Trump: Stronger Than Ever

I am not insane. The 2020 fraud was obvious. The False flag, the censorship, states refusing to cooperate with election data and materials. The media still pushing the lie with idiots like you. They could not look more guilty.

Try and be honest and just say they got away with it. so far. So cut the crazy, you lazy troll, it is not working.
Yeah we've all heard this before but still no evidence. You know you won't post any because there is none, you're a sucker pal.
Enough evidence right there to show the election had 0 integrity. Let me know when you are finished.

Don't make me laugh, 50+ courts blocked evidentary evidence because they were completely garbage. Not one plaintive attempted to improve what they had to make it to court because they had nothing. In the two years since no one has any anyway proved enough evidence to go to any court. You're a dangerous joke.
I'm a German who never kills only a mosquito if it is not absolutelly necessary to do so. But if I had a weapon (I hate weapons - my father teached me to do so) and I would be in the same room with this man - what hopefully never will happen - then I would not be sure about whether it would not be my duty to have to kill him. My father had been in a similar situation with Adolf Hitler and decided not to kill him. In a worst case scenario I had killed in my scenario only an enemy of Germany - in a best case scenario I had killed an enemy of the whole mankind.

He is what? Near or not near? Donald Trump grew up in the sky over NY and his feet never touched the same ground as the feet of others are touching the ground. He knows nothing at all from mosquitos like you. For him you are a useful idiot - that's all.

Comment: "Freya" is in very most cases not Freya but Frigg. Friday is Fri[ggs]day.

I could care less about what Trump thinks about me. I'm useless to him because I don't vote for him.

You'd spend the rest of your life in prison for killing Trump? One difference (of many) between Trump and Hitler, is Hitler was the chancellor. There was no voting him out of office. If Trump wins in 2024, he'll only be there for 4 years. So you'd be in prison until you die over someone who's only going to be in office for 4 years?
LMAO.. I remember the left saying Trump was going to be the chancellor. But I don't remember ANY of his supporters wanting to make him chancellor. As much as they worshipped him, they still like the idea of term limits.
Yeah, that's what republicans said in 2020 and he's still kicking. I would like to see someone else run but there are just not many well known charismatic democrats with the political skills needed to win. If someone does not immerge this summer, it will be too late.

I like Buttigieg but the fact that he's gay makes him a no go.

It doesn't matter who immerges. The DNC, like the RNC, rig their nominations for who ever is going to do the bidding of their biggest donors.

If you don't believe me, just try being a delegate for a good underdog candidate at your local party headquarters. And watch how the local chairman shuns you when the national party leaders send down their chosen one to push for.
Been there, done that. It's nauseating.
They use talking points like "We want to win, and your candidate just doesn't have a chance." Well of course your candidate doesn't have a chance, because the party leaders aren't pushing for him/her. They're pushing for their chosen one.
I could care less

A charcteristical US-American phrase. But exist US-Americans who care about anyting?

about what Trump thinks about me. I'm useless to him because I don't vote for him.

You'd spend the rest of your life in prison for killing Trump?

Why not? Georg Elser had also not any other chance than to pay this price. We do not know what had happened if he had been successful. In case I will decide that I will kill Donald Trump and I will be on whatever mysterious reason able to be successfull to do so then also no one - including myselve - will be able to know what not will happen. But I will have personally a big problem with god in this case, because I came back to life a long time ago when he had asked me to do so. And I did do him this favor although it was my own full risk perhaps not to be able to reach the entry port to heaven again.

One difference (of many) between Trump and Hitler,

I do not see a Nazi in Donald Trump. It's not clear to me whether this man is only stupid or criminal or criminally stupid or a stupid criminal. But I am convinced this demagogue is damned dangerous.

is Hitler was the chancellor. There was no voting him out of office. If Trump wins in 2024, he'll only be there for 4 years.

For 4 years + 1 day world war 3? Or will his royal family and his loyal spitlickers rule Trumperica for the next 400 years?

So you'd be in prison until you die over someone who's only going to be in office for 4 years?
LMAO.. I remember the left saying Trump was going to be the chancellor.

No idea what this could mean.

But I don't remember ANY of his supporters wanting to make him chancellor.

What do you see in the expression "chancellor" what I do not see? Hitler was not mighty because he had been the chancellor of Germany - Hitler was mighty because he became also president of Germany. That's why the chancellor of the federal republic of Germany after world war 2 got more power and our president got less power.

As much as they worshipped him, they still like the idea of term limits.

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These are mail in ballots that were heavily Dem and counted late. If you say they are fraud then show evidence of where they were printed and who put false names and bar codes on the ballots. It shouldn't be hard to explain where over 7000000 ballots were fraudently printed.

They'll never be able to show that because they're full of shit.
Don't make me laugh, 50+ courts blocked evidentary evidence because they were completely garbage. Not one plaintive attempted to improve what they had to make it to court because they had nothing. In the two years since no one has any anyway proved enough evidence to go to any court. You're a dangerous joke.

You missed where that nutjob claimed there are 147 members of Congress who have evidence that would literally flip the election, but they're not sharing it with anyone. He claims to this day, 25 months later, they have it but still, not one of the 147 has told anyone what that evidence is.

There is no poster on this forum crazier than that nut. And given some of the loons posting here, that's saying something.
Nope. Nothing else need be said in response to your insane drivel.
But here you are saying it. It is now accepted that the censorship of Hunter's laptop changed the results, fraud not withstanding. 8% would not have voted for Biden. That would give Trump every swing state and an easy victory.

You condone lying, cheating and murder for political gain. What a glaring POS you are.
But here you are saying it. It is now accepted that the censorship of Hunter's laptop changed the results, fraud not withstanding. 8% would not have voted for Biden. That would give Trump every swing state and an easy victory.

You condone lying, cheating and murder for political gain. What a glaring POS you are.

It's accepted by nuts like you. But then, you accept nonsensical bullshit like 147 members of Congress are still, after 25 months, sitting on evidence that could have flipped the election.

It's accepted by nuts like you. But then, you accept nonsensical bullshit like 147 members of Congress are still, after 25 months, sitting on evidence that could have flipped the election.

You keep lying. Those members wanted the election investigated before Biden was confirmed. They were sitting on what needed to be investigated. Congress stole the election by refusing to do that.

You are stupid and lazy.
You keep lying. Those members wanted the election investigated before Biden was confirmed. They were sitting on what needed to be investigated. Congress stole the election by refusing to do that.

You are stupid and lazy.

Nope, no lie.

You claimed they had evidence that would have flipped the election.

When I asked you what that evidence was, you said you didn't know because they never revealed it to the public.

You're out of your fucking mind, FruitLoops.

Nope, no lie.

You claimed they had evidence that would have flipped the election.

When I asked you what that evidence was, you said you didn't know because they never revealed it to the public.

You're out of your fucking mind, FruitLoops.

Quote them, you lazy bastard.

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