Trump: Stronger Than Ever

The election Biden won after fraudulent votes were counted.

Why think so many people to repeat continuously the same wrong things makes anything true? The last elections were watched form many people sceptical (also because of the pro-Trump influence of Russian hackers in the elections before!). For example this election was carefully watched from professional election observers of the OSCE. They found not any electoral fraud. All problems in context of the last elections had been normal problems which happen from time to time because "shit happens". Not any of this very few problems had been really important. In the end the Democrats and the Republicans played 81,268,924 : 74,216,154 ~ 52.3 : 47.7 - so: Biden wan - Trump lost! I never saw such a bad loser like Donald Trump. Not any of many judges was able to follow Donald Trumps "arguments".
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The position of nearly all Germans in case of Donald Trump is totally clear.

A reason more to arrest this man because of high treason. The attic democracy banned such people for 20 years if I remember well.

He "asked" many people to do many criminal things.

The hate speeches from Donald Trump are well known. And he lies more and faster than his own shadow is not able to see something.

Your are really funny. You like to win. But you waste not a minute to try to find out what you will win: Problems and problems and problems and problems - and all this problems is only able to solve a superior person: Donald Trump! For example by drinking a deadly dose of disinfectants.
You fucking arrogant fuckwit.

I care not one iota what you or any other German thinks about American politics

We've already ascertained that you don't understand it, so why should we care what you think?

You dumb fuckers elected a Stasi agent, you have NO business talking shit on Americans.

And THAT stupid **** let a million and a half Muslims into your country. How's that going for you?
You fucking arrogant fuckwit.

When Trump had been president of the USA the trustful contact between institutions of Germany and institutions of the USA broke down. Main reason: The wide spread unreal hate in the USA against Germany and Germans what Trump used to make votes.

I care not one iota what you or any other German thinks about American politics

Exactly. What only shows in my eyes that US-Americans like you and the "Swede" Donald Trump are idiots.

We've already ascertained that you don't understand it, so why should we care what you think?

On not any reason you have to care what I think - but you could perhaps ask yourselve whether Trump thinks at all - and if "yes" what it could be what and how he thinks.

You dumb fuckers elected a Stasi agent, you have NO business talking shit on Americans.

If you feel so, Kaczynski.

And THAT stupid **** let a million and a half Muslims into your country. How's that going for you?

My last reliable number: In 2019 lived in Germany about 5.3-5.6 million Muslims, ~= 6.5% of the population. And if you speak about the year 2015 then about 2 million people came in this year to Germany; about 1 million from inside of Europe and about 1 million from outside of Europe. The number of Muslims in Germany grew in this year about 900,000. In 2015 I had a problem with people who thought Germany is able to do so every year. But that it is good to help real refugees had never been any question for me in 2015 or any other year. When was in the USA the last year when a comparable number of 8 million refugees came to the USA?

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I guess you haven't watched the 2000 Mules documentary.
When you watched that "documentary", did you wonder, even if for a moment, what the other side of the story would be? Or if you were being told the whole story? Or if there is anything that you weren't being told? Or if any of the claims were less than accurate and had been proven wrong?
When you watched that "documentary", did you wonder, even if for a moment, what the other side of the story would be? Or if you were being told the whole story? Or if there is anything that you weren't being told? Or if any of the claims were less than accurate and had been proven wrong?
If you want the truth about politics in America, you need to read Dinesh's books. Very enlightening. "The Big Lie" is a great book.
If you want the truth about politics in America, you need to read Dinesh's books. Very enlightening. "The Big Lie" is a great book.
Why? You do know he's a right wing partisan, right?

Why don't you want to know both sides of an argument? What are you afraid of?
You ignore our side of the story. We saw the election stolen when ballots for Biden appeared out of nowhere after midnight.
So you don't want both sides. You just want to attack.

I'd like to see both sides, at the same time, with challenges and proof. Looks like you don't.
So you don't want both sides. You just want to attack.

I'd like to see both sides, at the same time, with challenges and proof. Looks like you don't.
---Why would anyone oppose election audits?---

---Democrats block GOP-pushed audit of election---

You ignore our side of the story. We saw the election stolen when ballots for Biden appeared out of nowhere after midnight.

You saw nothing. What you saw had been only written in the eyes of Donald Kaa.

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Fentanyl is a medicine. Since about 2006 you use it as a drug. Americas worst drug problem is it that you buy drugs and let others die for your drugs instead not to use drugs at all. Never - no one - nowhere.

The USA has two neighbors - and absurde self made problems.
"self" ? Correction: Democrat made problems.
"self" ? Correction: Democrat made problems.

One of the most absurde ideas of the people in the USA is their doctrine "the enemy of my enemy is my friend". Now you believe all people from the political party "the Democrats" in the USA are your enemy and only a superior being like Donald Trump has to be your pharao and money from nil will flood your bourse and your purses.
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He didnt lose the election, and he wont lose the next one either.

He lost. That's all. No myth! And the USA lost when he wan and wan when he lost. And when Trump really should win the next elections in the USA then I suggest to all secret services of the western world including all secret services of the USA to eliminate this slave of an unknown Borg queen. This man is a danger for the survival of all mankind.
The problem with that theory is there's not really any evidence that Trump's endorsement made much if any difference.
Bullshit. One major example, JD Vance was in 3rd or 4th place recently until right after Trump's endorsement, when he soared into first place and won by a decent margin. He certainly did not win on his own message, as his campaigning was rather lackluster.

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