Trump still wants to repeal the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare)

On this subject one might refresh one's knowledge of Constitutional Law and Republicans. The Affordable Care Act is unconstitutional; Congress has no "power" under Article I to get into the health insurance business. This is why the Republicans have never presented their "alternative to ACA," despite several promises by President Trump to do so. And they will not do so int the future.

There are a couple elements in the ACA that the American people love, namely, the fact that health insurers can no longer refuse any client for having an expensive pre-existing condition, and lifetime coverage limits are no more. This is why, when asked about their replacement plan for ACA, Republicans always say that when it comes it will retain these two provisions.

But it will never come.

On this subject one might refresh one's knowledge of Constitutional Law and Republicans. The Affordable Care Act is unconstitutional; Congress has no "power" under Article I to get into the health insurance business. This is why the Republicans have never presented their "alternative to ACA," despite several promises by President Trump to do so. And they will not do so int the future.

There are a couple elements in the ACA that the American people love, namely, the fact that health insurers can no longer refuse any client for having an expensive pre-existing condition, and lifetime coverage limits are no more. This is why, when asked about their replacement plan for ACA, Republicans always say that when it comes it will retain these two provisions.

But it will never come.

I agree, I'm sure Trump will try but when push comes to shove the political will from Congressional GOP won't be there.
On this subject one might refresh one's knowledge of Constitutional Law and Republicans. The Affordable Care Act is unconstitutional; Congress has no "power" under Article I to get into the health insurance business. This is why the Republicans have never presented their "alternative to ACA," despite several promises by President Trump to do so. And they will not do so int the future.

There are a couple elements in the ACA that the American people love, namely, the fact that health insurers can no longer refuse any client for having an expensive pre-existing condition, and lifetime coverage limits are no more. This is why, when asked about their replacement plan for ACA, Republicans always say that when it comes it will retain these two provisions.

But it will never come.


Nice try
But the Supreme Court ruled otherwise
When your goal is to “get what is in my own best interest” then you are asking what your country can do for you.

When your goal is to contribute in a way that will ensure your country still exists 200 years down the road then you are asking what you can do for your country.

My best interest is to bankrupt the country and give all the wealth to me. Then I can move to another country of my choosing and let the rest of the Americans sort out the pieces.

You can vote in your own interest as a husband, father, member of your local community, and an American. Is it in the best interest of the country (in the interest of the public good), for people to not have enough money to live? Live in a country where the cost of living is so expensive that people are one paycheck away from skidrow? Is it in the best interest of the country, to have a citizenry that is uneducated, unskilled, sick both physically and psychologically, and brutally exploited in the workplace? Obviously not.

Maybe in your ridiculous right-wing fantasy world, such a scenario is in the best interest of America, but in reality, it's not. The interests of the working class (94% of the population) should take priority over the financial, vested interests of the wealthy 6%. The public good should never be subjugated by a few privileged rich farts.

Fuck it. Why stop there? Go all the way back to leeches. They were cheap.

US health care is no where near the best in the world, and is really 2nd rate.
The one thing is it though, is the most expensive health care in the world, more than twice the cost of any other country.

And the problem is obvious.
The insurance companies have monopolies on providers. so that is why it is so expensive, the insurance companies what it that way so we can't afford health care without insurance.

Insurance make absolutely no sense.
It forces you to prepay, so you lose any control over cost or quality.

Single payer or public health care is the solution the whole rest of the world has know for decades.
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We CAN’T let this criminal get away with it…
US health care is no where near the best in the world, and is really 2nd rate.
The one thing is it though, is the most expensive health care in the world, more than twice the cost of any other country.

And the problem is obvious.
The insurance companies have monopolies on providers. so that is why it is so expensive, the insurance companies what it that way so we can't afford health care without insurance.

Insurance make absolutely no sense.
It forces you to prepay, so you lose any control over cost or quality.

Single payer or public health care is the solution the whole rest of the world has know for decades.

Amen! I totally agree!

Spoken by a billionaire who can pay for his expensive medical bills out of his pocket as if he were buying a McDonald's Happy Meal. For Trump, it's a drop in the bucket to pay a million dollars or more in medical bills, so he's not concerned for the average Joe who needs insurance to receive medical care. Trump is out of touch with working-class Americans. The old conservative baby boomers who are here propping up their giant orange hamster idol share his indifference for the working class because they're on Medicare and Social Security. The hypocrisy is astounding.
You can vote in your own interest as a husband, father, member of your local community, and an American. Is it in the best interest of the country (in the interest of the public good), for people to not have enough money to live? Live in a country where the cost of living is so expensive that people are one paycheck away from skidrow? Is it in the best interest of the country, to have a citizenry that is uneducated, unskilled, sick both physically and psychologically, and brutally exploited in the workplace? Obviously not.

Maybe in your ridiculous right-wing fantasy world, such a scenario is in the best interest of America, but in reality, it's not. The interests of the working class (94% of the population) should take priority over the financial, vested interests of the wealthy 6%. The public good should never be subjugated by a few privileged rich farts.

And you Dimtards should take responsibility for yourselves and work like the rest of us, and support your own families with food and shelter and healthcare.....instead of eexpecting us to do it for you.
What a bunch of crap. If you don't like your job, get another one. If you have no skills, get some training.
Take care of yourselves.
Spoken by a billionaire who can pay for his expensive medical bills out of his pocket as if he were buying a McDonald's Happy Meal. For Trump, it's a drop in the bucket to pay a million dollars or more in medical bills, so he's not concerned for the average Joe who needs insurance to receive medical care. Trump is out of touch with working-class Americans. The old conservative baby boomers who are here propping up their giant orange hamster idol share his indifference for the working class because they're on Medicare and Social Security. The hypocrisy is astounding.
I am a working class American, and it wasn't Trump who decided I should take care of my family and stop you from whining too.
And you Dimtards should take responsibility for yourselves and work like the rest of us, and support your own families with food and shelter and healthcare.....instead of eexpecting us to do it for you.
What a bunch of crap. If you don't like your job, get another one. If you have no skills, get some training.
Take care of yourselves.

Who worked for this money?

Government is only involved in insurance.

And your fantasies about health care in the nineteen seventies are far off base.
I dunno.... I had blue cross blue shield Gold at that time. No deductible. Everything was five bucks. GP visits, scrips, even specialists.

As I recall the employer paid about 22k/year for the policy.
No a available anymore.

Spoken by a billionaire who can pay for his expensive medical bills out of his pocket as if he were buying a McDonald's Happy Meal. For Trump, it's a drop in the bucket to pay a million dollars or more in medical bills, so he's not concerned for the average Joe who needs insurance to receive medical care. Trump is out of touch with working-class Americans. The old conservative baby boomers who are here propping up their giant orange hamster idol share his indifference for the working class because they're on Medicare and Social Security. The hypocrisy is astounding.
Medicare is not free...and it can incur some pretty steep costs despite the coverage so I'm not sure what you mean. Unless your on by one of those ultra expensive, high deductible O-care orchestrated plans.

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