Trump successfully pressures Ford to move plant from Mexico to Ohio

And now for the factual truth.

Of course, truth and facts are irrelevant to the low to no information circle-jerk nutters on this board.

Despite what Donald Trump tweeted, Ford is still building a massive plant in Mexico

Republican frontrunner Donald Trump announced a major victory in a series of tweets on Sunday evening, claiming that because of his persistent criticism on the campaign trail, Ford Motor Company had halted plans to construct a $2.5 billion factory in Mexico and would instead set up shop in Ohio. Trump took credit for the decision and bragged that his rivals would not have been able to do the same.

But there's just one problem with Trump's self-congratulatory victory lap -- it's based on inaccurate information, likely sourced to an article posted on a Web site of a print shop that sells business cards, door hangers and postcards.

Ford is still building a massive facility in Mexico, a company spokeswoman confirmed on Sunday evening. Nothing has changed about those plans.

So what is Trump talking about? His campaign manager and spokeswoman have yet to respond to a request for comment

The source of the untrue information is sourced to an article posted on a website of a print shop that sells business cards, door hangers and postcards. LMAO.

During a rally in eastern Iowa on Wednesday evening, Trump juiced up his usual comments and warned the crowd: "If it doesn't happen to be me that wins, you know what's going to happen? They're going to build a plant and illegals are going drive those cars right over the border... And they'll probably end up stealing the cars."

Classic trump. And the nutters just eat it up. Does this idiot really think he can get the Latino vote after calling them rapist and thieves?
I believe they're referring to a plant in my old hometown which isn't in Youngstown but just over 90 miles to the west. Go Shoremen!


The production shift from Mexico was negotiated as part of the 2011 collective agreement with the UAW. Mexico remains an issue today as the two sides negotiate a new master agreement to take effect when the current one expires Sept. 14. The union is already upset that Ford recently announced plans to spend $2.5 billion to build new engines and transmissions in Mexico.
The Avon Lake plant built the E-Series van until the summer of 2014. The van has been discontinued but the plant continues to make the E-Series cutaway vans and stripped chassis that are used for vehicles such as ambulances.

Ford builds new medium-duty trucks in U.S. for 1st time
Ford will get the last laugh by building a new truck model in Ohio called the "Rapist".
Even Red State debunks Trump.

Trump Falsely Credits Himself With Ford Moving Plant From Mexico To Ohio | RedState

Let’s be absolutely clear. Donald Trump had nothing to do with this. It happened in 2011.

This move was the result of a negotiations and deals between Ford, the Kasich administration, local officials and the UAW. Period.

This past summer, after millions of dollars of investment in the plant, the first heavy duty Ford truck rolled off the assembly line in the re-tooled Avon, Ohio plant. Mr. Voltova seems to have read this CNN Money article about it, and decided to inexplicably give Trump the credit.
Even Red State debunks Trump.

Trump Falsely Credits Himself With Ford Moving Plant From Mexico To Ohio | RedState

Let’s be absolutely clear. Donald Trump had nothing to do with this. It happened in 2011.

This move was the result of a negotiations and deals between Ford, the Kasich administration, local officials and the UAW. Period.

This past summer, after millions of dollars of investment in the plant, the first heavy duty Ford truck rolled off the assembly line in the re-tooled Avon, Ohio plant. Mr. Voltova seems to have read this CNN Money article about it, and decided to inexplicably give Trump the credit.

Zackly. I understand Rump is going to make the moon rise tonight. Praised be his Wigginess.
They just showed clips of Trump lying about this, apparently over the weekend.

This guy is simply reciting the propaganda his fan club puts out.

Funnier, he now claims you can't believe the polls, now that he's behind in Iowa.

Yes, the same Trump that made polls his God for months.
Here's the article.
As though Ford, or any other MNC, would admit it's caving into threats of Tariffs.
For the record, I like Kasich.
Since Brit is FOR Free Trade regardless of the cost to the US...yes, that IS hypocritical.

Were any tariffs imposed?

The very threat of it because Trump WILL do it and Ford KNOWS he will.
Eat shit, hypocrite.

But he hasn't done it. He can't even do it.

Yes he can; the President has IMMENSE power over Foreign Trade Agreements and NO ONE has refuted him on this issue.
Trump knows how to use the Bully Pulpit and he's probably scaring the sh!t out of you and your over-inflated Portfolio.

Trump doesn't scare me at all. He scares progressive turds like you.

When he brings jbs back to America--he endears Americans.

I may need to reconsider Trump as a serious candidate. He can get things done!
Were any tariffs imposed?

The very threat of it because Trump WILL do it and Ford KNOWS he will.
Eat shit, hypocrite.

But he hasn't done it. He can't even do it.

Yes he can; the President has IMMENSE power over Foreign Trade Agreements and NO ONE has refuted him on this issue.
Trump knows how to use the Bully Pulpit and he's probably scaring the sh!t out of you and your over-inflated Portfolio.

Trump doesn't scare me at all. He scares progressive turds like you.

When he brings jbs back to America--he endears Americans.

I may need to reconsider Trump as a serious candidate. He can get things done!

Awesome level of gullibility. This is long after the facts have become known. There is no substitute for straight up stupidity.
Trump can't comb his hair worth a damn but he sure can get Americans their jobs back!
Here's the article.

ULP--It was Kasich, not Trump??

Trump claiming someone elses achievement--Kasich hardwork is the source of new jobs for Ohioans.

OK--back into the Joke box Trump. What he did was totally uncalled for!!
Trump can't comb his hair worth a damn but he sure can get Americans their jobs back!

Of course.......and he's already proven it by forcing Ford to cancel plans to build in Mexico.....right!

Trump is awesome!
Here's the article.

ULP--It was Kasich, not Trump??

Trump claiming someone elses achievement--Kasich hardwork is the source of new jobs for Ohioans.

OK--back into the Joke box Trump. What he did was totally uncalled for!!

This will come off as me being mean. Sorry for that. But...if you....for ONE SECOND.....thought that Trump had in any way done anything to make Ford change plans for factory are probably a fool who needs to reevaluate the method by which you consume information.

This mea culpa that you have issued here.......doesn't erase the fact that you bought the story to begin with.

At some point, those of you who are on the right politically are going to have to demand accuracy before running with an idea or a story.

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