Trump: Stronger Than Ever

The whole USA has a drug problem -

Sure, right. Hey, I was at the Banhof in Hamburg not too long ago, wondering where all the junkies got their dope.

Your military household is too high - much too high! - since decades! And whatever Germany is doing or not doing has absolutelly nothing to do with lower costs of your military household! Your military household will also grow when our own military household will grow higher, that's all !!!

And Donald Trump had been by the way the first president of the USA who convinced me that all soldiers of the USA should leave Germany.
Fine. You can defend yourselves. How did that work out for you last time? And the time before that?

Don't look down your nose at others, it's hard to see straight when yours is full of warts.
He attended the Warton Business School at Penn as an adult,.

I remember I read something about: They needed military drill for him. He had behavioural problems. And in this time he learned the dialect of the people of Pensylvania because he had friends there?
Sure, right. Hey, I was at the Banhof in Hamburg not too long ago, wondering where all the junkies got their dope.

"Bahnhof" = railway station. In Hamburg are drug addicts at the main railway station?

Fine. You can defend yourselves.

We don't need US-American soldiers for anything in this world here. We can lose our wars without your help.

How did that work out for you last time? And the time before that?

Don't look down your nose at others, it's hard to see straight when yours is full of warts.

Like all US-Americans you have absolutelly not any idea what you try to speak about when you use the word "war". I will never understand the total unrealism of the people of the USA in this context. You are continuously in war and you never learn anything out of this wars - perhaps with the exceptions Korea and Vietnam. But even after the war in Vietnam you never tried to correct your mistakes there. Still today are dying children there because of this war.
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"Bahnhof" = railwy station. In Hamburg are drug addicts at the main railway station?

We don't need US-American soldiers for anything in this world here. We can lose our wars without your help.

Like all US-Americans you have absolutelly not any idea what you try to speak about when you use the word "war". I wi nerfv understand the total unrealism of the people of the USA in this context. You aer coata8ely in war and you never learn anything out of this wars - with the exceptions Korea and Vietnam - but even after the war in Vietnam yiou never tried to correct your mistakes there. Still today are dying children there bacause of this war.
This ^^^ is the kind of thinking that keeps getting you guys in trouble.

No, you don't need us. You can deal with Putin all by yourselves.
So you're a Trump hater.

Those policies will be around long after Trump is gone.

I also see you don't know very much about Mr Trump. He grew up in Pennsylvania and spent a lot of his life in New Jersey.

Why is the left so intolerant of personalities? This is the EXACT OPPOSITE of the left I know and love, the one I grew up with in the 60's.

We were tolerant. Progs are not. They're the exact opposite. They're terminally intolerant.
Seriously you know nothing about Trump...

Trump is born and bred in New York... NY thinks he is a conman and legally dubious... They are the people he comes from and they are pretty good at spotting conmen...

The Rest of the World thinks he is a con man too...

Trump is not the issue really, the issue is how did he con so many people into thinking he is the answer?

On a side not was told a story yesterday about Northern Irish Politics.. It is dominated by Loyalists (People who want NI to remain in Britain) and Nationalists (People who want NI to join Rep. of Ireland)... They have fought wars against each other, there is real fear and hatred between them.. There was a peace deal signed in the 1990s and they now have there differences politically...
Sinn Fein is the Nationalist party and the have a left wing slant and DUP is the main loyalist party and they have a right wing slant... The loyalists have elected members who want gay conversion centres and ban sport on Sundays.
But when you ask actual loyalists in polls, they are actually more liberal on issues than the Nationalists... They just won't change voting for DUP because is in charge of there tribe, the represent them... A loyalist (on the bogside in Derry) said it to a reporter, we know they are shite but what choice have we.. If we don't vote for them the Nationalists win...
I think that is an important lesson..
Yes. German. Makes sense.

Well, I'm Swiss.

A Schweitzer. I glaub ich spinn. Warum redest Du dann so einen Scheiß?

My family has been fighting tyrants since the year 1270.

Including Germans.

2/3rd of all Swiss are Germans althiough they are Celts, idiot! I guess some of you ancestors had been from Switzerland. A family from Switzerland with the name "Habsburg" governed by the way for centuries the Holy Empire.

And Austrians.

Are also Germans.

And French.

Conquered many German territories. And the name "France" for France is by the way an homage on the Germanic roots of France. The Frankonian (=Germanic) Charlesmagne founded the Holy Empire.

And Italians too.

Italians also had conquered many German territories. Specially in the North of Italy. I was very astonished when scientists found out in context of medicine compatibility that the Italians in the middle of Italy are most easy comparable with Germans in average because of their genetical structure. So Holy Roman Empire seem indeed to make also biologically some sense although "Roman" meant in this context only "rule of law".

Just about the only people we've never tussled with are the Chinese.

The Brits did do enought brutal nonsense in China. Unfortunarelly also Germans (Prussians) under the Prussian and Brit William II, who had been a totally weird man. Willhelm II had been the last Prussian emperor over Germany before we fired all nobles.

Donald Trump is not a tyrant.

He expects loyality exclusivelly to one of the most unimportant things this planet had seen during the last few billion years: the narcissist Donald Trump.

He like to shuck and jive, but he's not a tyrant.

We know tyrants. We can smell them a mile away. Donald Trump is not a tyrant.

Are you sure your ancestors came from Switzerland?

So then, if you don't like him, it's too damn bad. The US elected him,

I'm not sure about this. When he had been elected the influence of the Russian hacker was nearly unknown. For sure Putin favored him because he saw in him the worst choice for the USA.

and Germans don't get a say.

Totally unimportant for me. This mad diletant and/or criminal man is not only dangerous for Germany and Europe - he's also damned dangerous for the USA.

I suppose you like the senile doddering old fool Biden better? Hey - Donald Trump was the first US president in EIGHTY YEARS who didn't start a foreign war.

He started for example a war with Germany.

The last one before him was Herbert Hoover.

You Germans think peace is a disaster?

Beg your pardon: Don't try to speak with me as if I would be an idiot only because I speak a bad English. I hate all this forms of stupid political nonsense propaganda.

The lefties here in America do. Every Time we have it, they find an excuse to go riot and burn something down.

"Left" and "right" are empty political phrases for me.
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Despite all the cult's denials & protestations every time the buffoon's name is brought up, we can all see what has happened to the party.

It has been taken over by a hyper-sensitive, neurotic, juvenile, authoritarian, bullshitting New York City billionaire and his obedient cronies.

The McCarthy tapes have shown us what they really think of him, loud and clear, and how eager they are to sell their soul for his approval.
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This ^^^ is the kind of thinking that keeps getting you guys in trouble.

No, you don't need us. You can deal with Putin all by yourselves.

Exactly. The only exception: I don't like to deal with Putin and his "operation" - but we all should continue to deal with our Russian neighbors, who hate war, so Putin has to use the word "operation" instead of war. For me the tears of a Russian mother and an Ukrainian mother are the same. War is bad! It has to stop. Now to stop it is better than to stop it tomorrow.
Donald Trump is an extremist idiot. If he became a stronger extremtist idiot then the US got a stronger problem. Do you not have a nice Donaldine or Daisy for president?

What policies are extremist? We never heard of any of them being that. It was just the unending attacks on him.
The problem with that theory is there's not really any evidence that Trump's endorsement made much if any difference.
Of course there's evidence. 55-0 is the evidence. You get a score like for a REASON. That reason obviously is Trump.
The whole USA has a drug problem - so do you really think Donald Trump is able to help your nation in this context? What had he done against alcoholicm and drug abuse in the USA?
America's worst drug problem is fentanyl, and that is what Joe Biden is allowing to come streaming across the Mexican border. when Trump left, that boreder was very secure. Not now.

What do you not disagree with? Without to hesistate only a little I personally would meanwhile arrest the good old friend of Vladimir Putin, Donald Trump, because of high treason. I'm sure about that the election victory of Joe Biden had been correct - I never was sure about whether the election victory of Donald Trump had been correct.
Putin allegedly being a friend of Trump, is nothing but a propaganda BS line pushed by Democrats, and a pretty ridiculous one. Trump was tough on Putin, and a lot tougher than weakling Biden, who doesn't know how to be tough.

1. the Trump administration imposed sanctions on Russia — including on 7 of Russia’s richest individuals, and 17 top government officials for their interference in our elections.
2. The sanctions directly penalized Putin’s inner circle, by prohibiting them from traveling to the United States ever again. He did this by opening a bank account in the West, preventing them from doing business with the West and prohibiting anyone else to do business on their behalf.
3. During his first month in office ,Trump upheld strict sanctions to punish Russia. These punished more than three dozen individuals and organizations that were behind the invasion of Ukraine.
4. Mnuchin stated that there would be no easing of the sanctions until Russia meets its obligations under the 2015 Minsk agreement — the ceasefire agreement between Russia and Ukraine.
5. Trump closed of Russian diplomatic properties in San Francisco, Washington, D.C., and New York City, that appeared to be a threat to American security
6. Trump led the world in expelling Russian diplomats after the nerve agent attack in the UK Expelled 60 Russian diplomats from U.S. soil.
7. Trump lambasted Russia for using oil to hold NATO’s Eastern European countries hostage. Trump underscored the dangers of those countries’ dependence on Russian oil, leading to their inability to criticize Russia the rest of the year
8. By ramping up US oil production, Trump made America #1 in the world in energy production, and our exports to Europe relieved them of being dependent on Russian oil
9. Trump sold Patriot missle defense system to Poland. Obama capitulated to Russia in 2010 by removing missile launchers in Poland
10. No Red line in Syria..........they were actually hit by Trump
11. Trump pressured NATO allies, and they're spending $69 billion more on defense since 2016
12. Trump sanctioned Nord Stream 2
13. Trump sold anti-tank weapons to Ukraine (Obama gave them blankets)
14. Trump withdrew from INF treaty
America's worst drug problem is fentanyl,

Fentanyl is a medicine. Since about 2006 you use it as a drug. Americas worst drug problem is it that you buy drugs and let others die for your drugs instead not to use drugs at all. Never - no one - nowhere.

and that is what Joe Biden is allowing to come streaming across the Mexican border. when Trump left, that boreder was very secure. Not now.

The USA has two neighbors - and absurde self made problems.
Fentanyl is a medicine. Since about 2006 you use it as a drug. Americas worst drug problem is it that you buy drugs and let others die for your drugs instead not to use drugs at all. Never - no one - nowhere.

The USA has two neighbors - and absurde self made problems.
Nonsensical drivel.

The vast majority of illicit Fentanyl use is not prescription Fentanyl, it's illegal fentanyl coming in from Mexico.

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