Trump successfully pressures Ford to move plant from Mexico to Ohio

The very threat of it because Trump WILL do it and Ford KNOWS he will.
Eat shit, hypocrite.

But he hasn't done it. He can't even do it.

Yes he can; the President has IMMENSE power over Foreign Trade Agreements and NO ONE has refuted him on this issue.
Trump knows how to use the Bully Pulpit and he's probably scaring the sh!t out of you and your over-inflated Portfolio.

Trump doesn't scare me at all. He scares progressive turds like you.

I'm not progressive; I'm Independent.
My parting with Republican Neo-Conservatives is a Global Slave Labor.
Something which I know greedy, narcissistic scumbags such as yourself can't enough of.
BUT since I disagree on THAT ONE issue, I'm a Progressive.

What the fuck are you talking about?

Exactly, asshole; your brain is so scripted you can't even comprehend that someone cam agree with you on 9 out of 10 points of view and disagree on one.
[] No public funded abortions
[] civil unions, not same sex marriage
[] Close the borders
[] English as an official language
[] ya da, ya da, ya da

Pretty good so far, right Right-Winger?
Yep, I'm a Republican alright.

[] Fair Trade!!!!!
OMG!!!! I'm a Liberal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

He's not even President yet and he's already doing a better job than Obama.

You're the quaint little hypocrite.
Read the article...Trump's threat of tariff's has obviously started have an effect against Free Trade.
what about simply ending the capital gains distinction, instead?
Trump makes Obama look like a fucking first grader. This is the difference between a community organizer and a leader.

Rump is a continuity organizerer? Who knew.

I just e-mailed Ford Corporate for verification of this story.

Stay tuned.

Yeah I smell it too. Eww.

>> Saying Donald Trump has a big ego would be as revelatory as saying the sun rises in the east. That Donald Trump exaggerates his accomplishments and downplays his own failures would pretty much make him like the average politician. But there are times when a person’s hubris gets to the point where it reaches the level of the absurd. For Donald Trump, it’s taking credit for a business move made by Ford that he had absolutely nothing to do with.

It’s one thing for a person who actually holds office and who is implementing policy to believe their policies have an effect on business decisions that are made and often it is true. But Donald Trump has never sniffed public office and yet somehow, he and his loyal followers are convinced his rhetoric on issues such as trade are influencing decisions.

In this case, Trump and his fans are taking credit for the Ford Motor Company moving a production plant from Mexico to Ohio. From the site Right Wing News:

Ohio must be thrilled!! Under pressure, Ford is moving back their Mexican plant (worth 2 billion) back to the states… Youngstown, Ohio to be exact. There will be 1,000 new jobs for factory workers there. I’m sure I’m not alone with an urge to weep in relief over that one development. Ford must believe that Trump will be the next president. That’s all I can take away from this. Trump has said that if he’s elected, he will make it very expensive for manufacturers who have relocated outside the US and then sell their products back here. Ford must have done the math and figured that would cost them a great deal.​

Let’s be absolutely clear. Donald Trump had nothing to do with this. It happened in 2011.

This move was the result of a negotiations and deals between Ford, the Kasich administration, local officials and the UAW. Period.

This past summer, after millions of dollars of investment in the plant, the first heavy duty Ford truck rolled off the assembly line in the re-tooled Avon, Ohio plant. Mr. Voltova seems to have read this CNN Money article about it, and decided to inexplicably give Trump the credit.

Donald Trump is taking credit now for a move Ford decided on nearly four years ago. Not only that, it had zero to do with trade and immigration but instead, tax incentives.

Sadly, this will be yet another example of Trump running his mouth and the media failing to call him out over it. It is a story so easy to debunk it would take even the laziest of journalists hardly any effort to tell people what really went down. I won’t hold my breath. << -- Rump Falsely Credits Himself with Lethal Dose of Retroactivity

O what wondrous power doth the portly porker have. He can even buy linear time.
Next week he'll be making Jeep to move back from China.... :rofl:
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Trump makes Obama look like a fucking first grader. This is the difference between a community organizer and a leader.

Rump is a continuity organizerer? Who knew.

I just e-mailed Ford Corporate for verification of this story.

Stay tuned.

Yeah I smell it too. Eww.

>> Saying Donald Trump has a big ego would be as revelatory as saying the sun rises in the east. That Donald Trump exaggerates his accomplishments and downplays his own failures would pretty much make him like the average politician. But there are times when a person’s hubris gets to the point where it reaches the level of the absurd. For Donald Trump, it’s taking credit for a business move made by Ford that he had absolutely nothing to do with.

It’s one thing for a person who actually holds office and who is implementing policy to believe their policies have an effect on business decisions that are made and often it is true. But Donald Trump has never sniffed public office and yet somehow, he and his loyal followers are convinced his rhetoric on issues such as trade are influencing decisions.

In this case, Trump and his fans are taking credit for the Ford Motor Company moving a production plant from Mexico to Ohio. From the site Right Wing News:

Ohio must be thrilled!! Under pressure, Ford is moving back their Mexican plant (worth 2 billion) back to the states… Youngstown, Ohio to be exact. There will be 1,000 new jobs for factory workers there. I’m sure I’m not alone with an urge to weep in relief over that one development. Ford must believe that Trump will be the next president. That’s all I can take away from this. Trump has said that if he’s elected, he will make it very expensive for manufacturers who have relocated outside the US and then sell their products back here. Ford must have done the math and figured that would cost them a great deal.​

Let’s be absolutely clear. Donald Trump had nothing to do with this. It happened in 2011.

This move was the result of a negotiations and deals between Ford, the Kasich administration, local officials and the UAW. Period.

This past summer, after millions of dollars of investment in the plant, the first heavy duty Ford truck rolled off the assembly line in the re-tooled Avon, Ohio plant. Mr. Voltova seems to have read this CNN Money article about it, and decided to inexplicably give Trump the credit.

Donald Trump is taking credit now for a move Ford decided on nearly four years ago. Not only that, it had zero to do with trade and immigration but instead, tax incentives.

Sadly, this will be yet another example of Trump running his mouth and the media failing to call him out over it. It is a story so easy to debunk it would take even the laziest of journalists hardly any effort to tell people what really went down. I won’t hold my breath. << -- Rump Falsely Credits Himself with Lethal Dose of Retroactivity

O what wondrous power doth the portly porker have. He can even buy linear time.
Next week he'll be making Jeep to move to China.... :rofl:
Need some toilet paper, pogo? :lol:
Trump makes Obama look like a fucking first grader. This is the difference between a community organizer and a leader.

Rump is a continuity organizerer? Who knew.

I just e-mailed Ford Corporate for verification of this story.

Stay tuned.

Yeah I smell it too. Eww.

>> Saying Donald Trump has a big ego would be as revelatory as saying the sun rises in the east. That Donald Trump exaggerates his accomplishments and downplays his own failures would pretty much make him like the average politician. But there are times when a person’s hubris gets to the point where it reaches the level of the absurd. For Donald Trump, it’s taking credit for a business move made by Ford that he had absolutely nothing to do with.

It’s one thing for a person who actually holds office and who is implementing policy to believe their policies have an effect on business decisions that are made and often it is true. But Donald Trump has never sniffed public office and yet somehow, he and his loyal followers are convinced his rhetoric on issues such as trade are influencing decisions.

In this case, Trump and his fans are taking credit for the Ford Motor Company moving a production plant from Mexico to Ohio. From the site Right Wing News:

Ohio must be thrilled!! Under pressure, Ford is moving back their Mexican plant (worth 2 billion) back to the states… Youngstown, Ohio to be exact. There will be 1,000 new jobs for factory workers there. I’m sure I’m not alone with an urge to weep in relief over that one development. Ford must believe that Trump will be the next president. That’s all I can take away from this. Trump has said that if he’s elected, he will make it very expensive for manufacturers who have relocated outside the US and then sell their products back here. Ford must have done the math and figured that would cost them a great deal.​

Let’s be absolutely clear. Donald Trump had nothing to do with this. It happened in 2011.

This move was the result of a negotiations and deals between Ford, the Kasich administration, local officials and the UAW. Period.

This past summer, after millions of dollars of investment in the plant, the first heavy duty Ford truck rolled off the assembly line in the re-tooled Avon, Ohio plant. Mr. Voltova seems to have read this CNN Money article about it, and decided to inexplicably give Trump the credit.

Donald Trump is taking credit now for a move Ford decided on nearly four years ago. Not only that, it had zero to do with trade and immigration but instead, tax incentives.

Sadly, this will be yet another example of Trump running his mouth and the media failing to call him out over it. It is a story so easy to debunk it would take even the laziest of journalists hardly any effort to tell people what really went down. I won’t hold my breath. << -- Rump Falsely Credits Himself with Lethal Dose of Retroactivity

O what wondrous power doth the portly porker have. He can even buy linear time.
Next week he'll be making Jeep to move to China.... :rofl:
Need some toilet paper, pogo? :lol:


Just like the Hair Apparent --- coming off the wrong way.
But he hasn't done it. He can't even do it.

Yes he can; the President has IMMENSE power over Foreign Trade Agreements and NO ONE has refuted him on this issue.
Trump knows how to use the Bully Pulpit and he's probably scaring the sh!t out of you and your over-inflated Portfolio.

Trump doesn't scare me at all. He scares progressive turds like you.

I'm not progressive; I'm Independent.
My parting with Republican Neo-Conservatives is a Global Slave Labor.
Something which I know greedy, narcissistic scumbags such as yourself can't enough of.
BUT since I disagree on THAT ONE issue, I'm a Progressive.

What the fuck are you talking about?

Exactly, asshole; your brain is so scripted you can't even comprehend that someone cam agree with you on 9 out of 10 points of view and disagree on one.
[] No public funded abortions
[] civil unions, not same sex marriage
[] Close the borders
[] English as an official language
[] ya da, ya da, ya da

Pretty good so far, right Right-Winger?
Yep, I'm a Republican alright.

[] Fair Trade!!!!!
OMG!!!! I'm a Liberal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The "liberal/ conservative" dichotomy is bullshit.

The keypoint is the degree of FASCISM that you are willing to accept. That is a more objective measurement.

no public funded abortions - that is a pro freedom position

civil unions, not same sex marriage - that is a fascist position - the government , not the individual decides , what is good for homosexuals

close the borders - that is a fascistic position - you have no right to prevent others from entering the country - prior to 1965 we had opened borders with Canada and Mexico there were no problems

English as an official language - fascistic - Americans have a right to Liberty and to pursue happiness - the government ought not dictate what language they may use

"Fair trade - is fascistic tool - the government not the entrepreneurs determine what is considered "fair trade" Currently, fair trade coffee buyers must pay at least $1.26 per pound for the coffee they buy, while the world price hovers near $.50 per pound.

.In a nutshell ,

Are you pro freedom , a CAPITALIST

or are you a government supremacist, a fascist or a socialist?

Trump makes Obama look like a fucking first grader. This is the difference between a community organizer and a leader.

Rump is a continuity organizerer? Who knew.

I just e-mailed Ford Corporate for verification of this story.

Stay tuned.

Yeah I smell it too. Eww.

>> Saying Donald Trump has a big ego would be as revelatory as saying the sun rises in the east. That Donald Trump exaggerates his accomplishments and downplays his own failures would pretty much make him like the average politician. But there are times when a person’s hubris gets to the point where it reaches the level of the absurd. For Donald Trump, it’s taking credit for a business move made by Ford that he had absolutely nothing to do with.

It’s one thing for a person who actually holds office and who is implementing policy to believe their policies have an effect on business decisions that are made and often it is true. But Donald Trump has never sniffed public office and yet somehow, he and his loyal followers are convinced his rhetoric on issues such as trade are influencing decisions.

In this case, Trump and his fans are taking credit for the Ford Motor Company moving a production plant from Mexico to Ohio. From the site Right Wing News:

Ohio must be thrilled!! Under pressure, Ford is moving back their Mexican plant (worth 2 billion) back to the states… Youngstown, Ohio to be exact. There will be 1,000 new jobs for factory workers there. I’m sure I’m not alone with an urge to weep in relief over that one development. Ford must believe that Trump will be the next president. That’s all I can take away from this. Trump has said that if he’s elected, he will make it very expensive for manufacturers who have relocated outside the US and then sell their products back here. Ford must have done the math and figured that would cost them a great deal.​

Let’s be absolutely clear. Donald Trump had nothing to do with this. It happened in 2011.

This move was the result of a negotiations and deals between Ford, the Kasich administration, local officials and the UAW. Period.

This past summer, after millions of dollars of investment in the plant, the first heavy duty Ford truck rolled off the assembly line in the re-tooled Avon, Ohio plant. Mr. Voltova seems to have read this CNN Money article about it, and decided to inexplicably give Trump the credit.

Donald Trump is taking credit now for a move Ford decided on nearly four years ago. Not only that, it had zero to do with trade and immigration but instead, tax incentives.

Sadly, this will be yet another example of Trump running his mouth and the media failing to call him out over it. It is a story so easy to debunk it would take even the laziest of journalists hardly any effort to tell people what really went down. I won’t hold my breath. << -- Rump Falsely Credits Himself with Lethal Dose of Retroactivity

O what wondrous power doth the portly porker have. He can even buy linear time.
Next week he'll be making Jeep to move back from China.... :rofl:

Sooooooo now you are praising cooperate welfare?

Man pogo it's hard to keep up with you flip flopping all the time
Trump makes Obama look like a fucking first grader. This is the difference between a community organizer and a leader.

Rump is a continuity organizerer? Who knew.

I just e-mailed Ford Corporate for verification of this story.

Stay tuned.

Yeah I smell it too. Eww.

>> Saying Donald Trump has a big ego would be as revelatory as saying the sun rises in the east. That Donald Trump exaggerates his accomplishments and downplays his own failures would pretty much make him like the average politician. But there are times when a person’s hubris gets to the point where it reaches the level of the absurd. For Donald Trump, it’s taking credit for a business move made by Ford that he had absolutely nothing to do with.

It’s one thing for a person who actually holds office and who is implementing policy to believe their policies have an effect on business decisions that are made and often it is true. But Donald Trump has never sniffed public office and yet somehow, he and his loyal followers are convinced his rhetoric on issues such as trade are influencing decisions.

In this case, Trump and his fans are taking credit for the Ford Motor Company moving a production plant from Mexico to Ohio. From the site Right Wing News:

Ohio must be thrilled!! Under pressure, Ford is moving back their Mexican plant (worth 2 billion) back to the states… Youngstown, Ohio to be exact. There will be 1,000 new jobs for factory workers there. I’m sure I’m not alone with an urge to weep in relief over that one development. Ford must believe that Trump will be the next president. That’s all I can take away from this. Trump has said that if he’s elected, he will make it very expensive for manufacturers who have relocated outside the US and then sell their products back here. Ford must have done the math and figured that would cost them a great deal.​

Let’s be absolutely clear. Donald Trump had nothing to do with this. It happened in 2011.

This move was the result of a negotiations and deals between Ford, the Kasich administration, local officials and the UAW. Period.

This past summer, after millions of dollars of investment in the plant, the first heavy duty Ford truck rolled off the assembly line in the re-tooled Avon, Ohio plant. Mr. Voltova seems to have read this CNN Money article about it, and decided to inexplicably give Trump the credit.

Donald Trump is taking credit now for a move Ford decided on nearly four years ago. Not only that, it had zero to do with trade and immigration but instead, tax incentives.

Sadly, this will be yet another example of Trump running his mouth and the media failing to call him out over it. It is a story so easy to debunk it would take even the laziest of journalists hardly any effort to tell people what really went down. I won’t hold my breath. << -- Rump Falsely Credits Himself with Lethal Dose of Retroactivity

O what wondrous power doth the portly porker have. He can even buy linear time.
Next week he'll be making Jeep to move back from China.... :rofl:

Sooooooo now you are praising cooperate welfare?

Man pogo it's hard to keep up with you flip flopping all the time

Umm ..... what?

I'm praising Rump's ability to buy the direction of time. His hot air is now so powerful, time actually runs backward trying to get away from it. He can actually say something today, and it doesn't just happen "right away" --- it happens four years ago. That's fuggin' fast.

Not sure how you get "corporate welfare" out of that... :wtf:

Incidentally I wrote this post twelve years from now. Just will be sayin'.
But he hasn't done it. He can't even do it.

Yes he can; the President has IMMENSE power over Foreign Trade Agreements and NO ONE has refuted him on this issue.
Trump knows how to use the Bully Pulpit and he's probably scaring the sh!t out of you and your over-inflated Portfolio.

Trump doesn't scare me at all. He scares progressive turds like you.

I'm not progressive; I'm Independent.
My parting with Republican Neo-Conservatives is a Global Slave Labor.
Something which I know greedy, narcissistic scumbags such as yourself can't enough of.
BUT since I disagree on THAT ONE issue, I'm a Progressive.

What the fuck are you talking about?

Exactly, asshole; your brain is so scripted you can't even comprehend that someone cam agree with you on 9 out of 10 points of view and disagree on one.
[] No public funded abortions
[] civil unions, not same sex marriage
[] Close the borders
[] English as an official language
[] ya da, ya da, ya da

Pretty good so far, right Right-Winger?
Yep, I'm a Republican alright.

[] Fair Trade!!!!!
OMG!!!! I'm a Liberal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Your obviously too much of a self-important asshole to understand that not eveyyrone in here is following your every word. Some of us don't know your position on everything, nor do we care.
Last edited:
Despite what Donald Trump tweeted, Ford is still building a massive plant in Mexico

Ford is still building a massive facility in Mexico, a company spokeswoman confirmed on Sunday evening. Nothing has changed about those plans.

So what is Trump talking about? His campaign manager and spokeswoman have yet to respond to a request for comment, but here's the years-long series of events that likely contributed to these tweets:

December 2011: Following fears that a local assembly plant would close, Ohio Gov. John Kasich (R) and Ford officials announced they had reached a deal to keep the plant running and jobs in the state. Ford would move some of its truck-assembly operations from Mexico to Ohio, saving at least 1,400 of the plant's 1,900 jobs. In exchange, Ford would receive a tax credit of $1 million per year for 15 years through the Refundable Ohio Job Retention Tax Credit program, the Toledo Blade reported.

March 2014: Ford started to shift a small part of its operations from Mexico to Ohio. In a statement, the company says it "is investing $168 million to retool the Cleveland-area plant for the new medium-duty trucks."

April 2015: Ford announced it will spend $2.5 billion on two new plants in Mexico that will focus on building fuel-efficient engines and transmissions. Trump frequently brings up these plans on the campaign trail and promises that, if elected president, he would bully Ford into instead building that factory within the United States.

[Immigration continues to be Donald Trump's rallying issue]

August 2015: Remember those pick-up trucks that are being produced in Ohio instead of Mexico? Well, the first batch rolled off the assembly line on Aug. 12 -- and Ford seized the public relations opportunity. NBC News went with this headline: "Ford Throws UAW (and Trump) a Bone, Shifts
Nothing's ever caused more gray hairs on y head than the social pressure campaigns to 'but American.' I'd be happy to buy American. Just have to show me how something made in other countries is in any way American?
Governor Kasich worked on this deal years ago. Disingenuous at best for Mr. Trump to swoop in and take credit for it. It doesn't make much sense the company would be so scared of a nomination candidate's remarks they move production of some trucks to the US. In the meantime, they are still preparing to move several other models to Mexico. As usual, Mr. Trump has not thought this through past the soundbite.
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Go Trump

that will knock the smug off all them Hillary looks Presidential blaaa blaa blaa threads that have been on here:dance:
Yes he can; the President has IMMENSE power over Foreign Trade Agreements and NO ONE has refuted him on this issue.
Trump knows how to use the Bully Pulpit and he's probably scaring the sh!t out of you and your over-inflated Portfolio.

Trump doesn't scare me at all. He scares progressive turds like you.

I'm not progressive; I'm Independent.
My parting with Republican Neo-Conservatives is a Global Slave Labor.
Something which I know greedy, narcissistic scumbags such as yourself can't enough of.
BUT since I disagree on THAT ONE issue, I'm a Progressive.

What the fuck are you talking about?

Exactly, asshole; your brain is so scripted you can't even comprehend that someone cam agree with you on 9 out of 10 points of view and disagree on one.
[] No public funded abortions
[] civil unions, not same sex marriage
[] Close the borders
[] English as an official language
[] ya da, ya da, ya da

Pretty good so far, right Right-Winger?
Yep, I'm a Republican alright.

[] Fair Trade!!!!!
OMG!!!! I'm a Liberal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Your obviously too much of a self-important asshole to understand that not eveyyrone in here is following your every word. Some of us don't know your position on everything, nor do we care.
That was your typical "Fuck you" posting...
Nothing new, no thought, all ad hominem.
Thank you for making Conservatives look stulid on a minute by minute basis.

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