Trump: Stronger Than Ever

Putin allegedly being a friend of Trump, is nothing but a propaganda BS line pushed by Democrats, and a pretty ridiculous one. Trump was tough on Putin, and a lot tougher than weakling Biden, who doesn't know how to be tough.

1. the Trump administration imposed sanctions on Russia — including on 7 of Russia’s richest individuals, and 17 top government officials for their interference in our elections.
2. The sanctions directly penalized Putin’s inner circle, by prohibiting them from traveling to the United States ever again. He did this by opening a bank account in the West, preventing them from doing business with the West and prohibiting anyone else to do business on their behalf.
3. During his first month in office ,Trump upheld strict sanctions to punish Russia. These punished more than three dozen individuals and organizations that were behind the invasion of Ukraine.
4. Mnuchin stated that there would be no easing of the sanctions until Russia meets its obligations under the 2015 Minsk agreement — the ceasefire agreement between Russia and Ukraine.
5. Trump closed of Russian diplomatic properties in San Francisco, Washington, D.C., and New York City, that appeared to be a threat to American security
6. Trump led the world in expelling Russian diplomats after the nerve agent attack in the UK Expelled 60 Russian diplomats from U.S. soil.
7. Trump lambasted Russia for using oil to hold NATO’s Eastern European countries hostage. Trump underscored the dangers of those countries’ dependence on Russian oil, leading to their inability to criticize Russia the rest of the year
8. By ramping up US oil production, Trump made America #1 in the world in energy production, and our exports to Europe relieved them of being dependent on Russian oil
9. Trump sold Patriot missle defense system to Poland. Obama capitulated to Russia in 2010 by removing missile launchers in Poland
10. No Red line in Syria..........they were actually hit by Trump
11. Trump pressured NATO allies, and they're spending $69 billion more on defense since 2016
12. Trump sanctioned Nord Stream 2
13. Trump sold anti-tank weapons to Ukraine (Obama gave them blankets)
14. Trump withdrew from INF treaty

All of this is nonsense. Nord Stream 2 is a simple pipeline - one of many - and not any reason for any war. Russia will lose a lot of money now beause it did not agree with this peace keeping way of politics "Wandel durch Handel" (~ "change by trade"). Putins fault and not the fault of anyone else. We offered peace - Russia chose war - and we all have to find a way now between the fight for freedom and the total destruction of everyone on planet Earth. And one thing is also clear: Trump is not freedom! Trump is slavery! And Trump - a very good friend of Putin and perhaps under his control - tried to destroy the NATO and eliminated security shields: for example the use of military mid range nukes. And to increase the budget for defense in the states of the NATO for their own armies had been by the way an agreement with president Obama. Timeline had been the year 2024. And with the exorbitant high costs of the USA for their own armies had this anyway never anything to do. But Trump destroyed very successful the good relations between Germany and the USA. It's by the way funny that the NATO defense ministers met each other in Germany to speak about Putins nonsense war - more exact in your air base Ramstein - while Trump had moved the headquarter for military operations in Europe from Germany to Bruxels in Belgium.
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One of the most absurde ideas of the people in the USA is their doctrine "the enemy of my enemy is my friend". Now you believe all people from the political party "the Democrats" in the USA are your enemy and only a superior being like Donald Trump has to be your pharao and money from nil will flood your bourse and your purses.
In almost all issues, Democrats are the enemy of the American people. Definitely.
He lost. That's all. No myth! And the USA lost when he wan and wan when he lost. And when Trump really should win the next elections in the USA then I suggest to all secret services of the western world including all secret services of the USA to eliminate this slave of an unknown Borg queen. This man is a danger for the survival of all mankind.
People with brainwashed, distorted minds lime yours are the danger for the survival of all mankind.
All of this is nonsense. Nord Stream 2 is a simple pipeline - one of many - and not any reason for any war. Russia will lose a lot of money now beause it did not agree with this peace keeping way of politics "Wandel durch Handel" (~ "change by trade"). Putins fault and not the fault of anyone else. We offered peace - Russia chose war - and we all have to find a way now between the fight for freedom and the total destruction of everyone on planet Earth. And one thing is also clear: Trump is not freedom! Trump is slavery! And Trump - a very good friend of Putin and perhaps under his control - tried to destroy the NATO and eliminated security shields: for example the use of military mid range nukes. And to increase the budget for defense in the states of the NATO for their own armies had been by the way an agreement with president Obama. Timeline had been the year 2024. And with the exorbitant high costs of the USA for their own armies had this anyway never anything to do. But Trump destroyed very successful the good relations between Germany and the USA. It's by the way funny that the NATO defense ministers met each other in Germany to speak about Putins nonsense war - more exact in your air base Ramstein - while Trump had moved the headquarter for military operations in Europe from Germany to Bruxels in Belgium.
Post # 36 destroyed this lamebrain post # 81 before it was even written. Trump was tough on Putin and Russia in numerous ways, as I pointed out. Biden is just the opposite.

That's why there was peace for 4 years during the Trump administration, and there is war now. Germany ? Russia's best friend.
In almost all issues, Democrats are the enemy of the American people. Definitely.

Members of the political party "The Democrats" are US-Americans. Same the members of the political party "The Republicans". You have a serios problem - except you are an enemy of the USA.
Members of the political party "The Democrats" are US-Americans. Same the members of the political party "The Republicans". You have a serios problem - except you are an enemy of the USA.
You have a very warped and distorted view of US politics. Probably because the EU is left leaning politically.
To correct your post #81, point by point with the truth:
1. We agree on "change by trade". Its better than "change by war".
2. We agree the current war is Putin's fault and no one else's. His generals probably lied to him saying that they could capture Kyiv in 3-days. Putin thought it was an easy win and agreed to the operation, and now his decision is biting him on the ass.
3. Trump is NOT slavery. Trump is freedom. Freedom from unfair trade agreements. Freedom for US workers. Prosperity for the US. Your "slavery" comment is nonsense. Trump is fairness and prosperity.
4. Putin is Biden's friend, not Trump's. Biden stopped the KeystoneXL pipeline stopping 500,000 bbls of oil a day. Biden stopped the EastMed gas pipeline that would have competed with Nord Stream 2. Biden's "war on energy" raised the price of oil and gas benefiting Putin. Biden stopped the development of the ANWR oil fields again helping Putin. Not to mention the $millions the Bidens got from Russians.
5. Trump did NOT try to destroy NATO. Trump insisted that NATO members meet their commitments. NATO secretary Stoltenberg said Trump made NATO STRONGER, not weaker. Just in time for Putin's invasion of Ukraine. Your lie about Trump is stupid.
6. You think that US and Germany are not allies? Germany now sees that dealing with Putin is a mistake. Trump was right.
People with brainwashed, distorted minds lime yours are the danger for the survival of all mankind.

The strategy of the USA in the Cold War had been to accept easily more than 600 million lifes as a collateral damage of the own nukes in Europe and Asia. And this only because of such a totally stupid and unimportant question like "Communism vs Capitalism". The Russian nukes and Chinese nukes had not been calculated.

What about to try to become real?
Post # 36 destroyed this lamebrain post # 81 before it was even written. Trump was tough on Putin and Russia in numerous ways, as I pointed out. Biden is just the opposite.

That's why there was peace for 4 years during the Trump administration, and there is war now. Germany ? Russia's best friend.

Your standardarized propaganda post #36 is not worth the electronical paper it is written on. It's stupid Trump propaganda, that's all. This mad man had been a disaster for the defense of the free world - and caused extremely volatile markets in the world - what's specially for the more poor people a big problem who need cheap goods and cheap food and warm houses. From my point of view Donald Trump caused serios problems for decades, which others will have to solve before they will break through and destroy everyones life on this planet.
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You have a very warped and distorted view of US politics. Probably because the EU is left leaning politically.
To correct your post #81, point by point with the truth:
1. We agree on "change by trade". Its better than "change by war".

It did not work. Now we are in front of a nuclear war. So this politics is dead. And "change by war" is a dead problem solver since human beings exist.

2. We agree the current

Who for heavens sake is "we" in this context now, allmighty idiot?

war is Putin's fault and no one else's.

This was perhaps a little too placative what I said. Indeed it's the fault of all mankind that this situation exists now. The way of political decisions is weird. Basic Question in politics is: "What are the best decisions for everyone and all life on planet Earth?"

His generals probably lied to him saying that they could capture Kyiv in 3-days. ...

I will now not start to discuss this totally stupid and senseless war with you. This war between Russia and the Ukrtaine is fallen totally out of any time. World War 2 is over. The Russians can go home. That's the best what they are able to do.
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Call it a cult if that somehow empowers your ego. But you're right that Trump is "alive and well in the GOP", and in America as well, unlike Biden whose disapproval continues to soar.
They use the four letter "C" word to describe something that scares them.
... Trump was right. ...

Good. Then take all of your soldiers. Leave Germany and/or Europe and/or the NATO. Don't forget to take your nukes with you. Have a lot of fun. Bye bye.

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It did not work. Now we are in front of a nuclear war. So this politics is dead. And "change by war" is a dead problem solver since human beings exist.
Who for heavens sake is "we" in this context now, all mighty idiot?
This was perhaps a little too placative what I said. Indeed it's the fault of all mankind that this situation exists now. The way of political decisions is weird. Basic Question in politics is: "What are the best decisions for everyone and all life on planet Earth?"
I will now not start to discuss this totally stupid and senseless war with you. This war between Russia and the Ukraine is fallen totally out of any time. World War 2 is over. The Russians can go home. That's the best they are able to do.
1. What did not work?? Change by trade?? It just started, give it some time to work. Sanctions are getting tightened all the time.
2. No one wins in a nuclear war. Only the insane would start one.
3. "WE" are you and I and everyone else. We all agree that the war is Putin's fault and no one else's. (see your post-81)
4. The Russians really fucked-up by letting Putin become dictator. They need to fix that because Putin does not care about good decisions for all life on the planet.
5. We all want the war in Ukraine to be over before WW3 starts and nukes start flying.
1. What did not work??

The German politics "Wandel durch Handel" in case of Russia - and in case of China did also not work the international politics in this case. I guess the main reason for this malfunction of this poltics is the organisation of economy on it's own. Very few people - often only a single man - have to decide in a company; very most people have to obey.

Change by trade?? It just started, give it some time to work.

No. I do not give this form of politics any chance any longer. But we have to change something very drastcally before a single superidiot will destroy the whole planet.

Sanctions are getting tightened all the time.

Old problem: The poor pay with the money they need on their own - the rich get this money, although they don't need it.

2. No one wins in a nuclear war.

So what? From my point of view Adolf Hitler did do the biggest extended suicide the world ever had seen.

Only the insane would start one.

And who is not insane?

3. "WE" are you and I and everyone else.


We all agree that the war is Putin's fault

Not everyone of us will see it in this way. Specially many Russians believe that the Ukraine worked together with the NATO for to suppress Russia. They think Putin defends Russia with this totally senseless war in the Ukraine.

and no one else's. (see your post-81)

That's my personal point of view like everything else what I say. The context had been that different declarations of war of the USA against Germany because of the pipeline Nord Stream 2 had been totally insane. It is only a pipleine - one of many pipelines - and not any reason for the war in the Ukraine.

4. The Russians really fucked-up by letting Putin become dictator.

That's the worst problem of the whole world. The Russians are unexperienced in this context since centuries. Putin made this what we call in Germany "Machterschleichung" when we speak about the Nazis. We had also been unexperienced 100 years ago with our own democracy and Hitler overtook the power fraudulent "step by step" - with invisible steps like a snake. I would say we need a better vocational training and qualification of the people who work in the political business. Such slow and long processes need a better information structure and control structure.

They need to fix that because Putin does not care about good decisions for all life on the planet.

What's a wide spread problem.

5. We all want the war in Ukraine to be over before WW3 starts and nukes start flying.

"... want the war ... to be over" is a very good formula. "To win" makes in such a context not a big sense - not for the western world and also not for Russia and China. The Ukrainians should win peace - including the Russians who are citizens of the Ukraine. But this needs also realism in this case.
Example: When Russia will win the Donbass region then this will also be a disaster for this region. Everything will be a disaster there - whether it will be a part of Russia, an new state or stay to be a part of the Ukraine. The Russians and Ukrainians who live in this region had a great past - with steel production. But who needs all this steel any longer? Now this region would need immense investitions for example to be able to produce steel with the help of green energy - green hydrogen for example. Sure thinks nearly no one in times of war about such longer term problems - but also this problems will have to be solved. But Russia prefers to waste resources and an unbelievable amount of money with war - and forces many other nations to follow this bad waste of resources and money.
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The German politics "Wandel durch Handel" in case of Russia - and in case of China did also not work the international politics in this case. I guess the main reason for this malfunction of this politics is the organization of economy on it's own. Very few people - often only a single man - have to decide in a company; very most people have to obey.

No. I do not give this form of politics any chance any longer. But we have to change something very drastically before a single super-idiot will destroy the whole planet.

Old problem: The poor pay with the money they need on their own - the rich get this money, although they don't need it.

So what? From my point of view Adolf Hitler did do the biggest extended suicide the world ever had seen.

And who is not insane?


Not everyone of us will see it in this way. Specially many Russians believe that the Ukraine worked together with the NATO for to suppress Russia. They think Putin defends Russia with this totally senseless war in the Ukraine.

That's my personal point of view like everything else what I say. The context had been that different declarations of war of the USA against Germany because of the pipeline Nord Stream 2 had been totally insane. It is only a pipeline - one of many pipelines - and not any reason for the war in the Ukraine.

That's the worst problem of the whole world. The Russians are inexperienced in this context since centuries. Putin made this what we call in Germany "Machterschleichung" when we speak about the Nazis. We had also been inexperienced 100 years ago with our own democracy and Hitler overtook the power fraudulent "step by step" - with invisible steps like a snake. I would say we need a better vocational training and qualification of the people who work in the political business. Such slow and long processes need a better information structure and control structure.

What's a wide spread problem.

"... want the war ... to be over" is a very good formula. "To win" makes in such a context not a big sense - not for the western world and also not for Russia and China. The Ukrainians should win peace - including the Russians who are citizens of the Ukraine. But this needs also realism in this case.
Example: When Russia will win the Donbass region then this will also be a disaster for this region. Everything will be a disaster there - whether it will be a part of Russia, an new state or stay to be a part of the Ukraine. The Russians and Ukrainians who live in this region had a great past - with steel production. But who needs all this steel any longer? Now this region would need immense investments, for example to be able to produce steel with the help of green energy - green hydrogen for example. Sure thinks nearly no one in times of war about such longer term problems - but also this problems will have to be solved. But Russia prefers to waste resources and an unbelievable amount of money with war - and forces many other nations to follow this bad waste of resources and money.
1. Whether a corporation or a country, one man shouldn't have too much power. In the US we have a Constitution with "checks and balances" so no one can become a dictator.

2. Trade is the only non-military option we have to stop Putin (or Xi). Since these posts happened in May, Putin blew-up the Nord Stream 2 pipeline. Is that sane? Currently the US and NATO are giving Ukraine modern tanks. That is an escalation, now Ukraine can push Russian troops out of Ukraine.
I'm not sure what happens if Ukraine tries to take back Crimea. Not good.
My peace deal would let Russia have Crimea, historically part of Russia anyway.
Then Ukraine can join NATO.

3. We agree Russia letting Putin become a dictator was a disaster. Now the only solution includes the death of Putin.

4. "Machterschleichung" in English translates to "fraudulent power". That is a bad thing no matter which country. That's why I no longer support Trump for 2024. He has proven that he has no character, he is a fraud, a "dictator want to be".

5. For the Ukraine War to end the deal needs to either give Russia something, like Crimea, to save face, or to give Russia nothing, as punishment for starting the war. The EU has weaned themselves off Russian energy, so Putin's war killed what ever was left of the Russian "oil" economy. Does that make Putin weaker, or more desperate?
1. Whether a corporation or a country, one man shouldn't have too much power. In the US we have a Constitution with "checks and balances" so no one can become a dictator.

What a nonsense. Donald Trump is only some few inch in front of the foundation of the Unique Kingdom Trumperica while everyone believes UKT and USA are the same letters. Specially the kingpublicans declare everyone to an anti-American who is not a real anti-American (fro ewxamople an anti-democratic Trump supporter). The influence of the USA in the world on her own is partially a disaster on its own.

2. Trade is the only non-military option we have to stop Putin (or Xi).

Also nonsense. Russia had not any problem to [let] break down the economic relations with the western world.

Since these posts happened in May, Putin blew-up the Nord Stream 2 pipeline.

2 pipelines: Nordstream 1 plus Nordstream 2. And "no". I guess this declaration of war on Germany was made from Poland, the Ukraine xor the USA or another enemy of Europe. What a pitty that we never will find out who really had done this.

Is that sane?

Since when is sane any politics from and in the world against Europe?

Currently the US and NATO are giving Ukraine modern tanks. That is an escalation, now Ukraine can push Russian troops out of Ukraine.

What is an "escalation" when someone throws an enemy out of the own country? An escalation was made from the criminal idiot Putin when he attacked his Europe and the roots of Russia = the Ukraine. In the Ukraine the Slawic language once had been born.

I'm not sure what happens if Ukraine tries to take back Crimea. Not good.

The Crimea had been a special case. Nevertheless Russia will eventually also lose the Crimea now forever.

My peace deal would let Russia have Crimea, historically part of Russia anyway.
Then Ukraine can join NATO.

The Ukraine was a corrupt country before Selensky overtook and was confronted with this war. Now everyone sees everything under the impresiosn of the Russian war against the Ukraine. The will of the very most people in the Ukraine is clear - but it will need a longer time before the Ukraine will be able to be a member of the NATO and/or a member of the EU.
By the way: Turkey - perhaps better to say "Erdogania" - is since a longer time not able any longer to become a part of the EU and whether she is really a member of the NATO or only a Troyan horse is also not clear. Also the EU (see specially the anti-members of the EU Poland and Hungaria) and the NATO need some changes.

3. We agree Russia letting Putin become a dictator was a disaster. Now the only solution includes the death of Putin.

Helps no one anything. The poetic sentence "Ach, was waren das für Zeiten - finstre Zeiten waren das - als man die Gedanken jagte und dabei die Köpfe traf" accompanies me since I am a little child. I don't have the source who said so. A translation is: ""Oh, what times were those - dark times they were - when thoughts were hunted and heads were hit".

4. "Machterschleichung" in English translates to "fraudulent power". That is a bad thing no matter which country. That's why I no longer support Trump for 2024. He has proven that he has no character, he is a fraud, a "dictator want to be".

I do not think the expression "Machterschleichung" really describes what Hitler had done. He used just simple the Prussian underframe "Kadavergehorsam". The concentration camp Dachau - the prototype for all other concentration camps ("Arbeit macht frei [vom Leben]") - was made in 1933. I guess Hitler was very fast in the implementation of detailed plans - and he tarned them very well. Within only one year he totally transformed Germany.

5. For the Ukraine War to end the deal

Which "deal"?

needs to either give Russia something, like Crimea, to save face, or to give Russia nothing, as punishment for starting the war.

What's totally unimportant for me. The problems are trust and future.

The EU has weaned themselves off Russian energy,

Again nonsense. Russia sold oil and gas - we bought oil and gas. That's all. Don't try to tell me now with the knowledge of the year 2030 what we have to do now - you don't have the knowledge of the year 2030. And the people in 2018 also did not have the knowledge of the year 2022.

so Putin's war killed what ever was left of the Russian "oil" economy. Does that make Putin weaker, or more desperate?

No idea. Russia has for sure enough gas and oil for Russia. I heard China duped Russia in this business now.
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There is no way for Trump to return into office (not his office - but that of the POTUS)
That he and likewise will cause huge troubles is understood, but a return to power - just not feasible for me

Are you a totally mad man or are you a Russian who likes to minimize the damned damages Putin made on Russia? In the second case: Leave the Ukraine with all of your soldiers and think about how Russia will be able to help to rebuild the Ukraine. In the first case: Ever thought about the damned damages Donald Trump made on the USA and why the ancient democracy of Athens from time to time banned some of their own citizens for some time?
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