Trump Still Plays the Left Masterfully, Triggering Them Into Rabid Distraction From Relevant Topics


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Trump makes me laugh so hard! While he is still not my first pick for POTUS, he is winning me over totally as the 'Right Prescription' for the Inside the Beltway Swamp Dwellers.

His tweeting is nothing more than a tool he uses to trigger his oppenents into rabid, irrational and ugly behavior, like he did to Ted Cruz when he suggested Cruzes father may have had a role in the JFK assassination. It was a joke! But Cruz took the bait and had a total meltdown that ended his serious contention for the GOP nomination. This is a common business competitor tactic to seal a deal; make the competition look petty and ridiculous by teasing them into a fit of resentment.

The good news is that the left still doesnt grasp what Trump is doing, and they self-righteously attack him for being a'bully' while ignoring the dirty hands of his targets, and also furthering the distrust the public has for the major media.

Yesterday The Katie Law was passed, action against sanctuary cities was passed and last night Trumps travel ban went into effect. But none of that got one peep from the left. There were no demonstrations at airports or innocent people assaulted by Antifa thugs. The left ws too busy trying to gnaw on Trumps leg about the Mika tweet! I love it!

Trump is a Maestro at playing the liberalpress like a violin!

Donald Trump’s mad genius drives schoolmarms of political press crazy

MSNBC — the afterthought cable channel that airs “Morning Joe” — responded on Twitter: “It’s a sad day for America when the president spends his time bullying, lying and spewing petty personal attacks instead of doing his job.”

But the funny thing about it is that nobody actually disproved anything that Mr. Trump alleged. Just like Russia and obstruction of justice and everything else, there is not one single shred of evidence that Mr. Trump is not 100 percent in the right.

“The Amazon Post” — the paper-of-record for Never Trumpers — rushed to the defense of Mika Brzezinski and Joe Scarborough with a laughably illogical and twisted explanation.

“The notion that Brzezinski and Scarborough were desperate to hang out with Trump on New Year's Eve but were rebuffed seems dubious, at best,” reporter Callum Borchers wrote on the paper’s website.

“For one thing, the New York Times spotted the co-hosts at Trump’s New Year's Eve party at Mar-a-Lago.”

So, wait a minute? The proof that Mr. Trump is lying about Ms. Brzezinski and Mr. Scarborough slumming around Mar-a-Lago around New Year's Eve is that — well — Ms. Brzezinski and Mr. Scarborough were slumming around Mar-a-Lago around New Year's Eve?

Oof. Mr. Borchers probably learned this in journalism school. He should have gone to logic school instead.

But the correspondent was still not finished changing diapers for Ms. Brzezinski and Mr. Scarborough.

“For another,” Mr. Borchers writes, “Scarborough followed the report of their appearance [of Brzezinski and Scarborough slumming around Mar-a-Lago around New Year's Eve] by angrily protesting any suggestion that he and Brzezinski were trying to cozy up to the president-elect.”

Let’s put this in terms the young reporter might understand: O-M-G.

Then Mr. Borchers goes on to accuse Mr. Trump of a “blatantly sexist attack” on Ms. Brzezinski because the president called her “unintelligent.”

Whoa! You mean that accusing someone of being “low I.Q.” is the equivalent of calling them female?
Trump is a no class bully and his voters like him because he reflects what they are.
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On "Morning Joe" they're showing no mercy for Trump, thank god .. blistering truths about the sick bastard.
Trump makes me laugh so hard! While he is still not my first pick for POTUS, he is winning me over totally as the 'Right Prescription' for the Inside the Beltway Swamp Dwellers.

His tweeting is nothing more than a tool he uses to trigger his oppenents into rabid, irrational and ugly behavior, like he did to Ted Cruz when he suggested Cruzes father may have had a role in the JFK assassination. It was a joke! But Cruz took the bait and had a total meltdown that ended his serious contention for the GOP nomination. This is a common business competitor tactic to seal a deal; make the competition look petty and ridiculous by teasing them into a fit of resentment.

The good news is that the left still doesnt grasp what Trump is doing, and they self-righteously attack him for being a'bully' while ignoring the dirty hands of his targets, and also furthering the distrust the public has for the major media.

Yesterday The Katie Law was passed, action against sanctuary cities was passed and last night Trumps travel ban went into effect. But none of that got one peep from the left. There were no demonstrations at airports or innocent people assaulted by Antifa thugs. The left ws too busy trying to gnaw on Trumps leg about the Mika tweet! I love it!

Trump is a Maestro at playing the liberalpress like a violin!

Donald Trump’s mad genius drives schoolmarms of political press crazy

MSNBC — the afterthought cable channel that airs “Morning Joe” — responded on Twitter: “It’s a sad day for America when the president spends his time bullying, lying and spewing petty personal attacks instead of doing his job.”

But the funny thing about it is that nobody actually disproved anything that Mr. Trump alleged. Just like Russia and obstruction of justice and everything else, there is not one single shred of evidence that Mr. Trump is not 100 percent in the right.

“The Amazon Post” — the paper-of-record for Never Trumpers — rushed to the defense of Mika Brzezinski and Joe Scarborough with a laughably illogical and twisted explanation.

“The notion that Brzezinski and Scarborough were desperate to hang out with Trump on New Year's Eve but were rebuffed seems dubious, at best,” reporter Callum Borchers wrote on the paper’s website.

“For one thing, the New York Times spotted the co-hosts at Trump’s New Year's Eve party at Mar-a-Lago.”

So, wait a minute? The proof that Mr. Trump is lying about Ms. Brzezinski and Mr. Scarborough slumming around Mar-a-Lago around New Year's Eve is that — well — Ms. Brzezinski and Mr. Scarborough were slumming around Mar-a-Lago around New Year's Eve?

Oof. Mr. Borchers probably learned this in journalism school. He should have gone to logic school instead.

But the correspondent was still not finished changing diapers for Ms. Brzezinski and Mr. Scarborough.

“For another,” Mr. Borchers writes, “Scarborough followed the report of their appearance [of Brzezinski and Scarborough slumming around Mar-a-Lago around New Year's Eve] by angrily protesting any suggestion that he and Brzezinski were trying to cozy up to the president-elect.”

Let’s put this in terms the young reporter might understand: O-M-G.

Then Mr. Borchers goes on to accuse Mr. Trump of a “blatantly sexist attack” on Ms. Brzezinski because the president called her “unintelligent.”

Whoa! You mean that accusing someone of being “low I.Q.” is the equivalent of calling them female?
I hadn't considered that President Trump was using business tactics against competitors to go after the media.. He's keeping them off guard while his agenda is being passed and causing them to lose respect in the eyes of the people. What a masterful genius he is! Thanks.
The more telling aspect is that at least on CNN they say that Trump complains that they don't ask questions or focus on his policies, CNN argues that he undermines his policies by tweeting. Which is dishonest because this suggests that somehow Trump is controlling their editorial decisions. You can be certain they aren't covering all of his tweets, especially those that work in his favor more broadly. They wait for controversial tweets to try and make excuses for their own unreliable and credible journalism.

So, as much as Trump might benefit in some ways, the media just uses it as an excuse to not cover his successes. The reality is they won't cover his successes regardless. When he wasn't tweeting, they covered the fake Russian news, then collusion and God knows what next. If he eliminated the entire national debt they wouldn't cover it.

As I said from day one, the alt-left aren't worried that Trump will ruin the country, on the contrary, they are worried that he will succeed. Thus, when he is winning, they won't cover it. It goes against their narrative to the alt-left supporters.

If he plays hardball with NAFTA and China, he will get re-elected. That's my guess in all of this. He chose some good business leader to alter Americas economic pain. Americans care about jobs and are tired of being exploited. If he addresses those two issues and brings jobs back, no media spin will impact him. The other issues such as tax reform, building a wall and such are all important as well. They can easily follow his economic successes.
Trump is a no class bully and his voters like him because he reflects what they are.
And he's president. Like that or not, it means he has Constitutionally defined power, and a lot of it. It would therefore behoove congress critters to figure out a way to work with him instead of blindly and arrogantly fighting him at every turn. Let's face it, he could advance any agenda he wanted to and a lot of them would oppose it simply because it's coming from him, even at the expense of the people.

Trump is not a nice guy when it comes to a lot of things, and the voters knew that when they voted for him. He should expect to be unpopular. What the opposition is unintentionally doing, however, is making themselves look even more petty and juvenile. They have a golden opportunity to act like the statesmen they claim to be, but are not doing so.
Let's face it, he could advance any agenda he wanted to and a lot of them would oppose it simply because it's coming from him, even at the expense of the people.
You mean like the GOP did with Obummer?
On "Morning Joe" they're showing no mercy for Trump, thank god .. blistering truths about the sick bastard.
Joe and Mika are two turds at the bottom of an outdoor shitter which is where their ratings currently are. It's disgraceful that they call the president of United States a thug and unbalanced among other revolting insults. The more you fucking libs insult him, the more great Americans support him. He will be our president for eight years so get used to it.
Let's face it, he could advance any agenda he wanted to and a lot of them would oppose it simply because it's coming from him, even at the expense of the people.
You mean like the GOP did with Obummer?
After Obama told them they could come along for the ride, but would have to sit in the back. Anyway he wanted to pass stuff like grown men in girls locker rooms. Or drawing red lines with a crayon. Who would back that?
Let's face it, he could advance any agenda he wanted to and a lot of them would oppose it simply because it's coming from him, even at the expense of the people.
You mean like the GOP did with Obummer?
Yeah, kinda like that, only on steroids complete with insane, murderous rage.
More than Ted Nugent?
Ted's not in Congress and cannot oppose the president's agenda.
So not more than Ted then. Got it.
Let's face it, he could advance any agenda he wanted to and a lot of them would oppose it simply because it's coming from him, even at the expense of the people.
You mean like the GOP did with Obummer?
Yeah, kinda like that, only on steroids complete with insane, murderous rage.
More than Ted Nugent?
Ted's not in Congress and cannot oppose the president's agenda.
So not more than Ted then. Got it.
What does he have to do with Congress? That's who I was talking about. Are you wanting to widen the scope?
You mean like the GOP did with Obummer?
Yeah, kinda like that, only on steroids complete with insane, murderous rage.
More than Ted Nugent?
Ted's not in Congress and cannot oppose the president's agenda.
So not more than Ted then. Got it.
What does he have to do with Congress? That's who I was talking about. Are you wanting to widen the scope?
Ted would fit right in.
Trump is a no class bully and his voters like him because he reflects what they are.
Nope we like him because, he puts you loons in your place.
lol, ya right, he acts immature, obnoxious, attacks women and has small hands, but he put ME in my place? :lmao:

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