Trump: Stronger Than Ever

You are a bad poster. You quoted a post (413), and you did not address the content of the post you quoted, BAD, BAD,

What's the matter ? Afraid to respond to the graphs ? Because YOU KNOW what they represent (unless you're even more of a knothead than you appear to be).

I'm good enough to make you abandon your own accusation, the first accusation on your OWN list.

When pressed to show us the evidence to back refuse to discuss it. You tuck your tail between your legs and flee.

If even YOU are treating your 'evidence' like meaningless garbage to be abandoned and ignored.....surely you'll understand why I treat your claims the same way.
Laughing.....this is YOUR list, dude. I didn't force you to make this claim. You're literally running from your own accusations:

An anonymous email sent to the Justice Department criminal division and Arizona legislature alleged that in Pima County, 35,000 votes were fraudulently embedded in advance of the election on behalf of each Democratic candidate at the local and federal level."

Your collapse, your utter lack of ability to back it with any evidence isn't my failure. Its yours.

You didn't fact check your claims. You just mechanically repeated a good little conspiracy theorist.

And now you're running from your own claim, refusing to discuss it.

If your claim had merit, you wouldn't need to run.
The fact that you cherry pick one post (which I havent even gone back to examine, but I will) while you are RUNNING SCARED SHITLESS from what has been laid out for you Posts 387, 388, 394, 395, 396. Run scared rabbit , run.
Come back in a WEEK, punk.
I'm good enough to make you abandon your own accusation, the first accusation on your OWN list.

When pressed to show us the evidence to back refuse to discuss it. You tuck your tail between your legs and flee.

If even YOU are treating your 'evidence' like meaningless garbage to be abandoned and ignored.....surely you'll understand why I treat your claims the same way.
I haven't abandoned anything. I haven't even gone back to look at this one TINY little piece that you cherry picked, becasue I dont need to. The only thing that is needed, is for you to read ALL the material I posted, but your too scared stiff to do that.

You underestimated. You never thought that you would be presented with a MOUNTAIN of evidence of 2020 election fraud, and now that your are caught with it hanging over your head, your way of avoiding it, is to keep harping about one tiny little piece of it, This is your little hiding place.

It may work temporarily right now, but sooner or later (since you have allowed yourself to get involved in this), posters in USMB are going to be looking for what you have to say about all that election fraud all through the whole postings of 387, 388, 394, 395, 396.

And what are you going to do then, Mr Question Mark ?
Hope those cherries taste good.
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The fact that you cherry pick one post (which I havent even gone back to examine, but I will) while you are RUNNING SCARED SHITLESS from what has been laid out for you Posts 387, 388, 394, 395, 396. Run scared rabbit , run.
Come back in a WEEK, punk.

I picked the very first item on YOUR list. I didn't make you post it.

You said this was 'evidence'.

"An anonymous email sent to the Justice Department criminal division and Arizona legislature alleged that in Pima County, 35,000 votes were fraudulently embedded in advance of the election on behalf of each Democratic candidate at the local and federal level."

But when pressed to back the claim up, to show us the evidence that 35,000 votes were fraudulently flee. You whine. You snivel.

You give one pathetic excuse after another why you shouldn't have to provide actual evidence to back up your accusation. Why you can't. Why you're incapable.

If your argument had merit, you wouldn't need to flee. And yet your tail hasn't come out from between those quivering haunches in an hour.
I'm good enough to make you abandon your own accusation, the first accusation on your OWN list.

When pressed to show us the evidence to back refuse to discuss it. You tuck your tail between your legs and flee.

If even YOU are treating your 'evidence' like meaningless garbage to be abandoned and ignored.....surely you'll understand why I treat your claims the same way.
I don't treat anything that way. I'm just not falling for your little escape hatch scenario, and I'm also not budging one inch from insisting that you read the whole set of postings, and it is YOU who are tucking your tail between your legs and fleeing, from THAT.
I don't treat anything that way. I'm just not falling for your little escape hatch scenario, and I'm also not budging one inch from insisting that you read the whole set of postings, and it is YOU who are tucking your tail between your legs and fleeing, from THAT.

Dude, every post you refuse to address the VERY FIRST claim on your OWN list of 'evidence'...

"An anonymous email sent to the Justice Department criminal division and Arizona legislature alleged that in Pima County, 35,000 votes were fraudulently embedded in advance of the election on behalf of each Democratic candidate at the local and federal level." yet another failure. Another rout. Another demonstration that you don't fact check anything. That you merely repeat what you're told to think. Mechanically and without question.

SHOW us the evidence to back the claim that 35,000 votes were fraudulently embedded in advance of the election.
I picked the very first item on YOUR list. I didn't make you post it.

You said this was 'evidence'.

"An anonymous email sent to the Justice Department criminal division and Arizona legislature alleged that in Pima County, 35,000 votes were fraudulently embedded in advance of the election on behalf of each Democratic candidate at the local and federal level."

But when pressed to back the claim up, to show us the evidence that 35,000 votes were fraudulently flee. You whine. You snivel.

You give one pathetic excuse after another why you shouldn't have to provide actual evidence to back up your accusation. Why you can't. Why you're incapable.

If your argument had merit, you wouldn't need to flee. And yet your tail hasn't come out from between those quivering haunches in an hour.
Won't do you any good to repeat. In fact, all that does is drive you deeper and deeper into your little escape hatch basement. Hey, maybe you might meet Joe Biden down there, while he's hiding out from the lawyers are are preparing to roast him, for the documents he abused.

What a pair. Deny-lark and Joe Hiden.
Dude, every post you refuse to address the VERY FIRST claim on your OWN list of 'evidence'...

"An anonymous email sent to the Justice Department criminal division and Arizona legislature alleged that in Pima County, 35,000 votes were fraudulently embedded in advance of the election on behalf of each Democratic candidate at the local and federal level." yet another failure. Another rout. Another demonstration that you don't fact check anything. That you merely repeat what you're told to think. Mechanically and without question.

SHOW us the evidence to back the claim that 35,000 votes were fraudulently embedded in advance of the election.
HA HA "fact check" - donlt you know those fact checkers are a farce ? Like everything you've said in this thread.
Won't do you any good to repeat. In fact, all that does is drive you deeper and deeper into your little escape hatch basement. Hey, maybe you might meet Joe Biden down there, while he's hiding out from the lawyers are are preparing to roast him, for the documents he abused.

What a pair. Deny-lark and Joe Hiden.

Of course it won't. You haven't fact checked your claims. You haven't even READ them.

You've just mechanically repeated them without question.

And laughably insisted that a baseless and anonymous EMAIL accusation backed by 'evidence'

No. No its not, Prot. Its just an accusation. You simply can't tell the difference.
HA HA "fact check" - donlt you know those fact checkers are a farce ? Like everything you've said in this thread.

So that's your sniveling excuse why you can't back your claim that 35,000 votes were embedded in advance of the election? have no evidence to back the claim. You never even read the accusation before you posted it.

You just mechanically repeat what you're told to think. Like a good little conspiracy theorist.

No thank you.
Dude, every post you refuse to address the VERY FIRST claim on your OWN list of 'evidence'...

"An anonymous email sent to the Justice Department criminal division and Arizona legislature alleged that in Pima County, 35,000 votes were fraudulently embedded in advance of the election on behalf of each Democratic candidate at the local and federal level." yet another failure. Another rout. Another demonstration that you don't fact check anything. That you merely repeat what you're told to think. Mechanically and without question.

SHOW us the evidence to back the claim that 35,000 votes were fraudulently embedded in advance of the election.
This email that you keep blabbering about, was discussed at a hearing of Pima County Democrats, who held a meeting on Sept. 10, 2020 in which plans were detailed to illegally inject 35,000 votes for each Democrat at the outset in statistically adjusted embeds, that could be written off as human error if audited. Guess what, The minutes of that meeting are public record, and should be easily obtainable during business hours, So producing these minutes and seeing what they said, could/would put a lot of egg on your face.

I don't think at this point, you would like me to present that here, right ? I would be happy to do so. :biggrin: Just say the word.

So that takes care of the Sept 10 meeting and the 35,000 votes, for now.
Now what about the 99.99% of the rest of the stuff I posted, ? Gonna just hide from it ? Hang out with Hiden Biden in the basement ?
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This email that you keep blabbering about, was discussed at a hearing of Pima County Democrats, who held a meeting on Sept. 10, 2020 in which plans were detailed to illegally inject 35,000 votes for each Democrat at the outset in statistically adjusted embeds, that could be written off as human error if audited. Guess what, The minutes of that meeting are public record, and should be easily obtainable during business hours, So producing these minutes and seeing what they said, could/would put a lot of egg on your face.

I don't think at this point, you would like me to present that here, right ? I would be happy to do so. :biggrin:

I'm not the one 'blabbering' about it. Its the FIRST item on YOUR list. You're blabbering about it. The first piece of 'evidence' that you presented to us.

"An anonymous email sent to the Justice Department criminal division and Arizona legislature alleged that in Pima County, 35,000 votes were fraudulently embedded in advance of the election on behalf of each Democratic candidate at the local and federal level."

Show us the evidence that 35,000 votes were fraudulently embedded in advance of the election. Not the accusation. Not an anonymous Email. But the actual proof that 35,000 votes were fraudulently embedded in advance of the election. can't. You've got nothing. An accusation isn't evidence. You can't tell the difference.

A rational person could.
crickets ***crickets***crickets****

Laughing....that's the sound of what you've got to back the claim that 35,000 votes were embedded in advance of the election.

You never even read the accusations you're apeing before posting them, did you?
I'm not the one 'blabbering' about it. Its the FIRST item on YOUR list. You're blabbering about it. The first piece of 'evidence' that you presented to us.

"An anonymous email sent to the Justice Department criminal division and Arizona legislature alleged that in Pima County, 35,000 votes were fraudulently embedded in advance of the election on behalf of each Democratic candidate at the local and federal level."

Show us the evidence that 35,000 votes were fraudulently embedded in advance of the election. Not the accusation. Not an anonymous Email. But the actual proof that 35,000 votes were fraudulently embedded in advance of the election. can't. You've got nothing. An accusation isn't evidence. You can't tell the difference.

A rational person could.
Oh, Show you, you say. OK, so this means that your answer to my question in Post # 431 is YES > "I don't think at this point, you would like me to present that here, right ? I would be happy to do so. :biggrin: Just say the word."

OK I will do that as soon as business hours are here (Arizona time), Shouldnt be a problem at all. :biggrin:

Will you be here then, to accept the posting of these minutes, or will you just conveniently find another thread to hide out in ? My guess is the latter.

Now about the other 99.99% of the postings, not going stand up tall, to face them either, right ?
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Oh, Show you, you say. OK, so this means that your answer to my question in Post # 431 is YES > "I don't think at this point, you would like me to present that here, right ? I would be happy to do so. :biggrin: Just say the word."

OK I will do that as soon as business hours are here (Arizona time), Shouldnt be a problem at all. :biggrin:

Will you be here then, to accept the posting of these minutes, or will you just conveniently find another thread to hide out in ? My guess is the latter.

Now about the other 99.99% of the postings, not going stand up tall, to face them either, right ?

And once again, I send you fleeing with your tail between your legs. You refuse to discuss the FIRST item on your OWN list. You presented this to us as 'evidence'.

"An anonymous email sent to the Justice Department criminal division and Arizona legislature alleged that in Pima County, 35,000 votes were fraudulently embedded in advance of the election on behalf of each Democratic candidate at the local and federal level."

This is your own claim. YOU insisted insisted this was evidence. And yet when I question your claim in any way, asking for you to show us the evidence that 35,000 votes were fraudulently embedded in advance of the election.... run. Giving us one sniveling excuse after another why you're fleeing. And showing us absolutely nothing to back your claim.

If your claim had merit, you wouldn't need to abandon it.
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And once again, I send you fleeing with your tail between your legs. You refuse to discuss the FIRST item on your OWN list. You presented this to us as 'evidence'.

"An anonymous email sent to the Justice Department criminal division and Arizona legislature alleged that in Pima County, 35,000 votes were fraudulently embedded in advance of the election on behalf of each Democratic candidate at the local and federal level."

This is your own claim. YOU insisted insisted this was evidence. And yet when I question your claim in any way, asking for you to show us the evidence that 35,000 votes were fraudulently embedded in advance of the election.... run. Giving us one sniveling excuse after another why you're fleeing. And showing us absolutely nothing to back your claim.

If your claim had merit, you wouldn't need to abandon it.
I didn't run. I told you where the evidence is, and will work to present it tomorrow, during business hours. And YOU ? Will you be here THEN ? When all you loudmouthing may very well go down in flames. Like I said, I'm guessing you won't be here, to face the music, coward. Punk. Faggot.
I didn't run. I told you where the evidence is, and will work to present it tomorrow, during business hours. And YOU ? Will you be here THEN ? When all you loudmouthing may very well go down in flames. Like I said, I'm guessing you won't be here, to face the music, coward.

Of course you ran. With your tail between your legs. You've been so run off your own claim, that you refuse to even discuss it. Let alone provide evidence to prove it. Watch, I'll make you flee again.....with another sniveling excuse why you can't address your own 'evidence'.

"An anonymous email sent to the Justice Department criminal division and Arizona legislature alleged that in Pima County, 35,000 votes were fraudulently embedded in advance of the election on behalf of each Democratic candidate at the local and federal level."

Where's the evidence that 35,000 votes were fraudulently embedded in advance of the election? This is just an accusation.

Every time you refuse to address it, you lose. Every time you fail to provide evidence to back it, you lose. Every time you give us a sniveling excuse why you're running, you lose. did this to yourself, friend.
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Election integrity advocate Mark Finchem attended the Sept 10 meeting >>

Mark Finchem in Pima County

Last Updated on December 14, 2021

Arizona state Rep. Mark Finchem read a letter from a whistleblower who claims Democrat operatives added 35,000 votes to Democrat candidates during Pima County’s election integrity hearing held this week.​

Election integrity advocate Mark Finchem read from an email previously “included in some of the testimony and evidence” from the famous election integrity hearing held on November 30 of last year. According to Finchem, this email “sets the stage” for election integrity efforts.

Finchem says the letter was dated November 10, 2020, and “is addressed to the criminal division at the U.S. Department of Justice.”
A transcript of the letter read by Finchem during his speech is below:
‘This is anonymous reporting and I do not want to be included in this investigation. Thank you.
Please be advised the Pima County Recorder, located at 240 N. Stone Avenue in Tucson, Arizona, 85701 in Pima County, Arizona, and the Democrat Party added fraud votes. In the initial count of the vote by mail (VBM) totals released at 8 pm on November 3, 2020, There are approximately 35,000 fraud votes added to each Democrat candidates’ vote totals. Candidates impacted include County, State, and Federal Election candidates. Through the utilization of the automated ballot count machines in Pima County Elections, My understanding is that 35,000 was embedded into each Democrat candidates’ total votes. Below are the meeting notes.
In a meeting I was invited to by the Democrat party in Pima County, Arizona on September 10, 2020, no phones or recording devices were allowed. A presentation was given including detailed plans to embed 35,000 votes in a spread configured distribution to each Democrat candidate’s vote totals.
When I asked, “How in the world would 35,000 votes be kept hidden, or from being discovered?” It was stated that spread distribution will be embedded across the total registered vote range and will not exceed the registered voter count. And the 35,000 was determined allowable for Pima County based on our county registered voter count.
It was also stated total voter turnout versus total registered voters determined how many votes we can embed. The embedding will also adjust based on voter turnout. Because the embedded votes are distributed sporadically, all embedded votes will not be found if audited because embeds are in groups of approximately 1,000. This is so the County Recorder can declare an oversight issue or error, as a group of 1,000 is a normal and acceptable error.
Maricopa County’s embed totals will be substantially larger than Pima, due to embeds being calculated based on the total number of registered voters. When I asked, “Has this ever been tested, and how do we know it works?” the response was, yes, this has been tested and has shown significant success in Arizona judicial retention elections, since 2014. Even undetectable in post audits because no candidate will spend the kind of funds needed to audit and contact voters to verify votes and the full potential of the total registered voters, which is more than 500,000 registered voters. This year our Secretary of State has removed precinct level detail from election night releases, so candidates can’t see precinct over-votes.
This is what I have from this meeting. Just thought I’d report this. Not sure if you can do anything since I was unable to have a recording device at this meeting. Thank You.’
Finchem also told Pima County that his team was able to verify that the IP address matching the computer used to send the email is in Tucson, Arizona, but noted that he has been unable to verify the identity of the whistleblower. National File has not been able to independently verify the whistleblower’s claims.

On her website, Arizona state Sen. Wendy Rogers compiled a series of bullet points from the hearing.
Among other findings noted by Rogers, it was alleged that “Every voting machine violated Arizona Code § 16-442(B), which states that voting machines “may only be certified for use in [Arizona] if they comply with the Help America Vote Act of 2002 and…have been tested and approved by a laboratory that is accredited pursuant to the Help America Vote Act of 2002.” Additionally, “None of the required documents or items were submitted, e.g. bonds. This represents work being done without a contract.”
Finchem has called for Pima County to be audited in a fashion similar to Maricopa County, and is acquiring petitions to pressure legislators into reexamining the 2020 election in another county.
The Maricopa County, Arizona audit revealed multiple anomalies that vastly outsize the number of votes attributed to Joe Biden’s win in the state, leading to more claims that the 2020 election was not credible.
Multiple Arizona Republicans, including Rogers, Finchem, and Arizona Republican Party Chair Kelli Ward, have called for the state’s 2020 election results to be decertified. In October, Ward also joined the call for Pima County’s 2020 election results to be audited.
Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich, who is now running for U.S. Senate, has been criticized by 45th President Donald Trump for not acting on the findings of the Maricopa County audit.
Of course you ran. With your tail between your legs. You've been so run off your own claim, that you refuse to even discuss it. Let alone provide evidence to prove it. Watch, I'll make you flee again.....with another sniveling excuse why you can't address your own 'evidence'.

"An anonymous email sent to the Justice Department criminal division and Arizona legislature alleged that in Pima County, 35,000 votes were fraudulently embedded in advance of the election on behalf of each Democratic candidate at the local and federal level."

Where's the evidence that 35,000 votes were fraudulently embedded in advance of the election? This is just an accusation.

Every time you refuse to address it, you lose. Every time you fail to provide evidence to back it, you lose. Every time you give us a sniveling excuse why you're running, you lose. did this to yourself, friend.
What do you mean "where" ? I told you where. Now you pretend you never saw my posts. You are a joke.

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