those who put themselves in harm’s way to serve others, home and abroad. Give them special grace during the coming year.

In Jesus Name we pray,


Jesus does not forgive racists.

You are an expert on what Jesus forgives and does not forgive?

lol, get a sense of humor, Gomer.

Isn't it beautiful to return to God in America. God is the key element in making America great again and if we loose sight of God, America will be in peril like before under Obama, a non-natural born Citizen. Nevertheless it was refreshing for Empress Melania to recite the Lord's prayer. With that said my children, bow your heads with American patriot Steve McGarrett and pray:

Heavenly Father –

We praise You, Father God, for Your blessings upon our nation. And giving us prodigals a Second Chance.

This month of February, may we reflect on three birthdays of three presidents in three different centuries. Presidents raised up during crisis in American history:

* 18th century: George Washington (born February 22, 1732), our first president who brought us through the American Revolution.

This day, we pray our leadership emulate our first president, grounded in God’s Word.

Likewise, may we have victory over tyranny which has morphed from a tyrant on the throne into….
- political correctness,
- mob rule,
- politics of personal destruction,
- character assassinations,
- unelected entrenched bureaucracy,
- a godless unelected judiciary,
- the propaganda enabled by fake news,

* 19th century: Abraham Lincoln (born February 12, 1809), who brought us through those dark days of the Civil War.

This day, we are likewise as divided as we have ever been.
We pray for a spiritual awakening. Spiritual discernment Healing of divisions within the soul of our nation.
And may our government of the people, by the people, and for the people not perish from this earth.

* 20th century: Ronald Reagan (born February 6, 1911), who led us through the dangerous days of the Cold War.

This day, we pray deliverance from godlessness threatening us from all fronts, inside and outside our borders:
- spiritual apostasy of religious institutions that used to provide moral ballast,
- the “deep state”,
- mobs, useful idiots, anarchists,
- vain philosophies gripping the hearts and minds of our people,
- revised history and lies taught in schools and universities,
- censorship of free speech and free exercise of religion,

Yet, we are heartened this day that You raised up these imperfect men to help forge as well as keep our nation, based on liberty and freedom.

This day, we lift up President Trump and Vice President Pence and their families, their staff, and the 115th Congress. Guide their hearts and minds. Fill them with Your Wisdom. Grant them courage to do the right thing.

Protect them from harm on all fronts. Frustrate the plans of the Evil One to wreak chaos, violence, sedition. Likewise, protect all those who put themselves in harm’s way to serve others, home and abroad. Give them special grace during the coming year.

In Jesus Name we pray,


Jesus does not forgive racists.

You are an expert on what Jesus forgives and does not forgive?

I'm definitely an expert on how much the overt racists on USMB are forgiven by their silent pals on the Right.

Trump's choosing to hold a campaign style rally is simply more evidence that he is fully committed to dividing the country.

Trump's choosing to hold a campaign style rally is simply more evidence that he is fully committed to dividing the country.
It was not meant for division. He's the people's president and he's bypassing the corrupt media and taking his wonderful news information straight to the people.

The people don't want his bigotry. Only your type do.

So conservative Christendom has finally found a replacement for this couple:


A novel place for a prayer, though. Was Melania trying to tell us something?

My husband is President. We must prepare to meet our Maker.

I suppose it could have been worse. At least it wasn't the 23rd Psalm.

Trump suckered in the evangelicals - now he's just keeping the con going.
I think her fake titties are made out of the same material as bubblthis e wrap.

Mmm, expressing political disagreement by attacking her body...

Liberals: All the self awareness of a turnip.

Implants are not 'her body'.

They are now, and you expressed political disagreement, not by attacking her message, but by attacking her tits.

Pretty standard behavior for a lib really. When faced with a superior argument or debater, attack them personally, smear them, marginalize them.
A novel place for a prayer, though. Was Melania trying to tell us something?

My husband is President. We must prepare to meet our Maker.

I suppose it could have been worse. At least it wasn't the 23rd Psalm.

Trump suckered in the evangelicals - now he's just keeping the con going.

Your inability to understand that the Religious Right does not always get it's way is boring.
and remember how Barry always needed a teleprompter to order dinner in a restaurant these last 8 years? and the rats never made fun of it/
and remember how Barry always needed a teleprompter to order dinner in a restaurant these last 8 years? and the rats never made fun of it/
Are you speaking of the President who left office with one of the highest approval ratings, or the one who entered office with the lowest rating in 100 years?
- like bubble wrap.

Very nice to see!

Have we now become a Christian nation?

We have never been a Christian nation, nor was that ever the intent.

However, like it or not, we are a nation of Christians, and that majority is out of patience with your minority.

What does religion have to do with anything? Its exactly why we try to separate church and state

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